Tonight I just read Luke 23:44-45 again & for the first time. I realized after seeing the total solar Eclipse on-line very recently. The moment on the cross must have been recorded as total solar eclipse. Lasting 3 hours. There may be a way to more accurately date back the timing that secular history tried destroying, hiding. Anyway very exciting. Hopefully this helps in your search. Also with the Star, Matthew 2:2,7-10 very active heavenly activity must have been recorded also. Just for thought.
Brother T. Lewis, may Christ grace us with HIS wisdom and His understanding.
There was total darkness when Christ died, because Christ is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a WOMAN clothed with the SUN (the light of the world), and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (the house of Israel).
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God doth lighten it, and the LAMB IS THE LIGHT THEREOF.
Our physical sun burns and gives light because Christ CAUSES it, Christ is the light (sun). ( Colossians 1:17)
The star the wise men follower was CHRIST, he is the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR. ( Revelation 22:16)
No offence, but I don't believe you have your stars "lined up" properly. The star that the Magi followed in Matthew Chapter 2 which led them to the Christ child was not Christ. In Matthew 2:2, these Magi called it "his star." This star was not Christ Himself, but it was his star. It was not a star that was already in the heavens that used to kind of move around a little bit to get some people's attention. It was a special star that was an indication to the Magi. It was "His star." It was Jesus' star.
The star came and stood over Bethlehem and they (The Magi) actually followed the star. It was a guiding star and when it stopped over Bethlehem, they knew that that was the place where the Christ child was. They had no other way of finding their way other than to follow the star. Christ was already approximately a year old and living in a house by the time the Magi arrived in Bethlehem. I know we are getting close to Christmas and I hope I do not cause anyone to return their manger scene back to Walmart by what I'm about to say, but Jesus was not a baby lying in a manger when the wise men arrived, and it wasn't just three wise men either.
You did mention Revelation 22:16. I believe that is referring to Christ but I just don't see how you are connecting that to the star mentioned in Matthew Chapter 2? The bright and morning star is completely different than the star that led the Magi to Christ.
Amen Brother Jesse, I agree with all you said, but if it was a physical star seen by everyone, then Herod could have also seen it. Herod didn't seem to be aware of the star.
His star was revealed only to the magi, possibly IN VISION as with the prophets of old. If this was the case then it would have been by the Spirit of Christ.
I believe it was a physical star, not just a vision given to the Magi. As you properly indicate, Herod would not have seen this star as indicated in Matthew 2:7. This star never appeared to Herod. I believe this star only appeared to a certain group of individuals (Magi?), and the reason I come to this conclusion is from Matthew 2:7 where Herod asks "what time the star appeared," in the Greek text it literally reads "What time of the appearing star."
You might think it's being too technical to be literal, but that's literally how the Greek text reads. It was the appearing and the disappearing star. It is a word that describes what kind of star it was. So literally, in the Greek text, he says "What time of the appearing star?"
I just thought I would share this piece of information with you. I'm not trying to bounce back and forth playing dancing with the stars!
Brother Jesse, I will agree, I know God can make physical things appear to only certain people, not everyone saw the physical dove that alighted on Christ nor heard the voice. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and their eyes were holden.
As I said before, whichever way it was, it was the WORKS OF GOD. This all we have to agree on.
Earl Psalm 147:4 He telleth the number of the stars, he calleth them all by names. In Genesis 1:14 and God
said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from night anfd let them be for sings and
for seasons and for days and for years. The word signs is the hebrew word avah [to mark something specifically]
an event to take place.
In antiquity the names of the stars were given Psalms 147:4 again he calleth the stars by names, and those
names are specific by design Gods. The greeks called stars planets wandering asteres in there close location are so close we can follow there motion. The magi over a few years time were watching a planetary conjunction that involved
mercury messenger planet with venus the bright and morning star planet with Regulus known as heart of the lion i.e.
lion of Judah and finally Jupiter which is known as the Kings planet also Hebrew name is ssedeq meaning righteousness.
these planets in the rotation got within .23 degrees of each other and would have appeared as one single bright star.
