Charles Pineda Jr Former family values Democratic candidate for Governor of Cali on Psalms 94:16 - 4 years ago
The Lord of the heavenly forces needs no human assistance, but he does use human beings to spread the Good News of Christ Jesus.
With the international bankers financing all aspects of the anti-Christ movement was Solomon full of the Holy Spirit of God and asking believers to stand up for true believers today? One Christian commentator stated that we need, today, a John Knox or Martin Luther type of individual's to stand up for the Christian family and our national moral values that our nation had until about 1963, when the Bible was taken out of our schools.
I'm still a democrat because there are ten of millions of Christian democrats. The anti-Christ people who control the party absolutely abhors us, especially candidates like me who don't change their Christian values for political position, money, favors, etc.
At times I've though of running for president as a write in candidate and do everything possible to get rid of the international bankers political party system; as that system is unconstitutional, and they are not mentioned in our Constitution. Our USA was founded without political parties, and did very well.
The only way, speaking economically, to take control of a country's treasury is through the political party system invented by the European bankers around 14th century. With the big money they make they easily have motivated candidates accept their donations thus becoming their minions. Today, the have trillions of dollars to continue to get into office anyone they want, and who will insure that their interest is dealt with effectively. They pass any laws they want and insured, today, that their banks, military industrial factories can give any amount of money to any candidate.
So, the Presidents, the Congress, and the Supreme Court justices are their minions. They put in their president, he appoints Wall Street types as Secretary of the Treasury, and appoints Judges to the Supreme Court who will pass laws such as the same sex marriage. IHS.
I'm praying for the House Reps to do what the public is writing & emailing for: Nancy Pelosi to step down. Her previous and present association to OBAMA is telling and unmasked at this point. Her hate is very evident.
What did Democrats do when last week, Singing was banned in all Churches?
Did they protest that only 30% can attend their church?
Are they not currently going after tax exempt status of Churches?
Are they not planning to make all schools and college to have co-ed bathrooms? So little girls may have an adult male in the next stall?
Dormitories on campus to be co-ed; so that women who may have been abused or raped previously,
have a transgender male as a roommate?
I am for Choice in education! My tax dollars should be withdrawn from colleges and given to parents so their kids can live off-campus; and enjoy privacy and modesty; and get an education.
I don't think anyone should count on God to not judge this nation for its loose morals, inability to enact laws that make sense: but proceed full steam to make this Nation a object of jokes and disrespected World Wide. Now, we are like every other nation!
Just the pure amount of legislation against Churches is nothing to be proud of. We as a nation have become Rome. It will burn and be no more. That's how I know God is judging us; that includes those who "govern" us.
I have visions. I am to pray and intercede for this nation. I can warn. I know there are many others who do this too. The US can't live under the radar anymore. Prophesy will push forward. United States is called "Islands of the Sea." What the Bible says, is what the US will do. You can't stop it.
The violence is not going to stop. It is a sign of the times.
Get your families in Jesus now. There's too many confirmations. Be ready to go. Keep looking for His appearing. Stop sinning and watch for Jesus.
Let's quit playing "game of Thrones" and choose life; choose Jesus before it's too late. You too.
I so appreciate your comments. To Real Life, I have wondered if the Covid pandemic, earthquakes, locusts in I believe southern Africa recently are an expression of God's displeasure and an encouragement for all lambs to get back to what matters and that is doing God's will and learning to hear him and stop sinning though we are sinful creatures.
The Dems don't seem to think properly. Too loose on morals and not aligned with scripture in my opinion.
This is certainly a unique time in the history of this Earth. Rome and Greece probably never thought they would end but they did. Likely same with the Aztec people.
I think, I could be wrong, but these powerful cultures were around for about 500 years. A drop in the bucket of time compared to eternity.
Being ready to go to me means being ready to go as in "to the next life".
Make the effort to hear His will and to do His will. Pray, have conversations with God, know this---He does not stray, He is always with us. We are the ones that stray like toddlers who think they are fine without their parent toddling off to far away.
