Hi Wayne. The Triune God, as the Godhead is sometimes described, is a difficult concept for us to understand or describe. Even if we say that God exists in three Persons or Entities, this also fails in conveying a correct meaning. The only way to understand this, is to acknowledge that God has chosen to manifest Himself to us by the Word that issues forth from His Being and by His Spirit that He sends forth from His Being. God could also manifest Himself in other ways - we're not told, except by the manner declared here.
It would be an incorrect belief to think of God as three gods - it's only the One God declaring Himself to the World by His Word & His Spirit. In a poor example, it would be like the Sun in our galaxy: God has created it to give us light & heat (which we need for survival). If even one of those emanations from the sun are removed, we would be annihilated.
From within God, He always despatched His Word to His people (by His Mouth or through the mouths of His prophets). But "in these last days" He has spoken to us by His Son ( Hebrews 1:1,2). And Who is this Son? He is "the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power". This very emanation from God, His Word, was given flesh (even as you quoted John 1:1-14), for the purposes to bring God's Word for the last time to His people & to be the one & only means for their salvation (by His sacrifice for them). But God did not abandon the Gentiles; as this Word (the Good News) was carried by the apostles of Christ & the Church, Gentiles could also have the opportunity to hear, to believe & to call upon that Name to be saved. And that Word that went out to both Jew & Gentile was empowered by God's Spirit, so that all who hear may be 'reproved of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment' ( John 16:8).
I've just shared this to show how the ONE God manifests Himself & works, by sending out His Word & His Spirit to accomplish His purposes.
Hiya Christ GM But you do not understand the Godhead , Its very simply ,Its exactly like Abraham Issac and Jacob . Father Son and Granson 3 distinct beings but 1 Posterity ( 1 bloodline ) . That resulted in the nation of Israel Just as Abraham offered up his only Son Isaac so God Almighty offered up his only son Jesus . When they saw Jesus with that crown of thorns on his head they remembered that RAM CAUGHT IN THE thicket by his horns .The Godhead is simply Father, Son and GRANSON , Thats y God told Moses that his Name was Abraham Issac and Jacob. And thats y God, his Father made that great Promise that Christ his only son wd be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven,And thats y the Sower will go forth to sow his Precious Seed the Living Word in humanity that It might initiate a birth of Christ in all men . Making us Gods as Jesus Said to WHOM THE WORD CAME IT MADE THEM GODS and the scripture CANNOT BE BROKEN . Just as Abraham was multiplied as the sands of the seas so God is gonna be multiplied as the Stars of HEAVEN. Thus there will be an Israel of GOD VIA THE SEEDS OF Christ, This is what God wanted to tell Moses at the bush when he told Moses that his name was Abraham , Issac, and Jacob this is my NAME FOR EVER and my MEMORIAL TO ALL GENERATIONS I.E. there is gonna be an Israel of God. Its God himself that wants a posterity,Thats what ABRAHAM means exaulted FATHER, Ya gotta realize the very reason Jesus died is that he might be Multiplied as the stars of heaven ( that he might bring many Sons into Glory via his seed the Word ) even in the natural when a seed dies it multiplies as that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. the Child of Promise, that results from his seed being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the words of God which was the Promise, Behold i send the Promise of my FATHER UPON YOU. which was baptism of the H.G. K MI VOY
Hello Alex. Thanks for your comments which I have seen previously written to others. To respond to all what you've stated would take too long & be tedious, since I would challenge you on almost everything you stated. However, to note what you wrote: "God told Moses that his Name was Abraham Issac and Jacob." My Bible tells me that God spoke to Moses in this manner: "I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." There would be a big difference in God's Name being Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob and God being the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
I understand that you have an agenda to push here, but any Bible reader, & particularly those well studied in the Scriptures, would discern that what you've shared is highly spiritualized & bears little resemblance to the revealed Scriptures & the correct 'dividing' of them. Thank you for your time.
