Bible Discussion Thread

  • S Spencer on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    Why do we blame the Government for our own behavior? We site racism, Abortion, Same sex Marriage, slavery ect... We Legalized these sins and and close our eyes to the sin of hatred and Division. Since some of these sins is Glossed over and some legalized, YOU AS A CHRISTIAN CANT PLACE THE BLAME ON THE WORLDS GOVERNMENT, WHEN GODS LAW SHOULD BE WRITTEN IN YOUR HEART.

    Take Daniel Daniel,Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; these men didn't abandon God in Babylon. They were in a foreign land and so are you.

    The difference is we help build this country the way it is, "" ALL OF US""

    King David I know he had his own sins as we all do but his heart was right with God, ""a repented heart""

    He was a great king when it comes to leading a nation in the statutes of Gods laws. ( HE DID WHAT WAS RIGHT IN THE EYES OF THE LORD ALL HIS DAYS )

    Do you think if he was our president we would be a better nation? Don't we have an advantage on that Era? ( We have the Holyspirit in us to direct our Lives individually to form a nation barring fruit.

    Who's Governing you?
  • Mild Bill - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    S Spencer,

    "The difference is we help build this country the way it is, "" ALL OF US""

    If you want to include yourself, I don't know you well enough to object,

    however, "all" is an accusation against brethren, and we both know who

    is famous for that.

    America is one of the least ungodly nations on Earth. The bedrock is

    the Constitution, created with biblical principles in the minds of the

    writers. It is a contract between the people who understand their

    political rights come from God, and the government. The people agree to comply

    with the government when the government follows the Constitution/law. The

    problem we have today is that the governing bodies are departing from

    following the Constitution. You can't legislate people to be saved.

    "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people". It is

    wholly inadequate to the government of any other." - John Adams

    Too many Americans are strangers to the word of God.

    To your point, believers have a part in shaping our society but the decline

    in morality is not something "all" believers must bear. I am persuaded that

    laodicean lukewarmness is on the rise in representing the church in the

    world today. A seduction of wealth and goods has blinded many a local

    church from seeing it's need for a lord to rule and a purpose to accomplish.

    That church is neither hot/soothing or cold/refreshing to our Lord. Workers

    in the harvest are sparse and that ought not to be. All is not lost, because

    our Lord is still offering Laodiceans gold, to repentent ones.

    It is laziness to project the end of times is near and all world wrongs will be

    righted in some biblical cataclysmic event, when instead, working to increase

    the harvest of souls is indeed something of our Lords will we know pleases him.

    That repentence could usher in a revival of the true church with godly believers.

    Why rant/vent here?
  • Steven Spencer - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    Hi Mild Bill

    All of us means both political parties.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    Hi Mild Bill,

    We actually agree, The short of it is ,I opened up with a question, quoting " Why do we " Blame " the government for our own behavior?

    You see we got a constitution created with biblical principles as you said and I agree.

    The constitution can't change the heart of the individual just like the law couldn't change the heart of a jew. He's a jew outwardly not inwardly,

    Individually the Holyspirit should govern our hearts. The jews was never able to accomplish the law, and Righteousness wasn't to come by it, tho they was inspired and never amended. Its called the ministry of condemnation, And we was never able fulfill the constitution yet it was amended 27 times I think. We are now in the Church age, The spirit takes residents in us we're without out excuses so as an individual Christian we can't blame the Government. but as a nation its scary because we should have a greater influence than any other country, A Christian is known by the love we have for one another, as A Christian nation it shouldn't be no different.

    Other countries see us no different than them. Israel was called a degenerate vine, The LORD is the true vine the church is the branches, we bare fruit because we're connected to him not the nation.
  • Mild Bill - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    S Spencer,

    "A Christian nation it shouldn't be no different."

    I just read your response at this late date. I reject your thought that America is or ever was a Christian nation. I do accept the fact that at it's inception, it was a nation "of" professing Christians primarily dominating the society, and as such, that faith should be reflected in the character of it's elected leaders and issues of governance.

    "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

    John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

    Therein lies the American delemma today.

    Those who blame the government have very little understanding of how it is supposed to work. As recently retired I have expanded my reading time and quite a few books have handled American history, politics and western cultural development. This site is not the place to go into the many interesting things I've learned, but I do wish to leave you with one smattering of facts. At the time of the Civil War the majority of American churches taught a covenant theology and truely believed that victory of the church in world affairs would usher in the return of Christ. Also, the "Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection", by Charles Darwin was hailed as science advancing knowledge and lent support to the position of racial descrimination that has so inflamed our society to this very day. Ironically Lincoln's party was no less discriminatory than the southerners and carried that fault in their political stance well into the 1920's. Only after the Civil War did the Federal government begin to swell into the massive financial and intrusive monster it is today.

    Given a chance to sit down and discuss these and more matters, I can imagine more agreement between us.

    One more pre-America tidbit, look up the 1746 destruction of the French fleet and the connection to Boston.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    Hi Mild Bill,

    ""I reject your thought that America is or ever was a Christian nation""

    Bill You're going to Love this!!

    I reject my thought that America is or ever was a Christian nation also!!

    Guess why, I never thought that, In fact mever said it either. You would have to go back maybe a week Past your first response and pull up a separate thread then come forward to this thread and you will see I went to great lengths to show why I believe " A body of believers called out of all nations is a nation of its own, called the Church. It is what will be raptured up. There is no geographic land mass we can call a holy nation.

    But Israel ( in a different way )

    Here is the comment you're referring to:

    "A Christian nation it shouldn't be no different"

    This was a sarcastic rebuttal to that notion embodied in a larger statement that shouldn't have been mistaken.

    There was another thread that went on for a day or two displaying foolish pride that needed to be dealt with.

    That's when I started a separate thread with the rebuttal.

    You may have missed that because maybe a day or so later you responded and again today.
  • Adam - In Reply on Esther 2:10 - 4 years ago
    When people cite non-Bible books (man's opinion) to 'prove' a point, it usually has little credibility. Just turn on the TV or read a newspaper and most of what is written is unsubstantiated opinion or pure falsehoods. Society seems more corrupt and more willing to lie and deceive than any other time in my lifetime. The lies and propaganda is so blatant, but somehow they have been successful in silencing and cancelling any voices that tell the truth. It's similar to how many communist dictatorship countries got their start.

    So, when I hear someone adamantly saying the US was not a Christian nation then says a few authors of history books said so, I don't believe it. I instead believe the evidence of historical documents quoting the Bible, of speeches quoting scripture, of monuments honoring God and scripture, of our dollar bill which still says in God we trust, of our pledge of allegiance which has God in it. Yes, some were Masons too, but most were Christians who desperately wanted freedom. Now, we have pro-communist people trying to destroy the country and limit your freedom that so many fought and died for. So, yes, this is a Christian nation, is still, but has fallen greatly. Immorality and sin will be it's demise, however, just like how Rome or many other powerful entities fell. No anti-conservative or anti-Christian propaganda will change my mind on what the truth is. If someone is confused on what the truth is they should seek God and pray.

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