If the only begotten Son of God is in heaven now at the right hand of the father. Then can you tell me what nature do he consist of. Flesh and blood/ flesh and bones or Spirit and give Bible chapter and verse for your answer.
Yes, and we will see Him face to face in all of His glory. Glory! Glory! Seeing Him will be the moist beautiful sight for our glorified self to behold. We will discover more about Him than we could ever know here in this life. And we will spend eternity discovering who He is.
We will finally free of sinfulness and we will only be with others who no longer sin. We will be totally transformed to love each other as we ought, having righteous relationships. If love goodness and righteousness here on earth, we much more will we be blessed by what we will experience in heaven. I'm ready and can't wait! But God has a time for me to leave this life, and in the mean time, I will serve Him, grow in grace and godliness, and the knowledge of Him who saved me, a sinner.
My understanding is that Jesus rose from the grave in a physical body. He also ascended to heaven in a physical body. John's account of the resurrection shows that the tomb was opened and the linen cloth that was wrapped around Jesus' body was still there, but no body. If He rose in Spirit only, the body would still be there.
Also, in Matthew Chapter 28, Jesus makes a personal appearance after He rose from the grave. He had to have been in a physical body because Matthew 28:9 tells us that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary actually grabbed Him by the feet. And then we know from what Jesus says to Thomas in John 20:27 that He had to be in a physical body because Jesus told Thomas to touch him. You can't feel spirit.
But to answer your question about the nature in which He exists right now, whether it be flesh and blood, flesh and bones, or Spirit?
1 Corinthians 15:50 tells us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We see in Luke chapter 24 that they thought Jesus was a spirit. But Jesus says in Luke 24:39, "Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have." It is interesting that He doesn't say flesh and blood, but flesh and bones. Could the reason for Him saying that be because He shed all His blood at the cross?
Jesus ascended in bodily form. In Acts 1:11, these two in white apparel said "Ye men of Galilee." Notice that they were called Galileans. I don't know if you are aware of it or not but all of the disciples were Galileans except for Judas. He's the only one that was not a Galilean. He was from the city of Iscariot outside of Galilee. So he's telling them that this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven.
So if He was seen ascending into heaven in bodily form, and we are told that He will return in the same manner, I would have to believe that He is now at the right hand of the Father in a flesh/bones/glorified body!
Jesse An interesting aspect of this is everyone beats up judas for betraying Jesus Christ yet all the disciples copped out with fear and guilt, yet all were forgiven including Judas my understanding is the twelve apostles were given the command to go to Jerusalem and when Judas saw Jesus christ ascend to heaven that's when the guilt peaked and he during that event and suicided that's when the angels said ye men of galilee.
I for one am not going to beat Judas up. What Judas did was in fulfillment of prophecy. However, I do not believe that Judas ever received salvation prior to committing suicide. I know the bible says that Judas repented, but the word repent (METAMELOMAI) used in that instance is not the same word for true repentance (METANOEO) as in making a decision to change the direction of your life and surrendering your life to Christ.
Although, he is definitely an interesting character to study. From all biblical and historical accounts, Judas was evil from the time Christ chose him, all the way up to his death. I believe Jesus had to choose an evil man to fulfil an evil deed. Just my thoughts!
What is fascinating to me is that when the twelve were sitting at the table with Jesus and He says "Didn't I choose you all, and one of you is a devil." He was speaking of Judas. But what is interesting is that they all asked the same question, "Is it me?"
You would think that after three years together in close fellowship, one of them would have whispered to the other "You know, that Judas guy seems sort of suspect." But they didn't know. What is even scarier to think about is how many Judas' do we have in our church fellowships today? How many in our congregations look, act, and sound like believers, but yet are still void of the indwelling Spirit of Christ in them? Scary thought, but something to think about!
Jesse The last statement speaks loudly, even still as it is written by their fruits we will know them or the way I like to put it I'd rather see a sermon than hear one. God Bless
Jesse The is absolutely reality I have seen things literally just walking in a room, we cannot appreciate the magnitude of what we have in Him, I heard a Teaching once In the epistle of !st John it says nummerace places [as he is] so are we spiritually in this world. We have a spiritual resurrected christ in us!, its enough to endeavour to renew the mind and walk in that. Second half Brother its all good. God Bless
Hi and thanks for your interesting post . I believe that Jesus washed Judas's feet along with the other apostles . I also believe that Judas was trying to force Jesus's hand , pressuring him to restore the Kingdom to Israel by leading a revolt against the Romans . Jesus told the disciples of John the Baptist of the signs that he is the Messiah , Matthew Ch 11 , V 5 , these are things that the Jews believed the Messiah would be able to do along with restoring the Kingdom to Israel , I believe that this is what Judas was looking for from Jesus . Many of the scribes and Pharisees had seen the miracles that Jesus did with their own eyes ,yet they still kept asking for a ' sign ' ,Matthew Ch 12 and Luke Ch 11 . The only prophecy that Jesus hadn't fulfilled was restoring the Kingdom to Israel , he had fulfilled all the other prophecies . Judas was trying to force Jesus into taking the action that he thought was the thing that Jesus was there to do at that time . These are just my thoughts and I know I could be wrong about them .Judas was looking for the physical restoration not the spiritual , Judas was of this world , Jesus says...John Ch 18 . Hope I've explained myself ok .
