Who believes on Jesus dying on the cross his burial and God raising Him from the dead? Christians, satan and others. Others being the ones not knowing what to do with this fact. Repent on your face praying before God through Jesus Christ. If we don't die the next second we better be willing to do it every day for the rest of our lives. We do make mistakes Romans 1 Are we to proud to pray and repent? Try that and see how it works out. My look on life.
Dear Irritated, Your outlook on 'life' seems hopeless. As Christians, we don't have to live life wandering if God will save us everyday. If you have trusted the LORD Jesus Christ as your Savior, the work has already been done. Jesus said right before he died on the Cross, "It is finished" John 19:30 and also "neither shall any pluck them out of my hand" John 28:10. Be secure in Christ my friend.
It looks as though you didn't read 10. I give you verses 26,27,28,29,30. Your the one that does the plucking. You have not read Romans 1 The one thing that God will not accept is sin in a Christians life. You are walking on very thin ice. It may help to read Revelation 2, 3 the whole chapters. Who and what was Christ tempted with? Little pieces of Gods word Read about the reprobate mine
The reason he said their sin and iniquity i will remember no more. is beacuse he did away with the first (flesh) law by works to estblish the 2nd(spirit) law in your mind hearts. romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind gods children have stopped sinning is we have become a new creation. he came in the flesh and died and rose up in the spirit. and gods children our walking in the light and truth. we have entered into gods rest we stopped relying on our flesh dead works as something to earn eternal life we now trust in his son jesus said it is finished its already been done for us. we just live by faith faith in his son. amen
No where in Scripture does it say we continue to Sin untill we die if we are Born Again of God's Seed He tells us to Work out our Salvation not meaning work for it to put our Carnal flesh to death by The Holy Spirit Romans 8:15- 2Tim2:19-21- Colossians 3:4-6 to be Perfect like He is Matthew 5:48 -Hebrews 6:1 We will No longer Sin 1John 3 and -5:18-20-2:28-29-Jn8:34-36 Rom6and8 Danial12:10and more.
Actually the Bible does say that. When Jesus warned his disciples not to sin, his disciples were Christians, which are people who follow Christ, and they did that even literally. John 14:15 - if you love Jesus keep his commandments avoid sin . Blasphemy is a sin that is unforgivable. Following Jesus requires action and obedience. Grace is not a license to justify sin.
When Jesus warned the Disciples about Sin Adam they were not yet Born Again of God's Seed, 1Jn3:9 Pentecost had not come Jesus told them to wait untill The Holy Ghost Empowered them to share the Gospel. Like the Old Testerment Saints they had the Promise but not the reality like we do now. Gods Full Plan of Salvation confirms fully with Scripture we do not continue to Sin when we are Born Again.
Believe in Gods not Mans Interpretation - In Reply on Hebrews 10 - 5 years ago
Adam does God Tell us that we Continue to Sin when we are Born Again with His seed 1John3:9 Perfected in His Love with No Carnal Flesh and we have the Mind of Christ 1Cor2 All 1John3 and the other Scriptures I shared Confirm we dont Sin and we dont Trust in what we think or what we have been taught in error Jesus is our Only Spiritual Teacher we ask for His Wisdom and He leads us into all Truth.
Do you believe that as a Christian you are incapable of sin or that God continually cleanses you from sin? Those are 2 different claims. If the first, I would ask are you really perfect and haven't made any mistakes in your life on Earth like Jesus? Romans 3:10. If the second, then have you read the rest of 1 John 3 because it clearly says Christians can sin in verses 4, 8, and 24 obeying is key.
What are you accepting as Truth Adam, its not me who tells us we cannot Sin when we are Born Again, God does and He said how we think is what we will do. This is why He also said to Reckon ourselves dead to Sin instead of saying we will Sin which many do. I have more Scriptuers Adam to confirm all I shared with you but you dont seem to understand the ones I have or even all of 1John3 not John3.
Actually, I asked a simple question about your claim and you didn't answer. It appears you cherrypicked a verse then ignored the other verses in the same chapter you quoted which says Christians can sin. If Christians can't sin then why does Jesus keep warning Christians to stop sinning and be obedient? People should read and follow the Bible carefully, because satan spreads false teachings.
Like many others Adam including well known Evangelists Theologians and Pastors you dont know God's full Plan of Salvation for His Redeemed Children anda like them your focusing on only part of the Gospel. This is why you and them need to be humble and ask for Gods Wisdom and Empowering which none of us were Born with. Do you want me to share more Scripturs about how we are when were Born Again.
Have you genuinely prayed to God for understanding? This is an important step some miss when seeking understanding of God's Word. Also satan likes to push false teachings and deceive Christians into believing that it's OK to sin and OK to do evil, because it's "not sin" to God. Jesus called Christians to avoid sin and be obedient- if it were impossible for Christians to sin then Jesus probably wouldn't have said so many times to stop sinning.
Adam I do Respect you as a Man of God who Loves Him and is seeking to Help others but you don't know God's Full Plan of Salvation like many others. Paul said at one time that he was not fully Perfected and had Sinned but before he died he Confirmed he was. Im not fully Perfected and Im still Learning too but having asked for Gods Wisdom and Empowering by The Holy Spirit I have no doubt I will be.
To irratated, I humbly say that you have a misunderstanding about what happens at salvation. It is a circumcisem made without hands, a cutting away of the flesh.Our spirit does not sin but still dwells within our bodies which still has the sin nature. That's why the spirit wareth against the flesh. My body will one day return to dust for it is still condemned. But my spirit will go to God without any condemnation, praise God. One day I will have a new body that is perfect to go with my perfect spirit. Now don't get me wrong , God is working in us to bring our body into subjection because we still sin against God in the flesh. Even Paul struggled with sin.
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