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  • Gramma - 5 years ago
    What does Jesus say, or does he, specifically address homosexuality?
  • Blaze - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Isn't that partially what Sodom and Gomorrah was about? I'd like to know more as well as I recently found out a family member thinks they are gay and I'm not certain how to deal with this in order to talk about it. I won't condone the behavior.
  • Brother Bob - In Reply - 5 years ago
    You must tell him about the Bible what it says about homosexuality men laying with men and women laying with women witness to them and tell them that you'll pray for them
  • Gramma - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Blaze, We are all sinners and fall short. Jesus came, was sacrificed, died and rose! For ALL of us that choose to believe. John 3:16 For GOD so loved the WORLD that he GAVE his only begotten SON that whosoever believes in him shall NOT perish but have everlasting life. You can't cancel out salvation according to the Bible Christ. We need ways to SUPPORT a gay person in their Christian faith.
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 refers to homosexuality as abusers of themselves with mankind. The bible is clear that it is a sin is this verse and others. Just because someone is tempted to do something doesn't mean they must perform the act or let it define them. Grace is not a permission slip to sin. If heavenly angels can sin so can humans with free will. Salvation can be cancelled: Luke 12:10
  • Gramma - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Adam there are many things that are considered sins and some that might be considered unforgivable by man. However, Jesus Christ died on that cross for ALL who accept him as their personal savior, there are NO CAVEATS! No sin may CANCEL anyones salvation. Everyone except Jesus was born into sin. Then he canceled ours for us with his death on the cross. Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Hello, does this mean you do not believe all scripture like Luke 12:10? Since it clearly says those who blaspheme won't be forgiven, are you saying blasphemers are forgiven? opposite of what it says . Christians need to continually report and ask forgiveness of sin and try to not conform to the world: Romans 2:2. Matthew 7:21-23 is how Jesus will respond to Christians who deny Him. Rom 6:1-2.
  • Gramma - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Adam either you BELIEVE in Christ s death and resurrection being the ultimate sacrifice for all or you don t. That s up to each person. There are NO WORKS required nor is there any SIN that can take away salvation. His words not mine. John 3:16 is THE ONLY VERSE NEEDED. Believe in him and you are SAVED
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    The book of James and the book of Romans explains this exact topic and does not come to the conclusion you wrote. These are the words of God which can't be just cherry picked or disregarded. Have you read those books and prayed about it? The Bible also warns against false teachings and anyone saying sin is totally 'ok' doesn't sound like it comes from God, but the devil. John 14:15
  • Blaze - In Reply - 5 years ago
    I KNOW without a doubt it IS A SIN. That's not debatable, I will not condone the act of homosexuality as the bible does say in Leviticus 20:13 King James Version KJV 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them. I want to address them lovingly as to why it's wrong.
  • Gary Olsen - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Is. 56:4 For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant 5 Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

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