Bible Discussion Thread

  • Catherine Gordon - 3 years ago
    I have a anyone here on this King James Version on line site...Go to a "In Jesus Name" Church..been "Baptized in Jesus Name" (not the Father The Son and the Holy Ghost) ..been filled with the "Holy Ghost" ..baptized in "Water & Spirit" so to speak ..AND speaks in Tongues ...evidence of Holy Ghost is speaking in Tongues ( a language between you and God) ,,dose anyone here have that Belief ??

    That we are to be "Born again" by the water and the Spirit ??

    I'm not trying to start no trouble here , for I love this site very much..and everyone I talked to on one ever said "Yes me" ..they all put me down or didn't believe these things..even though they said they believe in the Holy Ghost..

    Just wondering what y'all think about this is hard to find someone like this except at my Church...Pentecostal Apostolic....we can't be that rare ...anyone here Believe "Jesus IS God" ?? ..that there is "One" God and "One" door to heaven ? Through Christ Jesus ...

    Not trying to start no trouble here..Okay.

  • India - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Catherine,

    I do. I believe there is only one true God, one way to Heaven and that Jesus is indeed God!!! We are not rare, just a small few. Not everyone will walk this narrow path. You stay blessed.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    India... Thank you for your reply !!!

    Praise Jesus !!!

    yeah I'm still getting used to the reply steps..if I didn't reply to anyone here it's not on purpose..I have to go to my email and click on the link and I try to reply to everyone..even people who don't have my same beliefs...were all here on this site together so something must be's certainly not the same as "Liking" a comment or anything like that ..we have to start at the email..I try to reply to everyone but I know I missed a few..

    I'm so glad to find ya'll here !! this is my favorite Bible site !!..I was on "Bible Gate" and its kind of..well lets say this site is better.. I like the Big "Fount" that this site has when we study..and how words are highlighted in yellow when we put in for study guides...( I don't know what it's called) but I love this site!! ..I use it everyday now..

    Anyone who reads this ..THANK YOU for all your reply's !! :)
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Sorry it was not space for the rest ;p.

    We can sing and play in our hearts for the Lord Jesus night and day. We can sing and talk to God in our payroom. We can praise Him where it needs to be. Shall we pull new doctrines over our heads and start living again under a human Law. Yes, then we have lost in this life. We live in the time that all the prophets longed for the TIME OF GRACE: We humans are so good at making new rules and it is so wasted. In this, gullible people are deceived away from the Grace that the Lord has given us. That time is Grace over Grace.

    And shame on you man, the person the confusion comes from. We can only hope that they will be able to repent of their wrongdoing. Those congregations that require tongues or prophetic gifts or other gifts of speech. Or hold snakes in your hands. Or they tread under their feet. If they demand that they go to the embers coal. Please do not all be seduced, Read King James every day So you can resist all, that is not of God.

    We who are followers of Jesus do this every day in a world that is a little difficult for earthly people to see. Those who live in the Spirit, through the Lord Jesus Christ who all has been called by. Thank you Jesus for doing that. You who overcame death.

    And that has given us a new commandment. That we should love one another in Truth.

    God bless in Jesus Name.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Free ..thank you for your reply ..yes you are right...I love God and like this KJV Bible study site..

    I know what you mean I was replying to someone and usually don't take up the whole space..I was allowed 2000 charterers and I really had to re edit my comment so much to get all the things I wanted to was a challenge !

    But I finally did it..taking that computer course really helped me !! was Word and Excel..and computer comfort..oh and typing too..ugh ! I wasent very fast or efficient with that one so many people too..they were all better and faster than me..but I don't care all I wanted was to get out of there.

    Thanks for your welcoming me here ..This site is wonderful..I really like the Trivia button...I'm learning more everyday and it is staying in my memory..scripture is hard to memorize..but I love learning Gods word.

    Thanks again.

    Catherine :)
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Catherine Gordon. We should all hope that all who are Jesus saved in here hope and believe that everyone will be. But just like in the rest of society, we are different individuals. Here the talk is really if I think about :) is about the Words in the KJV Bible over all Bibles in my opinion. Then there are those who think that it is not, diversity is widespread. We are many in the world today.

    We have to count on the web and meet all kinds of believers. One thing that is important is to remember that God Is the Same In Him there is no changing shadow, as in us humans. Loving, Patient, Long-suffering but not stupid, we are to be believers. Jesus believers in them shall one find the salt, in them we shall find the Light. Shall we now walk to earth as empty in Jesus Christ. Would it all be a sad sight. It reminds me of the scripture I read today.

