Dear Mishael, Thanks for the info on how to use the links. I really appreciate that.
By the way, you should never have to feel guilty for what others do. If you leave their presence because of what they do, it's because it's exactly what God has you do, and that is fine. Far better to leave then to try and condemn them. The day will come when their own conscience will condemn them. Have a great day.
We are living in some pretty strange times at the moment so it's really hard to avoid things that are unpleasant.
Hello Adam, Here is the rest of the response I sent that appeared not to completely show up in the other post..
It appears to me that you have not believed with all your heart, mind, and soul that Jesus died for the sin of mankind on the cross. In other words according to what you have written, you believe you are still a sinner. So exactly what did Jesus's death do for you? Lynn
Lynn, beware of making assumptions about me or the Bible.
Romans 6 doesn't say what you've been saying. It's not a hall pass to commit and enjoy unlimited intentional sinning. Have you read the whole chapter? The first 2 verses contradicts the idea of you can't sin. It clearly says do NOT continue in sin in verse 1, and verse 23 is another warning to avoid sin. Freedom from sin doesn't mean unlimited sinning with no consequence, verse 15. V16: obey. V18 "servants of righteousness"
I've have never met anyone who claims they are without sin and that sin doesn't apply and that God is fine with you sinning, because "it's not sin". That's a distortion of the gospel. He didn't die for you so you could take advantage of him and enjoy sin and do evil all you want. That's not Christianity. The definition of a Christian is a Christ-follower and if someone isn't following and trying to emulate Jesus Christ then they aren't a Christian. Jesus called us to a ridiculously high standard that none can achieve. Only Jesus was perfect on earth, not you. You are a sinner just like everyone else and you still do sin, but if you genuinely follow Jesus and are genuinely trying to obey his commands then you're covered by grace for all our sins. It's not a hall pass so you can act wicked in the world and can commit all kinds of evil. Do you understand the difference?
Most people will go to hell. Narrow is the gate that leads to heaven. That means if 2/3 of the world believes in God that only a portion of those who call themselves Christians will go to heaven. Matthew 7:23. It's not about being 'good' or 'earning it', but about genuinely following Jesus. If you genuinely follow Jesus you would be serious about obeying him and avoiding sin. If you don't then you don't love Jesus. John 14:15. If someone doesn't love Jesus, in my opinion they are probably going to hell. This is a serious situation. People who consider themselves Christians will go there and should be afraid. Luke 12:5.
I never make assumptions about anyone or the Bible.. I read and hear the words that are spoken and know by the words I hear how that person stands with God.
I would recommend you checking out 1 John 3:4 thru 10. Hopefully I spelled that right.
Then let me know if you still believe it's possible for folks that live their lives alive In Christ to be free from sin or not.
You're wording made no sense at all. When I say I am free from sin that does not give me liberty at all to sin. It simply means that sin no longer applies to me. I don't believe sin applies to anyone unless they believe it does.
Sin means one believes they have done something wrong in the eyes of God and must do something in order to regain God's favor.
I know everything I do at all times is exactly what God wants me to do and has me doing. I know everyone is doing exactly what God wants them to do and has them doing at all times. Most people have no understanding at all of how God rules all His creation.
However, Paul did clue us in when he spoke the words in Ephesians 4:6. I'll just let you look it up in case it doesn't print out for me.
As it stands now it's clear to me that your belief regarding what sin actually is, is not the truth according to how God has defined sin.
The problem I see is, when one has no understanding of what Jesus accomplished at the cross, it shows they are worshiping a false god and that false god is usually their religion.
I already followed Jesus straight to the cross and the old me died there with him. Then the new me was resurrected alive In Christ free from sin.
If you are still "following" Jesus, you haven't quite got to the finishing end of it. I agree it's a serious situation that all hangs on what one believes.
