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  • Vipin - 5 years ago
    Will Jesus forgive my sins of homosexual acts which I have committed over time again and again? Can I receive a normal life, free from lust and conflict of mind?
  • Kim Jackson - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Jesus will definitely forgive your sins but you must repent John 1:9, Romans 6:23, life fully over to Jesus 1John 4:10, John 3:16, to believe is to trust Him, death ,burial,Resurrection Corinthians 15:1-4, heaven gift not earned ten commandments being good, Ephesians 2:8-9, after Christian will still have conflicts mind, can say no to them in mind,replace with scripture. ask Jesus to save you.
  • Charles miller - In Reply - 5 years ago
    yes he forgives all sin.seventy times seventy
  • Minister General Norman - In Reply - 5 years ago
    .. Yes my family He has forgiven you already for it is written, "All manner of sin shall be forgiven, even Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven you" This sin is when you resist the spirit of Christ conforming you. Read Steps to Christ by Ellen White, this has helped me. also know this, that according to Psalms 19:7 it is the law of the LORD that converts the soul. Study to know your duty in the world
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I received new anointing, but thoughts of old life, desires, and lust caused me to doubt and prompted to think me like the anointing might be wrong. Also what happened to Samson frightens me, being anointed a man he fell into lust and been destroyed. Even while getting filled in Spirit, thoughts like my tongues are not right, I may fail again to lust, etc. comes into me.
  • Elder Joseph - In Reply - 5 years ago
    john 3 16-17 you have to believe in him-16 and 17-he didn't come to condemn the world but that the world thru him might be saved. All men are tempted, but thru god we can over come , romans 6 1-23
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Yes you can. There is no limit to the sins you can be forgiven of if you genuinely repent, obey, and follow Jesus. However, it says blasphemy is not forgiven and if a Christian turns away from Christ. Hebrews 10:26. John 14:15. Remember Paul wrote more New Testament books than anyone else and perhaps made a bigger impact than anyone in spreading Christianity, but he used to murder Christians. He was forgiven.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I wanted to love Jesus as there were many occasions where I felt unseen presence of God. But, my mind has never been stable, one side I have been tortured in guilt and struggling with self condemnation on the other side I want to go into the depth of the sinful pleasures to find peace. Thank you for your reassuring words, I'm too far from GOD, yet by His grace I want to run towards Christ Jesus.
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    No one is too far from God. He's closer than you think and always there ready to receive you. May God bless you. Psalm 34:18, 1 John 1:7-9
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Thank you Brother for the encouragement to follow JESUS. My only desire is to draw closer to Him and live, as heard in a Hymn "Close to Thee" by Fanny Crosby 1874 . Thank a lot! Glory be to God.
  • God Loves You He Will Help You - In Reply - 5 years ago
    There is only One Unforgivable Sin Vipin which is rejecting Jesus after knowing Him and than willfully Contining to Sin without guilt and Heart Repentance If we reject Jesus through who we are forgiven how can we be. But You are Repenting and not wanting to continue to Sin, I went to an Elder in the Church James 5:14-20 seeking forgivness and Healing my Heart was failing I was forgiven and healed.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Also, I fear about any punishments from God. At times, I lost hope in life. But, still I still trust in the love of God and His promises. I see Hope in Christ Jesus. Please pray for me to have enough strength to run back to Christ Jesus. Thank You for your encouraging words.
  • Minister General Norman - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I was possessed by demons and thought that my case was looking so hopeless that I wanted to close my eyes and be at rest but Jesus came to me and saved me. He died for you and He did not come to save them with no sin, but them who have sin. He is in Heaven pleading for you with His blood before the Father. Claim the promises in His word.. "He that come unto me, I will in no wise cast out"
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Yes, I believe Jesus still loves me therefore he has not judged or condemned. Thus far I have doubted the Word of God and prophesies which I heard. I broke the heart of Jesus and made Him very sorrowful in the past, now I want to be consolation for JESUS.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I never ever wanted to reject Jesus, but I struggle with my own lust the earthly attractions. There seems to be peace I go church I cry in the presence of GOD once I come out outside, all that peace gets drained out fear of sin, death, evil spirit surrounds me and I go in search of strange love and comfort through carnal affair, and make my life so miserable.
  • EJ - In Reply - 5 years ago
    That's why I said you need those spirits cast out of you. They may have entered thru generational curse or you may have opened the door to them Either way God loves you so very much and the devil hates you and wants you in hell. So it's a simple answer you need prayer by someone who knows what they are doing Miracle Internet Church can help you Please dear one, call in and get set free
  • Oh How He Loves You and Me - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Dear Vipin I was Praying for you and God reminded me of a Poem called A Love That Never Lets Go Its too long to share here but be assured He Loves you and me and even before my Repentance knowing if I had been alive when the Aposel Paul was he could never have said he was the Worst of Sinners but we all are our Sin put Jesus on the Cross God knows those who are His and Jesus brings back the Lost.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I am the most wicked, cruel, miserable, and filthy sinner. Yet my JESUS loves me!!! Thanks a lot for your encouragement and reassurance of love of God!
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Thank a lot for your prayer. God has led me to a servant of God, before whom I could confess the true nature of my hidden sin. Now there's a deep peace in me. Kindly uphold me that all my fears be gone and I be a slave to Jesus alone! Thank You Brother.
  • Sin Closes Love Opens Jesus Door - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Vipin I did not intend to add Luke13:11 it was The Story of The Prodical Son that I wanted to Share with you Luke15:11 like us he Sinned but when He Repented and Stopped doing it Wow what a Welcome Home. But his brother was not happy and when Jesus healed the Woman in Luke13:11 the Ruler was angry Rules were more important than Love, and Man made Rules or Womens are still for some more important.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Thank You Brother. Yes, now I believe that Jesus loves me despite all my weaknesses and filthiness. Kindly uphold me in your prayers.
  • Jesus The Good Shepherd John10 - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Dear Vipin I understand your fear having greatly Sinned too even after being part of a Church Our Sin separates us from God not that He Stops Loving us but Sin builds a Wall God doesnt want to hurt us Lamentat 3:33 but His disapline is we reap the evil we sow untill we stop doing it Luke13:11 Paul felt like we did after Sinning Romans7 and others- Psalm42 but they held onto God's Truth in Psalm23.
  • Vipin - In Reply - 5 years ago
    By God's mercies I have rededicated my life to JESUS this new year. By His grace i shall live remaining days. Pray for me that I should never crucify Jesus and sin again but abstain from all filthiness and lead a pleasing life before God.
  • He Knows our Names - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Dear Vipin, I believe God brought me to this Website for help and to help others in need of His Truth and Reassurence which I lacked untill I asked for His Wisdom and the Empowering of The Holy Spirit Im still learning but Im not confused now Jesus our only Spiritual Teacher is Leading me into all Truth He lead me here for you too Vipin on Psalm23 I will share 2 Poems about my life and why He did.
  • Jesus our Brother Has Set Us Free - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Dear Vipin I'm Praying and understand your Confusion with Samson The old Testerment Saints were Covered by The Blood of Jesus we are Washed Clean They had the Hope we have the Reality Haveing Confessed our past Sins we have been Forgiven and God has taken them away as far as the East is to the West and He does not Remember them He tells us to Sing Christian Songs to Him with others they Uplift us.

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