1 After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.
2 Then they carried the ark into Dagon's temple and set it beside Dagon.
3 When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.
4 But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained.
5 That is why to this day neither the priests of Dagon nor any others who enter Dagon's temple at Ashdod step on the threshold.
6 The LORD's hand was heavy upon the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation upon them and afflicted them with tumors.
7 When the men of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, "The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us.
8 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, "What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?" They answered, "Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath." So it was moved to Israel.
9 But after they had moved it, the LORD's hand was against THAT city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.
10 So they sent the ark of God to Ekron. As the ark of God was entering Ekron, the people of Ekron cried out, "They have brought the ark of the god of Israel around to kill us and our people.
11 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and said, "Send the ark of the god of Israel away; let it go back to its own place, or it will kill us and our people. For death had filled the city with panic; God's hand was very heavy upon it.
Babylonians sacked Jerusalem. The Ark had found its way to Ethiopia, where it still resides in the town of Aksum, in the St. Mary of Zion cathedral.
Wow!! Thank u so much!!!! I knew it was around!!! How could it not be? Kinda makes since it would be in Ethiopia. All Praises To The Most High I appreciate u
Read the 3 new posts on. Theories Versus Scripture. Scripture shows that the true Ark of the Covenant (Testament) is in Heaven.
There was a copy of the Ark made by the Babylonians. I missed reading that in past posts. But something made me go back and read this news articles again.
I sure do appreciate the time u took to answer my reply, thank u. U said that the Ark is in Heaven, and it was scripture? Just by touching the Ark of the covenant of God, men died, I believe it exsists still today & maybe is hidden to keep people from knowing the Truth, makes since the Tribe of Judah bringing it to Ethiopia, either way thank u God bless u
Before king Nebuchadnezzar could pillage the temple, around 604 BC, God told Jeremiah to uproot and replant David's throne, north and west in the isles. He took a princess (tender branch) and groom to heal the Pharez/Zarah scarlet breach, the throne unbroken.
The ark was put in Jeremiah's care. He did go to Ethiopia for matchmaking David's throne with 2 young royals from each line of Judah (Pharez & Zarah). Remember God's promise to David that he would never lack a man to sit on his throne. At this point, 604 BC Babylonian rule, only 1 king remained alive in Judah, so Jeremiah traveled to the British isles to set up David's throne.
Google "Jacobs Pillar stone". You will see it clear as day. It is the coronation stone kings have been consecrated upon for centuries. Jeremiah brought this stone from Israel, the same stone that brought forth water in Egypt. Christ has an active throne to return to, that endured forever, per prophesy.
Ask yourself what would the ark of the Covenant be doing in Ethiopia, if not cover for it's true resting place in London, England.
And you think God left part of David's throne in Ethiopia? Is that where Jeremiah planted David's unbroken throne or did he take what he came for (tender branch) and go north and west to the isles? In 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar freed the house of Israel's 10 northern tribes from Assyrian bondage, and instead of going back to Israel, they went north and west to the isles. They blended in with the locals in their new home (New Israel). This is how the house of Israel became European kings from coast to coast, related to one another.
Don't trust a convenient story or you will wind up sifting through lies.
I hadn't seen Grant Jeffreys findings. Before that, the best anyone could come up with, was the ark was hidden underneath a church in Ethiopia.
I'm thinking, why was there not hordes of people camped out on their lawn?
Grant Jeffery is deceased now. He was not a charlatan type of Christian who would sell a book without investigating it himself.
Back when I did my study, some 15 yrs ago, that book wasn't printed yet.
Irregardless of who, what, when__The BIBLE says the real ARK is in heaven. I'll believe that over a book or news report any day!
We wouldn't be having this conversation if anyone had seen the Scripture. Testament and Covenant are the same thing.
The New Testament that is written in the Bible, is the New Covenant that Jesus Christ RATIFIED with His own blood on the Cross.
The veil in the Temple, which was large enough to cover an airplane (not a big jet); was torn from top to bottom, after Jesus said: "IT IS FINISHED". (completed). What did he mean?? He wasn't saying he was finished. He was saying the Mosaic Covenant was finished.
The New Covenant (Testament) was now IN FORCE. No human would've been able to tear a veil of that size, top to bottom. God did it.
Don't you know when the Pharisees got back from watching the crucifixion... they were in shock seeing that veil ripped top to bottom?!
