Discuss Wisdom of Solomon 2

  • Dianne - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 3 years ago
    In addition to other comments God is Spirit eternal, almighty, omnipotent, omnipresent, all knowing, all powerful and everywhere present so nope He Cannot die like Chris said can't kill spirit.
  • Chris - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 3 years ago
    Hello Nelvan. From the Bible, we understand that before Jesus came to Earth as a Man, He was in Heaven, within the Godhead, as the Word of God (see John 1:1-4,14). God has chosen to express Himself to us as the Almighty God from Whom proceeds His Word & His Spirit - just one God in His Fulness ( 1 John 5:7).

    "Can God die?" No, God is Spirit, He cannot die and none in the spirit realm can die since no physical body is present. One day we will die because our aging bodies must perish. But our spirits which cannot die, will return to God ( Ecclesiastes 12:7).

    But Jesus died, because God chose to send forth His Word to us a sinful people. And that Word became flesh ( John 1:14) & He was named Jesus ( Matthew 1:21-25), so that the people not only had God's final Word to them coming in human form ( John 8:42,43), but He also came as a man for the "suffering of death" ( Hebrews 2:9), that He should "taste death for every man". And this, Jesus did for us, so that when we believe on Him, confessing our sins, God will forgive us & accept us, only because He accepted His Son's death as a full & complete payment for our sins ( John 3:16-18).

    So God Who is Spirit cannot die, but when He sent His Word to become a man, then yes, God did give us His life for us. But as you may know, the account doesn't end there: Jesus arose from death & the grave, ascended to Heaven in His glorified body & is seated now at God's right Hand where His Testimony is ever present before all in Heaven & Earth ( Hebrews 10:12; 7:25) - God's sacrificial Lamb Who was once slain and is now the only reason for our acceptance by God.
  • Nelvan Evans - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 3 years ago
    can god die (Jesus died )
  • Laura - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 3 years ago

    Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be THE GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ .....

    1 Peter 1:3 Blessed be THE GOD and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ...
  • Nelvan Evans on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 3 years ago
    does jesus have a god
  • Lin - 3 years ago
    Where do I find this Wisdom of Solomon 2:23-24 in the 1611 kIng James companion Bible? All I see is Songs of Solomon. Thank you.
  • Richard in Christ - In Reply on Genesis 22:14 - 3 years ago
    Hi S Spencer,

    No problem sir. Here are a couple sections from the Apocrypha books that I know of. A couple good Scriptures on death of those who are with the Lord.

    Wisdom of Solomon 2:23-24, Wisdom of Solomon 3:1-9, Wisdom of Solomon 4:7-16, Wisdom of Solomon 5:15-16,

    Ecclesiasticus 14:11-18, Ecclesiasticus 19:18-20, Ecclesiasticus 41:3,

    A couple from the Book of Enoch: 58.3 And the righteous will be in the light of the sun and the chosen in the light of eternal life. And there will be no end to the days of their life and the days of the Holy will be without number.

    62.13 And the righteous and the chosen will be saved on that Day and they will never see the faces of the sinners and the lawless from then on.

    62.14 And the Lord of Spirits will remain over them and with that Son of Man they will dwell, and eat, and lie down, and rise up, forever and ever.

    62.15 And the righteous and chosen will have risen from the earth, and will have ceased to cast down their faces, and will have put on the Garment of Life.

    62.16 And this will be a Garment of Life from the Lord of Spirits; and your garments will not wear out, and your glory will not fail, in front of the Lord of Spirits.

    As these are just some things besides the verses in the NT we have. Of coarse the ungodly and those who are against the Lord death is detailed to not be good throughout all Scripture.

    God Bless Spencer.
  • Richard in Christ on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-10 But the souls of the righteous are in the hand of God, and there shall no torment touch them.

    2 In the sight of the unwise they seemed to die: and their departure is taken for misery,

    3 And their going from us to be utter destruction: but they are in peace.

    4 For though they be punished in the sight of men, yet is their hope full of immortality.

    5 And having been a little chastised, they shall be greatly rewarded: for God proved them, and found them worthy for himself.