The magi would have known this because the Persians studied the heavens in depth, also some of them worshipped
the wrong way. Also this planetary conjunction happened over bethlehem in the constellation virgo i.e. virgin on the elliptical horizon. Look that one up Earl.
Brother Rick, if his star was a physical star it would have been visible to all people, Herod would not have ask the wise men to return and tell him where they found the Christ child, he could have followed the star as did the wise men.
Luke 2:9 And when they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star, which they say in the east went before them, till it came and stood over where the child was.
I really don't dwell much on this, because either way, It was the WORKS OF GOD.
Brother Rick, if Herod didn't believe, why did he send soldiers to Bethlehem and kill all the children 2 years old and younger.
They may have been sold out religious leaders but they knew the Scriptures, they knew were the promised messiah was to be born. That's why Herod went to Bethlehem and not some other town.
The real reason Herod went and killed the children is because IT WAS WRITTEN in the prophets, and God's words will not return unto him void but will be fulfilled.
Jeremiah 3:15 Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping, Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, which are not.
Sorry, I don't buy that the star was Christ, since the star come to rest was over where the magi visited the babe. Therefore, I believe that the star was some type of miraculous light in the heavens that could travel and then stay put.
Hey Bro. Earl Gbu well said but i also see a light that can be propagated in our hearts, The Manorah's were bullt with leaves and vines and such and vines can be propagated like a Biological plant as Jesus said i am the true vine etc. The
bible speaks of the Branch that is gonna build the temple. Like in the natural a Granson is a branch of his FATHER . And i
believe the H.G. is that Branch that comes out of Christ loins his seed etc His breath etc. God didn't put them ( The
Monorah ) in the most holy place for nothin, its to teach us , Its our hearts is where the most holy place is, our
intermost being , He rose at the place of a skull meaning our brains our interlect , He is gonna rise again with in us
Abide in me and i in you, As Jesus is that Light that cannot be put out ,Just like the Candle Stick cd not be permitted to
go out that was in the Most holy place of the Ark of the covenant. The H.G. is our anointing Oil spritually speaking.
But the H.G. is a living being that can only be born in us via the seed of Christ thus he is the Granson being he comes
out of Christ loins his good seed etc
There cd not be an ISRAEL OF GOD Unless the Godhead was FATHER SON AND GRANSON...Thats y God said his name
was Abraham Issac and Jacob, father son and GRANSON that is gonna be come as the stars of heaven Thus an iSRAEL
of God ,That was the great Promise MULTIPLICATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY Whosoever receiveth one such child in my
name receiveth me See the promise of multiplication via his seed etc Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name is
pure multipllcation that was the great Promise thus there is a baby Christ in our near future. Remember Jesse David and
Solomon were Father Son and GRANSON BUT 1 KINGDOM AMD Jesus said he was the ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING OF
DAVID.. God wd not let David the son build the temple but only Solomon the Granson Which was the wisest man
in all ISRAEL Which answers to the H.G. the wisest man in all world
Hebrews 11:3 Through faith (of Christ) we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD (Spirit), so the things that ARE SEEN were not made of thing which do appear.
Everything that we see was made of what we CANNOT see: everything was made OF SPIRIT (GOD).
The sun, moon, stars, planets, trees, MAN, etc., etc., are made and do consist OF and IN CHRIST. Man was created in darkness, no KNOWLEDGE that GOD created MAN out of HIMSELF.
Colossians 1:17 .....and by him all things consist.
John 1:5 And he shined LIGHT into DARKNESS and the DARKNESS comprehended it not.
Glory to our God, who in the fullness of time will DESTROY DARKNESS.
I also have read that He may have been born in the fall, such as September 11, 6 B.C. I don't know if we will ever know for sure. But I don't think it was December 25th.
