Discuss Romans 8 Page 65

  • Jay on John 3 - 12 years ago
    @Insight 777,
    1. Man�s insight is no insight when it comes to God's holy word ( Matthew 22:29);
    2. Jesus is the son of man and this title is used by the Jews only;
    3. The scriptures make reference to Jesus as the son of man about 80 times;
    4. This reference by the Jews connects Jesus to his human nature and lineage to King David;
    5. Son of God is mostly a New Testament church age title connecting Jesus to his divine nature as God manifested in the flesh ( John 1:14);
    6. Sons of God in Old Testament is in reference to the devil and his fallen angels (Job:1:6; 2:1; Genesis 6:2);
    7. The sons of God in the New Testament refers to born again believers in Jesus Christ ( John 1:12; Romans 8:14);
    8. Do not confuse son of God with sons of God, they are 2 different groups of beings;
    9. Please, remember that the bible always interprets itself and honestly and using scriptures to make your point will validate your point ( 2 Timothy 3:16).
  • James Williams on Romans 8:14 - 12 years ago
    So then you can be filled with the spirit and not be lead by it.
  • Shamange silas on Romans 8:38 - 12 years ago
    I made up my mind, that no force will be forceful enough to separate me from the love of God which is expressly demonstrated in our Lord Jesus.
  • Eminimo ufot idem on Romans 8:38 - 12 years ago
    Since God doesn't operate in the realm of lies, but He operates in the supernatural realm of Truth, He is over all powers.
  • Dougie Obutu on Romans 8:38 - 12 years ago
    It's Love so divine that is mentioned, whose measure, mortals can liken to the act of humility done by our Saviour Jesus Christ at Calvary, on Gethsemane. Love, whose breadth and depth man is not in a post to fully decipher and fathom of how one who is owed offers to clear the debt owed him, and just merely writing off the death, Philippians 2:2-8. It is that love that constraineth Christians to go forth with the Gospel despite the prevalent challenges. A Love that impels them to shade shadows on points of doubt, Deuteronomy 29:29. Whilst fixing their eyes on Jesus' heraldship, Hebrews 12:2. It's Agape love! Compels us to go forth and counter Satan's stumbling blocks, even death.
  • Angelle on Romans 8:38 - 12 years ago
    That nothing can keep us from God.
  • CHERI on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    Wonderful God's holy spirit in me and Jesus in my heart wow I need to do much better.
  • Serwaa Baryeh on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    Romans 8 gives a total sum of God's love and hope for the believer. It empowers the Christian's faith and lifts that joy of knowing Jesus. In fact, the whole bible is awesome!
  • Olayinka oye on Genesis 45 - 12 years ago
    Joseph knew that God preserved him for a purpose. No wonder he told his brothers in Genesis 45:5, Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me to preserve life. You can imagine what could have happen if Joseph was not sold into slavery in Egypt. There he was able to realize his dreams. That difficult situation in our lives is to take us to our expected end if we don't quit or look for a short cut different from God's agenda for us. There is a purpose in God's heart in preserving us in that great challenge we are facing. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28.
  • Ernie on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    All of God�s word is perfect! This chapter really speaks to my heart and when I die I want my Bible opened to Romans 8. Words that are taller than any mountain and deeper that the ocean. Holy, Holy, Holy is God Almighty King of kings and Lord of lords FOREVER!
  • Lansana Mansaray on Exodus 12:13 - 12 years ago
    It means that if your life is covered by the blood of Jesus, no evil will touch you. And even if what seems evil tries to afflict, you will become as it is written, "All things works together for good to them that love God and which are called according to his purpose", Romans 8:28. Now GOD is saying to man, "When I see the blood of Jesus, I will save you and give you eternal life ( John 3:16, 36).
  • Okeoghene Grace Dietake on Luke 14:26 - 12 years ago
    Knowing you Jesus; there is no greater thing. Nothing (death, life, tribulations, family, wealth, self esteem, wealth, famine, hunger,..) shall separate me from your love... Romans 8:35-39. Whatever stands deceitfully to take your place in my life, I consider as dung and am ready to turn away from even if it is my own life. This is my solemn declaration and this is a light in a sense of what Luke 14:26 means. That nothing else matters; that all is NOTHING compared to the priceless blessings of knowing Jesus and that without this mentality, one is not even qualified to be a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • IKPO on Romans 8:18 - 12 years ago
    I love it
  • Richard on John 3 - 12 years ago
    In responce to Tim Kelton's
    Good summary of the words Shall and should but check out Romans 8:35-39 and then also Matthew 7:23. Jesus says here that on that day He will say to those on the left I NEVER KNEW YOU. This would indicate that you can't jump out of His arms. The person was never saved to start with. You see God is all knowing and He already knows what you will do with Him the rest of youre life and based on that he will or will not save you. God will not waist His Sons blood on some one for a few years and then that person turn his back on him again. God looks on the heart.