    6 As gold in the furnace hath he tried them, and received them as a burnt offering.

    7 And in the time of their visitation they shall shine, and run to and fro like sparks among the stubble.

    8 They shall judge the nations, and have dominion over the people, and their Lord shall reign for ever.

    9 They that put their trust in Him shall understand the truth: and such as be faithful in love shall abide with him: for grace and mercy is to his saints, and he hath care for his elect.

    10 But the ungodly shall be punished according to their own imaginations, which have neglected the righteous, and forsaken the Lord.
  • Connie on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 4 years ago
    I have read these books before. I asked my Heavenly Father to show me truth and understanding of why the people bowed down to the wooden cross. and give their lives to an idol they made with their own hands in the image and likeness of the crucified Jesus . With no fear of offending the living God, the God of the living, the God that never died. I have been judged by mankind as blasphemous and delusional when i declare that I love the Lord , my God and fear to offend the God that breathed the life in my heart and soul. I can hear My Heavenly Father's voice in my heart . From my childhood God hid me from the darkness and safely carried me through surrounded by the most unGodly cruelty of mankind upon children , children to this very day , taken , beaten enslaved, transported , locked in cages, raped , sold , reclaimed , and recycled back to very hands responsible for their innocent lives. Only to be thrown away in the name of church and state, so the governments and Christian charities can fill their fleshly desires , in the name of their wooden God , As a surviving adult of child trafficking, i send out my ongoing request for mercy , on behalf of the children taking my place, to this very day it remains denied by man.

    Be aware, and warned , God calls us to answer and return to him. My request is the promise of the seed. May God bless this book and let only truth be found. these are the things that i can understand.
  • Bigfoot on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 4 years ago
    It is very true. Man was created to live for ever with God. And that, is the Immortality that Jesus The Christ promises all those who imitate Him;

    "I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever;

    and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.'" John 6:51-51

    "In all truth I tell you, whoever keeps my word will never see death." John 8:51-51

    "Let anyone who can hear, listen to what the Spirit is saying to the churches: for those who prove

