Blessings on you for asking for prayer. I'm sorry for his loss and how that's affecting him and you. While I'm not a grief counselor per se, I do know you're on the right road by sharing about your burden, instead of bottling it all up inside; now we can all help you by begging God for your situation as both you and your dear one walk the path of grief - he for the loss of his mother, and you for the loss of relationship you used to have with him.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God"
(further comment). What Muslims say: that Jesus is claimed by Christians to be another god, is in fact incorrect, as His Word (i.e. God's declarations & commands) was sent to the Jews in the form of a man, Jesus (God's Word & Messenger). Our God is One & beside Him there is no other ( Isaiah 44 & 45 give many examples). And this Word was made a man & had to become one of us for the sole purpose of the laying down of His Life for the sins for all people. If it was only a matter of bringing God's Message, then the prophets had done God's Will. But Jesus' task was far more: He had to make payment for mankind's sins, a payment that no one else could because everyone else were sinners, & Jesus was sinless before God. Halim, I know you are aware of what I've written, but have mentioned it, so your thoughts & prayers for your wife & sharing with her, might remain in focus with Scripture. God bless you & I will keep your family in my prayers.
Halim, Carl has given you good advice: your life & quiet witness (as maybe different to what she sees in other Muslims) will undoubtedly speak to her of a true spiritual change in you & of the deep Work of God in you through Jesus Christ. I have spent much time with dear Muslims in Pakistan many years ago & even though I found most ignorant of al-Quran (probably because they had to read it in Arabic, which they didn't know), they were receptive to what I could share. If your wife allows, & you know what she has difficulty in accepting (e.g. the Trinity, the Bible, Sin, Salvation, etc.), then you can carefully explain the Truths, even by using al-Quran. For example, to introduce the Trinity (esp. Sonship of Jesus), I would refer to Surah-an-Nisa (4:171), which speaks of Jesus, not only a messenger from Allah, but also His Word & Soul FROM HIM. John 1:1-14 declares the same thing: the Word was with God - the Word was God & this Word was given flesh (=Soul).(see following comments).
Hi Halim, I am so happy to hear you are born again! There is good hope for your wife too. 1 Corinthians 7 says the unbelieving wife might be won over by the believing husband. Let her see the joy and peace in your life as a born again believer and God will work miracles!
Doina, I'm sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I have them too and wish I didn't, but there is a silver lining found in 1 Peter 5:10. All the best to you!
My daughter is with someone who abuses her and her children. she fears him and the children does too. I am asking God to open her eyes and save her and save him in the name of Jesus. Then send her a God fearing husband who can love her like Christ loves the church, please touch and agree with me.
Please pray for me. I have an angiogram scheduled on April 30th due to having burning pain in the middle of my chest that radiates to my left arm and neck. Bless you.
I am Halim, I am a orn again christian and I am from north africa, my wife ( MALIKA) is not saved yet, she is a muslim and refuses even to hear about The Son of God, Jesus Christ, Please pray that the Lord may convince her through His Spirit and reveal her Jesus christ the only Savior of the world and may He save also my son JUBA who is 4 years old. Amen
But probably one of the most powerful Scriptures of God's keeping power is Romans 8:38-39: "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor powers, nor any thing which has come, nor things coming, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
The only way a person can be saved is by a spiritual birth from God; and the only way a person can keep his salvation is through the keeping power of God.
That is my position. I don't believe I can lose it because I am trusting in the power of the one who has saved me, sealed me, and has promised not to lose me. I'm sitting there at the "will call" waiting for the one who purchased me to come pick up His possession.
Once I was drawn to Christ by the Father and surrendered my life to Him, His Spirit came into my spirit and sealed me unto the day of redemption.
I belong to Christ. He purchased me, meaning he owns me. Paul said in Romans 8:9, "Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not of Him." In Romans 8:14, he wrote, "For as many as are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God."
In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul challenged the church at Corinth: "Examine yourselves, if you are in the faith; prove your own selves, or do you not know your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, except you are reprobates?" John, supported the same understanding in 1 John 3:24, and 1 John 4:13. Salvation happens only when God's Spirit enters and remains in a person's spirit, thereby causing spiritual birth. Nothing in the Bible teaches that salvation is accomplished by the repetition of the Sinner's Prayer or through the performance of any other kind of human formula.