  • John Dunu on Romans 8:19 - 12 years ago
    Jesus said ''truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the work that I do, and greater works than these will he do, that the father may be glorified in the Son''. Believers have been called to a greater commission. Through the death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, believers are expected to manifest in glory, doing greater works for the creation to see and God is glorified. Hallelujah!
  • Ricky on Ephesians 5:21 - 12 years ago
    This is the foundation of the Christian faith. In order for US to be submissive, WE must first be submissive to those that are in place by GOD. They are for OUR good, Romans 8:28 says that ALL things are working for OUR good.
  • Ciprince Ikwuagwu on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    Truly, I so much love this epistle of Apostle Paul to the Romans. The truth of the whole matter is, that Christ is not a man of flesh and blood to be worshiped in carnality. And there's no condemnation to them that are born again in the Holy Ghost. Now, the whole creation is waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God, and that is their expectation. Who are these sons they're expecting? They're men who know their God, who call God their father because they hear, live, and move by Him. And I thank God that in this age called 'kingdom age', the sons of God are being made. Men who will not break their ranks, nor compromise the standards given to them, men who understand the current program of God in their age, because in every age there's a program of God which one. And I pray that lets the manifestation of the sons of God be seen by all so that they may know that the Word of God is truth.
  • Uwadiale abisola on Romans 8:11 - 12 years ago
    If the Spirit that enables Jesus Christ from the grave reside in me, that if same Spirit shall physically energize my body from sickness and pain, coming out victoriously like Jesus through the same spirit.
  • John a baptist on John 3 - 12 years ago
    When you are saved, you are placed in the hand of God sealed by the holy spirit and kept by his mighty power, and nothing can separate you from the Love Of God. Read Romans 8:35-39.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 4 - 12 years ago
    God's wisdom has Fatherly instructions, corrections, admonitions, information and guidance in them. As a matter of divine fact, His Wisdom originates from a heart of love, mercy, and compassion that are beyond human comprehension. Therefore, they are meant to stir you and I, as it were, into the favours and strength of God. And because God is God, and there is none compared to Him, it means that He can't lie. Hence, it is worthwhile and wise to give concentrated attention to His Word. God's Word is His Wisdom and His wisdom are His dictates, and they are meant for the good of whoever believes ( 2 Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 4:16). Truthfully speaking, the fact that God does not do evil, but that He only does what is good and right, should encourage whoever cares to listen, to plunge into His truths, and also into His wisdom- and that must be through Jesus Christ, and also through the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 5:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5). The nuggets of truths, in this Proverbs 4, like others, are godlike precepts and instructions that are incomparable, good and right for the human soul, and for the spirit man, the hidden man of the heart, - and that mainly refers to the recreated human spirit. They are facets of biblical truths that are encouraging and also excellent for the godly type of life that many are craving and thirsting for ( Psalms 1:1-3, Psalms 37:4; Ephesians 1:17). Interestingly, depending perhaps on what background, a Christian comes from, the fact is that for the really genuine and committed type of Christian, a time will or must come that he will come into the knowledge that this God of Israel, the Father of our LORD Jesus Christ deserves to be magnified, glorified and worshipped; for there is none like Him ( John 4:23; 1 Peter 1:25). Thus, the place of wisdom, in the lives of whoever desires and dares to love and honour the Living God ( John 1:12; 3:16). He is, all that matters- and when you and I key into His love and faithfulness, He will do great wonders through us to the glory of His name. In view of these and many other things vis a vis the Word of God, wisdom dictates that we give ourselves committedly unto the LORD, and to His Word ( Matthew 6:33,34). There are challenges upon challenges that confront us, as individuals, and that is why, these truths and instructions, as contained in Proverbs, and throughout the pages of the Holy Writ, demand that we be faithfully committed to them. Remember, we have been accepted, into the family of the Beloved, and that refers to Jesus Christ ( John 17:3; Romans 8: 15; Ephesians 2:18; Galatians 4:16,1; Hebrews 9:14; 1 John 4:3; 5:13). And that is where the grace of God comes on board; His grace is more than sufficient ( 1 Corinthians 15:10; 2 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 12:9). God has abilities no matter what task or assignment He has called you and I for. When you commit yourself to God's dictates and function in line with them, Angels will go on assignment for you ( John 15:7; James 4:16.). There are levels and degrees of encounters with God, that we can't get into except through daily obedience and practical submission to the Word of God. In fact there is nothing, as far as I know that can surpass what God has given. He has given Jesus Christ, who is referred to biblically, as the Wisdom of God, - and that is for the salvation and redemption of humanity. And when you belong to Him through the agency of the new birth, you automatically become joint heirs with Him. And with that you are sorted if you know how to walk or function in love, and then take advantage of what He has given through Christ Jesus, the Saviour of the World. The essence of these is that we should give attention to wisdom, embrace it, reflect upon it, and practice it. God's instructions and precepts demands heartfelt obedience ( Psalm 119:6; John 14:15; John 15:120; 1 Corinthians 7:19; 1 Peter 1:25; 1 John 5:3). It says whatever you do in word and deed, do it heartily as unto the LORD. Hence, in the things of the Spirit, and that refers to the Holy Spirit, high level of commitment should be the norm, and that is because God cannot lie, - and His Word is forever infallible ( John 1:1-14; Hebrews 4). Truly, God is forever trustworthy.
