Bible Discussion Thread

  • Alex N - 3 years ago
    Hiya Chris GBU.....You are coming in loud and clear But YOU DON'T understand the grandscheme

    OF Gods plan . Remember there was none righteous no not one , My house shall be called a house

    of prayer but you have made it a den of theives. Isaiah 1 : 13 KJV Bring no more vain oblations, your

    new moons and your SABBATHS and your assemblies i cannot away with it,it is iniquity even your solome

    assemblies v 14 Your new moons and your appointed feast ( CHANUKAK ) my soul HATETH when you make many

    prayers i will hide my

    eyes...Your hands are full of blood . Chris this is y Jesus had to die simply b/c they were worshipping him with their

    lips but their hearts were far from him ,God wanted a perfect Israel be ye perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect .

    Judaism was a slap in the face of God . Your New Moons and your solome assemblies my soul hateth , It was not a

    happy time for our lord he was a man of sorrows and aquainted with grief. But if he died he wd be multiplied as the

    stars of heaven making eveybody righteous by his blood and that baby Christ the H.G. the Child of PROMISE as he said

    outta of the mouths of babes and suckling thou has PERFECTED Praise. And that was the grandscheme of Gods plans

    That mankind might be like God by giving birth to the H.G The Child of Promise the multiplication of Christ via his seed

    the words of that new covenant , Chanukak their feast days ( 8 DAYS OF CELEBRATION ) cd not even begin to make

    any body righteous . BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKETH AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD. Chris i am praying

    for you that you might birth a baby Christ which is the H.G. the Child of Promise , Unless you receive the Kingdom of

    God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in . She brought forth a man Child that is gonna rule all nations.

  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Alex, dear Alex. You just can't pull out a Scripture & build a teaching from it. You must look at all instances where these feasts are mentioned. You quoted Isaiah 1:10-16 where the Lord abhored these sacrifices & feasts because they came with evil in their hearts (v15), not because the new moon & feast observances were wrong.

    Then if you look at 2 Chronicles 8:12-16, again there were similar offerings & remembrances made by Solomon, to which the Lord did not condemn. If the Lord is going to condemn something He has introduced or permitted, then He must condemn it in all instances of their performance. The difference was that in Isaiah, the condemnation was because of the filthiness of their hearts, likened to the people of Sodom & Gomorrah (v10).

    Once we get the understanding of the Scriptures straight, then we can appreciate the rest of Scripture, or else, we can just make up things as we go along & go further & further from the Truth. It's true, Israel, in their history, probably disappointed the Lord more than they worshipped Him with clean hearts & pure motives, but all Scriptures pertaining to them must be looked at & correctly & judged as given - one cannot throw out the baby with the bath water.

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