a. "How can one be lost if Jesus saves him? If Jesus saves (i.e. saved by having faith in Jesus' sacrificial work on the Cross & subsequently indwelt by the Holy Spirit), then no one, whether oneself, another, the Devil, can 'un-save' you. The problem arises when we see a believer, hear his testimony & see his new life, & we deem him a saved/born again person. But do we really know what happened in that encounter with the Spirit of God? Was there contrition for sin, true repentance, & a re-birth experience? We can never know, nor are we given such licence to do so - that is God's department. We are just to accept each other, love each other & encourage each other in our faith. So, the true believer cannot be lost & the test is his continual hatred of anything that smells of sin, his struggle against it as well as a great desire to please God & live for Him. If he wants to & relishes sin, then "by their fruits ye shall know them" ( Mt 7:20).
b. "Once ur saved aren't u saved eternally?" Yes we are because God's Spirit has done the saving & not man. Sometimes, the Gospel preacher can get so excited & proactive in sharing the Gospel, he won't stop until he gets a confession of sin & prayer of repentance from the unbeliever. We are to preach & persuade from the Scriptures & leave it to the Spirit to take over. So many of those are then convinced that they are now born again & end up derelicts in faith & their final end made worse than the beginning. The Scripture I often use in support is in 1 John 5:13: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that YE MAY KNOW that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." We can know now - Today - that the salvation Christ has given us is real & the promise of eternal life is our possession now. There are many religions, including the RCs & Muslims, that have to wait for God's final judgement to know their destiny - Jesus makes it certain for us.
Some believe you can lose your salvation. Others believe you can't. Did Jesus lie when He said that those that believe in me shall not die but have everlasting life? No. If a person keeps sinning after they are saved, They was not true when the y said they accepted Christ. Satan is not strong enough to take your salvation from you.
This is not true! Only God knows your true heart. You are still a sinner even if you are saved. You are not God and therefore you can fall from grace. But your salvation is set and held in Gods hands eternally. Paul says we all fall short of the glory of God. You can have a person whom follows all the rules but without the acknowledgement of Christ as Lord and Saviour you will not see the Father. Read Romans
Salvation is not given until people are judged and that doesn't happen until after Jesus comes. People assume they're saved as if they now can enjoy sin as much as they want with no consequence despite verses like Romans 14:12. Secondly, some people falsely assume they no longer have freewill to sin after becoming a Christian, despite all the other verses saying you can sin. Paul was a Christian and deeply struggled with his 'flesh' tempting him to sin and wrote about that in depth. There is no evidence that says your freewill to sin is stripped away. Even angels in heaven could sin, such as satan, so of course a Christian still has the ability to sin, but is supposed to actually try hard to have self control and NOT SIN. People try hard to blame others and to avoid accountability for their own actions, but no, no one forces them to sin, but themselves and their own bad choices. Those who believe Christians cannot sin are basically calling Jesus a liar. Jesus spent so much time warning his followers (Christians) to avoid sin, and shared many parables, and kept challenging them. John 14:15, Hebrews 10:26, Matthew 12:31-32. The once saved- always saved belief is a very predictable argument, but is debunked by the Bible itself if someone were to read it carefully and pray to God and ask for the heart to know the truth. Satan loves to deceive Christians into believing they have a get out of jail free card that entitles them to live in the world and enjoy unlimited sin with no consequence and of course that has the devil's signature all over it.
No one comes to the father but through me! Jesus. Once you except Christ into your heart you are Justified by his death. Then the road to learning with the Holy spirit is sanctification. You are saved from your sins past present and future period. All will far short of the Glory of God but once saved The Father (God Head) puts his hands over you and that's the end of it, you are his child! Can you still sin, yes if you dont listen to the Holy spirit. Jesus said to guard our minds. Jesus said this be cause he understood past present and future and knew we would struggle will sin in our minds. But a true Christian in true faith and relationship with Christ knows he can fall from grace. And this is why we are having this conversation so that we reinforce Gods words. If you do not have on the full armored of God how can you be perfect? You cant because most of us know we are saved because we have on the helmet of salvation but we are running around naked without the other parts of the armor that make us whole. Evan as we are saved we sin and those who say they are true Christains without sin, are not saved at all. To walk in Jesus's footsteps is to have relationship with God but to be him is impossible. Remember Jesus said we are little Gods with a small G. Dont doubt your salvation because you are not perfect or may fall from grace (sin), but instead doubt your imperfection cant get better to be more like Jesus. GOD BLESS! Jesus came to save us by dying on the cross, so that we may be saved from the raptor of certain death. Our job is to sow and grow the crops through the Gospel, dont worry about the benefits, give the Glory to God, for that is what we will be judged for, not for our sins. So give the Glory to God in everything you do. From the time you get up till the time your lie down and know that he knows your needs, and He The Father loves you greatly. Love in your hearts!