GM Chris GBU But you are leaving out Exodus 3 : 15 God is telling Moses His name is Abraham Issac and Jacob and that is my Name Forever and Memorial to all Generations ,Why wd God tell Moses that is name is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob simply b/c these 3 men are a Posterity of the nation of Israel ,A type of the kingdom of God the very kingdom of God, The very fact that we have a Father and Son begs the Question of a Granson and an Israel of GOD. Without this Abraham Issac and Jacob ,Father, Son and Granson scenario there cannot be an Israel of God. Its Gods Memorial to ALL Generation , Even the Davidic Kingdom was Father, Son and Granson and Our Lord indentifies with this Davidic Kingdom saying I AM THE ROOT AND THE OFFSPRING OF DAVID THE BRIGHT and the Morning star.( His memorial ) Isaiah describes the Davidic Kingdom as Jesse , David and and Solomon. Father Son and Granson in Isaiah 11: 1.Meaning there is gonna be heavenly Granson which is the H.G. th Son that comes out of Christ loins ( his seed the word) When he breathe on them that was his word which is his seed ,they were impregnated with his seed the word .Thats y Jesus tells them b/c i have spoken these words sorrows have filled your hearts a spritual pregnancy. The Child of Promise which is the H.G. was not born till Pentacost some 50 days later. Chris remember God wd NOT let David the son build the Temple, God wd only let Solomon the Granson, that son that came out of Davids loins build the temple . It means that the Granson which is the seed ,the word that Christ sows in our hearts is gonna build the temple in our hearts. He is truly the multiplication of God Almighty ,Its our bodies that is gonna be the Temple of the H.G. the Granson IS THE H.G. Simple b/c Christ is the one who IS GONNA sows that seed thus he is the father of the H.G. Just like Abraham,Issac n Jacob Father ,son and Granson. his Name for ever and my memorial to all generations. k
Hi Alex. Actually, I too was reading from Exodus 3:15: "And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."
My Bible tells me that God spoke to Moses & to tell the Israelites that it was He that sent Moses to them. And what was the Name that he should give them? Verse 14: "I AM". "I Am that I Am" is generally understood as 'God's Being as absolute, incomprehensible, unchanging & eternal'. And in case they couldn't grasp that Name, God confirmed that He was the same God, the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
What you read as 'God's Name is Abraham, Isaac & Jacob' because of the part of the verse that reads, "this is my name for ever", actually refers to God's Name being "I AM, Who IS the God OF Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob".
Then the rest of your belief of a "God, Son & Granson" (sic), or a "heavenly Granson which is the H.G. the Son that comes out of Christ loins", or "Christ is the one who IS GONNA sows that seed thus he is the father of the H.G." is irrelevant, erroneous, indeed bordering on blasphemy. Whoever or whatever has put such strange things in your mind needs to be rooted out & you need to re-read the Scriptures as given in a plain, intelligible manner & not trying to dig so deep for 'hidden' meanings thus making God's Holy Word infused with error & gibberish. May the Lord help us to read & understand His Word as He has plainly given to us.
Hiya Chris Just something you need to ponder.No pun intended, Jesus said these things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto Babes and sucklings ,So the bible is mostly hid spritually speaking. Remember without a parable he spoke not unto them . Everything was hid spritually speaking.The carnal man understands not the things of the Spirit as Jesus told Peter flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you but my Father in heaven.These things are hid from the wise and prudent but revealed unto babes which is that babe that is born in us from his seed the word resulting in a new creature which is spirit the H.G. That Heavenly Child as we have born the image of the early we must also bear ( birth ) the image of the heavenly which is our new innerman . Remember Israel were sola scriptura, they knew the bible every jot and title but Israel stoned almost every prophet that God sent them and rejected the Christ . Jesus asked 1 day which of the prophets have not your Father stoned. Bible knowledge alone cannot save us .Its gotta come via divine revelation . Which is the seed of Sower sown in our hearts resulting in a heavenly birth of Christ in us which is the H.G. the Child of Promise not the written word but the living word ( his voice ) today if you will hear his voice harden not you hearts . Chris the parable of the sower and his precious seed is the multiplication of very God in humanity via that living word as Peter said being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the word of God that livieth and abideth for ever. Remember what Jesus said to whom the word came it made them Gods , Remember Jesus SAID search the Scriptures in them you think you have eternal life but it is them that testify of me the living WORDS. The GRAND CHILDREN ,Jesus said the good seed ( his seeds ) are the Children of the Kingdom . k thanks for your time no pun intented .
In Ex 3, God did not tell Moses his name was Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but the God, or Elohim, of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob. He told Moses to tell them Ayah Asher Ayah, I will be, sent him unto them meaning that he could manifest himself as anything he wanted to be. Then he told Moses that his name was Yahweh.
The TRUE Israel was ALWAYS the Israel that would be CREATED by the death and resurrection of Christ.
Everything in the OLD; ONLY, pointed to the NEW.
Romans 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh (Old Israel):
Romans 2:29 But HE IS A JEW (New Israel), which is one inwardly; and circumcision is of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter (flesh); whose praise is not of men but of God.
When you are BORN AGAIN, you are no longer a gentile, but a TRUE JEW.
The true house of Israel and temple of God are his SAINTS, his OFFSPRING, his INHERITANCE, his POSSESSIONS, bought and PAID FOR.
