Discuss Romans 8 Page 60

  • Michael adewole on Romans 8:31 - 10 years ago
    This romans 8 31 to me its faith and confidence booster in the Lord. That so, if God is on my side, who could that be or things from anywhere will be against me.
  • Kamau julius on Romans 8:28 - 10 years ago
    All things means everything accouunted for and THE CALLED means those who have been washed by the BLOOD OF JESUS
  • Ann johnson on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    My comment concerning Romans Chapter 8 is "WOW ". We are kept by a mighty strong hand! His own arm brought Him the victory! Repent and be baptized "everyone " of you for the remission of sins and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2 37,38
  • Lorraine on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    I am often reminded in Romans 8 that even though I may not be perfect, each time I repent and try to walk stronger in Christ I stand stronger not to go against Romans 1 1 32. I would hate to not be in God 's grace when I pass away and try hard to do what is right to stay in his grace. His son paid for my sins with his blood. What helps me to stay stronger longer is a 30 second question? Is this sin with that blood shed for me. Most of the time the answer is now. There is a song "Would you take upon the nails of this man " Yes, and by no sinning I am doing that. I am telling Jesus that his death on the cross means everything to me. I am the sinner and should be on that cross. Romans 8 helps me to remember this. My prayers go out to all those struggling with this righteous and unrighteous principle. Maybe looking at your hand and seeing Christs hand with the nails in it can bring you humbly to your knees. Just because we are all forgiven of our sins doesn 't means we should willingly commit them. Go with Christ everyone.
  • Pieter Fourie on Romans 8:28 - 10 years ago
    My dad is a non believer and was recently diagnosed with throat cancer. He is at the point where he is angry at God. I think he should read this verse. Pleas help me pray for him.
  • Roy on Romans 8:21 - 10 years ago
    My dog just passed. When I read this verse I began to realize the distinction it made between creation which includes pets and the children of God saved . It says creation "will " not may be join God 's children saved according to the New Living Translation. The verse translation below also says "all " creation. Pets are also part of God 's creation. Hope this helps
  • Roy E Neel on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    It is a free gift from The Almighty God !! There is nothing you can do to earn it !!! Just give praise ,honor and glory unto his Holy Name !!!!!
  • Abodunde S.O.T. on Romans 8:35 - 10 years ago
    Nothing compares to the love of christ
  • Kelechi Jackson Anyasor on Romans 8:28 - 10 years ago
    Although,we are getting at the height of gross darkness on earth,that shouldn 't detare us,but should encourage us of our imminent departure into the kingdom of our dear God,arise and shine,for we are created for such a time as this.
  • Heber Hernandez on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    Like my 5yr old grndsn says, "In the begining GOD ceated the heavens and the earth, ..... and that 's just the way it is! " Everything else is elemetary, so AWESOM!
  • Jackson Flomo on Romans 8:38 - 10 years ago
    When the love of God is in the heart of a man deeply nothing can prevent that individual from serving God faithfully.
  • Dharam on Romans 8:38 - 10 years ago
    God 's love for us does not depend on anything that we do. He loves us in spite of not because of. God is not always pleased with what we do but we can be assured he will always love us.
  • Jim Frick on Romans 8:39 - 10 years ago
    Its literally a life saver. God put those words into Paul to let us know his determination. We serve an AWESOME GOD. A WONDERFUL GOD. HE IS THE GREAT IAM AND EVERYTHING THAT IS MIGHTY,PURE AND HOLY.
  • Archibong bassey on Romans 8:30 - 10 years ago
    God will only justify his children who repent and obey his commanments.send me more message that will build my faith.thank,s for your reply amen.
  • Roy cooper on Romans 8:31 - 10 years ago
    what this scripture means to me.nothing on this earth under the earth can separate me from the love of christ.
  • Prince, Edward on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    The book of Romans is a book that I love especially verse 35 39 it is true as the word of always come to pass, if you are not born again this scripture will make be born again and I pray that the Lord Almighty God will take you as His child again because He said in the same Romans 3 23 that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
  • Reina on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    Romans 8 is one of the most beautiful books of the bible. One can meditate on it for days. The benefits for submitting to Christ and being filled with the Spirit are enormous. Why wouldn 't any person want these promises even if if requires Some suffering.
  • GeraDessiel Simon on Romans 8:9 - 10 years ago
    Carnally minded Christians truly cannot be subject to one another,nor subject to The Royal Law of Liberty of The Spirit of life in Christ Jesus! As it 's written in Rev.3 1,2,living yet are dead!They have "perfect " works before people,but not perfect before The One Who has The 7 fold SPIRIT of GOD!Foolish virgins lacking The Anointing POWER to produce as JESUS! He is coming so soon,let 's exhort one another daily and so much more! HOLY GLORY!Even so COME LORDJESUS! HIS great Grace be with your spirit! My perfect LOVE be with you all in contact connection with The Holy Ghost of JESUS!
  • Mpho on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    In situations that one find himself herself there is a purposeGods love should be seen through me
  • Mpho on Romans 8 - 10 years ago
    In situations that one find himself herself there is a purposeGods love should be seen through me
  • Gabi on Romans 8:18 - 10 years ago
    it means that no matter what we go through now God always has a bigger plan for us and when that time come we will forget about our sufferings as our heart will be filled with so much joy
  • Chidinma on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    it is very good to know this wonderful day that who the Lord predestined he also called and who he called he also justified and who he justified he also will glorified so our focus is on God s calling and justification We must strive to please him as is also clear we free from spirit of bondage to fear with a promise that nothing can separate us from the lOVE of Christ neither anything height tribulation creature spirit etc can tear us apart fro his love if we observe this words in our mind and spirit then we can conquer the world be hopeful and strong
  • Teelady617 on Romans 8 - 11 years ago
    It takes strenth courage and character to handle the strength of God I Can Feel Him All The Time He Keeps Me Going He Also Makes Miraculous Changes through good or bad choices are hard
  • Prince Adewale on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    Sometimes will find it so difficult to understand how God work things out for his beloved The Isrealites for instance God lead them to the sea side where seems no way to escape from king Pharoe Even they hardly Believed God s word All what God require from us is total obedient to His commandmets and all our trials in life shall definately turn into testimony
  • Peter Ankeli on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    In whatever situation God has a blessing for His own no matter how bad and incomprehensible it appears Those who know God and love Him can draw out reasons to be thankful Even the reigning killing of Christians around the world confirms to the believers the certainty of Christ Words and therefore encourages them and urges them on
  • Ethelware on Romans 8:26 - 11 years ago
    ETHEL comment for V 26 OUR infirmities may refer to the presence of sin GROANINGs The spirit also groans along with creation and the believer The spirits interpretation of the believer innermost feelings which cannot be put into words The spirit search the heart
  • Rob on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    For one that has personnaly witnessed the LORD work the wonderful work of salvation in their life and has fallen in love with the Lord this may be the most amazing verse that St Paul has passed to his brethren May GOD bless all who read this
  • Chako on Romans 8:10 - 11 years ago
    What bible means body is death because of sin
  • Elijah Mogire. on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    It is by faith that we earn Salvation Justivication Having been justified Salvation is freely given by Jesus so that in Him all good that we need is done in us Anen
  • Blessed on Romans 8:28 - 11 years ago
    This is one of my anchor scriptures This is one of my scriptures I depend on when things and situations are not as good as they should be I talk this scripture and talk this scripture and it brings GOD ANSWER to me Believing in this scripture give me the peace of GOD with the peace of GOD I have the patience to wait on GOD Waiting on GOD strengthens my relationship with my Father GOD HIS WAYS ARE BEST

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