YAHchanan MoshAH Baruch on Romans 8:11 - 12 years ago
There are so many scriptural references that teach the transformational process of these mortal bodies, like 1 Corinthians 15, Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 John 3:8, 2 Timothy 1:9-10, Hosea 13:14, John 8:51-52, John 11:24-27, 1 Peter 1:22-25 and there are many more that YAHUWAH has revealed to my heart concerning the restoration of all things that teaches we are coming to the fullness of the true teachings of MeoshiYAch that He destroyed the death process in the physical body to grant true immortality in all of your physical body. The message of the gospel was all about immortality to your whole being not just a spiritual aspect, hallow the first and second Adam which are the two keys in the immortal Name of YAHUWAH. The message YAHUWAH is bringing is the fullness of the death, burial, and resurrection of His blessed Son YAHUW-shua which shall be taught into all the world as a witness of the eternal reign of the kingdom of shamaYAim and the end shall truly come, for the last enemy to be put under the feet of MeoshiYAch is death. Therefore the final message or the last trump upon the earth will be the wisdom of the fullness of love and life that is free from all forms of fear in YAHUW-shua who was raised from the dead by the power of the immortal breath of YAHUWAH, hallo RUWach QadUWsh, immortal soul of YAHUWAH breathed forth that was put upon all the true followers of MoeshiYAch known as the YAHUWans or the taught ones of YAHUW-shua the blessed Son of the immortal Creator of all creation. There are much greater revelation insights that RUWach is bringing to us at the Tree of Life that would be to lengthy in this format that have vast scriptural proofs concerning the issue of physical immortality restored through MeoshiYAch that have been omitted in all of the modern day translations that are in the original scrolls of the prophets and the true followers of MeoshiYAch that the RUWach is unveiling to us in our fellowship at the Tree of Life. YAHUWAH is our immortal Father and YAHUW-shua is our blessed Deliverance from all death and is our authority to the Tree of Life.
Remembering the stories of Joseph and Job, regardless of the trials we encounter, no matter how bad things may be, they are all working together to serve a purpose of growing us spiritually and improving our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Everything will turn out good for us if we remain steadfast in our love for Him and He loves us and will ensure that we triumph over all those problems in the end, because He always intended for us to come out ahead.
Sure God made all that, but their initial nature was not that wild as they are today, just like man. All that got bewildered with man�s fall, but before that man had dominion over them. �� For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,�� Romans 8:20 And time is coming, and will come soon, when man will recover supremacy over all God�s creation., that�s why we are battling to obey Him in Christ. God bless you.
This Chapter has truly taught me how to live a rightful life in the eyes of God. Many times I have struggled to keep myself distant from the things that slowly make me depart from God. This makes me realize the flesh is weak but the spirit is strong. I am a living testimony, 18 years old, and born in a Christian home. However this does not define our place in heaven. As a Daughter of God I have learned that the flesh leads humanity and even the Christian community to deviate from the word and the actions that define a true Christian. And Paul tells us �for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption�, thus enclosing that if one lives a sinful life without prayer, fasting, and lack of faithfulness, one reaps spiritual deficit and departure from God. The things that would hold us back from God become our daily doze. In addition Romans 6:23 clearly describes that the �wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life.� Sin nonetheless is the cause of spiritual death but if we depart from the sinfulness in our life and truly repent, living a life of holiness, we can reach eternal salvation through God ( Romans 8:1 KJV). On the other hand Paul also teaches us that if one is in the spirit, of the spirit we shall reap life everlasting. Life everlasting is not just accepting God and believing we are saved. Life everlasting is keeping a sane life in front of God and above all keeping a life of holiness. Because we consciously know we are tainted and feel spiritually dirty in the presence of God but the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ allowed us to break the chains of condemnation and repent from our sins. The letter Paul wrote to Rome allowed me to grasp and recall the scripture in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 �Therefore if any man [be] in Christ, [he is] a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.�
It�s no doubt Romans 8 is a very rich and powerful scripture in the bible that whether mature or young Christian, is spoken to, with a lot of intimate and assurance, love and encouragement from God himself to his children. It�s that part of the bible you read in depression and any other ungodly situations you go through. Begin to get firm in the Lord with a firm ground again because of the reassurance of the love of God. Wow.. I love this chapter. Thank you Lord.
