Bible Discussion Thread

  • Parable of the Fig Tree - 3 years ago
    This is a comment from 12 years ago which could help pinpoint prophesy:

    [Itsme Thistime on Jeremiah 24]

    Mark 13:28 Christ tells us "Learn the parable of the fig tree" letting us know that it is imperative that those who follow Him learn this scripture. This let's us know we are in the last generation RIGHT NOW, because Judah had not been in Jerusalem since before Christ was born, until 1948 when they were aloud to return after WWII. To rephrase for better understanding, this parable let's us know that the end wouldn't come until Judah returned to Jerusalem. Judah was taken captive by the babylonians hundreds of years before Christ was on the earth, and had not returned until May 15, 1948, signifying the beginning of the last generation, or "the generation of the fig tree".

    I asked a Jewish scholar how long a generation is, according to Jews. It's 70 years.


    I don't want to argue generation time frames, please. Thanks :)
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    So enjoy your posts!

    Just want to make one correction. Judah was in Israel in Jesus' time. They returned after the Babylonian captivity. But we scattered from Israel when the Romans sacked Jerusalem in 70 A.D. They were scattered all over the globe and Israel ceased to exist until 1948. Some think that this is not a true Israel return, others accept it. For me, I will let God determine that. I pray that He will send evangelists to Israel and preach the gospel boldly there.

    God's blessing on you today.
  • Truth prevails - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I don't believe God restored Israel in 1948 . They have yet to Acknowledge Jesus as lord .

    The promised land was given to the British after the ww1 , they defeated the Ottoman empire in war . The British where given the promised land believe it or not check history . The Ottoman Empire signed a peace treaty with The British and ceased to be a power .

    During ww2 the Jews made deals with the British to help them win a war with Germany etc . The Jews got USA into the war and turned the tide big time . Shorty after Jews had a much easier time getting back home . The British won the war the Jews did not , or was able to defeat the Ottoman Empire .

    The British did not pick a fight they just finished it .

    Spoils go to the victor . Jews made business deals to enter a conquerored land .

    The Lord does restore Israel of old but it happens when He comes back .
  • Date Setting the END OF DAYS. - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I totally believe what you say. I was living in Tulsa Oklahoma in 1988. More Christians than you can believe. It was a time of massive street ministry. Oral Roberts college town!

    The date came and went. I truly believe God is NOT going to allow people to predict dates or events; or Him.

    The date came and went. We'll do better to evangelize folks and quit using date setting to motivate us. We should believe and do what the Bible says. Beware of false teaching, date setting. False prophets.

    TWO PREACHERS is a YouTube channel that accepts disaster videos from all over this globe. It shows us that just because our neighborhoods aren't affected Yet; doesn't mean it won't be. God is busy motivating people! Repent and receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. Pray always.

    We know what to be doing NOW. Two Preachers shows remote disaster torn places, preaches the gospel and gives out free Bibles to people who are saved and baptized.

    There is even a video of a mega Church in America; the preacher said: the Ten Commandments are not needed anymore! All we have to do is obey loving one another?

    Folks our only defense is to know what the Bible really teaches. Matthew 5, Jesus reaffirms Old Testament laws still in force. And the 2 new Commandments Jesus gave.

    Do we see Jesus's Love calming American streets and Neighborhoods? Do Christians drive their cars obeying speed limits, basic courtesy, etc. Our driving skills need to be saved. If the kids go downtown to protest, drink & throw rocks; QUIT giving them money or cars to go downtown!

    Whoever has the money, controls the household.

    Our kids have to learn to survive a hostile world, so they can Move Out after high school. Quit babying them. What DOES the Bible teach in the Book of Proverbs? Do that, teach that. That is How we love them. Not bail money; Gods Love.

    Now go search 'Two Preachers' on YouTube. The earth is hemorrhaging all over. Jesus gave the signs in Matthew 24; Luke 21.

  • Bro dan - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Mishael,

    I enjoyed your post and thoughts so much today, that I wanted to highlight some of the contents again, and comment on them.

    You stated: "The date came and went. We'll do better to evangelize folks and quit using date setting to motivate us. We should believe and do what the Bible says. Beware of false teaching, date setting. False prophets."

    I agree with your encouraging words above, and to me, this verse brings it home:

    Matthew 6:34

    "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

    Also, your wise observance of the Mega Church preaching a strange kind of doctrine below:

    "There is even a video of a mega Church in America; the preacher said: the Ten Commandments are not needed anymore! All we have to do is obey loving one another?"

    Agree, and Jesus cautioned several times that prior to His Second Coming to watch out for false prophets/teachers:

    Matthew 24:11

    "And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many."

    You state: "Folks our only defense is to know what the Bible really teaches. Matthew 5, Jesus reaffirms Old Testament laws still in force. And the 2 new Commandments Jesus gave."

    Amen. God Bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi. TP.

    I believe the flesh is on the bones, but the spirit is not in them yet.

    Ezekiel 37:8-14. And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them.

    Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live.

    So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

    Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.

    Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

    And ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves,

    And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the LORD have spoken it, and performed it, saith the LORD.

    And these preceding verses haven't happened yet.

    Ezekiel 3715:28.

