Bible Discussion Thread

  • DaLanie Armstrong on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    I need someone to help me figure something out, a family member of mine was locked up for something that the person didn't do. The person has to do 6 years. And I know that the person didn't do it because the person is a very good, loving caring person. My family got the best lawyers just for what the person was accused of, the lawyer stated that she had never lost a case. Well, she lied and took are money to use for drugs and their own personal problems. But, the trial, the whole court case was messed up. They got the victim to lie on the stand, but yet my family member has to do time. The family member of mine has lost all hope. My family member used to have super strong faith in God but know he has very little faith, maybe not any and I know that this probably isn't something to say but I really don't blame him. Having your whole life stripped away. Not to mention the money that was spent ($82 thousand). And where I live the governor is lying about how many cases are in the jails, and prisons. So I am very worried about the person, not to mention that the person has health problems. So, know for my question what should my family do, we have tried literally everything that we could. I keep being told that God, has a plan, God, has a plan. But I just don't know what to think anymore. And it really hurts my family. So, if anyone has any suggestions please, please comment on my post. I would greatly appreciate it.
  • Kim Burrow - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    It says in the Bible that we will suffer sometimes just like Jesus did. It is in these times we are to keep our faith and stay strong and trust the Lord. What profit is it when we trust him when things are going good? This is the time you all need to stay strong in God and in His word. Encourage your family member, God has a plan for their life. Even though I know it must be hard don't grow weary and faint. I pray for your strength, for peace and the courage to get through this season of your life. God will never forsake us or leave us. Keep trusting in Him, ask for guidance. God bless you all and keep the faith and give up.
  • Vickie - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Delanie, You & your family share a very great burden. To be wrongfully accused & imprisoned is certainly unfair. I would like to share these thoughts with you. The Apostle Paul was called by God to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. However, he spent much of his time in prison. He could have wondered why was God allowing this & how could he fulfill his purpose when he was locked up? Yet because of his being in prison his message reached kings & nobles & high ranking military men not to mention the letters he wrote to the churches that make up most of our New Testament, today (& his message continues to reach souls even to this very day). Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers & then Potipher's wife lied about him & he was imprisoned. He had valid reasons to lose faith & become discouraged, but he kept his faith in God & kept a positive attitude & after many years of his trials, God used him mightily to save Israel. David was anointed to be King by Samuel but had to endure many long years of running for his life from Saul while God was preparing David to become the warrior king of Israel & subdue their enemies. God knows if your family member has been wrongfully sentenced. God will be with your family member thru the entire 6 years or bring them out sooner, if he wills it. Lift up prayers to God for your family member & trust the process. Pray that your loved one will keep the faith & use this time to grow closer to God. Ask other Christians to pray for your family member. Yes, seek any means available to procure an early release, but I pray that your family member will grow where God has allowed them to be planted. Grow in Grace! Vickie
  • DaLanie - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    DaLanie, you've presented a very sad situation that so many also face, & there are no simple answers to it since the legal processes have been at work, however, erroneous they may have appeared to be. As Mishael said, you can get legal aid to find out your options & also to have a second hearing (hopefully it will proceed properly).

    You can also visit with your loved one in prison, attend to his needs, phone calls, encouraging words from the Bible, & all these under girded with much prayer, that the Lord Who sees all things, will turn the hearts of men in power. Your loved one must never feel abandoned & he should use his time in prison wisely, whether in work there as an inmate, or volunteering help to the prison system, or even having spiritual discussions with others (if he is allowed to). The authorities will notice the different person that he is, & no doubt his behaviour & submission to authority, may just lessen the sentence given. Most importantly, your loved one needs to keep his faith strong & not succumb to Satan ploys & to daily seek to use God's Love & Wisdom to minister to others. Blessings all round will surely be seen.
  • DaLanie - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    I am not aloud to go visit him, even if I wanted to which I do, I can't due to the COVID-19 outbreak. But another thing that I seem to be struggling with when it comes to this situation is that my whole family prayed constantly because we have been told that God will answer all of our prayers, but they weren't answered. And it is really disappointing.
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
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    We can look at Jesus' prayer to the Father at the Mt. of Olives ( Matthew 26:39): Jesus, in His mental agony of the great cost of redemption of mankind before Him, cries to the Father to remove this cup of suffering from Him, but that the Father's Will only be done in this. Did God sympathize with Him & said, "Yes Son, I will spare you, the world is unworthy of my Love"? We know that God's Will was that the full payment for sin & man's redemption was the sole purpose for Christ's coming to Earth. Jesus, as a MAN in pain, cried out to the Father for relief, but the Father's Response was that, pain & death had to be endured for the 'greater good' that mankind can once again be restored.