Matthew, let me share something with you. We've all made mistakes in life and we all experience some level of guilt and fear of judgment. But let me tell you that Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross to pay for all your sins. We can never have joy and fulfillment in life just by having good morals and following rules, because we still fall short of God's perfect standard ( Romans 3:23). The peace that we all seek is found in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary ( Romans 5:8). Place your faith fully in Him to forgive you of your past, present, and future sins. Salvation from Hell can only be found when we come to the realization that we are hopeless and helpless apart from God's saving grace. Call on him for Salvation as Romans 10:13 admonishes - "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". Then you can have freedom from sin and condemnation as Romans 8:1 tells us - "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus". If you have any questions about these comments, please ask. I want everyone to know the peace that Christ brings. "Matthew's Matthew Chapter 19 comment on 6/29/2012, 1:26am... I will admit I am afraid of judgment because I've made mistakes in my life. I can't remember everything but I wish I could take back many of the hurtful things I've said. I have accepted God into my life but my family does not know I have. I have good morals and follow rules and I do not want to go to Hell but I am still afraid..."
The scripture about the salvation of all Israel is mainly in Romans 11:26. In verse 36 of same chapter, it says God will have mercy on all (which suppose the unbelievers). And verse 25 �� until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in��.
All this very clearly shows that ��all�� and ��fulness�� here are restricted to all the saved of israel and the fulness of the saved from among the gentiles.
All and fulness are used in figure of speech to stress the great numbers� and therefore should not be taken litterally.
God bless you.
Ecclesiastes 3 is a very good chapter of the bible, and one that is often used for funerals. Truly God knows the end from the beginning, and makes all things beautiful in His time. Since we don't know when our last day on Earth will be, we have to pray that the Lord will help us to know our end, so that we may number our days in wisdom. Every deed that we do, must be to the glory of God, because in the end we will have to give an account of our lives before God at the judgement. Romans 8:28 tells us that all things work together for good, to those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. So God used all of our experiences in life, good, and bad to work together for our ultimate good. We were created to glorify God, and give thanks to Him for all of the many blessings that He gives to us. No wonder the saints say God is good all the time. Praise His holy name.
POWERFUL, it is like if you are led by the Spirit of God(Holy Spirit) you have obeyed ALL the 10 COMMANDMENTS/LAW before God's eye, He gives you 10/10 for obeying His LAW, Ladies and Gentle men this is a Checkmate towards the devil, Glory
The flesh is dead and could not please, but because we are now alive to Christ by regeneration no longer do we not please him. The flesh was weak, but now the spirit is willing and we please him by His spirit living in us. Amen
Verse 1 says that if you are under the law every time you fall the law condemns you and you deserve punishment or go make sin offering for forgiveness, if you are under Christ when you fall the Holy Spirit will instead remind you that you are not rightous because of your deeds but because of Grace, if you live continuosly under that awareness it gives you power to defy falling in the future.
Amazing words, yet it means how intimate his love, broken down to detailed analysis of his love as if to say every hair of your head is counted, thats exactly Rom 8-39 is. No power in all of creation is stronger than the power of my love.
What an awsome God we serve.
Many times things just dont add up,life stop making sense but according to paul there is a solution for everything to work out for good...LOVE GOD!..how?..by keeping His commandents that's what Jesus said...''if u love me keep my commandments''
Romans 8, 1-13 answers all who cry foul over the John Chapter 6 verse 63 "that the spirit gives life and the flesh profits nothing", as to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Our humanly flesh profits nothing.
note verse 10 and 11;
If Christ is in you, body is dead. But if the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus is in you, then even the body becomes alive.
These is very important to note for people who say "I am saved because I accepted Christ". Please note that man is made in the image of God, Imago Deo, which is Christ. But without the Spirit of God, we are not resurrected.
Also, note v34, that Jesus is 'also' interceding. Therefore, not the only intercessor. There the command of Jesus, that we worship his 'Raiser' in Spirit and in Truth.
Garvin Kirkpatrick,
I have to say this you are not correct "Jesus Christ His ONLY Son" Jesus Christ is GOD's only begotten son. Because a born-again Christian has Christ in him/her, he/she is a son of GOD with all power since Jesus Christ said in John 14: 12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
And in Col 1:27 KJV "Christ in you, the hope of glory" Romans 8:14. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" Romans 8 KJV
29. "For whom he (GOD) did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he (Jesus Christ) might be the firstborn among many brethren."
(Jesus Christ is our older brother Spiritually and spiritually we who are born-again are the children of GOD.)
it is so beautiful containing all we need to know: by adoption we become like part of Jesus prolunged body or family, we come under his and the spirits guidance,we become his heirs his legal lineagge of "blood" or Fatherhood, his procreation his seeds to be preserved for the Jesus Second Coming and going through the True Fathers Body to the True Mother to bring them to birth in the new flesh of a new humankind.