There's been a fight since then: Torah versus Bible. The Disciples had to write the Bible. That took some time. There was great struggle to put the WHOLE complete Bible into the hands of common ordinary people. Read the history of that. People were burned at stake and murdered for secretly trying to get the Bible into all people's hands. King James of England helped put it in our hands.
That's more story and amazing than where the Ark is? If we'd slow down and read each word, we woulda seen the Ark is in Heaven!
Jesus wants us to Evangelize the lost and those with scales on their eyes and ears. I've done that 30 years. You?
I'm just now seeing all the full comments, you're right about Jesus being the New covenant, the veil tearing & removing the scales from peoples eyes, I'm going just focus on Jesus Thank u God bless you
Theories versus Scripture part three - In Reply - 3 years ago
Nope. I never believed it was in Ethiopia. Because no one was ever able to verify that.
There would be wars and lawsuits if they had the Ark.
Ther have been excavations galore in Israel searching for secret places, and nothing has been published yet. They are refurbishing King David's Palace. Lots of reports of that; with photos.
These are all matters that the Jews and Palestinians are very passionate about. The Palestinians want the Land back, because they say: "Abraham was our father too."
If you read through all Covenants, you'll see that the Covenant FOR THE LAND of Israel was made with Abraham and his wife SARAH; and with their child Isaac. Isaac's son Jacob, his name was later changed to ISRAEL; after he wrestled with the Angel all night.
Abrahams son Ishmael, born to Abraham through Hagar, was given a special BLESSING by God. His bloodline would produce Princes, Power, great Wealth. God did not forget Ishmael. Their claims against Israel in 2021 are against the Covenant.
The WARS to come, have only one outcome. God watches over Israel. They are the Apple of Gods eye. The Bible says Ishmael is like a bull; pushing, butting heads. To keep at it is pure folly. To add Russia and China to their hopeless fight__will END this world as it is known today. The Antichrist will arise to deceive all people's on earth, to give him their power to wipe out Israel. Tiny little Israel that is only 7 miles wide. People jog that far on their morning runs in the USA. My advise is, keep informed on the daily news. There is more unfulfilled prophesy on Russia and China.
What's the USA government doing? They have people living on stimulus money, playing video games at home. A day will come when they will Have To Take A Mark on their body to get food, beer and play video games.
Keep an eye on Israel. EVANGELIZE anyone who will listen. Get off Facebook and actually talk to someone.
My opinion (not based on anything Biblical, but just speculation) is that the ark was destroyed. I think if it existed, people would know about it, and people are bad at keeping secrets, especially for something pricelessly valuable like the the ark. So, I think if it existed, it would have been ransacked by every country and would turn into like a world war. It's fun to believe it might be in a church today, but that doesn't seem like reality and I doubt that church has very good security- certainly nothing like the vatican or even the dome on the rock, but if even the vatican had the ark, I think armies would have marched in and taken it long by now and would have been much bloodshed over it as there was in the past.
The Clock is Ticking on Prophesy - In Reply - 3 years ago
I studied that way back when Grant Jeffery was still alive, researching.
This past weekend I remembered, I stopped searching when I realized that the Tree of Life had been first barricaded and then moved.
I followed the digs and searches for where the Garden of Eden must've been located. No evidence of its existence was found. All they have is the rivers that pointed to the area. I was obediently reading Revelation all the way through, and I fell over the Tree of Life scripture.
I had read too fast and missed the Ark of the Covenant, because in Revelation it's called Ark of the Testament. I did read on accounts of many archeological digs of those searching for it in Jerusalem. I did find it weird that in Ethiopia they had built the church over what they said was "The Ark." And nobody was around it, trying to get in to look for it. As in, money speaks.
My life got complicated and I had to concentrate on elderly sick parents and care for them. Mr Jeffery died and I'm not sure when he wrote that the "Ark" was back in Israel. I probably shouldn't say this in public, but most likely it is a reproduction. All things happen for a reason.
We know how this is going to play out, in Israel. She will be surrounded by her enemies. But first The Return of Jews to the Land. The Fig Tree blooms because they are back. They Love the Land and fight for it. They need to build more homes for the Returned Jews. The Palestinians are pushed back off Israel's Land as per the Abrahamic Covenant God has with Israel. It is a legal deed. Now God will cause them to turn back to Him for their help. They are focused on the Temple rebuild now. The whole world is against it. Tiny little Israel. It will be rebuilt because Antichrist will sit on that throne. The Ark of the C, cannot help them. Jesus will be their Ark. They must love God again and ask HIS help, and no others. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It's not a suggestion.