It saddens me to read some of your posts. They seem very prideful. So sin is just something one believes is sin to God? Sounds like a lot of people today calling evil good and good evil. You seem to think you have the mind of God in saying you know exactly everything He knows. You seem to be deeming yourself quite equal to God.
Are we not to humble ourselves? To live by producing the fruit of the Spirit? Not by the lusts of the flesh? I have also never seen anyone say that "murder" is not a sin. Much less a person saying to be following Christ.
Christ did die for our sins. But not so that we could just live in chaos and evil and wickedness and say it's not sinning anymore. Follow Jesus Christ. Forgive others that sin, try to teach them, and fight the good fight to stay away from sin and the snares of the devil. To try to be an example to others as Christ is the perfect example for us to follow. He staying away from all sin or wickedness.
Even though we have received Christ does not mean we cannot sin anymore. It means we shouldn't want to and strive to live a sinless life which is not easy especially in the world today. Along with receiving the Holy Ghost which is our helper, who will change us, and teach us what to stay away from. I'm not saying if you sin that they won't be forgiven you. As Christ died for us all. Know sin and if you happen to do something that is bad or wrong, humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. Know what you did was wrong and learn from your mistakes. You will be forgiven. Don't harden your heart and just think you are above and cannot sin anymore.
You are mistaking what you see as prideful versus what I see as the power of Christ that dwells within me.
This would be similar to Adam & Eve in the garden believing that from the moment their eyes were opened once eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that their belief changed. Prior to eating they were never ashamed of being nude and never believed God saw anything wrong with their being nude. The moment they ate they saw themselves in a while different light and tried to hide from God believing he saw their nudity as evil. In other words they tried to project what they now were seeing as evil onto God and we know that is false.
Same story still going on today. You see me as being prideful for the words that God has me speak, not understanding that via Christ in me God sees no sin. Why on earth would God send His Son to die the way He did unless He had a perfectly good plan for why He did it?
Until you come to a full understanding of the fact that sin was not imputed in Adam's time because there was no Law for sin until the time of Moses and then get a full understanding of how it is that the Covenant Law God gave to Moses to give to the Israelites "defines" sin, you will never be able to fully understand the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Being humble is knowing that God rules ALL His creation at all times. In other words, As a servant of God and Jesus Christ, I know, everything I say and do is exactly what God has me saying and doing. I rarely ever see anyone else with the belief that they are servants of God and Jesus Christ. The vast majority of folks I speak to are serving only themselves and that to me is sad
Lynn, I see in this thread people have asked you very relevant and important questions and from what I see you have dodged and avoided answering all of them. Someone secure in what they believe should not be afraid to answer questions about what they believe. Truth can handle close inspection under a bright spotlight. Lies cannot handle it. It's also apparent how others use lots of scripture references from the Bible, whereas, from what I see you have only cited one from Romans 6 and cherry picked the middle then twisted it to fit your interpretation. Even other verses in the same chapter contradict it. We all know what force is truly behind someone others that sin doesn't exist, and it is not God. Have you prayed to God about this and asked for confirmation if your interpretation is true?
Please forgive me but your belief in the "power of Christ", in you, is in no way what His power is. You seem to be making up the assumption that you cannot sin anymore. Are you still in a physical body? Do you still have to eat and sleep and go to the bathroom? These are physical things not spiritual. You are still here and you can still sin. The fight is not over until your last breath. Which is to strive to live in the Spirit, inside you, and produce fruit that is pleasing to God. If you truly love God with all your heart would you not strive to do what makes Him happy? This is not to think you can't sin anymore and just do whatever you want, to make yourself happy, and say "I'm dead to the law". This is how satan want's you to think not God.
Galatians 5:16-26 goes over this quiet well. Giving a big list of "works" of the flesh to stay away from. As there are more also. Then giving a list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit being love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. As there are also more. Then saying "against such there is no law." There is no law to one living by the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Not just making up your own thoughts on what is truly right and wrong. Is it right to God is what we should be seeking because that is what makes Him happy.
