This by the Bible can not be confirmed, Daniel told when the Messiah would come Daniel 9:25, 483/476.4 years from the going forth to rebuild Jerusalem and the walls. They went forth around 446 BC minus 476.4 360-day years=29 AD. If you take in Luke 3 it was the 15 th year of Tiberius Caesar who came to be emperor 14 AD, which also puts it in 29 AD. Also, Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. The start of John the Baptist ministry.
Jesus went to 3 Passovers John 2:13, John 5:1, John 6:4 The fourth Passover He was crucified, John19:14. That would put 1080 days from the first Passover Jesus after he was baptized by John the Baptist. This leaves 180 days so, this would put the baptizing of Jesus in the month of Tehri, September- October our months. 40 days of temptation and then choosing the twelve will put them before the wedding in Cana of Galilee and the first Passover Jesus went after He was baptized by John the Baptist.
Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the ninth hour on 14 th day of Nisan the 5 th day of the week. Jesus' ministry was 42 months or 1260 days. God placed Jesus at the exact day and month of the year the first Passover was done in Egypt. Jesus went into Jerusalem on the 10 th of Nisan the day the lambs were taken up and held until Passover.
Jesus was placed on the cross at 9 AM the same time the first Tamid lamb was sacrificed and put on the altar. All during that day, all the people's sin offerings were placed on the altar. Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the same time the last Tamid lamb was placed on top of all the sin offerings for that day on the altar. The First and Last. Also, the time the priest started catching the blood of people's Passover lambs and pouring it on the altar.
If God caused just the things I listed to be done at the exact time. If God wanted these dates to match to the exact second, it would have been so. May you have a purpose for your question. All is possible through faith in Jesus Christ.
Good questions I don't know if all can be answered biblically, baptism time don't know, gave up the ghost somewhere between 3pm and sunset palestine time, ministry some say 3 years some say one year, time of baptism don't know. L'm sure there will be other inputs.
John stopped baptizing around 3 pm (sun was high in sky)
If Jesus died at 3 pm that would make sense. However, sundown in Jerusalem, April 7th is 7 pm.
Jesus may have died closer to sun down, as Joseph and Nicodemus came to collect and bury Him. Before sundown the Romans broke the legs of the 2 criminals, but not Jesus, as he was already dead. Perhaps Jesus' 42 months expired, making Him succumb, prompting Him to start talking to the Father so he wasn't alone.
In contrast, anti-christ loses power when his 42 months expire, then he is consumed. This has me curious if there's an answer out there in academia, or if they are able to make such assumptions.
Hi Carrie I too work the word very intensely, there is one thing I do believe but I don't think it can be proven completely. Given that Jesus Christ always did the right thing at the right time and at the right place I choose to believe every action he did was perfect like His fathers. Also everything done to Him was Gods Will and time table Proving that scripturally whole different thing. But what we have did cool.
Carrie I know of three in depth studies done According to the Word of the last week of Jesus Christ life which actually fit perfect and all are in agreement with each other which they should be. One part I got Jesus Christ was our passover the week he was crucified, all the law had to be fulfilled so they had to have his body down before sunset because to celebrate passover they couldn't touch anything unclean also He was in the Grave three days and 3 nights reason being according to eastern law to be declared legally dead you had to be dead 72 hours. That calendar year he was crucified wednesday afternoon and down by sunset and rose between sunset and before sunrise that sabbath. The two marys showed up before sunrise and he was already risen. Really neat stuff
Good info, but it doesn't square with Joseph at sundown (7 pm) asking the roman soldier if Jesus was dead. The point is they didn't know at sundown, and had to check. The other two criminals were alive at sundown so their legs were broken.
( Luke 23:52-53)
52 This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.
53 And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid.
How could Jesus have possibly died at 3 pm, 4 hours before sundown, when Joseph took his body?
