The Father and the Son are 2 distinct beings as the Son prays to his Father and the Father tells the world this is my beloveth Son , This Father and Son relationship is unbreakable , If they were the same identical being that wd make the Father a liar. Ya gotta realise the FATHER neva died only the son died, But only his body died his Spirit neva died ,thus he commended his Spirit back to his Father's hands the lil ones ,I will turn my hands to the lil ones ,When a seed dies it multiplies But as Jesus said if a seed dies it will bring forth much fruit, had he not died there wd have been only 1 Christ but b/c of his death he will be multiplied as the stars of heaven, lil ones imply multiplication . Smite the shepard and the sheep will be scattered THEN I WILL TURN MY HAND TO THE LIL ONES . That was the great Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven ,When a seed dies it multiplies and this multiplication implies every one is gonna see him , The field is the world thus the world is gonna birth a baby Christ The Granson Thus everybody is gonna see him, Whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me. Jeremiah 30 : 6 The world is in travail and birth pains .
The very fact that we have a Father and a Son begs the question of a Granson and equally important AN ISRAEL OF GOD , A heavenly Jacob. Thats y the new birth is so important its the means by which Christ will be multiplied in humanity as the stars of heaven ( by his Seed the words of the new covenant ) Without this Abrahamic Trinity there wd have neva been a nation of ISRAEL . likewise without the heavenly trinity there cannot be an Israel of God via the seed of Christ that are gonna be as the stars of heaven. Remember that great Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven,Thats y the Sower will go forth to sow his precious seed the living word in humanity. That we might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed. Thus an ISRAEL OF GOD.
In order to understand God completely we must be born again. The scriptures say no man can say that Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit - meaning everyone without the Holy Spirit can not understand who God is! Take the Apostles Paul; he killed many of the original saints and thought he was doing God's work however on the road of Damascus, a great light shine and Paul (Saul was his name at that time) ask who are thou Lord; the Lord he was referencing was the one, he supposing was serving (Jehovah of the Old Testament); the Lord (to the Israelites there is but one God, hence the reason they have not really excepted Jesus as Lord.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God- the Word was God! The Word became flesh (Jesus Christ) and dwelt among us. Read John 1:1-14
The bottom line God said I am alpha and omega (first and last) it is natural for us not to understand how someone can be first and last but spiritually we are able to discern if someone is first and last all they are stating the are the only one.
Jesus was God manifest (clearly shown) in the flesh, there are three manifestation of God but there is only one God and his name is Jesus!
Hello Walter. You wrote: "if someone is first and last all they are stating the(y) are the only one." If Jesus has stated this (as in Revelation 1:8; Revelation 12:13), could He actually be identifying completely with the One God, from Whom He once proceeded from, as the Word of God given flesh? 'Alpha & Omega' is a very strong loaded phrase that can only be denoted to God, to which the risen Jesus Who sits at the right Hand of God, makes claim to ( Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 10:12; 1 Peter 3:22). If the 'only one God now is Jesus', what happened to the Father, Whom Jesus sits beside? Jesus not only prayed to His Father whilst He walked on Earth, but now reigns with Him ( Revelation 3:21; Revelation 7:10).
What you are saying is When Paul asked Who are thou Lord he was addressing the Lord he was taught in Judaism, When Jesus answered he realized that The Lord he was addressing IS the Lord of Judaism and He's Jesus. Am I correct?
You are espousing a Oneness Doctrine that denies the Triune nature of God and promotes what as been known as Modalism over the centuries. This teaching has been deemed heresy throughout church history. It is refuted by Scripture as all three persons of the the Godhead presented themselves at Jesus' baptism and Jesus instructed the apostles to baptize in the name each of the Persons of the Godhead.
People are free to believe and say what they understand to be true. But, likewise, we are free to refute wat we think is false teaching. I suggest that you google "Modalism" to learn more about why I am saying this.
The very fact that we have a Father and a Son begs the question of a Granson and equally important AN ISRAEL OF GOD , A heavenly Jacob. Thats y the new birth is so important its the means by which Christ will be multiplied in humanity as the stars of heaven ( by his Seed the words of the new covenant ) Without this Abrahamic Trinity there wd have neva been a nation of ISRAEL . likewise without the heavenly trinity there cannot be an Israel of God via the seed of Christ that are gonna be as the stars of heaven. Remember that great Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven,Thats y the Sower will go forth to sow his precious seed the living word in humanity. That we might be bornagain of his incorruptible seed. Thus an ISRAEL OF GOD.
In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God- the Word was God! The Word became flesh (Jesus Christ) and dwelt among us. Read John 1:1-14
The bottom line God said I am alpha and omega (first and last) it is natural for us not to understand how someone can be first and last but spiritually we are able to discern if someone is first and last all they are stating the are the only one.
Jesus was God manifest (clearly shown) in the flesh, there are three manifestation of God but there is only one God and his name is Jesus!
What you are saying is When Paul asked Who are thou Lord he was addressing the Lord he was taught in Judaism, When Jesus answered he realized that The Lord he was addressing IS the Lord of Judaism and He's Jesus. Am I correct?
God bless.
You are espousing a Oneness Doctrine that denies the Triune nature of God and promotes what as been known as Modalism over the centuries. This teaching has been deemed heresy throughout church history. It is refuted by Scripture as all three persons of the the Godhead presented themselves at Jesus' baptism and Jesus instructed the apostles to baptize in the name each of the Persons of the Godhead.
People are free to believe and say what they understand to be true. But, likewise, we are free to refute wat we think is false teaching. I suggest that you google "Modalism" to learn more about why I am saying this.
In His Love,
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