The dates should be 28 A.D. when John started his ministry and 29 A.D. the first Passover Jesus attended, according to the accuracy of the records. Sorry about that.
I have not studied this other than a bit here and a bit there, we know it was not in the winter and the pagan 25th. The sheep would not be in the pastures in the cold months and not before the pastures could feed the sheep again. John was six months older than Jesus. Zechariah was of the order of Abijah, his lot was to burn incense and if I remember correctly, it was for eight days.
Knowing what time of year, he served the temple, and calculate six months later, the month Tishri very well could be the month. Thanks, I read a little this morning, but I will study this.
I am with you, we may not ever know when Jesus was born, Earl is close on the month, but the only thing Jesus said to do in remembrance of Him was at the last super, Luke 22:19. Scripture does let us know when Jesus came, the year He was baptized. Luke 3:1-6 when John the Baptist came. Tiberius Caesar was emperor from 14-37 A.D. Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. so the fifteenth year of Tiberius would have been 29 A.D. start of John the Baptist ministry.
This may have been in the late summer or early fall, Jesus came up from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized and the Spirit of God descending upon him, Matt. 3:13-17Mark 1:911Luke 3:21-22. Then Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan, then collecting the twelve.
In John 2, Jesus was in Cana of Galilee at the wedding and after in John 2:13, the Passover was at hand. This would place it just before spring of 30 A.D. There are four Passovers recorded in John, John 2:13John 5:1John 6:4John 19:14, Jesus was crucified on the fourth. John 6:4 is in question if it was a Passover, or another required feast. May this help.
Thanks. I knew those things but it is always good to recall these events. Who knows if a time may come were we will not have our Bibles in hand. So, continually refreshing our memories is a good practice.
I had read that the Herod, from time of the slaughter of the children 2 years and younger, died in 4 B.C. So Jesus was born before that date, perhaps 2 or more years earlier than 4 B.C. because we do not know the date of the slaughter edict.
The Hebrew New Year was calculated and adjusted every year from the spring equinox, according to our calendar this would be approximately March 21, give or take.
Their months went off the moon cycle so the sixth month would be about 26 weeks from March 21.
Gabriel would have appeared to Mary somewhere around our September 21, Elisabeth was already 6 month with child so John the Baptist would have been born close to December 25, Jesus would have been born somewhere around the following June 21.
I have not spent a lot of study on their calendar so I could be off some, but it should be close.
I did know how the Jews calculate their year. I had heard of a June date before, bit also September. We may find out some time through some archeological find. But it really does not matter to me the exact month. It matters that He was born!
There was total darkness when Christ died, because Christ is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven, a WOMAN clothed with the SUN (the light of the world), and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (the house of Israel).
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God doth lighten it, and the LAMB IS THE LIGHT THEREOF.
Our physical sun burns and gives light because Christ CAUSES it, Christ is the light (sun). ( Colossians 1:17)
The star the wise men follower was CHRIST, he is the BRIGHT and MORNING STAR. ( Revelation 22:16)
The house of Judah = 3 S. tribes, Judah, Benjamin and Levi.
No offence, but I don't believe you have your stars "lined up" properly. The star that the Magi followed in Matthew Chapter 2 which led them to the Christ child was not Christ. In Matthew 2:2, these Magi called it "his star." This star was not Christ Himself, but it was his star. It was not a star that was already in the heavens that used to kind of move around a little bit to get some people's attention. It was a special star that was an indication to the Magi. It was "His star." It was Jesus' star.
The star came and stood over Bethlehem and they (The Magi) actually followed the star. It was a guiding star and when it stopped over Bethlehem, they knew that that was the place where the Christ child was. They had no other way of finding their way other than to follow the star. Christ was already approximately a year old and living in a house by the time the Magi arrived in Bethlehem. I know we are getting close to Christmas and I hope I do not cause anyone to return their manger scene back to Walmart by what I'm about to say, but Jesus was not a baby lying in a manger when the wise men arrived, and it wasn't just three wise men either.