Do you think it's ok for people to just be having rampant sexual relations, women getting pregnant, and then just having abortions? Do you think God would be more pleased in people with self control or those who can't stop going after their bodily lusts getting women pregnant on accident?
Yes Christ died for all our sins and He can forgive anyone of anything. But not so you can just keep sinning and think it's ok. That is taking His gift, Jesus Christ, in vain. The only time you are truly going to be dead to sin is when your life here ends. Sin runs rampant on this earth or just call it evil, bad or wrong. Resist the devil.
It appears to me that you have a different interpretation of what sin actually is. Do you belong to a particular religion?
From the words you speak, it shows a lack of understanding in what it is to be led of the Spirit of God.
Your words also show that you have a lack of knowledge understanding exactly how one becomes a sinner and how one becomes freed from being a sinner.
Being in a physical body gives everyone the ability to be servants of God. Being in a physical body does not mean it automatically believes one is a sinner.
We all say and do exactly what God has us all saying and doing at all times.
The words you speak shows to me exactly how you stand with God. I believe all one must do is stand in front of a mirror and if that person believes they and all others are sinners that person looking back at them is a satan.
God uses both good and evil to advance His Kingdom. If and or when I see someone doing what I believe is evil, that does not necessarily mean what that person is doing is evil in the eyes of God.
When the day comes that you receive an understanding of the finished work of the cross and believe it, that is the day that God will begin emptying the old knowledge out of your system and begin filling it with His knowledge perfecting you for His work.
Being humble is knowing and understanding what it is to be a servant of the Holy and the Living God and Jesus Christ.
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour."
"If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work."
"Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart."
"But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes."
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,"
"In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;"
"And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death."
"Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him."
"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
"But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."
My Testimony is posted on this site. You are in my prayers. God Bless you.
Lynn, the Holy Spirit has graced you with spiritual knowledge, may the Spirit grace us with his words. I John 3:8-9 He that committeth sin is (the child) of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning: for this purpose the Son of Man was manifested, that he might destroy the works (unbelief) of the devil. (vs) 9 Whosoever is born (of the Spirit) of God doth not commit sin (live in unbelief); for his seed (Holy Spirit) remaineth in him and he cannot sin (live in unbelief), because he is born (of the Spirit) of God. Philippians 2:5-6 Let this mind be in you, which was also in the mind of Christ Jesus: (vs) 6 Who (Christ), being in the form (image) of (the Spirit of) God, thought it not robbery to be equal with (the Spirit of) God (does God sin). John 5:18 Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had healed on the sabbath, but said that (the Spirit of) God was his Father (who is your Father), making him equal with (the Spirit of) God (does God live in unbelief). Amos 4:13 He that formeth the mountains, and created the wind, and declareth unto man what is his thought....... Psalms 92:4-6 For thou Lord, has made me glad through thy works: I will triumph in the works of thy hands. (vs) 5 O Lord, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. (vs) 6 A brutish man (beast) knoweth not; neither doth a fool understand this.
By the way, you should never have to feel guilty for what others do. If you leave their presence because of what they do, it's because it's exactly what God has you do, and that is fine. Far better to leave then to try and condemn them. The day will come when their own conscience will condemn them. Have a great day.
We are living in some pretty strange times at the moment so it's really hard to avoid things that are unpleasant.
Lynn :)
Scriptures will show a link and print, but it has to look like this: John 3:16
Or, 1 John 1:9
Any extra spaces or commas and it will not print a link.
Your right: no links from other websites.
You can mention the name but that's all.
