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  • Rodney fox on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Can a man be saved and than lost and saved again
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    No, a person who has been born again (Salvation), is permanently sealed by God's Spirit. At the point of salvation, God's Spirit comes into our spirit and seals us. We now belong to Him. Salvation is permanent and cannot be lost. Salvation is also something we do not earn for ourselves. We are saved by God's grace and mercy. The bible also teaches that we are kept by the power of God. It is God who keeps us. We cannot keep ourselves saved, but He keeps us. Jesus said that all those who receive Him, He will not lose one.

    Probably the most strongest piece of scripture and the most comforting can be found in Romans Chapter 8 Verses 38 to 39. There is nothing that can separate us from God!
  • Adam - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello, what is your take on blasphemy of the holy spirit? Luke 12:10, 1 John 3:6. Since Jesus warned his followers (Christians) to not blasphemy, and since Jesus said it's unforgivable, how do you reconcile this with the belief that a Christian can't lose salvation?
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello Adam,

    In Luke 12:10 those who were following Jesus did not have the Holy Spirit. He came after Christ's ascension. In John Chapter 7, Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will convict the world of sin and of judgment and of righteousness.

    The Holy Spirit comes and convicts a person of their need of Christ. When a person, in their actions and in their attitudes, they speak against or react toward the Holy Spirit and reject Him, then their life is in a position where it cannot be forgiven, even with Jesus dying on the cross.

    A saved person has God's Spirit permanently dwelling in them. As long as we have His Spirit, we have Salvation, and He has promised to never leave
  • Adam - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    If someone is a Christian following Christ then they are covered by grace and forgiven of sin. If they stop following Christ and go the opposite way and denounce it as truth then I believe they are no longer under grace and are at risk of going to hell.
  • T39Ann - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    I can attest that there is such a person or two that was once baptized even as the Word states in His Holy Precious Name, but they were not sincere in thier salvation and loved wickedness and even one of them denounced "Faith", turning to worshipping idols, will for sure see Hell. Once saved always saved are for those who stay in the Faith and do not sin again. All Sin is unbelief and all unbelief is sin...without belief and salvation (both are obedience) a person has no hope for eternal life. Then all that is left is a fearful waiting for the firey indignation as the Word states. That was thier choice, God abliged. Infirmities and iniquities are different. We still can make mistakes.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago

    If "Once saved always saved are for those who stay in the Faith and do not sin again," what happens to a saved person that sins?
  • Carleton - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    I believe that a born again believer knows if they remain covered by the blood as an assurance by the presence of peace by the Holy Ghost.
  • Deason K Baybayan III - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    A Christian is someone who is born again by the power of the Holy Ghost. To be born again you must believe the gospel of Jesus Christ, that He died for your sins, He was buried, and He rose on the third day. By believing the gospel God gives you everlasting life. If you have everlasting life how can you die? Your flesh will die because of sin but your soul and spirit are saved because of the righteousness of faith in Christ. Now there are a lot of people who call themselves "christians" but are not born again. Do you know for sure that if you were to die today, you will go to heaven?
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Deason, I agree that a Christian is someone who has been born again of God's Spirit, or Holy Ghost, and believing the gospel is also important. But wouldn't you agree that belief in itself is not enough to save a person, that they have to receive Christ in order to be saved? James 2:19 says that even the demons believe. But their belief does not save them.

    I am not trying to discredit anything you are saying, and I agree with everything you said for the most part. I just didn't see any mention about receiving Christ. You are spot on about eternal life, and about people who claim to be Christians but have never been born again. I think you just described the people Adam is referring to in his post, the ones who claim to be followers, but then later denounce the whole thing. I don't think those people were ever saved to begin with. 1 John 2:19 describes the people Adam is referring to. Those people were never saved, even though they were "followers," proving John's point!
  • Deason K Baybayan III - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Aloha Jesse, thanks for responding. Yes, the devils believe there's a God but they will perish, the same with men. Believing in God won't save you, believing in the gospel of Jesus Christ will. Yes belief and faith alone can't save anyone if it is not based on the truth. But any man that believes the truth of the everlasting gospel is saved. When we are saved, the Spirit of God quickens in us, gives us life, teaches us the truth, seals us, etc. Without the Holy Ghost you can not receive Christ, He is the One that will bring you to the cross and reveal Who the Son of God is. Just like Christ, you cannot come to the Father except through the Son. It is Jesus Christ Who brings us to the Father.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello again Deason. It looks like we have a different understanding of the salvation process. Scripture tells me that the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost/Spirit of God/and Spirit of Christ are all the same Spirit. You say that when we are saved, the Spirit of God quickens in us, gives us life, teaches us the truth, seals us, etc. To that, I say amen!

    You then say without the Holy Ghost you cannot receive Christ. How does that work? If you have the Holy Ghost, who has sealed you, wouldn't you have Christ also? It's His Spirit. Are you saying that receiving Christ comes after salvation?