    Acts 23 For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve,

    24 Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.

    25 Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.

    And after: In same chapter. 37 And we were in all in the ship two hundred threescore and sixteen souls.

    We belong to the living God as we believe in Jesus Christ. He will do the work in us even if we do not SPEAK in tongues. Everything is fulfilled if we live our lives in Love of God and His Son Jesus Christ in the kingdom of the Holy Spirit.

    A few years ago I got to experience and talk to a sister who is so nice a Christian. But she condemned the stately church. What should one say to such a thing? Is there not a believer in Jesus Christ in the church, I asked. Yes, she said and went for it. Do you need to say anything more? It is God who decides who He wants to come to Him and be with Him and judge the living and the dead. I will not condemned some I leave that to God. God bless u and yours.
  • Choose to believe - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine One other point biblically speaking I see where jesus christ and God and Holy spirit work for the same

    purpose to redeem and deliver mankind from the adversary but I don't see them being the exact entity. Reason

    Jesus Christ could do nothing without His Father also only God knows when Jesus Christ will return for His Church.

    There are many other scripture in regards to this subject matter.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Choose to believe..

    I think you don't know the power of Jesus Christ...he has mighty power and God the father gave him that power...he can to do anything ..not here to argue but he is as powerful as the Father...God put part of himself into a human, and that Human was and "IS" Jesus Christ who has the same power as his Father..he died on the cross willingly for the sins of the whole world..and he rose himself from the Dead three days later...he is the great "I AM" meaning he is the true son of God with Gods power to do anything he wants..he has no limits...and he will be back to collect his chosen hid own time of choosing when "HE" is ready... we need to get out souls prepared for that day...Jesus Christ is ALIVE ..he is the "LIVING GOD" ...your beliefs must not be the same as my belief..becouse he has no limit what he can do...

    Blessings to you and yours

  • Gigi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Oops Catherine

    I meant to say God's Son but these phone letters are soooo tiny!

    Have a good evening
  • Gigi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Catherine, blessings

    It is the best thing to know Jesus our Lord!

    I do have one comment about your post.

    You said that God put part of himself in Jesus ( or something close to that)

    My understanding is that God cannot be divided into portions or parts ( though He is three persons, but one essence)

    So, I believe that 100% of the Son of God incarnated into the person if Jesus. This means Jesus was 100% Gid's Sin and 100% human man.

    Perhaps you were trying to say that. I am not sure.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago

    what I meant by that is that God put a baby inside Mary...Jesus Christ is the only begotten son of our Father yes he got his son that way..I didn't mean he literally came down and impregnated her was through the Holy Ghost...but Jesus is father Gods son literally..he has the same power of God "becouse" he is his son..sorry to confuse you with how I worded my last post...Jesus is the son of God..everyone knows that of course...and we shouldn't say he dosen't have power as God the father has power becouse he dose...thats why we end our Prayers with "In Jesus Name" ..and why it says in Acts 2:38 to Baptize in the name of Jesus Christ ..and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost...being filled with the Holy Ghost is very important...we will speak in tongues when we get filled with the Holy Ghost..anyone who experiences this gift from God knows what I mean...

    also John 3: says

    Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    this is how important being filled with the Holy Ghost is....Thank you for your comment and reply..have a good day GiGi..

  • Gigi again - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Good morning Catherine

    From what I know of classic orthodox teaching

    Jesus did not become the Son of God at Jis conception.

    He always as the son of God from all eternity. He existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit from all eternity without ever having a beginning .

    When the Son of God incarnated in Mary he also began as the Son of Man, human with a conveption, a beginning. From conception on This Jesus was both Son of God and Son of Man for eternity, never shedding His Godhood nor humanity, being both God and man in one person.

    I just wanted to clarify that for those who wish to know the constant teaching of the church fro it's beginning through the centuries.

    The view that Jesus became God's Son at conception has been considered heresy

    Throughout the centuries.

    This view is held by some today and, because the church is now so tolerant of aberrant views, it continues to spread unchallenged in many sects.

    For me, I believe and will uphold what I know to be standar orthodox teaching.

    Others may disagree with me and I respect their right to say so as I would ask that I be given the same respect.