You did mention Revelation 22:16. I believe that is referring to Christ but I just don't see how you are connecting that to the star mentioned in Matthew Chapter 2? The bright and morning star is completely different than the star that led the Magi to Christ.
His star was revealed only to the magi, possibly IN VISION as with the prophets of old. If this was the case then it would have been by the Spirit of Christ.
I believe it was a physical star, not just a vision given to the Magi. As you properly indicate, Herod would not have seen this star as indicated in Matthew 2:7. This star never appeared to Herod. I believe this star only appeared to a certain group of individuals (Magi?), and the reason I come to this conclusion is from Matthew 2:7 where Herod asks "what time the star appeared," in the Greek text it literally reads "What time of the appearing star."
You might think it's being too technical to be literal, but that's literally how the Greek text reads. It was the appearing and the disappearing star. It is a word that describes what kind of star it was. So literally, in the Greek text, he says "What time of the appearing star?"
I just thought I would share this piece of information with you. I'm not trying to bounce back and forth playing dancing with the stars!
As I said before, whichever way it was, it was the WORKS OF GOD. This all we have to agree on.
God Bless You.
said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from night anfd let them be for sings and
for seasons and for days and for years. The word signs is the hebrew word avah [to mark something specifically]
an event to take place.
In antiquity the names of the stars were given Psalms 147:4 again he calleth the stars by names, and those
names are specific by design Gods. The greeks called stars planets wandering asteres in there close location are so close we can follow there motion. The magi over a few years time were watching a planetary conjunction that involved
mercury messenger planet with venus the bright and morning star planet with Regulus known as heart of the lion i.e.
lion of Judah and finally Jupiter which is known as the Kings planet also Hebrew name is ssedeq meaning righteousness.
these planets in the rotation got within .23 degrees of each other and would have appeared as one single bright star.
The magi would have known this because the Persians studied the heavens in depth, also some of them worshipped
the wrong way. Also this planetary conjunction happened over bethlehem in the constellation virgo i.e. virgin on the elliptical horizon. Look that one up Earl.
Luke 2:9 And when they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star, which they say in the east went before them, till it came and stood over where the child was.
I really don't dwell much on this, because either way, It was the WORKS OF GOD.
no sense, and the people that were giving him information were sold out religious leaders!
They may have been sold out religious leaders but they knew the Scriptures, they knew were the promised messiah was to be born. That's why Herod went to Bethlehem and not some other town.
The real reason Herod went and killed the children is because IT WAS WRITTEN in the prophets, and God's words will not return unto him void but will be fulfilled.
Jeremiah 3:15 Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping, Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, which are not.
God Bless you.
concerning the Messiah thank God Joseph believed what God told him and moved when he was told. That
the scriptures may be fulfilled.
the way you read comments it explains a lot.
bible speaks of the Branch that is gonna build the temple. Like in the natural a Granson is a branch of his FATHER . And i
believe the H.G. is that Branch that comes out of Christ loins his seed etc His breath etc. God didn't put them ( The
Monorah ) in the most holy place for nothin, its to teach us , Its our hearts is where the most holy place is, our
intermost being , He rose at the place of a skull meaning our brains our interlect , He is gonna rise again with in us
Abide in me and i in you, As Jesus is that Light that cannot be put out ,Just like the Candle Stick cd not be permitted to
go out that was in the Most holy place of the Ark of the covenant. The H.G. is our anointing Oil spritually speaking.
