I agree with Harold Caffee's comment : Romans 8:28 is talking about spiritual things: All of Romans 8 is talking about spiritual things: Thank God for Life in Christ Jesus & His many Blessings.
When you feel down, you may find it difficult to give thanks. Take heart God works all things out for good if we love him and are fitting unto his plans ( Romans 8:28). Thank God, not for your problems but for the strength he is building in you through the difficult experiences fothe life. You can be sure that God's perfect love will see you thought.
We are justified, completely made whole and perfect in the eyes of God if we are in Christ. Jesus said that His Word was Spirit and Life. Therefore to receive His Word for this day is Spirit and to walk by the revelation of His Word will make you free from the law of sin and death. Therefore NOW there is NO condemnation to them.
I've noted that people like the,'we are more than conquerers in Christ',line evrytime this chapter is read...
...But who are these 'more than conquerers' in a true sense of this chapter?
It should be noted that Paul spoke of all sorts of sufferings even death.He even mentioned that the present sufferings can not be compared to the future glory (for those who suffer now)
To me that does not mean competing with rock-stars for fame.It does not health and wealth.
Perhaps we should look at the people dying in jails in the islam countries to understand the true 'more than conquerers.I'm talking about people hunted,hungry,naked,shamed,rejected but not dejected.people holding firm their faith no matter what and shaming the devil in the process.these to me are the true more than conquerers.
Roman 8:28..it speaks of Gods commitment and faithfulness to those who love him...not everything we do is good or everthing thats done to us is good...nevertheless God is good
The Manifest Sons of God/The Elect of God/The first fruits of the Lamb/The remnant seed of the Woman they who keep the Commandments of God & have the testimony of Jesus, for the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. For unto St. Peter was said "Feed My Sheep" they detect & guide His sheep by the two commandments first the Second & then the first,for as is written They who do not love the Brethren whom they can see cannot love God who they cannot see. They come in the Spirit, for the spirit is the basis of life . They who reign with Christ during the Millennium & the fruit of the their work is seen in Rev. the uncountable ones standing before the Throne in white garments - There are the 144000 sealed by the name of God. There are called the Israel of God(Gal6:16) off the Covenant( Gal 3:16) who follow the Lamb where ever He goes. This Army of God come in the latter rain called the Post advent of Pentecost filled in the Holy Spirit led by the Lamb. The Brethren of the Elohim(Sons of God in heaven-Trained by them)
1. Recognize that there is law in the Spirit. These things he is discussing are under spiritual law. It means that they are a fact, and a reality beyond anything anyone here on earth has ever expirienced. So think about the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. LIFE TO THE FULLEST, (THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF) SURGING AND PULSATING THROUGH YOU RIGHT NOW. His life driving out all sickness, all disease, the destructiveness of old age. GONE IN A MOMENT. His energy, His peace, everything having to do with life resident inside you right now, because of Jesus Christ. And because of that, you are free from the law of sin and death. One day we will all leave our bodies and go home to be with the Lord, and in that day we will expirience the fullness of this verse, but til that time we dont have to go the way of the rest of the world. We can age with dignity, instead of succumbing to sickness and disease, and live our lives out to the fullness.
1. Recognize that there is law in the Spirit. These things he is discussing are under spiritual law. It means that they are a fact, and a reality beyond anything anyone here on earth has ever expirienced. So think about the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. LIFE TO THE FULLEST, (THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF) SURGING AND PULSATING THROUGH YOU RIGHT NOW. His life driving out all sickness, all disease, the destructiveness of old age. GONE IN A MOMENT. His energy, His peace, everything having to do with life resident inside you right now, because of Jesus Christ. And because of that, you are free from the law of sin and death. One day we will all leave our bodies and go home to be with the Lord, and in that day we will expirience the fullness of this verse, but til that time we dont have to go the way of the rest of the world. We can age with dignity, instead of succumbing to sickness and disease, and live our lives out to the fullness.
If God for me who can be against me....I ll walk free I ll win all souls because I m motivated by this scripture about two spirits and it agrees I m a child of God she/he is a child of God too thnx amen to all comments thnx guy I m revived
The spirit of whom that raise Jesus up should be in you
Jesus said to the disciples after he rose from the dead..."you'll be baptised by the holy spirit a few days from now"(Acts1:5)
We need to filled/baptised with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues( Acts 10:44-46)
We need to be baptised with the Holy Spirit as it happen in the Acts of the apostles so we can enter into the Kingdom of God(John3:5)
I see two spirits here (1) My spirit
(2) God's spirit
Now it is so good for me, once God's spirit can communicate with my spirit,and the first thing being,to let my spirit know that i am a child of
God and my spirit also agree to that.What a great
revelation to me!. It says to me in life two spirits are always talking but the thing is do they agree?Once they agree life becomes simple because we start to know God as our Father because
we are His children. Haleluya Amen
As a believer we face trials and sometimes things do happen. But as long as we are faithfully to the Lord He will work it out to our good. In other words hold onto the unchanging hand of Jesus and it will all work out.
This spirit is the spirit of Jehovah , that is the holy ghost dwelling in us (christians).It is this spirit that gives life to the body. It transforms and energizes our mortal bodies.
hope is a vision of SALVATION,through the word of God,which is the scriptures(Bible) that Christ expound it for the Gentiles like me that never happen during old testament era.
Bandile Mngomezulu_south africa on Romans 8:35 - 11 years ago
God says nothing made or nothing to be made can seperate us from Him, so ever let yourself to decieve you from seperating you from him. Be addicted to God as he is an addiction to they that love him
'For we know...' this 'we' encompasses you, the devil, situations, events, time, circumstances etc. That is why you should relax irrespective of what seems to be happening.