    Have a good day.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine Correct Mathew 28:18 And Jesus came and spoke unto them saying All power is given unto me in

    heaven and earth. It Is Written!
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Choose To Believe.... Thank you for your reply

    I apreciate your input

    God Bless you and Yours :)

  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Catherine. I think you're referring to what is commonly termed, 'Oneness Pentecostalism', or more familiarly, 'Jesus Only Movement'. That is a particular branch of pentecostalism that is not widely accepted even amongst pentecostals. As you asked, "anyone here Believe "Jesus IS God"?" Many of us here would agree with you with that statement, but I also know that Oneness teaching is that the Triune God is manifested in Heaven as Jesus only - to this most would disagree.

    The primary reason for my disagreement would be, that Jesus, whether on Earth or in Heaven, is seen as distinct from His Father - Father God never disappears or is infused in His Son. While on Earth, Jesus always spoke to His Father (John chapter 17 is but one example). And after His Resurrection & Ascension back into Heaven, we read that He is at the Father's right Hand ( Acts 7:55; Colossians 3:1; Luke 22:69; Hebrews 10:12; etc.). So with all these before us in God's Word, it would be difficult to argue for three separate Beings within the Godhead, being found in the one Jesus.

    I would be quite happy if you wanted to present your case to show otherwise - you won't be considered a trouble-maker - but a sister who wants to express her belief from the Scriptures & from experience. And the matters of being water baptized only in Jesus' Name and speaking in tongues as evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit, have been discussed at length here as well. To find those discussions, go to the Advanced Search, typing in (e.g. tongues, water baptism) & then click on 'Discussions' - hopefully you'll get an idea of what has been discussed already. And you'll even find some who are in agreement with your understanding of these topics.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Chris... Thank you sooo much for your reply on my question...yes I will take all that you said into concentration..yes I have found the comment section..I was up all night reading through different sections..switching back and fort from my Bible study and taking "Trivia" tests on the kjv Bible here in the trivia selection... yeah I really like this site it has alot to offer...thank you for your input...Yes I did find out through living for God that people think we're crazy.but thats OK..I think they are crazy too..for continuing to smoke drugs and drink alcohol and fornicating..I don't put them down for it becouse that is exactly how I was too..I was in the world,sinning like everyone else and on my way to hell..I have turned from my sin and quit all the above..I am still in the world but not of the world..meaning I have turned toward God only and given up the sinful pleasures that only satisfy for a short time.. it may sound easy but it is something everyone has to do to go to turn from their sins.. I'm not here to preach to anyone here or argue..I am a beginner and have alot to learn..I have only been saved less than 6 I am not any authority on how we are supposed to worship God. I am here to LEARN ..Thank you for your message, I feel better at ease.I really like the Trivia questions, it makes me feel good when I get 100% and I LEARN from it when I get a question wrong.THIS IS A REALLY GOOD SITE !!

  • Gigi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you for your testimony. It is always going to hear afresh of the mighty work of God in people He is saving through His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ by the power of His Holy Spirit. To God be the glory forever and ever

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Welcome to the site Catherine.

    God bless.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    S Spencer ..Thank You :) God Bless you too
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thanks Catherine, for sharing more of yourself, past & present. It's certainly encouraging for us to read of you being 'in Christ' for just a short time & of the hunger you have for His precious Word. As the saying goes, 'the one who has been forgiven much, loves much'; taken from Luke 7:37-50, esp verse 47 (the woman lost in sin who sought Jesus' forgiveness & demonstrated her sorrow for her lifestyle & love for the Lord).

    Indeed, this KJBO Site has much to offer, & particularly giving us the opportunity to have solid Christian fellowship around God's Word. We're not always in agreement on everything (then again, who is?), but we are focussing our hearts & minds on that which really matters: the Word of God, getting to know Him better, & building one another up in union with the Spirit's ministry in our hearts, and not on the fickle mundane things that occupy the world's minds. So, keep coming back here & sharing in our conversations & whatever is on your heart.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    dear Chris Thank you thank you !!

    I really liked your last reply.. you are right , no one can turn our belief just becouse they said something other than what you already believe..yeah and we can't change theirs..I'm not really trying to assert my beliefs on anyone...I am just glad to find this KJV Bible study site ..and all the comments are focusing on God and the KJV Bible !! AND every verse on the study program match up word for word with my personal Bible !!! do you know how hard that is to find !! The internet is some help but one time I put in a question "what is the most easy/accurate/ Bible version to read" ..and the answer was "New World Translations"..& I thought ..."Well Google is wrong" ..lets go find another source...I know about that religion and I don't care to compare my cherished KJV "HOLY BIBLE" with's useless and could try to confuse me...I am a Christian not a JW...anyway sorry if anyone sees my comment and are offended by my comment or belief..or convictions..