    When we receive Christ, He gives us His Spirit/Holy Ghost. Would you say that a man can believe the truth of the everlasting gospel, but still refuse to surrender their life to Christ? I would say yes. The person who refuses to surrender their life to Christ will never be saved, no matter what truth they believe. Belief is important, but if it doesn't cause us to surrender to Christ, there is no salvation.
  • T39Ann - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hi, God bless and I hope I can help you understand via the Word and Holy Spirit. It is of a truth the Holy Spirit is being poured out opon all flesh, but that does not mean a person is saved. And Christ can not be with a person if they are NOT saved. So the answer would be: correct, recieving Christ comes after salvation.

    The word is very clear that even evil spirits know who the Son of God is. They do not worship Him, and that is why we must test the spirits. If there is no truth in a person then by thier words, as it is written, we can learn of what spirit they have or if they are lacking the Holy Spirit. Recieving the Holy Spirit can only be done by Christ, Jesus.
  • Adam - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hi Deason, the reason I think that believing in Jesus isn't enough is that the Bible already says that believing isn't enough. Even satan and demons know the truth and believe in Jesus, so do you think they're saved? James 2:19, if obedience wasn't important, then why did Jesus say it was? He said you don't love Jesus if you don't obey Him. So, for those who disobey Jesus, do you think it's likely that you go to heaven and be rewarded as much as those who spent their life in service and obedience to Him? Romans 2:6 Satan wants to deceive Christians into believing you don't have to be obedient because he's trying to get more people to go to hell. James 2:26. And what about the many verses saying to repent and confess of your sin? Matthew 4:17 If it wasn't necessary then why did Jesus say it was? If obedience wasn't necessary, why would Jesus say it was? The real question is does someone fully believe the Bible and do they truly believe Jesus? Matthew 7:22
  • Deason K Baybayan III - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Aloha Adam, first, the devils don't believe in Jesus, they believe that there is one God. Believing that there is one God won't save anyone. Believing the gospel of Jesus Christ will save you. To obey Jesus Christ is to believe His words and His promise. He said, "He who believes has everlasting life". Every word that He teaches on salvation is based on faith. James talks about works because he is not God, James cannot look into a mans heart and see faith but God can. For a man to prove to another man that he is saved he must show works. But before God his works is filthy. You don't need to believe the whole bible to be saved, you don't need to repent of all your sins either. Aloha
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Deason, I would have to say that the devils, more accurately translated demons, they do believe in Jesus. They know exactly who He is. In Matthew 8:28-34 when Jesus healed the two demonics, notice the confession of the demons: They said what do we have to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to torment us before the time.

    They know who Jesus is. They recognize Him, and they confess who He is, Thou Son of God.

    Also, you say you don't need to believe the whole bible to be saved. I agree. You don't have to believe any of the bible to be saved. The bible does not save you, Jesus Christ does. A person can still be saved without any knowledge of the bible. What sins are you referring to that a person does not need to repent of?
  • Deason K Baybayan III - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Yes Jesse, the devils know of Jesus Christ but not know Him. Just like many people "know of" Jesus Christ today but never believe in Him. In the context of James, James says that they, the religious people, know that there is one God and they do well but that knowledge is not enough for salvation. Even the pope recognize, confess that He is the Son of God but will suffer the condemnation of His wrath unless he repents. My friend, the only sin that needs to be repented of for salvation is the sin of unbelief. Aloha
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello Deason,

    I think the sin we repent of is the sin nature we are born with. It's not just the sin of unbelief, but all sin that we must repent of. I do think the demons both know of Jesus and know who He is. They know and believe He is the Savior of the world, they just won't submit to Him. They also know about His second coming. So they believe. The demons in Matthew Chapter 8 knew Him. They gave a perfect confession of who Jesus is. So yes, I would say they know Him.

    I am just curious, have you received Christ, and have you been born of His Spirit? If so, that would be good enough for me, and I would say praise the Lord for that!
  • Adam - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hi Deason, it appears that Jesus and the Bible disagrees with that belief. Previously cited scriptures among others are proof- you still didn't address those. Jesus directly said you need to repent and He said you need to obey Him. It sounds like you're trying to disagree with Jesus. No one is going to win an argument against Jesus. May God bless you.
  • Rev.Rick - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hey my brother the Bible said that You only get saved once,
    Jesus Christ died for us on the cross for our sins just one
    time and rose again on the third day. He did for you and me
    the forgiveness of sins ( Acts 2:38-KJV) and ( 2Corinthians 5:15-NASB )
    and read ( 2Corinthians 5:17 -NASB ) (New America Standard Bible)

    I pray that the Spirit of God will lead you and open your heart and eyes
    give you a blessed weariness and understand of his Love and will
    continue to renew your mind and spirit this evening.

    God Love You
    Take care

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