Here in Revelation 10 the hour deliverance of Daniels people, Israel, is at hand ( Daniel 12:1; Romans 11:26), Israel is to be grafted in their own olive. This is the season when he finishes with the Gentiles, for it is the hour they are cut off from the olive tree because because of unbelief. In Revelation 10 the pillar of fire, the angel of the covenant visits his Gentile church, the tender mercy of of God: whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. It is the season of manifestation of sons, its the hour of deliverance from bondage to corruption ( Romans 8:18-23). It is the dispensation of the fulness of time ( Ephesians 1:10). It is a prophetic age ( Malachi 4:5-6; Revelation 10:7, 11). Paul in speaking to his people the Jews warned them: Beware therefore, least that come upon you, which is spoken of the prophets: Behold ye despisers and wonder and perish: for I do a work in your days, a work which you shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you ( Acts 13:40-41). In Revelation 10:4 we read: seal those things the seven thunders uttered and write them not. The same voice said in ICorinthians 2:10 but hath revealed them by the spirit: for the spirit searcheth all things, the deep things of God. In Amos 3:7 we read we read the Lord will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. It is the age of the restoration of the word and the power. In verse 3, the angel or messenger of the covenant had a little book open: the making known of the words of the covenant, the restoration of all things; Malachi 4:5-6 season, Elias surely come and and restore all things (Mathew 17:11-12- note here the present and future application of these verses, for scripture has compound revelation). When God visited Israel to fulfill Genesis 49:24; 15:13-16 he descended in a flame of fire and sent Moses ( Exodus 3:1-9). This chapter is connected to Daniel 12, I Corinthians 14:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 and many other scriptures surrounding the second coming, both in old and new testament. A brief commentry has just been touched on this chapter.
i dont understand vs 1, does it mean that there is no condemnation to a christian or does it mean there is no condemnation only if we continue to walk in the spirit. i guess im asking, can you loose your salvation if you fail to follow the lord.
From that scriptures it means that there are two class of christians in the Body of Christ. Those that walk after the flesh and those that walk after the dictates of the flesh. No condemnation to those not walking after the flesh, but after the leadership of the spirit. The law of sin and death is not against them, becuase they are free indeed by the power of God, through the outworking of the spirit in them.
Sure God made all that, but their initial nature was not that wild as they are today, just like man. All that got bewildered with man�s fall, but before that man had dominion over them. �� For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,�� Romans 8:20 And time is coming, and will come soon, when man will recover supremacy over all God�s creation., that�s why we are battling to obey Him in Christ. God bless you.
The scripture about the salvation of all Israel is mainly in Romans 11:26. In verse 36 of same chapter, it says God will have mercy on all (which suppose the unbelievers). And verse 25 �� until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in��.
All this very clearly shows that ��all�� and ��fulness�� here are restricted to all the saved of israel and the fulness of the saved from among the gentiles.
All and fulness are used in figure of speech to stress the great numbers� and therefore should not be taken litterally.
God bless you.
POWERFUL, it is like if you are led by the Spirit of God(Holy Spirit) you have obeyed ALL the 10 COMMANDMENTS/LAW before God's eye, He gives you 10/10 for obeying His LAW, Ladies and Gentle men this is a Checkmate towards the devil, Glory
What an awsome God we serve.
If Christ is in you, body is dead. But if the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus is in you, then even the body becomes alive.
These is very important to note for people who say "I am saved because I accepted Christ". Please note that man is made in the image of God, Imago Deo, which is Christ. But without the Spirit of God, we are not resurrected.
Also, note v34, that Jesus is 'also' interceding. Therefore, not the only intercessor. There the command of Jesus, that we worship his 'Raiser' in Spirit and in Truth.
Sola Grati
Soli Deo Gloria
I have to say this you are not correct "Jesus Christ His ONLY Son" Jesus Christ is GOD's only begotten son. Because a born-again Christian has Christ in him/her, he/she is a son of GOD with all power since Jesus Christ said in John 14: 12. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."
And in Col 1:27 KJV "Christ in you, the hope of glory"
Romans 8:14. "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ"
Romans 8 KJV
29. "For whom he (GOD) did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he (Jesus Christ) might be the firstborn among many brethren."
(Jesus Christ is our older brother Spiritually and spiritually we who are born-again are the children of GOD.)