Thomas Hills IV-- Job 1:1, 6-12 Job 2:1-6. Satan said he could have Job eating out of his hand turn him away from God. God told Satan to have a try but save his life. This was to show Satan how Job loved worshiped God. Job suffered but never lost faith in the lord. Satan lost. No old time tale--the bible is true correct.
Ruben, I don't want to argue with you. Obviously you're a true believer and a person of strong conviction but just think for a moment, as if you never heard of a God. Say perhaps you lived on an island and all you knew was the sun, moon, stars and the ocean. Then a man appears and tells you about Job and what his God did to him. What then, would you think of this God? Honestly.
"Job and what his God did to him" - why do you assume God harmed Job instead of Satan? If someone commits a heinous crime today would you not attribute that to someone who was deceived by Satan into doing evil? God doesn't tempt or deceive us, Satan does. Do you think Satan is bad?
That's a good question and the Bible doesn't seem to offer a clear explanation of that. It says Satan will be destroyed in the end. In the meantime Satan shows evil in the world, a clear contrast from good. Makes good and evil easy to distinguish. So perhaps that is utilized in a sense for people to choose who they want to follow. Why do you think he exists?
So, you are saying that God offering up Job to Satan knowing full well Satan would try to destroy Job's faith in God was not a bad thing. And all that transpired after that, was just through the actions of Satan. God holds no responsibility for his part in the deconstruction of Job. Oh, how would you like to have your children killed and then someone sends over replacements?
Did I blame God for the death of my Babies No I was still believing I came from an Ape and He was made up but He has assured me I will be United with them in Heaven which I give Heartfelt Thanks for. What the others have shared here has much Truth Thomas but I have heard others say simular to you even Believers but to have Heart Understanding we need God's Wisdom which we ask for Prov2:1-7 - Annie
Freedomborn -Grannie Annie..... - In Reply on Job 1 - 5 years ago
As promised Thomas I'm going to share how our God of Love brought Good out of Satan's evil. In the early 70s I was the first Woman to have an Ultrasound for Pregnancy they were trying to save my baby and find out why I and other Woman were loosing their babies. What they found out has saved 1,000 of Babies all around the World, it's a Blood disorder called The Rhesus Factor. Thomas God Loves You.
Freedomborn - Grannie Annie - In Reply on Job 1 - 5 years ago
Thomas in referance to Children being killed I had 7 Children 3 were Stillborn the others died at almost 5 mths gestation God is Love and Love cannot do evil Satan is evil and cannot do Good God brought Good out of the Evil that Satan afflicted on me and on other Pregnant Woman I will share how soon God has also filled my Heart and Arms with Children all my Life I have Wonderful Joyful Memories
I respectfully think if someone commits a heinous crime, that was by their own free choice or free will to do so. That person may have been influenced by environmental factors or driven by genetic imbalances or imperfections and yes, one might say they had a devil in them but, not literally. I know I am getting off the subject of Job but, perhaps not.
I would have to be put in that situation. Common sense would have to take over. I would probably listen to him but I would ask where did you get this info. God, who I wouldn't know at that time, gave me the power of discernment if I didn't know about God, I'd not know anything about this man. Show me proof-Who is this Job who is God? Who are you? God would handle the matter. I DO believe.
Rube, Keep this simple. Don't over analyze it. The story is about a God and if the man needs to explain what a God is then he will . The story has a Satan and so goes that also and the victim is called Job or Jim I don't care . Just listen to the story, and you tell me if you think what this God and Satan conspired to do to Job or Jim was fair or reasonable or for sport or kind or evil?
This isn't a sport--God proved to the world He is LORD. He proved to Satan that Satan could NOT win a true believer over no matter the trial. He knew Job fit that description. Job never lost faith, have you? Yes Job suffered but he is now in the bosom of Abraham and Satan is in the pit. God loves His children and doesn't play games. Upgrade your faith to understand. It's your discernment.
Ruben, I don't know what I believe. I honestly envy those who can go through life thinking that God is watching over his children but it is so very hard to do when you see all of the crimes committed by man without any intervention for the life of the innocents. And you know, it wasn't just Job, what about his servants, children and the poor animals? Satan lost nothing, only a bet.
Nowhere in God's word is this account stated as a folk story. All of the books refer to the events as literal happenings. By discrediting the hardships of Job you are also discrediting James 5:10-11.
We have already been forgiven. Jesus dies on the cross for all past, present and future sins so that we may all have eternal life. All sins have been forgiven forever. So, everyone will go to heaven, everyone. I guess Satan or no Satan, it doesn't matter. And if the story of Job is for real and since I have free will, then no, I do not forgive God for his actions.
