In Hebrews, Paul speaks to his own. These days, where our world is in danger of imploding on itself for pestilence and racial warfare, corruption of our government, in part facilitated by right wing Christians and their weeping for donation preachers. To whom shall we turn for truth, for our daily bread? I find that there is noone. Of course, all on this site say it's Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. That does me no good. Born again is any empty cliche! But I do read the bible religously and am comforted by God, El Shaddai, my creator who sits in Zion and is a God of Gods. His Son's are those who obey the Pact, which He spoke to Moses in the dessert. He is both Creator and Destroyer. He requires obedience un questioned and rewards accordingly.
The Son of God, Jesus, was presented as a lamb without spots. He came as the second Adam to reconcile an account that fell out of order and became unrighteous and sinful. That would be my account because I believe by faith and saw my very own cry in my heart for peace. I heard the call of His salvation and came to hear. I saw his peace and his humility and by his mercy I understood my sin and reached out to Jesus by faith and repented of my sin. By grace from his grace I found myself a new creature, forgiven and reconciled to God the Father by his son the Lamb of God. I had peace with God and man and most importantly love for my neighbor as myself. The Holy Spirit dwelling in my soul guides me and reproves me, sanctifies my life in me for His good purpose.
Stephende, I actually was one of those who, on the 25th October 1979, cried out "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus". I had come to see the greatness of my sins before God, by a deep intrusion into my heart by God's Spirit. It was a miracle in a moment: the burden of my sins was removed when I cried out in repentance & instantly the Peace of God from His forgiveness flooded my soul. It was a great personal transaction that can never be forgotten.
Yes, I was born again by God's Spirit; if that is 'an empty cliche' to you, it has been to me, the very source of bringing a worthless, hell-bound sinner to understand the greatness of God Love & His eternal Plan to restore mankind to Himself.
"What the Law (as perfect & Holy as it was) could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:3,4.
It is wonderful to read of your love & obedience to God. And do you obey Him fully? Remembering: "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." James 2:10. If that is you & your perfection is that which is attributed to God & His Christ, it is true, you have no need of such 'empty cliches' & you're Heaven-bound. However, I would say, for the rest of us, we would need His Sacrifice desperately as we could never keep His Laws & satisfy His Demands perfectly. To that end, God sent His only begotten Son into this World, for our sake & for our redemption through the shedding of His Blood. What the blood of bulls & goats couldn't do for Israel, Jesus Christ's Blood fully did for the sins of both Jew & Gentile alike. Keep reading His Word: Light & Truth are its blessings for all with a singular heart for God.
Yes, I was born again by God's Spirit; if that is 'an empty cliche' to you, it has been to me, the very source of bringing a worthless, hell-bound sinner to understand the greatness of God Love & His eternal Plan to restore mankind to Himself.
"What the Law (as perfect & Holy as it was) could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Romans 8:3,4.
It is wonderful to read of your love & obedience to God. And do you obey Him fully? Remembering: "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all." James 2:10. If that is you & your perfection is that which is attributed to God & His Christ, it is true, you have no need of such 'empty cliches' & you're Heaven-bound. However, I would say, for the rest of us, we would need His Sacrifice desperately as we could never keep His Laws & satisfy His Demands perfectly. To that end, God sent His only begotten Son into this World, for our sake & for our redemption through the shedding of His Blood. What the blood of bulls & goats couldn't do for Israel, Jesus Christ's Blood fully did for the sins of both Jew & Gentile alike. Keep reading His Word: Light & Truth are its blessings for all with a singular heart for God.
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