Bible Discussion Thread

  • Earl Bowman - 3 years ago

    May CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    John wrote these words 1900 hundred years ago. It could be another 2000 years or more until the second resurrection, NO ONE KNOWS. These words have to have the same meaning to all who read them; whatever time (1900 years ago or 2000 years from now) they themselves are in.

    Babylon REPRESENTS something, it is not literal.

    Judah was taken into captivity by Babylon because they LOVED the world more than they loved God.

    It is no different TODAY we LOVE the world more than we love God.

    We (creation) are a HARLOT OF BABYLON because we have left our FIRST LOVE (our husband, Christ) and dote on the things of the world.

    We to are a captive of Babylon.

    Jesus came to set the CAPTIVES free (liberty in Christ).

    Revelation 18:4 And I heard a voice in heaven, saying, COME OUT OF HER, my people....

    Come back to your HUSBAND. Become ONE.

    You must DIE (first death) to the world, you must give YOUR LIFE for CHRIST as he gave HIS LIFE FOR YOU.

    Colossians 1:27 ... mystery of the ages.... CHRIST (who ONLY hath immortality) IN YOU, the hope of glory.

    Philippians 2:5 Let THIS MINE be in you, which was also IN CHRIST JESUS:

    Philippians 2:6 Who being in the form (image) of GOD, thought it not robbery to be EQUAL WITH GOD.

    Christ and the Father are ONE.

    John 17:21 That they ALL BE ONE, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be ONE IN US: that the world MAY BELIEVE that thou has sent me.

    Jesus told Judah (his chosen) that they would DIE in Babylon.

    Paul said, I DIE DAILY.

  • Dianne - In Reply - 3 years ago
    The term or reference to babylon biblically was first tied to nimrod and out of that came the kingdom of babylon which is a system of beliefs originating from our arch enemy the adversary. The great whore babylon in the book of revelation is the enemies worldly system of wealth and power against the true Gods on earth. It is biblically a figure of speech to bring attention to the god of this worlds influences on man and believers. Look up mystery religion Babylon, interesting read all eastern based religions except Christianity its roots are tied into Kingdom of babylon before and after tower of Babylon.
  • Richard Estrada - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl Bowman,

    I beg to differ that Babylon is an literal nation, with a king ( Jeremiah 50/51). Take Revelation 17, it showcases the two end-time powers, Babylon & the beast. They both fight each other and the beast emerges victorious to create a one religion, one world govt. Now look at Ezekiel 38 and how Israel (both houses) are soundly defeated by Gog. God commissions the beast to destroy His sinful people, Israel, that is a fact. It is no stretch of the imagination to see that Ezekiel 38 & Revelation 17 parallels Israel and Babylon, they are interchangeable, and both are defeated in the same manner.

    Modern day Israel lost their identity and have effectively become Babylon. If the US makes a bad military decision, they bomb Russia's ally, that's a recipe for disaster. This surprise attack will be as real as WWI or WWII, and people will die by the billions. The US has no way to stop hypersonic weapons. 1 Sarmat missile can destroy a land mass the size of Texas. 1 Poseidon torpedo can bring a 150 foot tsunami wave to either coast. These weapons will be used to sink Mystery Babylon/Babylon in under 1 hour. anti-christ will control every stronghold for a time.

    Have you ever read any WWII stories about devout Christian's? Some thought Hitler was antichrist, they were obviously wrong. But now, in our time, we are convinced, as they were in the 40's, that these are the end-times. Some even thought the 6 day war was going to bring about Jesus. The point is, we live in the physical world, and for us to get to where we are going, we need space and time to merge. Also, our leaders are very much aware of Biblical prophesy, they go out of their way to fulfill it to their advantage. Let's say the Bible had a completely different prophetic narrative, you'd better believe our leaders would follow that alternative narrative to the letter. Our civilization is headed towards the gates of hades, and we have front row seats.

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