Carry Something I learned when dealing with the Gospels, all the disciples wrote what God wanted written, not all events in all gospels are identical ,similar but not identical. Also E.W. Bullinger a remarkable man Published a study numbers in scripture, he explains the reason why 4 gospels is biblically the number 4 pertains to the world, and each Gospel magnifies a certain aspect of Christ ministry. Gospel of Mathew King, Mark Servant, luke Man, John Son of God. Some very inspirational reading. Phenomenal Detail. Have fun
I'm not sure what you are working on, this is not to cause debate, I hope you don't mind if I may give some information that may help you on your search. You say they did not know at sundown and that is when Joseph took His body. Jesus was crucified on the Passover day, 14 th of Nisan, which was a preparation day for the Feast of Unleavened Bread 15 th - 21 st, which the first day is a holy convocation. That is a sabbath day that the only work you could do is to prepare food to eat. There were two Sabbaths, Friday and Saturday John called it a high day ( John 19:31). ( Exodus 12:3-11) ( Leviticus 23:5-7), ( Numbers 33:1-3)
They had to get Jesus down and in the tomb, before the sun went down, when the sun goes down it starts the next day, the 15 th that started the feast of Unleavened Bread the night they ate the Passover which the first day is a Sabbath. ( Matthew 27:46-50) ( Mark 15:34-37) ( Luke 23:52-56) ( John 19:30-31). The ninth hour is 3 to 4 PM, The preparation and Sabbath they are talking about, the 14 th Passover day, the 15 th, the first day of the feast that will start at sundown.
It may seem a long time from 3 PM to 7 PM but look at what happened after Jesus gave up the ghost, people went to Pilate to partition that the bodies be taken down. He sent the soldiers to go and break their legs at would take a while before they would die. The reason they broke their legs was they could not push up with their legs so they could breathe, so they die of asphyxia.
After that Joseph of Arimathaea went to Pilate asking for Jesus' body, Nicodemus, a Pharisee that first met Jesus at night not wanting to be seen, brought the spices for the burial. When Joseph of Arimathaea went to Pilate he did not believe Jesus was dead already, he even sent for the centurion to verify Jesus had died that quickly. You would think 6 hours would be long enough. ( Mark 15:44-45).
I hope this little amount of information will help, 2000 characters are short.
First, Jesus rose before sun rise on the first day of the week (Sunday), on the Feast of First Fruits, one of the feasts they were required to come to Jerusalem. Jesus fulfilled it, being the First Fruits of those who slept. Whatever day Jesus was crucified does not change what He endured and what He did was for us.
There are five days covered in scripture from the day Jesus rode in to Jerusalem till He was crucified, starting ( Matthew 22:12) ( Mark 11) ( Luke 19) John covers it differently ( John 12:12-50). This will rule out Wednesday because that would put Jesus' riding in on a Sabbath, he could not ride the colt/donkey, it would break the Sabbath law.
In (John12:1-8) it is six days before Passover, some say He traveled from Jericho so it could not be on a Sabbath but ( Luke 19) He went up to Jerusalem but then says it came to pass, so He could have been close to Bethany before the Sabbath. ( John 12:12-16) the next day Jesus rides into Jerusalem. So, if Jesus rode in on the first day, my choice, what is called Palm Sunday, gives you Thursday or if He rides in on the second day, Monday, gives you Friday.
Things to consider;
The third day, or the third day from? Three days and three nights? Days start and end at sunset. What preparation day, the Passover day or Friday? Passover is the 14 th of Nisan, a preparation day, one day separate from the feast 15 th - 21 st, People then and now consider it an eight-day feast and calling it the feast of Passover or the feast of unleavened bread, it is two separate things.
You see in ( John 13:1) ( Luke 22:1) ( Matthew 26:17) and in ( Mark 14:12) the first day of unleavened bread when they kill the Passover. They kill the Passover on the 14 th same day Jesus was crucified, not during the feast of unleavened bread, that started the 15 th. We have to look close with eyes wide open.
This is not enough to rightfully cover. I hope this is enough for studying, and not just enough to confuse.
Hi Ron Your not confusing me by palestine time and Judean calendar at the time of christ He had to be off the cross before sunset because they had to prepare for the traditional passover. Judean calendar wednesday was tradition passover. He died wednesday on the cross and raised from the dead 72 hrs. later sometime saturday afternoon to sunset. Sunday morning before sunrise He was already up. This is what I've worked from scripture, and judean calendar I'm not asking for agreement this is a commentary platform.
Ron Your correct judean days were at that time sunset to sunset, from what I've studied our saviour was crucified and died between 3pm. and sunset wednesday our calendar and 3 days later on saturday by sunset he raised from the dead, 72 hours , sunday morning when they came to the tomb He was already risen. I'm not here to dispute just to share.