God bless all His lambs and I pray we hear Your will.
Thank you Real Life and Charles. And Real Life, it must be hard to have the visions because this where we are is the Devil's playground as he moves to and fro searching to steal, kill and destroy God's lambs. It would be hard to see.
Really appreciated your comments, and may the Lord of the heavenly forces continue to bless you and your love ones.
I just send an e-mail to a friend of mine in So. California and told her to read Isaiah 59, verses 6-15,16-19, and 20-21.
I truly believe that the Lord of the heavenly forces, through His scriptures, can best allow us to read how He works when he is fed up with a nation.
Now, many of the actions mentioned are not related to Revelation. No they are God's judgement when His merciful limits are reached, and then His fury is appropriated to that nation, and it's non-God fearing people. Just like in Sodom and Gomorrah. God's people were saved except Lot's wife who didn't follow the instructions of the angels.
Pray for UGM Pastor/ Director Tim Lane and family who just lost his wife Olga to covid 19, and for "Jack" who has "backslid", in all probability, due to bad influences.
My best,
Charles "Chuck" Pineda, Jr.
Also Union Gospel Mission,Sacramento, Preacher on 5th Mondays
Do not be dismayed, for what is happening. True believers are the Bride of Christ, and Jesus knows who are His. He will bring us through this. Like Lots wife, do not ponder on what will happen to those who choose to stay in their sins and reject Gods Son.
The nations are much like Ezekiels dry bones. Laying in the valley of indecision. Many will stand up. Don't despair. Just prophesy (which means, to speak Gods Word) to the bones.
Even unsaved people are beginning to feel that something extraordinary is happening.
All remaining prophesy must happen first.
The secret agenda of Antichrist is not so secret now. He will take over governments, the many churches will become just one, that the False prophet will oversee.
50 million Acres of USA farmland belongs to other nations. Areas of food growth will be controlled by Antichrist. Who did this? Unbelieving corrupt industry that lives to hoard money off the backs of the innocent and poor.
There is no reason to fear or succumb to heart attacks because control is being transferred. Soon Jesus will come to pull us out of here. Stay strong in that thought and do not fear. Compel friends and neighbors to grab onto Jesus as well.
The fact that things are speeding up is a good thing. We are to be looking up, looking for Jesus in the clouds.
There are many people who come to the Prayer Request room every day, for all kinds of reasons. If we can help someone who has willingly come here for a moment of prayer or encouragement; we can reach out also to people in our neighborhood, the grocery, the drugstore, old friends in our address books. We can share our testimony and tell how we came to trust Jesus. Pray with them. Overcome the fears of living in a brand new place someday: with the Lover of our souls. The Holy Spirit comes alongside in those conversations and helps us get through to the person. Even over the phone. Miracles like that give our hearts, wings like an eagle; eyes on Jesus.
The Lord Almighty and His son Christ Jesus know that we appreciated your biblical supported comments.
Our family is like Noah's during the great flood. Since February 2020, we have been housebound, but spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus can still be done. The other day while using my credit card to buy a product I had the opportunity to speak to a fellow named Tony or Antonio in Romania. I had an opportunity to share Christ Jesus with him, and as I suggest to the persons, many who are homeless, who attend the evening services at the Sacramento Union Gospel Mission, if they accepted Christ Jesus and are in need of direction to not only read the Proverbs, but to internalize them and make them a part of their decision making processes, Antonio indicated he would look for them when he got home.
Reading is easy. Many people tell me that they have read the entire bible a few times, but many times their lifestyle and deeds don't support their reading and application of the scriptures to their own lives.
Therefore, it is necessary,again, to internalized the instructions in the Proverbs that the Lord Almighty gave to King Solomon and a few others to give to us. The Proverbs of the Lord Almighty allow one to address any issue while on planet earth. Again, reading is easy, but internalizing of the instructions of the Proverbs are challenging and difficult, especially in the areas of the flesh. After eight years, I am still learning to INTERNALIZE THEM.