Hope this helps :)
It appears to me that you have not believed with all your heart, mind, and soul that Jesus died for the sin of mankind on the cross. In other words according to what you have written, you believe you are still a sinner. So exactly what did Jesus's death do for you? Lynn
Romans 6 doesn't say what you've been saying. It's not a hall pass to commit and enjoy unlimited intentional sinning. Have you read the whole chapter? The first 2 verses contradicts the idea of you can't sin. It clearly says do NOT continue in sin in verse 1, and verse 23 is another warning to avoid sin. Freedom from sin doesn't mean unlimited sinning with no consequence, verse 15. V16: obey. V18 "servants of righteousness"
I've have never met anyone who claims they are without sin and that sin doesn't apply and that God is fine with you sinning, because "it's not sin". That's a distortion of the gospel. He didn't die for you so you could take advantage of him and enjoy sin and do evil all you want. That's not Christianity. The definition of a Christian is a Christ-follower and if someone isn't following and trying to emulate Jesus Christ then they aren't a Christian. Jesus called us to a ridiculously high standard that none can achieve. Only Jesus was perfect on earth, not you. You are a sinner just like everyone else and you still do sin, but if you genuinely follow Jesus and are genuinely trying to obey his commands then you're covered by grace for all our sins. It's not a hall pass so you can act wicked in the world and can commit all kinds of evil. Do you understand the difference?
Most people will go to hell. Narrow is the gate that leads to heaven. That means if 2/3 of the world believes in God that only a portion of those who call themselves Christians will go to heaven. Matthew 7:23. It's not about being 'good' or 'earning it', but about genuinely following Jesus. If you genuinely follow Jesus you would be serious about obeying him and avoiding sin. If you don't then you don't love Jesus. John 14:15. If someone doesn't love Jesus, in my opinion they are probably going to hell. This is a serious situation. People who consider themselves Christians will go there and should be afraid. Luke 12:5.
I never make assumptions about anyone or the Bible.. I read and hear the words that are spoken and know by the words I hear how that person stands with God.
I would recommend you checking out 1 John 3:4 thru 10. Hopefully I spelled that right.
Then let me know if you still believe it's possible for folks that live their lives alive In Christ to be free from sin or not.
You're wording made no sense at all. When I say I am free from sin that does not give me liberty at all to sin. It simply means that sin no longer applies to me. I don't believe sin applies to anyone unless they believe it does.
Sin means one believes they have done something wrong in the eyes of God and must do something in order to regain God's favor.
I know everything I do at all times is exactly what God wants me to do and has me doing. I know everyone is doing exactly what God wants them to do and has them doing at all times. Most people have no understanding at all of how God rules all His creation.
However, Paul did clue us in when he spoke the words in Ephesians 4:6. I'll just let you look it up in case it doesn't print out for me.
As it stands now it's clear to me that your belief regarding what sin actually is, is not the truth according to how God has defined sin.
The problem I see is, when one has no understanding of what Jesus accomplished at the cross, it shows they are worshiping a false god and that false god is usually their religion.
I already followed Jesus straight to the cross and the old me died there with him. Then the new me was resurrected alive In Christ free from sin.
If you are still "following" Jesus, you haven't quite got to the finishing end of it. I agree it's a serious situation that all hangs on what one believes.
Have a great day. Lynn
It saddens me to read some of your posts. They seem very prideful. So sin is just something one believes is sin to God? Sounds like a lot of people today calling evil good and good evil. You seem to think you have the mind of God in saying you know exactly everything He knows. You seem to be deeming yourself quite equal to God.
Are we not to humble ourselves? To live by producing the fruit of the Spirit? Not by the lusts of the flesh? I have also never seen anyone say that "murder" is not a sin. Much less a person saying to be following Christ.
Christ did die for our sins. But not so that we could just live in chaos and evil and wickedness and say it's not sinning anymore. Follow Jesus Christ. Forgive others that sin, try to teach them, and fight the good fight to stay away from sin and the snares of the devil. To try to be an example to others as Christ is the perfect example for us to follow. He staying away from all sin or wickedness.
