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  • Mishael on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    Jesus was born to Jewish parents! He was raised Jewish! How are you going to reconcile that fact?
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago

    You make a great point. Something else I was pondering on is that if all Jews deny Christ and are considered to be antichrist, why would God permit antichrist Jewish men to write most, if not all, the books of the New Testament? It doesn't make much sense to me!
  • Swannie - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    The *real Jews* are not circumcised by flesh but in spirit. Read Romans 2 : 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

    29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
  • Mishael to Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    I've been clobbered a few times, by the Holy Spirit on that subject. It hurts, to hurt Him. That started me on a path to understand why. I realized, from Scripture, that God has an end time program for them. I don't think they'll all be saved. I think the two witnesses are going to play a huge part in turning Jews to see that Jesus was, and is, their Messiah.

    Right now Jews are returning from countries they fled to since the 1900's. Some of them hid in the Catholic Church. But they're coming home now and lots of them are born again and know Jesus as their Savior. They aren't being secret Christians. They're happy and vocal. Having evangelistic meetings. Wish I cold go and see it.

    HATE, IS NOT part of our born again witness to an unsaved world. Jew, Gentile, Greek, Others (etc) are all welcome by Jesus to be born again now. We should be praying to the Lord of the HARVEST to send out workers (Christians) to evangelize; answer their questions.

    If a person has a heart for the Son Of God, they will lay that hate on the altar of God and walk away.

    Anyone want to know the history of the dispersion of the Jews, can read a book by Stan Telchin, called Betrayed. He was born again trying to prove Jesus was not the Messiah. Heartwarming read; lots of history. The book has much more explanation of the history.

    AbeBooks dot com has that book and all of Arthur Bloomfield's books about the End times for the world and the Jews. Arthur was old but his writings are suddenly falling into evening news.

    Being a Christian is hard when others wig out on theology. We have to TEST the spirits and be sure everything is of God; reveals the Love of Jesus. Greatest Teacher ever is the Holy Spirit. He will open up revelation that will enlarge your heart (in a good way). It will be so sweet to you, you'll want to sing endlessly.... even if you sound like a frog, like me.

    The opposite of Love is Hate. Gotta let that go. God is Love. That's our measuring stick. Amen
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    You are building on a solid foundation for sure. When I read your posts, there is always something that stands out. Here, you say we should be praying to the Lord of the HARVEST to send out workers (Christians) to evangelize. Amen!

    I wish everyone could see the truth in what you just said. He sends the workers out. I feel bad for believers who are being told that they need to get out there and get people saved. There's a lot of pressure being put on believers. Some are even told that the Lord would have come back by now if we would have been out there doing our job. There is nothing wrong with going out and sharing the gospel message, but if it is not the Lord sending us, we need to stay put.

    I spent some time with a Christian brother about 6 months ago camping at a music festival. Obviously there was a large crowd. He wanted me to go with him to share the gospel with a group of people that were not too far from where we were set up. I asked him why he wanted to go. He said because that's what we're supposed to do as Christians. I told him to go ahead, and he went. Later that evening he asked me why I didn't go with him. I looked at him and asked him if the Lord put it on his heart to go and do that? He thought about it for a second, and then said no. So I told him that's why I didn't go. If the Lord doesn't send us, we are doing it out of our own human ambition. There's no reward for that!

    And yes, the two witnesses are going to be evangelizing in the streets of Jerusalem, also, the 144,000 Jews that are sealed by God who will be evangelizing, and plus the angel flying around mid-heaven for 3-1/2 years warning people. I think God pretty much has the salvation plan covered.

    Thanks for the humor. I haven't heard the phrase "wig out" in such a long time!
  • Png - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    God has engineered all his work and assigned his workers to do the work before he created everything. One of the works is the end-time harvest. And you are on the right topic to discuss about the two men.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    When I was yet a baby Christian I got into street evangelizing after I attended a storefront church. The first time I went alone I told a group of people coming out of a bar they were blindly going to hell intoxicated. They just laughed and we know we are. I was devastated. I went home and was trying to figure out what went wrong. I hear this voice in my spirit: "are you done doing it you way? I said "Yes Sir!!"