I am, presently, in the throws of trying to lose weight and earnestly seeking God and His Strength, as I know from past failures, I cannot do it by myself. This was today's Scripture reading in my Devotional and these "comments", as an added treat, have been a tremendous blessing. I love this site and us it often. Thanks for providing it! God bless! :)
To: Mark Hudson: ...to the FOURTH argument regarding the statement of JESUS, he who believes in ME though he die will live, and shall never die... the EXACT and CORRECT statement that was written is this, "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he "WERE DEAD", yet "SHALL HE LIVE": And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die" ( John 11:25-26)... meaning, "For if ye live "AFTER THE FLESH", ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do "MORTIFY THE DEEDS" of the body, ye shall live ( Romans 8:13)... and you shall NOT FULFIL THE LUST of the flesh ( Galatians 5:16)... THEREFORE ...you WERE DEAD because you LIVED AFTER THE FLESH and then when you believed Jesus Christ that's the time when you SHALL NEVER DIE... because from then on you do not walk after the flesh anymore but after the Spirit... and that is when you do mortify the deeds of the body... and to MORTIFY the deeds of the body is to MORTIFY our members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness,inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In the which ye also WALKED SOME TIME, when ye LIVED IN THEM ( Colossians 3:5).
Only sons of God can enter the Kingdom of God.
Only the Holy Spirit can make you a son of God. Ro.
Only by adoption can you become a son of God. 8:15
Only God's family have His name. Eph. 3:14-15
Only sons of God can see Him face to face. Re 22:4
Only sons of God will not be stung. Rev 9:4
Only sons of God have the seal of God. Rev 9:4
Only sons of God believe in the name "Son of God" John 1:12 and 1 John 5:13
Only sons of God wear the white robe of the martyr.
Only sons of God are under the alter of God. Rev 6:9-11
Only sons of God who suffer with him can be glorified with him. Romans 8:17
Only sons of God know His name. John 17:6 & 26, Rev. 2:17
Only when the son free's are you really free. Jn 8:32
Only the son of God can teach you the truth. Jn 14:26 & 16:13
Only the sons of God can receive the grace of God.
Only the son of God knows this as true.
Yes is very correct that the life of the "Natural man" is in the blood, because these man is born only of natural efforts. Since ADAM disobeyed GOD and was separated from the life of GOD (Became spiritually dead and started living from the senses which are control by SATAN).
Now the man that is "BORN AGAIN" has inherited the ETERNAL LIFE OF GOD ( 1 JOHN 5:11-13) by vital reality of the son-ship, which is produced by legal reality of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST taking our place of sin and death that we may take HIS place of LIFE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thus; the new man' life is no longer in the blood but in the spirit ( Romans 8:11)...............Thanx and GOD bless
(My respond to Linda's Psalms Chapter 33 comment about verse 15 on 9/10/2013, 8:52pm): Psalms 33:15 tells about the strength of kings among men as vain because neither it delivers any for safety. While Romans 8:30 discussed about those whom God has called, justified, and glorified. But the verse that I would say has comparison with Psalm 33:15 is Romans 8:2-3 because it tells as that the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus can make you free from the law of sin and death which was weak through the flesh. As God sending His Son, for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.
...But who are these 'more than conquerers' in a true sense of this chapter?
It should be noted that Paul spoke of all sorts of sufferings even death.He even mentioned that the present sufferings can not be compared to the future glory (for those who suffer now)
To me that does not mean competing with rock-stars for fame.It does not health and wealth.
Perhaps we should look at the people dying in jails in the islam countries to understand the true 'more than conquerers.I'm talking about people hunted,hungry,naked,shamed,rejected but not dejected.people holding firm their faith no matter what and shaming the devil in the process.these to me are the true more than conquerers.
Jesus said to the disciples after he rose from the dead..."you'll be baptised by the holy spirit a few days from now"(Acts1:5)
We need to filled/baptised with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues( Acts 10:44-46)
We need to be baptised with the Holy Spirit as it happen in the Acts of the apostles so we can enter into the Kingdom of God(John3:5)
(2) God's spirit
Now it is so good for me, once God's spirit can communicate with my spirit,and the first thing being,to let my spirit know that i am a child of
God and my spirit also agree to that.What a great
revelation to me!. It says to me in life two spirits are always talking but the thing is do they agree?Once they agree life becomes simple because we start to know God as our Father because
we are His children. Haleluya Amen
Only the Holy Spirit can make you a son of God. Ro.
Only by adoption can you become a son of God. 8:15
Only God's family have His name. Eph. 3:14-15
Only sons of God can see Him face to face. Re 22:4
Only sons of God will not be stung. Rev 9:4
Only sons of God have the seal of God. Rev 9:4
Only sons of God believe in the name "Son of God" John 1:12 and 1 John 5:13
Only sons of God wear the white robe of the martyr.
Only sons of God are under the alter of God. Rev 6:9-11
Only sons of God who suffer with him can be glorified with him. Romans 8:17
Only sons of God know His name. John 17:6 & 26, Rev. 2:17
Only when the son free's are you really free. Jn 8:32
Only the son of God can teach you the truth. Jn 14:26 & 16:13
Only the sons of God can receive the grace of God.
Only the son of God knows this as true.
Now the man that is "BORN AGAIN" has inherited the ETERNAL LIFE OF GOD ( 1 JOHN 5:11-13) by vital reality of the son-ship, which is produced by legal reality of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST taking our place of sin and death that we may take HIS place of LIFE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thus; the new man' life is no longer in the blood but in the spirit ( Romans 8:11)...............Thanx and GOD bless