While growing up no one ever stress the importance of God's Proverbs, but now as a man I fully understand their importance in our lives. If we had them in Grammar, Middle, and High school our society and nation would be much better. And for sure Satan's profanity would be taking a beating, and his movies and Dvd's would be soundly curtailed.
Charles Pineda, Jr. UGM preacher and California Parole Board Judge (Ret.);
Former Democratic, family values, candidate for Governor of California,1986-2010.
With the international bankers financing all aspects of the anti-Christ movement was Solomon full of the Holy Spirit of God and asking believers to stand up for true believers today? One Christian commentator stated that we need, today, a John Knox or Martin Luther type of individual's to stand up for the Christian family and our national moral values that our nation had until about 1963, when the Bible was taken out of our schools.
I'm still a democrat because there are ten of millions of Christian democrats. The anti-Christ people who control the party absolutely abhors us, especially candidates like me who don't change their Christian values for political position, money, favors, etc.
At times I've though of running for president as a write in candidate and do everything possible to get rid of the international bankers political party system; as that system is unconstitutional, and they are not mentioned in our Constitution. Our USA was founded without political parties, and did very well.
The only way, speaking economically, to take control of a country's treasury is through the political party system invented by the European bankers around 14th century. With the big money they make they easily have motivated candidates accept their donations thus becoming their minions. Today, the have trillions of dollars to continue to get into office anyone they want, and who will insure that their interest is dealt with effectively. They pass any laws they want and insured, today, that their banks, military industrial factories can give any amount of money to any candidate.
So, the Presidents, the Congress, and the Supreme Court justices are their minions. They put in their president, he appoints Wall Street types as Secretary of the Treasury, and appoints Judges to the Supreme Court who will pass laws such as the same sex marriage. IHS.
What did Democrats do when last week, Singing was banned in all Churches?
Did they protest that only 30% can attend their church?
Are they not currently going after tax exempt status of Churches?
Are they not planning to make all schools and college to have co-ed bathrooms? So little girls may have an adult male in the next stall?
Dormitories on campus to be co-ed; so that women who may have been abused or raped previously,
have a transgender male as a roommate?
I am for Choice in education! My tax dollars should be withdrawn from colleges and given to parents so their kids can live off-campus; and enjoy privacy and modesty; and get an education.
I don't think anyone should count on God to not judge this nation for its loose morals, inability to enact laws that make sense: but proceed full steam to make this Nation a object of jokes and disrespected World Wide. Now, we are like every other nation!
Just the pure amount of legislation against Churches is nothing to be proud of. We as a nation have become Rome. It will burn and be no more. That's how I know God is judging us; that includes those who "govern" us.
I have visions. I am to pray and intercede for this nation. I can warn. I know there are many others who do this too. The US can't live under the radar anymore. Prophesy will push forward. United States is called "Islands of the Sea." What the Bible says, is what the US will do. You can't stop it.
The violence is not going to stop. It is a sign of the times.
Get your families in Jesus now. There's too many confirmations. Be ready to go. Keep looking for His appearing. Stop sinning and watch for Jesus.
Let's quit playing "game of Thrones" and choose life; choose Jesus before it's too late. You too.
I so appreciate your comments. To Real Life, I have wondered if the Covid pandemic, earthquakes, locusts in I believe southern Africa recently are an expression of God's displeasure and an encouragement for all lambs to get back to what matters and that is doing God's will and learning to hear him and stop sinning though we are sinful creatures.
The Dems don't seem to think properly. Too loose on morals and not aligned with scripture in my opinion.
This is certainly a unique time in the history of this Earth. Rome and Greece probably never thought they would end but they did. Likely same with the Aztec people.
I think, I could be wrong, but these powerful cultures were around for about 500 years. A drop in the bucket of time compared to eternity.
Being ready to go to me means being ready to go as in "to the next life".
Make the effort to hear His will and to do His will. Pray, have conversations with God, know this---He does not stray, He is always with us. We are the ones that stray like toddlers who think they are fine without their parent toddling off to far away.