All the comments and scriptures given in regards to your questions are great, consider also Romans 8:1-End (There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.) Also, Eph. 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace. We pray for peace onto her mind, body, and soul.
I have shortness of breath and my tear duct is clogged I also pray for faith and I pray for the people that have tested positive for COVID 19 God you are a healer. Amen
pray that some how I can get my I can my star pump fix I can not afford to get another car need 15 hunder dollars to fix my car hope my car will last lone enouht to get another I just can not afored to get one prayer that i'am unemployment goes thour ok and to have enough money to paid my bill
I have being entering relationship upon relationship not working. My request is that this year 2020 my God ordained spouse should locate me ND my sister in Jesus name amen
Please pray that Denise, Brian and I are healthy and safe. Pray we don't get sick. Pray my mom recovers. Pray my cases go well and the firm does well. Pray I make money in the market. Thx
I totally agree with you. Interpretation of scripture, does not come from man but from God (by his Spirit. Romans 8:8-9. The Bible itself is the inspired Word of God and men wrote the bible as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. So even the prophets of old ( Moses, David King Solomon, etc) those that wrote scripture, did not write of themselves, but wrote as the Spirit of God rested on them.
Christ being the 1st born of many BRETHREN is good news for us it implies Christ is gonna go forth and sow his seed in US sinners initiating a birth of Christ in US Th Child is the remnant of his BRETHREN the H.G PLURAL.Thats y the woman is giving birth in Rev 12 she is bringing forth the remnant of his BRETHREN. Micah 5 says he wd give them up till the woman is in birth pains then the remnant of his BRETHREN wd return unto Israel Thats y the new birth is so important its the means in which God wil bring forth the remnant of his BRETHREN,therefore shall he give them up till she that is in travail has given birth thats the woman in rev 12, ISAIAH SAYS UNTO US A CHILD IS BORN, HIS BRETHREN GBU.
Blessings on you for asking for prayer. I'm sorry for his loss and how that's affecting him and you. While I'm not a grief counselor per se, I do know you're on the right road by sharing about your burden, instead of bottling it all up inside; now we can all help you by begging God for your situation as both you and your dear one walk the path of grief - he for the loss of his mother, and you for the loss of relationship you used to have with him.
Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God"
God bless.
There names are Kai, Major,Jarie
And Zack
Thank you
But probably one of the most powerful Scriptures of God's keeping power is Romans 8:38-39: "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor powers, nor any thing which has come, nor things coming, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
The only way a person can be saved is by a spiritual birth from God; and the only way a person can keep his salvation is through the keeping power of God.
That is my position. I don't believe I can lose it because I am trusting in the power of the one who has saved me, sealed me, and has promised not to lose me. I'm sitting there at the "will call" waiting for the one who purchased me to come pick up His possession.
Once I was drawn to Christ by the Father and surrendered my life to Him, His Spirit came into my spirit and sealed me unto the day of redemption.
I belong to Christ. He purchased me, meaning he owns me. Paul said in Romans 8:9, "Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, this one is not of Him." In Romans 8:14, he wrote, "For as many as are being led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God."
In 2 Corinthians 13:5, Paul challenged the church at Corinth: "Examine yourselves, if you are in the faith; prove your own selves, or do you not know your own selves, that Jesus Christ is in you, except you are reprobates?" John, supported the same understanding in 1 John 3:24, and 1 John 4:13. Salvation happens only when God's Spirit enters and remains in a person's spirit, thereby causing spiritual birth. Nothing in the Bible teaches that salvation is accomplished by the repetition of the Sinner's Prayer or through the performance of any other kind of human formula.
Psalm 130, Psalm 77-13-20, Micah 7:18-20.
I would love prayer for him to heal and become healthy again.
Give these scriptures to her also: Romans 8:15, Ephesians 1:5 and 1 Corinthians 12:13. She is adopted by her Heavenly Father. She is highly blessed.