    Thank you Chris :)
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    catherine The kjv is my go to i don't read any other God bless in your studies.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Rick Mentzer.. Thank you so much ! I am glad you let me know I'm not weird or sure seems like it sometimes..even with my family !

    Yeah I left YouTube becouse people over there just want to argue or put you down really hard ! they are looking for a fight or some attention..I got tired of being hounded by atheists !

    I still go back sometimes but I stay out of conversations... I learned my lesson many times and thought well "This Time" it will be different. but NOOOO !

    there they were again the same people or the same kind !! All Heathens who believe this world came together by some BIG accident !! it's ridiculous.

    anyway thank you Rick :)

  • Choose to believe - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine Gordon With the subject of speaking in tongues, biblically is perfect prayer as you said between you and God

    also in acts 2:11 The bible says they were speaking the wonderful works of God. It is a working of the spirit to be done

    decent and in order like all things of the true God. In respect of the rest Ephesians 4:3-6 is the key to spiritual unity.

    Just because something is not believed doesn't mean it isn't true, also just because is believed doesn't mean its true

    that's why all things spiritual must be accurately lined up with Gods Word and all other sources Questioned. Nothing

    stops Gods Power of holy spirit in us when we rise up and believe whats written and act accordingly. Also there is no

    respect of persons, conditions yes.
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine Just curious what's a In Jesus name church? Not familiar with it.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Rick Mentzer.. thank you for your reply...

    We believe that going to church is more than simply a social club or a means of filling up a Sunday. At our Church we emphasize a personal, life-giving experience with God. We teach the biblical message of salvation which is summed up in Acts 2:38 and supported throughout the scriptures. The same Spirit that believers experienced in the book of Acts is being poured out upon the church today. The Jesus Name Church is not dead, dry and boring, but rather it is alive and exciting

    Acts 2-38 I'm sure you have read this scripture, for it is very well known

    "Then Peter said unto them,Repent and be Baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the "Holy Ghost"

    John 3-5 "Jesus answered,verily verily I say unto thee, Except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven"

    1st Timothy 2-5"For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men,the Man Christ Jesus;"

    Galatians 3-20..Now a mediator is not a mediator of one, but God as one

    I am Apostolic, I believe in one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, One God and Father of all,who is above all and through all. I believe in Baptism by immersion in water in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. I believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.With the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives us the utterance. I believe Marriage is a holy union between one man and one woman and founded and defined by God alone.

    There are many Churches that have the same belief as ours.."In Jesus Name Church" Apostolic Pentecostal..alot of people say we are "Holy Rollers" We Love God with our whole heart- John 15-18 "If the world hate you, Ye know that it hated me before it hated you"

    John 15-19,If ye are of the world, the world would love its own: but becouse you are not of the world but I have chosen you out of the world, therefor the world hateth you.

  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine, I am glad to hear that you attend a church that, like so many others we attend, is vibrantly following Jesus, our Lord. God is building is church throughout the ages. Everyone in Christ is different in as far as fellowship needs and I believe that God does draw each of us into the fellowship where we can grow and contribute.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    GiGi ..thank you for your reply !! I appreciate your words very much !! Thanks :)

    Yes we all love Jesus here and that shows
  • Rick Mentzer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Catherine Your not weird or odd I have been manifesting Power from on High many years and the interesting thing

    about that is believers in Antioch of syria after being born again would walk around telling people they had

    Christ in them I.E. Christian Acts 11:26. Remember the words of our brother Jesus Christ Mark 16:17+18 it doesn't say

    this over time was going to change it says those who believe also verse 18 in context means if you not knowingly

    get bit or drink some thing not good, God will not cover something intentionally done stupid knowingly.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Sister Catherine,

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful scripture, directed at baptism. I agree with all! Amen.

    Yes, Jesus is the only way to the Father. It's nice to hear of a church like yours that actually follows this bible scripture.

    Does your church observe God's Ten Commandments?

    John 14:15

    "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    God Bless.
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Bro dan.. ..hello I ran out of room !! yes there was a knock at the door the very next day after saying that prayer..and I went to Church on July 4th 2021 baptized 11 days later..and my 23 year old son was right beside me he got baptized too and received the Holy Ghost too !!!