God bless all His lambs and I pray we hear Your will.
Thank you Real Life and Charles. And Real Life, it must be hard to have the visions because this where we are is the Devil's playground as he moves to and fro searching to steal, kill and destroy God's lambs. It would be hard to see.
I just send an e-mail to a friend of mine in So. California and told her to read Isaiah 59, verses 6-15,16-19, and 20-21.
I truly believe that the Lord of the heavenly forces, through His scriptures, can best allow us to read how He works when he is fed up with a nation.
Now, many of the actions mentioned are not related to Revelation. No they are God's judgement when His merciful limits are reached, and then His fury is appropriated to that nation, and it's non-God fearing people. Just like in Sodom and Gomorrah. God's people were saved except Lot's wife who didn't follow the instructions of the angels.
Pray for UGM Pastor/ Director Tim Lane and family who just lost his wife Olga to covid 19, and for "Jack" who has "backslid", in all probability, due to bad influences.
My best,
Charles "Chuck" Pineda, Jr.
Also Union Gospel Mission,Sacramento, Preacher on 5th Mondays
The nations are much like Ezekiels dry bones. Laying in the valley of indecision. Many will stand up. Don't despair. Just prophesy (which means, to speak Gods Word) to the bones.
Even unsaved people are beginning to feel that something extraordinary is happening.
All remaining prophesy must happen first.
The secret agenda of Antichrist is not so secret now. He will take over governments, the many churches will become just one, that the False prophet will oversee.
50 million Acres of USA farmland belongs to other nations. Areas of food growth will be controlled by Antichrist. Who did this? Unbelieving corrupt industry that lives to hoard money off the backs of the innocent and poor.
There is no reason to fear or succumb to heart attacks because control is being transferred. Soon Jesus will come to pull us out of here. Stay strong in that thought and do not fear. Compel friends and neighbors to grab onto Jesus as well.
The fact that things are speeding up is a good thing. We are to be looking up, looking for Jesus in the clouds.
There are many people who come to the Prayer Request room every day, for all kinds of reasons. If we can help someone who has willingly come here for a moment of prayer or encouragement; we can reach out also to people in our neighborhood, the grocery, the drugstore, old friends in our address books. We can share our testimony and tell how we came to trust Jesus. Pray with them. Overcome the fears of living in a brand new place someday: with the Lover of our souls. The Holy Spirit comes alongside in those conversations and helps us get through to the person. Even over the phone. Miracles like that give our hearts, wings like an eagle; eyes on Jesus.
Our family is like Noah's during the great flood. Since February 2020, we have been housebound, but spreading the Good News of Christ Jesus can still be done. The other day while using my credit card to buy a product I had the opportunity to speak to a fellow named Tony or Antonio in Romania. I had an opportunity to share Christ Jesus with him, and as I suggest to the persons, many who are homeless, who attend the evening services at the Sacramento Union Gospel Mission, if they accepted Christ Jesus and are in need of direction to not only read the Proverbs, but to internalize them and make them a part of their decision making processes, Antonio indicated he would look for them when he got home.
Reading is easy. Many people tell me that they have read the entire bible a few times, but many times their lifestyle and deeds don't support their reading and application of the scriptures to their own lives.
Therefore, it is necessary,again, to internalized the instructions in the Proverbs that the Lord Almighty gave to King Solomon and a few others to give to us. The Proverbs of the Lord Almighty allow one to address any issue while on planet earth. Again, reading is easy, but internalizing of the instructions of the Proverbs are challenging and difficult, especially in the areas of the flesh. After eight years, I am still learning to INTERNALIZE THEM.
While growing up no one ever stress the importance of God's Proverbs, but now as a man I fully understand their importance in our lives. If we had them in Grammar, Middle, and High school our society and nation would be much better. And for sure Satan's profanity would be taking a beating, and his movies and Dvd's would be soundly curtailed.
Charles Pineda, Jr. UGM preacher and California Parole Board Judge (Ret.);
Former Democratic, family values, candidate for Governor of California,1986-2010.
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