    He showed me to study to show myself approved. To intercede for people I would meet. To pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send people in my direction. Then to pray for the people to take those first steps. I gave many people rides to church. Then over to my place for spaghetti. Well, I had times when I knew I was walking with angels nearby. I never saw them. I had the greatest feelings of joy unspeakable.

    You feel in your spirit when's the right moment to speak to someone. Most people will not refuse you saying a prayer for their needs.

    I'm older now. I have visions. Two years ago; I saw hideous storms, earthquakes in other countries, fires; the stock market; riots and pestilence. I had asked the Lord how prideful America would bow it's knee to the Antichrist. The vision was His answer.

    Six months ago He said "Fire." I studied everything in the Bible. He said, "it is not global warming." The earth temperature is rising for end time events. There are scriptures on that.

    It's about time for someone to stand up and speak peace; one world economy; one world religion.

    Like this election: they're going to have us out in the street, in a line waiting for toilet paper and rationed food like the Russians. I think this is all a dress rehearsal for the rapture. I hope it's PRE and not POST.

    What do you think
  • Jesse - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    I have never had any visions of end-time events. All I have is what was given to John in the book of Revelation. Plus we have Matthew Chapters 25 and 25. In the book of Revelation, John got to see the whole thing happen while it was happening. We don't understand that because we haven't gotten there yet. We live in a time/space factor, and everything goes according to the clock and calendar for us. But it is not that way for God, and John got caught up in spirit to see the whole thing happen while it was taking place. We haven't been there yet. One thing is for certain, it will happen exactly how John described it because he literally witnessed it happening while it happened.

    I think we have to be careful about how we approach end-time events. When dealing with end-time prophecy, we have to always keep in mind that all prophecies concerning the last days are based upon Daniel 9:24-27, which presents the 70th week of Daniel. Plus, all end-time prophecies are centered on the Jewish people. If a prophecy is ever presented as centered on the United States of America, you know it is going to be off.

    The 70th week of Daniel is a 7 year period, which will be the 7 year Tribulation Period. Right now, we are living in what is called the time of the Gentiles. The time of the Gentiles began on April 6th, 32 A.D. when Christ died and will end when Christ comes for His church. That will be the rapture. And from that point, there will be a 7 year period of tribulation before Christ returns at His second coming. And by the way, we come back with Him! What a blessed day that will be! So by now, you've probably figured out that I am a Pre-Tribber. I firmly believe in a Pre-Tribulation rapture. I know there are different views on when the rapture will take place (Pre/Mid/Post), but I stand pretty firm on my position of a Pre-Tribulation rapture.
  • Etta - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    Mishael, I'm new to this discussion board, but I was drawn to your comment because God began to speak to my spirit saying, "this is the place,' you can sink your teeth, when you feel disconnected from your church.'

    Okay, here we go. A) Revelation 11 talks about the two witnesses, B) I have visions too, I'm also called into intercession praying for our great country and it breaks my heart to see how we in this great land are treating one another, especially during this crisis, when we've been given so much, but we can sit here and fret or we can get busy for God's kingdom, because time is short.

    With social distancing, we're pretty relegated to social media, text messages and phone calls, but God will continue to empower His people to do what He's called us to do, if we're willing.

    Thank you for your comment, may God continue to empower you to do His work in the fullness of His might and power,
  • Chris - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 4 years ago
    Etta, you've raised a valid point, that there are many around us, even amongst believers, who remain fearful & perplexed as to the present pandemic & to what will happen in their 'future' & in the world. True, we can either sit in a corner & fret, or we can be encouraged from God's Word & His Spirit, to us being in the centre of His Will, in His Love & in His Care, no matter what transpires from all this.

    And of course, to those without Christ & without hope, what an opportunity to share the news of salvation & to demonstrate our confidence & hope in the Promises of our King. The unbeliever looks at this turmoil in the world & their lives as devastating without any good coming out of it (except for cleaner air & nature returning back to normality), but for us, this time is precious as we take stock of our own faith & real focus in life and the opportunity that God gives to others, to hear His Message of Salvation that gives true Hope in the midst of their crumbling world.

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