But the H.G. is a living being that can only be born in us via the seed of Christ thus he is the Granson being he comes
out of Christ loins his good seed etc
There cd not be an ISRAEL OF GOD Unless the Godhead was FATHER SON AND GRANSON...Thats y God said his name
was Abraham Issac and Jacob, father son and GRANSON that is gonna be come as the stars of heaven Thus an iSRAEL
of God ,That was the great Promise MULTIPLICATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY Whosoever receiveth one such child in my
name receiveth me See the promise of multiplication via his seed etc Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name is
pure multipllcation that was the great Promise thus there is a baby Christ in our near future. Remember Jesse David and
Solomon were Father Son and GRANSON BUT 1 KINGDOM AMD Jesus said he was the ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING OF
DAVID.. God wd not let David the son build the temple but only Solomon the Granson Which was the wisest man
in all ISRAEL Which answers to the H.G. the wisest man in all world
OF God
Hebrews 11:3 Through faith (of Christ) we understand that the worlds were framed by the WORD of GOD (Spirit), so the things that ARE SEEN were not made of thing which do appear.
Everything that we see was made of what we CANNOT see: everything was made OF SPIRIT (GOD).
The sun, moon, stars, planets, trees, MAN, etc., etc., are made and do consist OF and IN CHRIST. Man was created in darkness, no KNOWLEDGE that GOD created MAN out of HIMSELF.
Colossians 1:17 .....and by him all things consist.
John 1:5 And he shined LIGHT into DARKNESS and the DARKNESS comprehended it not.
Glory to our God, who in the fullness of time will DESTROY DARKNESS.
God Bless You.
I.E. Jesus Christ being Lion of Judah and venus is known as the bright and morning star, also mars I believe
Mars is in the mix. There's much more to this which is why the astronomers took that far of a trip in a caravan.
in great depth and ties in with astronomy true science of the planets and Gods Word of course and historical
background at the time.
The dates should be 28 A.D. when John started his ministry and 29 A.D. the first Passover Jesus attended, according to the accuracy of the records. Sorry about that.
I have not studied this other than a bit here and a bit there, we know it was not in the winter and the pagan 25th. The sheep would not be in the pastures in the cold months and not before the pastures could feed the sheep again. John was six months older than Jesus. Zechariah was of the order of Abijah, his lot was to burn incense and if I remember correctly, it was for eight days.
Knowing what time of year, he served the temple, and calculate six months later, the month Tishri very well could be the month. Thanks, I read a little this morning, but I will study this.
Thanks again.
God bless,
I am with you, we may not ever know when Jesus was born, Earl is close on the month, but the only thing Jesus said to do in remembrance of Him was at the last super, Luke 22:19. Scripture does let us know when Jesus came, the year He was baptized. Luke 3:1-6 when John the Baptist came. Tiberius Caesar was emperor from 14-37 A.D. Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. so the fifteenth year of Tiberius would have been 29 A.D. start of John the Baptist ministry.
This may have been in the late summer or early fall, Jesus came up from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized and the Spirit of God descending upon him, Matt. 3:13-17 Mark 1:911 Luke 3:21-22. Then Jesus went into the wilderness for forty days, tempted by Satan, then collecting the twelve.
In John 2, Jesus was in Cana of Galilee at the wedding and after in John 2:13, the Passover was at hand. This would place it just before spring of 30 A.D. There are four Passovers recorded in John, John 2:13 John 5:1 John 6:4 John 19:14, Jesus was crucified on the fourth. John 6:4 is in question if it was a Passover, or another required feast. May this help.
God bless,
I had read that the Herod, from time of the slaughter of the children 2 years and younger, died in 4 B.C. So Jesus was born before that date, perhaps 2 or more years earlier than 4 B.C. because we do not know the date of the slaughter edict.
Luke 1:26
The Hebrew New Year was calculated and adjusted every year from the spring equinox, according to our calendar this would be approximately March 21, give or take.
Their months went off the moon cycle so the sixth month would be about 26 weeks from March 21.
Gabriel would have appeared to Mary somewhere around our September 21, Elisabeth was already 6 month with child so John the Baptist would have been born close to December 25, Jesus would have been born somewhere around the following June 21.
I have not spent a lot of study on their calendar so I could be off some, but it should be close.
I did know how the Jews calculate their year. I had heard of a June date before, bit also September. We may find out some time through some archeological find. But it really does not matter to me the exact month. It matters that He was born!
What is the Tisha B'av?