Bible Discussion Thread

  • Nehemiah Irby on Luke 24 - 3 years ago
    does the bible say anything about the silent years between the old and the new testament. was God silent for 400 years?
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 24 - 3 years ago
    In my second paragraph, I should have said "However, in those silent years & beyond..."; because the period given to the writing of the apocryphal books extended beyond what we consider the silent years between the Testaments. Apologies.
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 24 - 3 years ago
    Hi Nehemiah, the Bible as we have it, doesn't speak of those silent years between the Testaments. We would have to look at history to see what took place at that time, & specifically about the Medo-Persian & Roman Empires and their influence in the world, especially in Palestine. It would be best, if you're interested in that history, to read about it rather than my sharing it here in precis form. You can check it out at this very good Site, which gives a full, informative & easy to read account: templemount dot org. Go to the Reference Links at the bottom of the page & click on 'The 400 Years between the Hebrew & Christian Scriptures by Ray Stedman'.

    However, during those silent years, from between 200 BC & 400 AD, several writings appeared what we now refer to as the Apocryphal Books. They received a mixed reception, some believing that they were vital information to be included with the rest of Scripture, to others believing that under various tests, those writings proved to be uninspired & contained inaccuracies. So they were not included in the Canon of Scripture we have now in the KJV.

    When you read of the plight of the Jews during those silent years & what they suffered under the hands of those Empires, they too must have wondered, 'why was God keeping quiet & not dealing with the enemy, to bring His promised Saviour to us to defeat them'. But God's Word says, "But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons." Galatians 4:4,5. At the appointed time, God did move - not for a physical salvation from the human enemy, but a spiritual salvation from the unseen wicked enemy of our souls. God was no more silent. But now after 2000 years, the same question is asked by some, "where is God in our sufferings?" "When will He come to remove us?" When the fulness of (God's) time is come, Jesus WILL come again.
  • Carleton - In Reply on Luke 24 - 3 years ago
    Thank you Chris. It does seem that two thousand years and more later, God's people again want physical leading more than spiritual leading in this earth, even after the risen Son. Hopefully not so much that they cry out for another earthly king.

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