In these times God allowed these things amulets,snake on a stick,to ward of the snakes ,and other things.As the faith in God grew they were taken away to put their faith totally on God.You will see later in the bible that the snake on a stick was destroyed because they started to worship it.God is a jealous God.
Nehushtan was the name of the serpent god Egyptians worshipped. The high places were where the pagans offered sacrifices on altars to Baal at that time in Israelite history. Also, alongside the Baal altar were planted groves of trees and placed carved wooden images of Ashherah (also known as Ishtar, Isis, Astoreth, Eostre and other variations of the name, but it was the same idol goddess) among the trees next to the altar of Baal and often a statue of Baal (also known as Marduk and other names among the surrounding peoples). So, the Israelites just could not keep themselves from the enticement of these pagan idols and practices. They added this idolatry with worship of Yahweh. This repeated over and over again when someone like Josiah came into leadership and cleansed the land of idolatry and images, the Israelites soon fell back into these practices. Considering that idols are easy to create with wood and stone, there was really no way to prevent any Israelite from shaping their idols for their own homes, So, God was patient with the Israelites until the time set in the wisdom of His counsel, He caused them to be taken captive into Assyria and Babylon.
In Assyria. the tribes of Israel there were introduced to the culture of this pagan nation. When the captivity was over, Most Israelites did not return to Israel, but either stayed in Assyria or migrated out of the area, many going north through Turkey and Armenia into Russia and eastern Europe. The Jews in witchcraft into their thinking and writings. In Babylon, the Jews developed the rabbinical system which produced the Pharisees and Sadducees. There was produced the Talmud (written code) and Mishnah (oral tradition) which formally interpreted the Torah, adding law upon law on top of the Mosaic Law. When released from captivity, most Jews did not return to Israel, but either stayed or migrated out of the area, many going north to Turkey and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus area.
God bless Gigi this is jcbu undercover brother from another mother.How are you growing? Many things that we see today and wonder about like statues of people praying to any other than God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.Would these be false idols as well? jcbu = Jesus Christ Believer Undercover it is a Holy Ghost writer name that was given to me for writing my books to reach the lost,falling ,not fallen earth angels.The books are interactive so the reader can become the writer.All proceeds to go to missions Holy breadcrumbs o o o o o oo oo The best way to teach,is to leave Holy breadcrumbs.o oo oo oo o o ooo oo ooo BEHOLD o o o o the student becomes the teacher o oo oo o o oo ooo o ooo and new treasures are uncovered.Have a God day!
I would consider using statues or icons like crosses, etc. as a perceived conduit between a person and God is idolatry.
To me, praying to statues of saints, pictures of Christ, etc, is the same as the Israelites creating the golden calf to represent Yahweh and Moses condemned this outright.
With respect and affection in Christ dear brother or sister . I believe u r mistaken and don't understand the significance of this event . Read John Ch 3 V 14 and 15 . See how these two passages r connected ? What is the significance of the serpent ? of the brass ? of the outcome of the situation for those who believed and showed their faith in the wilderness ? and in Christ crucified . U need to connect these two passages and understand how and why they r connected . I'm sure I will c the truth of the matter .
God bless Here is the verse 2nd kings 18:4 He removed the high places,and brake the images,and cut down the groves,and brake the brasen serpent that Moses had made:for unto those day's the children of Israel did burn incense to it ,and called it Nehushtan.5:He trusted in the LORD GOD of Israel ;so that after him was none like him among all the kings of Judah,nor any that were before him.
God bless that is wonderfull we are all learning so much here it is very good to fellowship with other believers ,and learn new things! You are very informative.We will be talking again I believe. o o o o o oo oo ooo ooo Those Holy breadcrumbs that fall from God's table.They keep the heart strong,vibrant,and stable.o o o o o o o o o
Nehushtan was the name of the serpent god Egyptians worshipped. The high places were where the pagans offered sacrifices on altars to Baal at that time in Israelite history. Also, alongside the Baal altar were planted groves of trees and placed carved wooden images of Ashherah (also known as Ishtar, Isis, Astoreth, Eostre and other variations of the name, but it was the same idol goddess) among the trees next to the altar of Baal and often a statue of Baal (also known as Marduk and other names among the surrounding peoples). So, the Israelites just could not keep themselves from the enticement of these pagan idols and practices. They added this idolatry with worship of Yahweh. This repeated over and over again when someone like Josiah came into leadership and cleansed the land of idolatry and images, the Israelites soon fell back into these practices. Considering that idols are easy to create with wood and stone, there was really no way to prevent any Israelite from shaping their idols for their own homes, So, God was patient with the Israelites until the time set in the wisdom of His counsel, He caused them to be taken captive into Assyria and Babylon.
In Assyria. the tribes of Israel there were introduced to the culture of this pagan nation. When the captivity was over, Most Israelites did not return to Israel, but either stayed in Assyria or migrated out of the area, many going north through Turkey and Armenia into Russia and eastern Europe. The Jews in witchcraft into their thinking and writings. In Babylon, the Jews developed the rabbinical system which produced the Pharisees and Sadducees. There was produced the Talmud (written code) and Mishnah (oral tradition) which formally interpreted the Torah, adding law upon law on top of the Mosaic Law. When released from captivity, most Jews did not return to Israel, but either stayed or migrated out of the area, many going north to Turkey and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus area.
I would consider using statues or icons like crosses, etc. as a perceived conduit between a person and God is idolatry.
To me, praying to statues of saints, pictures of Christ, etc, is the same as the Israelites creating the golden calf to represent Yahweh and Moses condemned this outright.
I need to correct myself
ApepApop was the Egyptian name for the serpent God
Ba'al was also named Moloch Hadad Nd Melcham
Asherah was also called Ashroreth, Ishtar, Inani
Sorry, it is easy to
Get names mixed up as which ones Match.
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