    victorious will come to no harm from the second death." Rev 2:11-11
  • Shawn H. on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 8 years ago
    I believe that just like today, Our Father tested Adam and Eve, to see if they would obey him. I'm sure He knew the serpent would try to deceive them, but wanted Them to prove their obedience.
  • Kelly on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 8 years ago
    if a man is born again...likely it is through adultery. This is faith with works. There are those born of the spirit Jesus and there are those that are born of that WHICH Is Flesh Those trapped by adultery . I believe that is why Only Gods son could do this because it IS an offence that WILL be brought forth to the Judges. As it roots out ALL that a man has
  • JR on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 8 years ago
    1. The Apocrypha was written before Christ not after him about 130-70 B.C. I think . We now also have original Hebrew copies of some books like Ecclesiasticus 2. Wisdom 2:12-30 is definitely a prophecy of the unjust condemnation of Jesus Christ.
  • Norm on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 9 years ago
    The Spirit teaches us that the Apocrypha, included in the 1611 KJV, IS part of the tried and true Word of God which took 7 years to translate. Psalms 12:6 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times....The Spirit further references this hidden wisdom in 1 Corinthians 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory:....In this Chp 2, Solomon is quoting how the ungodly view the godly TODAY, the last days beginning in verse 1 Our life is short and tedious...and ending with verse 20. May our heavenly Father bless thou as He wilt for His glory for His name's sake. May the Father bless those who labor to provide this web site which is a gift from GOD! In Christ Jesus I pray. Amen
  • John Public on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 9 years ago
    The deuterocanon or apocrypha were all penned after the completion of the Holy Bible in 150 AD. This means while a profitable read even recommended in the marginal notes of the 1611 by the translators, who were mere men inspired by God, as a reference. Clearly, however, as some of the above verses are quite messianic the root of the wisdom is indeed the author's mind, not that of the incalculable Holy Spirit of Christ the Lord.
  • Ukam on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 9 years ago
    Considering verse 20 of Chapter Two, of The Wisdom of Solomon, I don't think Solomon was still in his right standing with God when the entire Book was written. I suggest it remain rejected.
  • Grace on Wisdom of Solomon 2:8 - 9 years ago
    That is a beautiful saying in fact my favorite.
  • Thomas on Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 - 9 years ago
    This is not bogus. God 's purpose for us was for us to be immortal. That 's why he created us in his image. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: The reason why God told Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree because they would know good and evil. Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. We couldn 't be immortal knowing good and evil. 1 Corinthians 15:21 For since by man came death,.... Because of Adam 's sin, death came into the world. God made us to be immortal
  • Awe Kolawole on Wisdom of Solomon 2:4 - 9 years ago
    wisdom of Solomon 2 4 explained life as on permanent place. that when u die u are forgotten why can 't u try to be save
  • Charis C-Man on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 10 years ago
    The intro of this chapter, especially verse 10, tells you EXACTLY how the rulers of this world the sons of Belial, the Nephilims, the half-breed, seed of the Serpent think of the rest of the people. That 's why there will always be death, destruction, and famine in the earth as long as they are ruling. Yashaya The Christ is coming back, for His people Israel and for the nations that have fallen by their hands.
  • Juan on Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 - 10 years ago
    actually what salomon is trayin to say is that that God did not let Adam live to be at least 1000 years wich was going to be a day for ADAM as it was for God. after disobedience they will have to wait for redemption from the last Adam to be immortal. with JESUS having conquer death we have access to immortality
  • Ahayah's servant on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 10 years ago
    Nana Agyeman Duah 's These are in the apocrypha which means hidden. These were included in the original 1611 King James Bible but taken out sometime later by the protestants with ulterior motives on not discovering many things that reveal too much such as where the 10 tribes of Israel are at which are the indigenous of the Americas. Many of the Bibles today do not contain these missing 14 books of great importance to the children of Israel who are waking up to their true identity as we speak.
  • Nana Agyeman-Duah on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 10 years ago
    Where in the current bible were these wisdom written about Solomon?
  • Chinweokwu F. Okoro on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 11 years ago
    The redemptive power of God is the foundation of our faith. We may have missed the mark in the service of God due to carelessness but the equity of redemption in God's infinite love will redeem us.Hoever, to be entitled to this one must be remorseful and show genuine repentance. The light of Life cannot be overshadowed by the darkness of death.God is ever ready to redeem his people: Ezekiel 36
  • David on Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 - 11 years ago
    Of course man was made to be immortal. He was made in the image of his Father. But man missed the mark and fell into corruption. He fell so far he actually thought he could hide from God. And death passed upon all men. But even as in Adam all die, in Christ will all be made alive. Jesus has abolished death and brought life and immortality to light. There is much we have misunderstood. But the Holy Spirit will make the Living Word come alive in our hearts and minds.
  • Prayerwarrior on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 11 years ago
    This is my personal opinion on this thread; The spiritual man inside us has that chance to be immortal. When Adam and Eve were deceived by Satan, they in a way made him lord of mankind. When we are born, we are born into sin (earthly kingdom), so in reality we are born already dying. That is the reason Jesus tells us we are born again into his Kingdom. So No, the Bible does not contradict itself, it has to be read through spiritual eyes. Because without the Holy Spirit revealing what the Word of God means to us, it is just another history book.
  • Preacher on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 12 years ago
    Powerful, Amazing, Such a Blessing to the heart to know what we have always really believed is so true and can be verified by Gods Holy Word.
  • Frederick Huff on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 12 years ago
    Absolutely awesome.
  • Wasiyehun Alemu on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 12 years ago
    Oh, amazing.
  • Darlene on Wisdom of Solomon 2 - 12 years ago
    Go back to the first verse and you will see it is referring to the words of the ungodly. So in that respect in doesn't contradict, and if we live according to his precepts and commands we will live immortality with him forever.

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