    This is really how God wants us to live !! For Him !!

    Satan take a back seat !! well on second thought ..we kicked him right in the rear and he is mad as hell !! ..we get these spiritual attacks when we are sleeping !! It used to bother me alot until I woke up one day and realized he can't hurt me becouse all I have to do is "WAKE UP" ..and yes I have been praying before sleep and right after waking's alot better when I do that..I just don't understand how Satan can be so selfish and let go of two souls..but no worries, hes not getting us back becouse we have the strength of the Church behind us.

    we also just competed our first 3 day fast !..and we made it through it !! our Pastor is very good !! he loves us.. and we are in new converts class mom is wondering "what brought all this on"'s hard to explain to her..I want her to come with me, shes 79 now, but shes not budging yet..I'm praying for her to just come one time so she can see what a wonderful life we are living now. but she is glad we quit smoking and son Caleb quit cigarettes too !! just like that ! no problem. with no withdraw symptoms what so ever !!..its so AMAZING !!

    Thank you Bro Dan !! :)
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Sister Catherine,

    Wow, I am so happy to hear you have found a good Christian church. It is almost like finding the "proverbial needle in the haystack". So many church's today do not preach Jesus Christs Gospel, nor do they follow God's command's.

    Thanks for sharing your testimony regarding the enhanced lifestyle improvements for you and your son. I'm confident your Mother is happy to see the positive changes in your family, and life, and as you continue to pray for her, God will move her as He moved you, and your son!

    The Holy Spirt will continue to bless you and keep you and your family in a good place.

    Please keep coming back here and sharing your walk in Faith with us! Many here will keep you in our prayers.

    God Bless You, and may Jesus always light your path!
  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Bro dan... Thank you !! I really love your reply's !! Yes I found Gods Church... it is so awesome !!

    we are having Revival this week ..Wed-Thurs-Fri...&'s gonna be great !

    thanks for reassuring me about my mom..for I really want her to come with me..she was raised Southern Baptist..I pray for her to come along with my sister Lisa, who dose believe in God but shes out in the world I used to be...well I can just keep praying and working on them and if God willing they will hear the call ...yes Jesus is Awesome !! and all powerful !!

    He is already working in our lives and it is just absolutely amazing !..Have a Blessed day Bro dan :)

    For anyone else reading this: I urge anyone who really wants to know God to keep praying and he will answer your prayer no not ..immediately, or anything, but keep praying and asking God for what you truly need... it's not just about believing and staying at home and doing your own has to be "His" way...again not trying to sound all knowing or anything..I have only been saved 6 months...I'm a "Baby" in the they call it...a new convert..I have changed my ways and my son has too..if we can do it anyone can...for we loved marijuana and whiskey and watching Hollywood movies too.. but thats not "True" living"..The Holy Bible is a history book..everything in it is "Truth"

  • Catherine Gordon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Bro thank God !! I found someone like me here ..yay !!

    Yes we follow the 10 condmandments and follow Jesus condmandments and standards of living it was a challenge at first to just wear a dress every day becouse it says in the Bible 'Do not wear men's clothing or acct like a man" and men "Do not wear women's clothing and be not feminine"

    yes I know it doesn't say exactly that..and I could find the scripture to back it up but I think you know what I mean..Bible study is really good for me but it really wears me out !! I get to studying and look at the clock and I'm like oh my I been studying for 3 hours ! I need to get to bed and sleep so I can make it to prayer on time !..yes we do have many days for Church..twice on Sunday, 9 am Saturday prayer..Wednesday night Church and prayer...and Tuesday mornings early prayer..6 am for men and 7 am foe women...our live revolves around the Church and Church activities !! this is my new life and i love it and my only son who is 23 are in this together and it means so much to me that he is right by my side and in love with Jesus as much as I am..the family's at our Church is our family now..they call us "Brother Caleb" and "Sister Cathi" (short for Catherine).its what I usually go might seem like too much Church for someone else but it's not we get plenty of time to rest and we can't wait to go to Church and sing and dance and call out to Jesus ..including crying and really praying loudly ! speaking in tongues also... this is the life God meant for me to have..not smoking pot all day and going and buying alcohol to ease my stress and anxiety..cussing up a storm and taking the lords name in vain becouse thats what we grew up with, becouse the rest of the world dose's really not ok..and I'm glad to be called to this Church...I mean when I first went all I could think about all day was God day and night !! I said a prayer.."Please God help me, I want to be with Gods people " & there was a knock at

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