To see what happened to the throne, I suggest you study the births of Judah's twin boys, Pharez and Zarah (Jesus is of Pharez line), and the scarlet ribbon. The story is there in full. Learn about how the breach was healed through Jeremiah's commission. Then, and only then will you understand what happened to David's throne. The ark is NOT in heaven, it wasn't "raptured" up to heaven like a fairytale, because God ordered Jeremiah to physically move it. You make me work hard to correct a tainted record.
( Revelation 11:19) It is important to understand the time frame and steps taken to place the ark in heaven. The ark didn't just show up in heaven, it had to be transported in its time. This arrangement happens after the mystery of God is revealed.
1 After the Philistines had captured the ark of God, they took it from Ebenezer to Ashdod.
2 Then they carried the ark into Dagon's temple and set it beside Dagon.
3 When the people of Ashdod rose early the next day, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! They took Dagon and put him back in his place.
4 But the following morning when they rose, there was Dagon, fallen on his face on the ground before the ark of the LORD! His head and hands had been broken off and were lying on the threshold; only his body remained.
5 That is why to this day neither the priests of Dagon nor any others who enter Dagon's temple at Ashdod step on the threshold.
6 The LORD's hand was heavy upon the people of Ashdod and its vicinity; he brought devastation upon them and afflicted them with tumors.
7 When the men of Ashdod saw what was happening, they said, "The ark of the god of Israel must not stay here with us.
8 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and asked them, "What shall we do with the ark of the god of Israel?" They answered, "Have the ark of the god of Israel moved to Gath." So it was moved to Israel.
9 But after they had moved it, the LORD's hand was against THAT city, throwing it into a great panic. He afflicted the people of the city, both young and old, with an outbreak of tumors.
10 So they sent the ark of God to Ekron. As the ark of God was entering Ekron, the people of Ekron cried out, "They have brought the ark of the god of Israel around to kill us and our people.
11 So they called together all the rulers of the Philistines and said, "Send the ark of the god of Israel away; let it go back to its own place, or it will kill us and our people. For death had filled the city with panic; God's hand was very heavy upon it.
Babylonians sacked Jerusalem. The Ark had found its way to Ethiopia, where it still resides in the town of Aksum, in the St. Mary of Zion cathedral.
It's not on display.
There was a copy of the Ark made by the Babylonians. I missed reading that in past posts. But something made me go back and read this news articles again.
Before king Nebuchadnezzar could pillage the temple, around 604 BC, God told Jeremiah to uproot and replant David's throne, north and west in the isles. He took a princess (tender branch) and groom to heal the Pharez/Zarah scarlet breach, the throne unbroken.
The ark was put in Jeremiah's care. He did go to Ethiopia for matchmaking David's throne with 2 young royals from each line of Judah (Pharez & Zarah). Remember God's promise to David that he would never lack a man to sit on his throne. At this point, 604 BC Babylonian rule, only 1 king remained alive in Judah, so Jeremiah traveled to the British isles to set up David's throne.
Google "Jacobs Pillar stone". You will see it clear as day. It is the coronation stone kings have been consecrated upon for centuries. Jeremiah brought this stone from Israel, the same stone that brought forth water in Egypt. Christ has an active throne to return to, that endured forever, per prophesy.
Ask yourself what would the ark of the Covenant be doing in Ethiopia, if not cover for it's true resting place in London, England.
Did you study what Jeremiah's commission was?
Before Nebuchadnezzar could get it?
Study all sources and narrow it down.
The ark in Africa? Really?
Don't trust a convenient story or you will wind up sifting through lies.
I'm thinking, why was there not hordes of people camped out on their lawn?
Grant Jeffery is deceased now. He was not a charlatan type of Christian who would sell a book without investigating it himself.
Back when I did my study, some 15 yrs ago, that book wasn't printed yet.
Irregardless of who, what, when__The BIBLE says the real ARK is in heaven. I'll believe that over a book or news report any day!
We wouldn't be having this conversation if anyone had seen the Scripture. Testament and Covenant are the same thing.
The New Testament that is written in the Bible, is the New Covenant that Jesus Christ RATIFIED with His own blood on the Cross.
The veil in the Temple, which was large enough to cover an airplane (not a big jet); was torn from top to bottom, after Jesus said: "IT IS FINISHED". (completed). What did he mean?? He wasn't saying he was finished. He was saying the Mosaic Covenant was finished.
The New Covenant (Testament) was now IN FORCE. No human would've been able to tear a veil of that size, top to bottom. God did it.