    God bless.
  • Truth prevails - In Reply - 3 years ago
    When the lord comes back He will restore those in Judah and Jerusalem, that are left , only a remnant will survive the horrific times ahead for that region known as Israel , God will root out the wicked and save his people and fight all those armies that will surround Jerusalem at that time . As of Days old . What a time that will be .

    I can't quote the verses but I know the story .

    There is hope ahead indeed , for we are not appointed to wrath . Praise God !
  • English Sacha - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Yes , just when Israel's adversaries think they have won the battle , Christ will return to put a stop to their shenanigans . It's going to be aaaaaaawesome !
  • Jesse - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Mishael,

    If I may add a little perspective on Mark 13:30. And please know that I am not being argumentative as you mention you are not looking for an argument. I'm not looking for one either. I truly respect you for the things you share here and I always enjoy reading your posts. Thank you for that. You don't even need to respond back. I just want to share some info that I've learned on this word generation that is used here. The word in the Greek text is the word GENEA, and it has nothing to do with years. It means a race or kind of people. I'm not sure if you recall, but I remember that there was a group back in the mid 80's that said that Christ was coming back in 1988. They came up with this calculation from taking the 1948 date and adding 40 years to that. At that time, they considered a generation to be 40 years. So they took the word generation, and put 40 years to it and came up with Jesus returning in 1988. Well, that didn't happen. But since that time, there has been other groups coming up with exact dates of Jesus' return. They also believe that the word generation means years when that is not what the word GENEA means. It means a race or kind of people. In Mark 13:30 where Jesus said this generation shall not pass, the generation, (Race) He was speaking of is the Jews. What Jesus was saying was this generation, meaning this people (Jews), they are not going to pass away until all things are fulfilled. They are my chosen people, the elect.

    Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative. and I don't expect any response unless the Lord leads you to respond. I just wanted to share this definition of GENEA with you. If it did refer to years, I would agree with you on the number 70. But then again, we've passed that date also. Have a very blessed day!
  • English Sacha - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Yes , I've heard that too ,70 years is a generation .
  • Be Bold, Brave and Tell What You Know - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Read my reply to Spencer. I was in Tulsa the day , that day came and Went. Real quiet.

    The EXODUS in the Bible shows us that the Lord does react to grumbling, feet dragging and unbelief. Many of them wanted to return to Egypt (sin). They had it better there. God allowed the older generation to pass away, naturally, from age and unbelief, and grumbling. All the times I read that story I feel the pain of our Fathers heart, as each one died; never knowing the victory that lay ahead. He planted seed in Joshua's heart and spirit; and Caleb. Let Us feel the Fathers heart in our own generation? Pray for God to build strength and faith__within us__His servants. We are not our own. We were bought with a PRICE. Jesus on the Cross dying, for our sins. Delivering to those who believeHis Authority and Victory over Satan (an outlaw spirit) a fired Archangel. Busted to being covered in worms. Isaiah 14.

    And all of Nimrods kingdom, principalities, powers, Babylon, Chaldeans (occult origins) and Book of Enoch: descendant of CAIN. The Enoch that walked with GOD and was taken to Heaven: is the descendant of SETH. Seth, whom the holy bloodline of Jesus, flowed. Let's remember and teachthere were TWO ENOCHS. Often. Many people are confused. Forget books. Read Bible Geneologies.

    People don't read the BEGATS. Too boring. However, the begats reveal lies and untruths.

    Where would we be if Mary had waken, saw Gabriel the decided it was a too garlicky roasted goat she ate at dinner? See my point? What if Paul thought he was drunk from too much sun that day?

    Look how long it took for someone to preach, there are in fact, recorded; TWO ENOCHS. May we shout it from the rooftops.

    Satan's web of lies has been struck with a stick and tossed to the ditch.

    My heart is overflowing with huge joy!! One brick less for Satan to hide behind.

    Somebody say hallelujah!!!

    Mishael (70 years old) :D
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi mishael It is interesting that you mention Nimrod when the scripture says he was a mighty hunter before the lord it means In His face or absolutely defiant to the true God. His kingdom was the beginning of all other anti God belief systems of the world, the unbelievers learned from his reign and spread it out after the tower of babel. When you look this guy up in secular history its bad. Very educational Historical reading This guy was a kingpin for the adversary.
  • Whatever is Pure__Whatever is of Good Report - In Reply - 3 years ago
    With my testimony, I tell this because it is bad. But I wanted all to know how harmful it is to have keen curiosity about who the Chaldeans are, Nimrod's Legacy (he died young) was left to his wife; whom history days she was his wife and mother (others say a witch). They had a son.

    Ahabs wife (Jezebel) was so bad, it was prophesied the dogs would drag her bones away; which they did. Her spirit (evil) causes many bad manifestations against people, to present day. It's bad. My advise is to view some Derek Prince videos. Eph.6. It's a spirit and it's invisible. It often afflicts men.

    (I'm not directing this towards you personally ok?) Christians should be wise and not study that. It's occult. Through Paul, Eph.6, plead the blood of Jesus and keep that armor on.

    May we all REFUSE to observe Halloween this year, if possible. Turn off the porch light. Give no place to the devil.

    Have an 80's flashback and listen to "to hell with the devil". One of my favorites. :D Mishael

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