Psalms 2:8 Ask of me (my Son), and I (the Father) shall GIVE THEE (my Son) the heathen for thine INHERITANCE, and the uttermost parts for the earth for a POSSESSION.
Psalms 2:9 And thou (my Son) shall break them with a rod of iron; and thou (my Son) shall dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel.
We are the pot and he is the potter.
Christ WILL keep breaking you, UNTIL; you AGREE with him.
Matthew 5:25 AGREE with you adversary (God the Father) quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him (while you are ALIVE); lest at any time the adversary (God the Father) deliver you to the judge (Christ), and the judge (Christ) deliver you to the officer (Death), and thou be cast into prison (the Grave).
So when we talk about the moving of the spirit we are talk about god move
So god and the spirit are one
John 1:1 and the word was god and John 1:14 the word became flash so
So God and Jesus, spirit or all one
They can't be three different persons or entities
It would be an incorrect belief to think of God as three gods - it's only the One God declaring Himself to the World by His Word & His Spirit. In a poor example, it would be like the Sun in our galaxy: God has created it to give us light & heat (which we need for survival). If even one of those emanations from the sun are removed, we would be annihilated.
From within God, He always despatched His Word to His people (by His Mouth or through the mouths of His prophets). But "in these last days" He has spoken to us by His Son ( Hebrews 1:1,2). And Who is this Son? He is "the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power". This very emanation from God, His Word, was given flesh (even as you quoted John 1:1-14), for the purposes to bring God's Word for the last time to His people & to be the one & only means for their salvation (by His sacrifice for them). But God did not abandon the Gentiles; as this Word (the Good News) was carried by the apostles of Christ & the Church, Gentiles could also have the opportunity to hear, to believe & to call upon that Name to be saved. And that Word that went out to both Jew & Gentile was empowered by God's Spirit, so that all who hear may be 'reproved of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment' ( John 16:8).
I've just shared this to show how the ONE God manifests Himself & works, by sending out His Word & His Spirit to accomplish His purposes.
Thank you for that great declaration of the trinity.
God bless you.
I understand that you have an agenda to push here, but any Bible reader, & particularly those well studied in the Scriptures, would discern that what you've shared is highly spiritualized & bears little resemblance to the revealed Scriptures & the correct 'dividing' of them. Thank you for your time.
My Bible tells me that God spoke to Moses & to tell the Israelites that it was He that sent Moses to them. And what was the Name that he should give them? Verse 14: "I AM". "I Am that I Am" is generally understood as 'God's Being as absolute, incomprehensible, unchanging & eternal'. And in case they couldn't grasp that Name, God confirmed that He was the same God, the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
What you read as 'God's Name is Abraham, Isaac & Jacob' because of the part of the verse that reads, "this is my name for ever", actually refers to God's Name being "I AM, Who IS the God OF Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob".
Then the rest of your belief of a "God, Son & Granson" (sic), or a "heavenly Granson which is the H.G. the Son that comes out of Christ loins", or "Christ is the one who IS GONNA sows that seed thus he is the father of the H.G." is irrelevant, erroneous, indeed bordering on blasphemy. Whoever or whatever has put such strange things in your mind needs to be rooted out & you need to re-read the Scriptures as given in a plain, intelligible manner & not trying to dig so deep for 'hidden' meanings thus making God's Holy Word infused with error & gibberish. May the Lord help us to read & understand His Word as He has plainly given to us.
The TRUE Israel was ALWAYS the Israel that would be CREATED by the death and resurrection of Christ.
Everything in the OLD; ONLY, pointed to the NEW.
Romans 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh (Old Israel):
Romans 2:29 But HE IS A JEW (New Israel), which is one inwardly; and circumcision is of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter (flesh); whose praise is not of men but of God.
When you are BORN AGAIN, you are no longer a gentile, but a TRUE JEW.
The true house of Israel and temple of God are his SAINTS, his OFFSPRING, his INHERITANCE, his POSSESSIONS, bought and PAID FOR.
Psalms 2:8 Ask of me (my Son), and I (the Father) shall GIVE THEE (my Son) the heathen for thine INHERITANCE, and the uttermost parts for the earth for a POSSESSION.
Psalms 2:9 And thou (my Son) shall break them with a rod of iron; and thou (my Son) shall dash them in pieces as a potter's vessel.
We are the pot and he is the potter.
Christ WILL keep breaking you, UNTIL; you AGREE with him.
Matthew 5:25 AGREE with you adversary (God the Father) quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him (while you are ALIVE); lest at any time the adversary (God the Father) deliver you to the judge (Christ), and the judge (Christ) deliver you to the officer (Death), and thou be cast into prison (the Grave).
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