Thanks for your time. I have been at the Bible talk for a long time, read enough to have a good deal memorized. I know the connections, the secrets, but the problem is, so does everyone else. Old soldiers, set in their ways. This site is fantastic, but the discussion is toxic from wanting to be right, standing up or your world will fall apart. I'd say it's the nature of the beast. So what happens is gridlock, not posting because it's not worth infringing on someone's rapture rights, that costs time to explain yourself. Well Ronald, I'll check in from time to time, and maybe I'll send you a post on how I know God's plan, and you do the same back, then we can part feeling stronger about our individual plans. I feel like a cowboy riding off into the sunset.
I'm sorry, my intent was to help, I do not claim to be anything. From your reply I feel I insulted your knowledge and I ask your forgiveness. I thought we were discussing when Jesus was here and about His crucifixion. I did not say anything about the rapture. I hope for you, peace and happiness.
What was the time of day when Jesus was baptized?
What was the time of day when Jesus gave up the ghost?
Are these two dates 42 months apart, to the minute?
This by the Bible can not be confirmed, Daniel told when the Messiah would come Daniel 9:25, 483/476.4 years from the going forth to rebuild Jerusalem and the walls. They went forth around 446 BC minus 476.4 360-day years=29 AD. If you take in Luke 3 it was the 15 th year of Tiberius Caesar who came to be emperor 14 AD, which also puts it in 29 AD. Also, Pontius Pilate ruled from 26-36 A.D. The start of John the Baptist ministry.
Jesus went to 3 Passovers John 2:13, John 5:1, John 6:4 The fourth Passover He was crucified, John19:14. That would put 1080 days from the first Passover Jesus after he was baptized by John the Baptist. This leaves 180 days so, this would put the baptizing of Jesus in the month of Tehri, September- October our months. 40 days of temptation and then choosing the twelve will put them before the wedding in Cana of Galilee and the first Passover Jesus went after He was baptized by John the Baptist.
Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the ninth hour on 14 th day of Nisan the 5 th day of the week. Jesus' ministry was 42 months or 1260 days. God placed Jesus at the exact day and month of the year the first Passover was done in Egypt. Jesus went into Jerusalem on the 10 th of Nisan the day the lambs were taken up and held until Passover.
Jesus was placed on the cross at 9 AM the same time the first Tamid lamb was sacrificed and put on the altar. All during that day, all the people's sin offerings were placed on the altar. Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 PM the same time the last Tamid lamb was placed on top of all the sin offerings for that day on the altar. The First and Last. Also, the time the priest started catching the blood of people's Passover lambs and pouring it on the altar.
If God caused just the things I listed to be done at the exact time. If God wanted these dates to match to the exact second, it would have been so. May you have a purpose for your question. All is possible through faith in Jesus Christ.
John stopped baptizing around 3 pm (sun was high in sky)
If Jesus died at 3 pm that would make sense. However, sundown in Jerusalem, April 7th is 7 pm.
Jesus may have died closer to sun down, as Joseph and Nicodemus came to collect and bury Him. Before sundown the Romans broke the legs of the 2 criminals, but not Jesus, as he was already dead. Perhaps Jesus' 42 months expired, making Him succumb, prompting Him to start talking to the Father so he wasn't alone.
In contrast, anti-christ loses power when his 42 months expire, then he is consumed. This has me curious if there's an answer out there in academia, or if they are able to make such assumptions.
It's a little off, but Hitler's end was his 1942-45 Russian campaign that lasted exactly 42 months!!!
The branches that make up anti-christ will rule all strong holds for 42 months.
I didn't believe you, but Google has confirmed it. The History Chanel did a story on Hitler escaping from Berlin via sub to Argentina/Brazil.
Hitler was financed on both sides of the Atlantic, him mission was to subdue Russia. I bet the Bavarians helped him escape to safety.
There's a photo from the late 60's that shows an aging Hitler with his black girlfriend.
I am a history major because this stuff thrills me. What passes for history books is carefully fabricated curriculum.
Peace in the middle east.
Good info, but it doesn't square with Joseph at sundown (7 pm) asking the roman soldier if Jesus was dead. The point is they didn't know at sundown, and had to check. The other two criminals were alive at sundown so their legs were broken.
( Luke 23:52-53)
52 This man went unto Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus.
53 And he took it down, and wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a sepulchre that was hewn in stone, wherein never man before was laid.
How could Jesus have possibly died at 3 pm, 4 hours before sundown, when Joseph took his body?