    What I've shared here DaLanie, is that we must, as God's children can come to Him with our praises & also our concerns. He delights to hear us & answer us. But we have to take into account that His Answers to us will always be according to His Will, His Perspective of the situation, & His Timing. We may feel that He doesn't hear us, or that He isn't seeing the situation as we are seeing it, but we know that our loving Father makes no mistakes & His Will will be performed to the last detail. So hang in there & look to Him expectantly & be thankful for all that transpires in this legal matter. You can use human means that are available to you (nothing wrong with that, as God works through all people; e.g. doctors, politicians, etc.), but we need to remember, that "it is God Who works both in you to will & to do of His good pleasure". ( Philippians 2:13); and this working is not only in you for your maturing in Christ, but also in all your circumstances. Just trust Him fully in this matter & continue to love Him no matter the outcome - He does ALL things well.
  • DaLanie - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Thanks, Chris. I will try to do the best I can in keeping strong faith in God and what he is working on doing. And as well as his plans. But sometimes I feel that it just isn't fair sometimes. My great-grandma when she was alive swore up and down that my family was cursed. And I am okay telling anyone that sometimes I feel that she was right. She died in 2012 then a year and one day later my mother died. And then three years and 27 days later my great-grandpa passed away. And then add on top of that what my family is dealing with the family members of mine. It is hard sometimes but I love God, I still remember the day I got saved and baptized, something that I will never forget. But Thank You so much for all of your help I appreciate it.

    As well as anyone else that commented or gave me advice thank you so much and I appreciate all of you that went out of your day to help me.

  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
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    DaLanie, okay, I do understand the restrictions for visiting at present, though no doubt, these will ease in the weeks ahead. The matter of prayer & specifically the answers we expect from God, has resulted in some folk overjoyed in answers received & others disappointed & wondering whether God even heard them.

    Prayer is essentially a child of God's conversation with his/her Father. It can comprise of many things, but mainly in praise & worship and in petition. Your urgent & longing prayer to the Father is for His intervention in your loved one's predicament & for the forces that acted against him/her be dealt with. All we can do in our petitioning to God is to first love Him & obey Him in everything He asks of us. Secondly, we have to come to Him in simple faith ( James 5:15, 16: speaks of prayer of faith & effectual, fervent prayer). Thirdly, we must pray according to His Will ( 1 John 5:14, 15: is about asking about matters that are in His Will, & if so, He will hear us (not that He doesn't receive our prayers, but that He hears with the intention of responding)). Fourthly, that His answers to our prayers are not always the way we would like it to be, i.e. God has His reasons that encompass a larger view of the matter than we have, or His timing is different, His purposes are unknown to us, etc.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    All I know is that Jesus is your Advocate;

    Your attorney who speaks for you when Satan accuses you before the throne.

    1 John 2:1

    If the defendant is innocent; then he should win his case before God.

    I'm not an attorney.

    I'm going to note that you have not said if this person is a born again Christian. Are you a Christian? Meet with legal aid and find out if evidence can be reviewed. Write everything down.
  • DaLanie - In Reply on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
    Yes, I am a christian and so is the family member of mine. I love and believe in God, but I haven't known him very long sadly. And my family is currently trying to get a public offender know to see what we can do. And I also like to believe that the person will win there case before God 100%. But, Thank you so much for your help Mishael I appreciate it. Stay safe and take care and God Bless you. :)

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