Hi Jesse I never stated to the best of my knowledge he was ever saved or repented and I do understand he fulfilled prophecy I also see where like I shared he was there and saw jesus Christ rise and beside being obviously twisted by the adversary the guilt killed Him. Jesus Christ never condemned Him. Just a perspective
Very good explanation. Thanks. Yes, Jesus, fully God and fully man, rose with His body. The human and God union He possessed was not separated when He ascended into heaven. The change in heaven is that His human body is glorified, as ours will be as we are resurrected. This is classic orthodox teaching.
GiGi, Amen. We (all those who have been born of God's Spirit) have been justified (declared not guilty), sanctified (set apart for God's purposes), and one day we will be glorified in Christ Jesus. What a beautiful image!!!
Jesse If it wasn't for the hope of the return and the gathering together we really would have nothing to look forward to as Paul said. It will be incredible Face to Face.
Jesse A while back you shared that to understand to a greater depth some things in Gods Word it helps to know some of original language and eastern thought. It sorta adds gravy to good mashed potatoes so to speak.
Yes, and we will see Him face to face in all of His glory. Glory! Glory! Seeing Him will be the moist beautiful sight for our glorified self to behold. We will discover more about Him than we could ever know here in this life. And we will spend eternity discovering who He is.
We will finally free of sinfulness and we will only be with others who no longer sin. We will be totally transformed to love each other as we ought, having righteous relationships. If love goodness and righteousness here on earth, we much more will we be blessed by what we will experience in heaven. I'm ready and can't wait! But God has a time for me to leave this life, and in the mean time, I will serve Him, grow in grace and godliness, and the knowledge of Him who saved me, a sinner.
My understanding is that Jesus rose from the grave in a physical body. He also ascended to heaven in a physical body. John's account of the resurrection shows that the tomb was opened and the linen cloth that was wrapped around Jesus' body was still there, but no body. If He rose in Spirit only, the body would still be there.
Also, in Matthew Chapter 28, Jesus makes a personal appearance after He rose from the grave. He had to have been in a physical body because Matthew 28:9 tells us that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary actually grabbed Him by the feet. And then we know from what Jesus says to Thomas in John 20:27 that He had to be in a physical body because Jesus told Thomas to touch him. You can't feel spirit.
But to answer your question about the nature in which He exists right now, whether it be flesh and blood, flesh and bones, or Spirit?
1 Corinthians 15:50 tells us that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. We see in Luke chapter 24 that they thought Jesus was a spirit. But Jesus says in Luke 24:39, "Touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have." It is interesting that He doesn't say flesh and blood, but flesh and bones. Could the reason for Him saying that be because He shed all His blood at the cross?
Jesus ascended in bodily form. In Acts 1:11, these two in white apparel said "Ye men of Galilee." Notice that they were called Galileans. I don't know if you are aware of it or not but all of the disciples were Galileans except for Judas. He's the only one that was not a Galilean. He was from the city of Iscariot outside of Galilee. So he's telling them that this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen Him go into heaven.
So if He was seen ascending into heaven in bodily form, and we are told that He will return in the same manner, I would have to believe that He is now at the right hand of the Father in a flesh/bones/glorified body!
I for one am not going to beat Judas up. What Judas did was in fulfillment of prophecy. However, I do not believe that Judas ever received salvation prior to committing suicide. I know the bible says that Judas repented, but the word repent (METAMELOMAI) used in that instance is not the same word for true repentance (METANOEO) as in making a decision to change the direction of your life and surrendering your life to Christ.
Although, he is definitely an interesting character to study. From all biblical and historical accounts, Judas was evil from the time Christ chose him, all the way up to his death. I believe Jesus had to choose an evil man to fulfil an evil deed. Just my thoughts!
What is fascinating to me is that when the twelve were sitting at the table with Jesus and He says "Didn't I choose you all, and one of you is a devil." He was speaking of Judas. But what is interesting is that they all asked the same question, "Is it me?"
You would think that after three years together in close fellowship, one of them would have whispered to the other "You know, that Judas guy seems sort of suspect." But they didn't know. What is even scarier to think about is how many Judas' do we have in our church fellowships today? How many in our congregations look, act, and sound like believers, but yet are still void of the indwelling Spirit of Christ in them? Scary thought, but something to think about!
That's a great way of putting it. If Christ is in us, sometimes we don't even need to say a word for others to know they are in His presence.
And by the way, I was not insinuating that you thought Judas got saved. That was me throwing that out on the table.
Great talking with you my brother!
I agree. Jesus Christ is our blessed hope ( Titus 2:13). 1 Corinthians 15:14 also comes to mind.
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