Bible Discussion Thread

  • Jocelynne Bell on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    So Abraham was trying to sacrifice his son? I'm a little confused.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    Dear Jocelynne,

    God was testing Abraham's faith in asking for him to sacrifice Isaac. God had communicated to Abraham at some time that He could raise up what has died, as Hebrews11:17-19 says Abraham believed that. So, since Abraham knew God could raise the dead, God was testing Him to see if he would believe it for his son, Isaac.

    It is easy to believe things in theory, but here God wants to show Abraham if he actually believes in the resurrection power of God in regards to his only son who had promises attached to Isaac's survival. God knew what that Abraham would willingly offer Isaac, but Abraham (and Isaac) needed to find out if their faith was strong enough for such a test.
  • Jcbu undercover - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    If this were me,I would have pleaded with God to take me for a sacrifice instead of my son ,and said who will bring all the sands of the future people if my son is not here? It was a test of his faithfulness,and when Sodom and Gomorah were destroyed it showed that you can question God ,and plead with him for others that are righteous.Thank God an angel was sent to offer a sacrifice before anything happened.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    Jocelynne Bell Understand up front that this is a different condition of a burnt sacrifice being explained

    the record is in Judges chapter 11 starting in verse 23 Jephthah who's heart was for Gods People God put his

    spirit upon Jephthah and he vowed a vow that whoever comes out of his home when he defeats the children

    of Ammon shall surely be the lord's and I will offer it up for a burn't sacrifice. Verse 32+33 God delivers them

    and verse 34 jephthah goes to his house and His daughter is first one to come out and she was his only daughter.

    A burn't sacrifice can also mean that a person has been committed to serving God in the temple or in our day and

    time single in the service of God the rest of there lives! In this case a man gave His word to God and if you make

    that level of commitment don't break it, i.e. say it and mean it. Verse 35 through 40 explain the heart of the

    daughter and how she prepared to commit herself in the temple the rest of her life! The context of this starts

    In verse 1 of chapter 11. In our culture words don't mean a lot that's why we have attorneys but in eastern culture

    what you vowed you did if you were a just man.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 22 - 3 years ago
    Hi Jocelynne.

    The account is in Genesis 22:1-18.

    It's a lot to this story than what meets the Eye.

    Issac was the child of promise and heir of the blessings promised to Abraham and by which the seed would come and by which all the world would be blessed.

    Genesis 15:5-6.

    Genesis 21:12.

    ( And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness.)

    Now if God was going to keep his promise "WHICH HE ALWAYS DO, BECAUSE GOD CAN'T LIE" Abraham would have to believe in something else. THE RESURRECTION!!

    Hebrews 11:17-19. By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,

    Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:

    Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; FROM WHENCE ALSO HE RECEIVED HIM IN A FIGURE.

    I believe this is where the Gospel is preached to Abraham.

    Galatians 3:8.

    Genesis 22:14. And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, IN THE MOUNT OF THE LORD IT SHALL BE SEEN.

    I believe the Lord Jesus was offered up on that same hill.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.

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