All I can say is have a good trip. I pray that sometime, someway, your eyes and ears will open to the greatness of God. I can't tell you what to believe or what church to go to for learning more of God's teaching but I am betting you will someday go to your knees and ask God's forgivness for judging Him who created you. May God bless you.
"All sins have been forgiven forever. So, everyone will go to heaven, everyone. I guess Satan or no Satan, it doesn't matter."
These 3 sentences are untrue. Romans 10:9, John 1:9 One must become a Christian follow Jesus to be saved. Matthew 7:13-14 - most WILL NOT be saved and will go to hell. One of satan's lies is to convince people he doesn't matter or doesn't exist 1 Peter 5:8, 1 John 3:8.
"A Christian is a man, woman, or child who has experienced a spiritual new birth through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit. That new birth is a gift of God, through Jesus Christ, given by the grace He freely offers to all". Anyone who lives a good life as directed by Jesus would be considered a Christian. No church, No organization and No Temple makes a Christian. It is between God and man.
Thomas, you replied to my comment which already answered your question. Did you not look up the first verse? Other examples are easily found through search, like John 14:6, John 3:16, etc. A Christian is a follower of Christ. If you do not follow Christ, you're not a Christian. If you're not a Christian you won't enter heaven, no matter how 'good' you claim to be. Matthew 7:21-23 is proof.
Dear Titus I forgot one point. If God can write the 10 commandments than how come he couldn't write the Bible. Don't you think it strange and bitter to allow so many souls to be lost over that 1500 years when he could have written in every language and distributed bible after bible maybe even signed and just get it done? Why hasn't anyone asked this question?
You are absolutely correct. It took 1500 years and 40 authors to write the bible, most of which was stories told, not in writing. So, are we to believe "Litterally" James or other versions of the bible word for word? Fables, parables, folk lore or poems all written to put fear in the hearts of uncivilized, barbaric, ignorant and simple minded people. Do you really think God was that inhumane?
Freedomborn - Grannie Annie ..... - In Reply on Job 1 - 5 years ago
Thomas it's good your seeking answers, I was deceived as a Teenager that God and the Bible were just made up and I believed this for 30 years but the Evidence was too Great. Later although I didn't doubt God's Reality I became very Confused by all the differant Teaching so I asked for His Wisdom and Wow what an Amazing difference. If wanted Thomas I will seek to answer your asked questions - Anne
Freedomborn in Truth......... - In Reply on Job 1 - 5 years ago
Thank you Thomas for your response, it's late in Aussie Land, I was hoping to respond sooner but I have been having trouble Posting Comments, it could be hacking again but I will leave you a few Scriptures now to read about God's Wisdom which none of us were Born with and I will share about them and some others tomorrow. Proverbs 4:5 and James1:5. Take Care - Annie.
Hi Thomas, that's great that you're reading the Bible and seeking God's truth. Why not just ask God through prayer for wisdom and discernment to know what you should take literally? It's true that Jesus often spoke using parables which are allegorical stories to influence and make a point. There are obvious metaphors in the Bible too: John 6:54 - we don't literally eat Jesus' flesh and blood, etc.
Ok Adam, let me finish this short story about prayer. After hearing these remarks after every slaughter, it dawned on me that we could be doing much better with our prayer. So, I contacted some of the clergy and suggested, we pray a advance for no more of these heinous crimes. Well, what in God's name happened? p.s. How about the survivor who thanks God for saving her. What about the dead? Thank?
This seems to be a different topic. We live in a fallen sinful world which is the domain of satan. We could have been puppets but were lovingly given freewill to choose how to conduct ourselves. There is such thing as love, morality, and consequences, but we sin regularly. God Jesus came here to earth and people murdered him. Through this he paid our debt of sin giving us hope of life in heaven.
Adam, I do appreciate your kind words and advice but let me tell you a short story. Remember when all of those innocent concert attendees were slaughtered in Las Vegas? Well, I sat and listened to the responses by officials, witnesses and clergy. What I heard over, and over again was, "Our prayer and thoughts are with" and from those who survived, "Thank God I am alive". Out of space Finish later
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These 3 sentences are untrue. Romans 10:9, John 1:9 One must become a Christian follow Jesus to be saved. Matthew 7:13-14 - most WILL NOT be saved and will go to hell. One of satan's lies is to convince people he doesn't matter or doesn't exist 1 Peter 5:8, 1 John 3:8.
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