Don't you know when the Pharisees got back from watching the crucifixion... they were in shock seeing that veil ripped top to bottom?!
There's been a fight since then: Torah versus Bible. The Disciples had to write the Bible. That took some time. There was great struggle to put the WHOLE complete Bible into the hands of common ordinary people. Read the history of that. People were burned at stake and murdered for secretly trying to get the Bible into all people's hands. King James of England helped put it in our hands.
That's more story and amazing than where the Ark is? If we'd slow down and read each word, we woulda seen the Ark is in Heaven!
Jesus wants us to Evangelize the lost and those with scales on their eyes and ears. I've done that 30 years. You?
There would be wars and lawsuits if they had the Ark.
Ther have been excavations galore in Israel searching for secret places, and nothing has been published yet. They are refurbishing King David's Palace. Lots of reports of that; with photos.
These are all matters that the Jews and Palestinians are very passionate about. The Palestinians want the Land back, because they say: "Abraham was our father too."
If you read through all Covenants, you'll see that the Covenant FOR THE LAND of Israel was made with Abraham and his wife SARAH; and with their child Isaac. Isaac's son Jacob, his name was later changed to ISRAEL; after he wrestled with the Angel all night.
Abrahams son Ishmael, born to Abraham through Hagar, was given a special BLESSING by God. His bloodline would produce Princes, Power, great Wealth. God did not forget Ishmael. Their claims against Israel in 2021 are against the Covenant.
The WARS to come, have only one outcome. God watches over Israel. They are the Apple of Gods eye. The Bible says Ishmael is like a bull; pushing, butting heads. To keep at it is pure folly. To add Russia and China to their hopeless fight__will END this world as it is known today. The Antichrist will arise to deceive all people's on earth, to give him their power to wipe out Israel. Tiny little Israel that is only 7 miles wide. People jog that far on their morning runs in the USA. My advise is, keep informed on the daily news. There is more unfulfilled prophesy on Russia and China.
What's the USA government doing? They have people living on stimulus money, playing video games at home. A day will come when they will Have To Take A Mark on their body to get food, beer and play video games.
Keep an eye on Israel. EVANGELIZE anyone who will listen. Get off Facebook and actually talk to someone.
"Babylonians sacked Jerusalem. The Ark had found its way to Ethiopia, where it still resides in the town of Aksum, in the St. Mary of Zion cathedral."
I'm glad you've had a change of heart.
This past weekend I remembered, I stopped searching when I realized that the Tree of Life had been first barricaded and then moved.
I followed the digs and searches for where the Garden of Eden must've been located. No evidence of its existence was found. All they have is the rivers that pointed to the area. I was obediently reading Revelation all the way through, and I fell over the Tree of Life scripture.
I had read too fast and missed the Ark of the Covenant, because in Revelation it's called Ark of the Testament. I did read on accounts of many archeological digs of those searching for it in Jerusalem. I did find it weird that in Ethiopia they had built the church over what they said was "The Ark." And nobody was around it, trying to get in to look for it. As in, money speaks.
My life got complicated and I had to concentrate on elderly sick parents and care for them. Mr Jeffery died and I'm not sure when he wrote that the "Ark" was back in Israel. I probably shouldn't say this in public, but most likely it is a reproduction. All things happen for a reason.
We know how this is going to play out, in Israel. She will be surrounded by her enemies. But first The Return of Jews to the Land. The Fig Tree blooms because they are back. They Love the Land and fight for it. They need to build more homes for the Returned Jews. The Palestinians are pushed back off Israel's Land as per the Abrahamic Covenant God has with Israel. It is a legal deed. Now God will cause them to turn back to Him for their help. They are focused on the Temple rebuild now. The whole world is against it. Tiny little Israel. It will be rebuilt because Antichrist will sit on that throne. The Ark of the C, cannot help them. Jesus will be their Ark. They must love God again and ask HIS help, and no others. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. It's not a suggestion.
To see what happened to the throne, I suggest you study the births of Judah's twin boys, Pharez and Zarah (Jesus is of Pharez line), and the scarlet ribbon. The story is there in full. Learn about how the breach was healed through Jeremiah's commission. Then, and only then will you understand what happened to David's throne. The ark is NOT in heaven, it wasn't "raptured" up to heaven like a fairytale, because God ordered Jeremiah to physically move it. You make me work hard to correct a tainted record.
( Revelation 11:19) It is important to understand the time frame and steps taken to place the ark in heaven. The ark didn't just show up in heaven, it had to be transported in its time. This arrangement happens after the mystery of God is revealed.
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