I'm not sure what you are working on, this is not to cause debate, I hope you don't mind if I may give some information that may help you on your search. You say they did not know at sundown and that is when Joseph took His body. Jesus was crucified on the Passover day, 14 th of Nisan, which was a preparation day for the Feast of Unleavened Bread 15 th - 21 st, which the first day is a holy convocation. That is a sabbath day that the only work you could do is to prepare food to eat. There were two Sabbaths, Friday and Saturday John called it a high day ( John 19:31). ( Exodus 12:3-11) ( Leviticus 23:5-7), ( Numbers 33:1-3)
They had to get Jesus down and in the tomb, before the sun went down, when the sun goes down it starts the next day, the 15 th that started the feast of Unleavened Bread the night they ate the Passover which the first day is a Sabbath. ( Matthew 27:46-50) ( Mark 15:34-37) ( Luke 23:52-56) ( John 19:30-31). The ninth hour is 3 to 4 PM, The preparation and Sabbath they are talking about, the 14 th Passover day, the 15 th, the first day of the feast that will start at sundown.
It may seem a long time from 3 PM to 7 PM but look at what happened after Jesus gave up the ghost, people went to Pilate to partition that the bodies be taken down. He sent the soldiers to go and break their legs at would take a while before they would die. The reason they broke their legs was they could not push up with their legs so they could breathe, so they die of asphyxia.
After that Joseph of Arimathaea went to Pilate asking for Jesus' body, Nicodemus, a Pharisee that first met Jesus at night not wanting to be seen, brought the spices for the burial. When Joseph of Arimathaea went to Pilate he did not believe Jesus was dead already, he even sent for the centurion to verify Jesus had died that quickly. You would think 6 hours would be long enough. ( Mark 15:44-45).
I hope this little amount of information will help, 2000 characters are short.
First, Jesus rose before sun rise on the first day of the week (Sunday), on the Feast of First Fruits, one of the feasts they were required to come to Jerusalem. Jesus fulfilled it, being the First Fruits of those who slept. Whatever day Jesus was crucified does not change what He endured and what He did was for us.
There are five days covered in scripture from the day Jesus rode in to Jerusalem till He was crucified, starting ( Matthew 22:12) ( Mark 11) ( Luke 19) John covers it differently ( John 12:12-50). This will rule out Wednesday because that would put Jesus' riding in on a Sabbath, he could not ride the colt/donkey, it would break the Sabbath law.
In (John12:1-8) it is six days before Passover, some say He traveled from Jericho so it could not be on a Sabbath but ( Luke 19) He went up to Jerusalem but then says it came to pass, so He could have been close to Bethany before the Sabbath. ( John 12:12-16) the next day Jesus rides into Jerusalem. So, if Jesus rode in on the first day, my choice, what is called Palm Sunday, gives you Thursday or if He rides in on the second day, Monday, gives you Friday.
Things to consider;
The third day, or the third day from? Three days and three nights? Days start and end at sunset. What preparation day, the Passover day or Friday? Passover is the 14 th of Nisan, a preparation day, one day separate from the feast 15 th - 21 st, People then and now consider it an eight-day feast and calling it the feast of Passover or the feast of unleavened bread, it is two separate things.
You see in ( John 13:1) ( Luke 22:1) ( Matthew 26:17) and in ( Mark 14:12) the first day of unleavened bread when they kill the Passover. They kill the Passover on the 14 th same day Jesus was crucified, not during the feast of unleavened bread, that started the 15 th. We have to look close with eyes wide open.
This is not enough to rightfully cover. I hope this is enough for studying, and not just enough to confuse.
Thanks for your time. I have been at the Bible talk for a long time, read enough to have a good deal memorized. I know the connections, the secrets, but the problem is, so does everyone else. Old soldiers, set in their ways. This site is fantastic, but the discussion is toxic from wanting to be right, standing up or your world will fall apart. I'd say it's the nature of the beast. So what happens is gridlock, not posting because it's not worth infringing on someone's rapture rights, that costs time to explain yourself. Well Ronald, I'll check in from time to time, and maybe I'll send you a post on how I know God's plan, and you do the same back, then we can part feeling stronger about our individual plans. I feel like a cowboy riding off into the sunset.
I'm sorry, my intent was to help, I do not claim to be anything. From your reply I feel I insulted your knowledge and I ask your forgiveness. I thought we were discussing when Jesus was here and about His crucifixion. I did not say anything about the rapture. I hope for you, peace and happiness.
Saturday at sundown
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