God is so Good! And Yes! by knowing Him is the best things happened in our life. We think about it that if Christ did not offer His life and His precious blood ''there is no SALVATION at all''. Imagine, God without us (people) still a God but WE without God is NOTHING.
How Lucky I 'am that I know Jesus as my PERSONAL SAVIOUR!
Cain offering was of plants from the earth. Abel's offering was a living sacrifice, shedding the blood of the lamb that contained the life of that lamb. God is pleased with a living sacrifice. Romans 8:9 12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
When we endure,labour and long suffer for the Lord I don't think we realise how glorious it must be in the eyes of God, think of the praise we give our loved ones when they endure and overcome things how much more do you think God will Glorify us as his children. Hallelujah
No matter what you're going through just remember that the glory of GOD will shine through and that with GOD you have already won. Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Don't fear and don't be afraid because He is always with you..
Comment*God sought it impossible for man to redeem himself so He sent His beloved son Christ Jesus who did e perfect work for mankind. Therefore, whoever believes in Him shall never be condemned for it's by e grace that we r saved n no nothing can seperate us from His love.
What people do not know that the Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit is the same, when a person gets saved, he receives the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit, the Bible say in Romans 8:9 Now if a man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His, he abides when you for ever, the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit is part of the trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit.
Vikki Mumford, Yes, it is possible to loose salvation.This is the warning of Exekiel 18. Matthew 22:14"For many are called, but few are chosen."Also: 2 Peter 2:21,2 Timothy 3:5, Galatians 4:9, Romans 8:28-31,etc. Believe God's word, and let no man deceive you. God loved Solomon a righteous man and he lost his. I hope this helps. Let scripture interpret scripture. Man's opinion means nothing!
We should fear so we don't fall after the same example of unbelief. We have the same promise that the saints of old had but it did not profit them because they didn't mix the Word they heard with faith. Let us make sure our faith is in two places; our heart and our mouths!
Thank God for Romans 8:31 IF God be for you your mortgage company can't be against you. IF God be for your supervisor can't be against you. If God be for you all things are working out for your good. Amen
Yes !! God is for us. God is on our side : I will be get on His side also : We working together . God can do nothing unless He has someone that He sees has Faith in Him : Together we move mountains :
Wow I know this verse but today with what am going through it means so much and my understanding is enhanced. I thank God for opening my eyes and my heart to receive what he had for me this morning. Praise be to Him!
Many people skim past the first paragraph of the chapter the end of it especially all this is for those who have a spiritual walk with Christ and not giving in to the fleshly side of life . This means having a personal relationship with his Holy Spirit and yielding to him every day.once we do that we can be assured he will do everything to keep us close to God . we can walk away if we choose.
As long Christ dwells inside of us Nothing and No One should be able to separate us from GOD. No matter where we are or what we do, he will always love us.
Nothing : Nothing : Nothing can or will separate us from God's love : Not even the devil and his co -herts. God's love and mercy from everlasting to everlasting . Why wouldn't I want to walk so as to please Him on a daily basis by walking in accordance to His word !!!!
It is God's divine holiness which we live by that stops all the firey darts of the enemy: Being transformed into the likeness of Christ Romans 8:29 we have the support in Isaiah 11:5 our loins are girdles with righteousness and our reins with faithfulness. The reins are the conscience and the mind; it is the faithful reins that bring into our heart what we aught to live by, and will live by.
Romans 8 is the Lord's Solid Net that catches and holds me together and shields me from destruction in times of extreme danger and fear. I have used this scripture to stay sane and hopeful when all seems almost lost for me. Romans 8 is a shining light unto my path and leads me back always to my Heavenly Father for needed safety and shelter from destruction.
How Lucky I 'am that I know Jesus as my PERSONAL SAVIOUR!