  • LUBABALO QOTOYI on Romans 8:14 - 12 years ago
    I think every as Christians, we must contend to hear from God and to be led by the Spirit of God, that is what identifies us as the children of God, to be led by the Spirit of God.
  • Lydia on Romans 8:20 - 12 years ago
    Eve's "consequences would be for the Fall when Adam disobeyed GOD". A lot happened before Adam and Eve like the fallen angles that The book of Enoch tells us about, "why not the whole truth". Ben's Right you can't get to the Father, FATHER GOD except through the Son JESUS CHRIST who made us RIGHTEOUS......... Only that way are we Right in CHRIST JESUS.
  • Enoch Gyas on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    Chapter 8 of Romans has been one of my sweetest chapters in the Scripture. And verses 28 and 31 always give me comfort. In fact the whole of that chapter is incredible and heaven on earth.
  • Linda fukula on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    verse 18 bless me, and keep me going and trust God
  • Linda Fukula on Romans 8 - 12 years ago
    chapter 18 bless me, keep me goingVerse 18 blesses me and keeps me going.
  • FORTUNE on Romans 8:35 - 12 years ago
    IF I MISS HEAVEN, WHO WILL I BLAME? Will I blame my parents for threatening not to pay my school fees if I surrender to Christ and become born again, or will I blame my friends for their misleading lifestyles, or the economy for leading me to evil ways of getting money, or my body that refused to be controlled; or the devil for tempting me in the first place, or my bed mate for immorality I got addicted to; or conditions around me. But I heard the warnings from people even on face book, TV, radio, school, tracts, busses, friends, etc. But why can�t I just decide for Christ now I�m still breathing, my friends, neighbors and age mates are dying and I can also die anytime, what is wrong with me. Jesus died for my sins to redeem me from the hands of hell, but I have remained adamant. What is wrong with me? If I die tonight and open my eyes in hell, it�s torment for ever. God, I want to surrender to you now before it become TOO late. Who will I blame if I miss the rapture?
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 1 - 12 years ago
    God is constantly and consistently faithful- and there is no doubt about that. And that is from the perception of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ. And based on that, a look at this chapter, in Proverbs, reveals that, the writer of the book of proverbs commences, is writing with great and strong admonition of the intent of his writing. He highlights the significance of wisdom, knowledge and understanding- and that is particularly for they that prefer to love and serve the most blessed and most holy God. In that process, he places emphasis, on the receptivity of wisdom and also its practice on a daily basis. In other words, whatever God says, in His Word is what He means. Hence, the import of prayerfully and committed putting into practice whatever He says or reveals to you. In a sense, this opening chapter of the book of proverbs ushers the reader, into the importance of the God type of wisdom and the import of it in the lives of believers and followers of the LORD Jesus Christ. It therefore signifies that this chapter, Proverbs 1, and that is importantly for the truly obedient type of person, is a must, once in a month, no matter what - and so are the others. God is infinitely smarter, and He has not called His followers through Christ Jesus, to worship Him in vain ( Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16, Romans 8:31, 2 Timothy 1:7). Hence, when His Word is honored, and faith is constantly put to work, God has no option but to honor His part of the agreement; for He is forever trustworthy and dependable.
  • Melissha lindssey on Romans 8:3 - 12 years ago
    Under the Mosaic Law, our sins were revealed to us as the law served as a schoolmaster to point out our transgressions. It was powerless to do anything about our sins, thus the law was condemning and rendered judgment on many. This is why God sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and condemning sin rendering it powerless over those who were washed in his blood who received the remission of sins. He became sin, but knew no sin, thus being pure and undefiled. Therefore, as being in Christ Jesus, we are new creatures, old things have passed away, and all things have been made new - 2 Corinthians 5:17.
  • Frank on Romans 8:19 - 12 years ago
    All the creations of the world are looking forward to get the solution to their problem from the children of God, who are the believers that are bought by the blood of Jesus.
  • Santreece on Romans 8 - 12 years ago

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