Even though we have received Christ does not mean we cannot sin anymore. It means we shouldn't want to and strive to live a sinless life which is not easy especially in the world today. Along with receiving the Holy Ghost which is our helper, who will change us, and teach us what to stay away from. I'm not saying if you sin that they won't be forgiven you. As Christ died for us all. Know sin and if you happen to do something that is bad or wrong, humble yourself and ask for forgiveness. Know what you did was wrong and learn from your mistakes. You will be forgiven. Don't harden your heart and just think you are above and cannot sin anymore.
You are in my prayers sister. God Bless you.
You are mistaking what you see as prideful versus what I see as the power of Christ that dwells within me.
This would be similar to Adam & Eve in the garden believing that from the moment their eyes were opened once eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, that their belief changed. Prior to eating they were never ashamed of being nude and never believed God saw anything wrong with their being nude. The moment they ate they saw themselves in a while different light and tried to hide from God believing he saw their nudity as evil. In other words they tried to project what they now were seeing as evil onto God and we know that is false.
Same story still going on today. You see me as being prideful for the words that God has me speak, not understanding that via Christ in me God sees no sin. Why on earth would God send His Son to die the way He did unless He had a perfectly good plan for why He did it?
Until you come to a full understanding of the fact that sin was not imputed in Adam's time because there was no Law for sin until the time of Moses and then get a full understanding of how it is that the Covenant Law God gave to Moses to give to the Israelites "defines" sin, you will never be able to fully understand the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Being humble is knowing that God rules ALL His creation at all times. In other words, As a servant of God and Jesus Christ, I know, everything I say and do is exactly what God has me saying and doing. I rarely ever see anyone else with the belief that they are servants of God and Jesus Christ. The vast majority of folks I speak to are serving only themselves and that to me is sad
Thank you for your response. Lynn
Galatians 5:16-26 goes over this quiet well. Giving a big list of "works" of the flesh to stay away from. As there are more also. Then giving a list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit being love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. As there are also more. Then saying "against such there is no law." There is no law to one living by the footsteps of Jesus Christ. Not just making up your own thoughts on what is truly right and wrong. Is it right to God is what we should be seeking because that is what makes Him happy.
Do you think it's ok for people to just be having rampant sexual relations, women getting pregnant, and then just having abortions? Do you think God would be more pleased in people with self control or those who can't stop going after their bodily lusts getting women pregnant on accident?
Yes Christ died for all our sins and He can forgive anyone of anything. But not so you can just keep sinning and think it's ok. That is taking His gift, Jesus Christ, in vain. The only time you are truly going to be dead to sin is when your life here ends. Sin runs rampant on this earth or just call it evil, bad or wrong. Resist the devil.
Being humble is meekness and humility.
It appears to me that you have a different interpretation of what sin actually is. Do you belong to a particular religion?
From the words you speak, it shows a lack of understanding in what it is to be led of the Spirit of God.
Your words also show that you have a lack of knowledge understanding exactly how one becomes a sinner and how one becomes freed from being a sinner.
Being in a physical body gives everyone the ability to be servants of God. Being in a physical body does not mean it automatically believes one is a sinner.
We all say and do exactly what God has us all saying and doing at all times.
The words you speak shows to me exactly how you stand with God. I believe all one must do is stand in front of a mirror and if that person believes they and all others are sinners that person looking back at them is a satan.
God uses both good and evil to advance His Kingdom. If and or when I see someone doing what I believe is evil, that does not necessarily mean what that person is doing is evil in the eyes of God.
When the day comes that you receive an understanding of the finished work of the cross and believe it, that is the day that God will begin emptying the old knowledge out of your system and begin filling it with His knowledge perfecting you for His work.
Being humble is knowing and understanding what it is to be a servant of the Holy and the Living God and Jesus Christ.
Good luck on your journey to the cross. Lynn
Just some passages from the Bible for you:
"Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."
"But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour."
"If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work."
"Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart."
"But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes."
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,"
"In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;"
"And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will."
"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us."
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
"If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death."
"Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him."
"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."
"But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof."
My Testimony is posted on this site. You are in my prayers. God Bless you.