It means return to your first love when you First met Jesus. The scripture is in Revelation 2:4
Just compare your life today to those first days when you asked Jesus to come in your heart. You read your Bible. You asked the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you have read. He's your Teacher, and the Spirit of Jesus; your Comforter; your Convictor when you make mistakes, your Helper. He's here for you, now.
Pray this prayer to return to your first Love:
Lord, after what I've read today, I don't want to allow any spirit of compromise in my life! I now understand that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is compromise with the world. Lord, I don't want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. I want to break free completely from the world and its influence so I can give myself completely to Your cause! I want to be holy, to live in a way that pleases You, and to experience Your power in my life. Today I am renewing my commitment to You all over again! I turn from the world, and I am running to You!
I pray this in Jesus' Name!
Attend a full Gospel Church that teaches the same Gospel of Jesus Christ that you read in your Bible. Anything preached to you from a pulpit should be verified BY YOU in your Bible. Not a SOFT on sin Church. Revelation speaks of the Doctrine of the "Nicolaitans." Google that word. We need to know what it means (compromise).
Prophesy from the Bible teaches us in last days: the Falling Away of the Church; also Apostacy in the Church.
The temptation is to fall away and Follow the world, instead of Jesus Christ. The pull for us to do that is powerful. Who is the Tempter? Satan!
If you will study these things and not be a seeker of quick, easy, painless Christian belief, you will know more than most people.
Nicolaitans are domineering; hard on obedience and light on sin. Don't fall into that trap. JESUS said he HATED the doctrine of them.
Once ur saves aren't u saved eternally
Or can somebody urself or another make u lose ur salvation? And at what point can u ?
a. "How can one be lost if Jesus saves him? If Jesus saves (i.e. saved by having faith in Jesus' sacrificial work on the Cross & subsequently indwelt by the Holy Spirit), then no one, whether oneself, another, the Devil, can 'un-save' you. The problem arises when we see a believer, hear his testimony & see his new life, & we deem him a saved/born again person. But do we really know what happened in that encounter with the Spirit of God? Was there contrition for sin, true repentance, & a re-birth experience? We can never know, nor are we given such licence to do so - that is God's department. We are just to accept each other, love each other & encourage each other in our faith. So, the true believer cannot be lost & the test is his continual hatred of anything that smells of sin, his struggle against it as well as a great desire to please God & live for Him. If he wants to & relishes sin, then "by their fruits ye shall know them" ( Mt 7:20).
b. "Once ur saved aren't u saved eternally?" Yes we are because God's Spirit has done the saving & not man. Sometimes, the Gospel preacher can get so excited & proactive in sharing the Gospel, he won't stop until he gets a confession of sin & prayer of repentance from the unbeliever. We are to preach & persuade from the Scriptures & leave it to the Spirit to take over. So many of those are then convinced that they are now born again & end up derelicts in faith & their final end made worse than the beginning. The Scripture I often use in support is in 1 John 5:13: "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that YE MAY KNOW that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." We can know now - Today - that the salvation Christ has given us is real & the promise of eternal life is our possession now. There are many religions, including the RCs & Muslims, that have to wait for God's final judgement to know their destiny - Jesus makes it certain for us.
Just compare your life today to those first days when you asked Jesus to come in your heart. You read your Bible. You asked the Holy Spirit to help you understand what you have read. He's your Teacher, and the Spirit of Jesus; your Comforter; your Convictor when you make mistakes, your Helper. He's here for you, now.
Pray this prayer to return to your first Love:
Lord, after what I've read today, I don't want to allow any spirit of compromise in my life! I now understand that the doctrine of the Nicolaitans is compromise with the world. Lord, I don't want to live with one foot in the church and another foot in the world. I want to break free completely from the world and its influence so I can give myself completely to Your cause! I want to be holy, to live in a way that pleases You, and to experience Your power in my life. Today I am renewing my commitment to You all over again! I turn from the world, and I am running to You!
I pray this in Jesus' Name!
Attend a full Gospel Church that teaches the same Gospel of Jesus Christ that you read in your Bible. Anything preached to you from a pulpit should be verified BY YOU in your Bible. Not a SOFT on sin Church. Revelation speaks of the Doctrine of the "Nicolaitans." Google that word. We need to know what it means (compromise).
Prophesy from the Bible teaches us in last days: the Falling Away of the Church; also Apostacy in the Church.
The temptation is to fall away and Follow the world, instead of Jesus Christ. The pull for us to do that is powerful. Who is the Tempter? Satan!
If you will study these things and not be a seeker of quick, easy, painless Christian belief, you will know more than most people.
Nicolaitans are domineering; hard on obedience and light on sin. Don't fall into that trap. JESUS said he HATED the doctrine of them.
Follow what Jesus says in the Bible.
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