Discuss Romans 10 Page 12

  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ray V. jones Sr. Your first step Is To Confess Romans 10:9+10 and start changing your lifestyle to Gods Word.
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Derek There are a few so called red flags with certain [t.v.evangelists] just because someone said they

    supposedly confessed Jesus as lord doesn't mean they understood and remained committed to that. Another

    point if someone says on T.V. that someone out there has a problem in their elbow or heart problem chances

    if their listening audience is 2 million or over the number dictates that probably someone does that doesn't

    mean God told them. One more point they are always wanting money when in the book of Acts people gave

    because they got delivered and voluntarily brought there abs and additional wealth to be used by believers.

    Also like you said the wealth guarantee. Philippians says God shall supply all our need and its available to have

    an abundant life but whats the point of 11 million dollar mansions and private jets and banks accounts worth

    100 million. My bible says everything in balance but a lot are tipping Gods Justice Scales. Please don't tell me

    I have to GIVE to give to Get Blessed by God again we start with Romans 10:9+10 and as we walk in that faith

    and God begins to bless your life you give as God puts on your heart, we give because WE WANT TO NOT

    BECAUSE WE HAVE TO GOD LOVES A CHEERFUL GIVER! I didn't write the book. Just Some Heart!
  • Rick - In Reply on 2 Corinthians 5 - 3 years ago
    Hi Jerimiah God has made a lot of things available to man but you still have to believe to receive. When

    Jesus Christ was ministering when he went into His Home town of nazareth of galilee Mathew 13:53-58 he

    could not due many mighty works because of their unbelief! All thing of God are given upon man first

    believing to receive i.e. confess Romans 10:9+10 and believe in thine Heart action mouth then inner most part

    and then God can work.
  • David - 3 years ago
    Hi Douglas Biblically the number 3 represents complete, i.e. God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, or Trinity.

    man body soul spirit, adversaries workings steal kill destroy, Jesus Christ raised from the dead third Day,

    these are a few. Now the number six represents man who is in his un redeemed state totally incomplete,

    so therefore all the works of man are incomplete. When you put the two together you have complete

    imperfection which is what the beast is going to rise up and represent total imperfection. The term beast

    basically means wild and uncontrollable sounds like man in a depraved state without God. So this term

    is a system that is going to rise up headed by the adversary to rule the world systems. I'd focus more on

    the greatness of what we have in Christ jesus after confessing Romans 10:9+10 if you haven't done that yet.

    Look up E.W. bullingers number in Scripture remarkable piece of biblical research. Way

    ahead of his Time.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I agree Alex, that 'limited atonement' from Calvin's reformed theology is defective because Christ's blood was shed for all, making it possible for all to call upon His Name & be saved. Calvin's belief was that Christ's Blood availed only for the elect even though the Gospel would reach out to all people. So, if you were not part of the elect of God, you had no chance at all for salvation because the Cross was not meant for you.

    But what you're stating, is the opposite: that Christ's Blood would be applied to everyone regardless of their disposition to turn to the Cross for redemption. So the questions that arise are: what happened to Romans 10:9; Acts 16:31; etc., where belief was necessary for Christ's Blood to have efficacy on a sinner's heart? How can the unbeliever possibly be saved if he doesn't believe?

    If Christ's Blood still avails for all men even after their death, does that not mock the essence of the Gospel requiring man to call upon the Lord now in repentance & contrition of spirit?

    If Christ's Blood will save all, why should the Gospel be preached, why should lives be changed, why should the Spirit come to indwell the believer, why should we live holy lives, if in the end everyone is forgiven & accepted? It's all been a waste of time.

    Be very careful with what appears to be a belief in the doctrine of Universal Salvation or Universal Reconciliation. It started in the early centuries after the Church was formed & it always had a following because of the great appeal that God's Love was so great that it would be impossible for Him to consign anyone to eternal torment. This can give a person a very nice feeling of security, but Hell's mouth remains open to welcome the gullible & deceived.
  • Rick - In Reply on Proverbs 12 - 3 years ago
    Hi Tony The beginning of your answer Romans 10:9+10 and believe in your Heart!
  • David - In Reply on 1 John 2 - 3 years ago
    Daniel Confess with your mouth and believe with your heart Romans 10:9+10. Then you become

    spiritually a son of God by rebirth spiritually that is the anointing of Holy spirit. That is the anointing spoken of.
  • David - In Reply on Luke 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Little Turner John 3:16 John 1:29 John 10:10 Acts 2:38+39 To be saved Romans 10:9+10 confess with

    mouth believe in Heart and thou shalt be saved Absolute tense! This is the why, believe and become a child

    of the most High! God bless
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Obedience You mentioned everything except the big one Romans 10: 9+10 God Bless
  • Rick - In Reply on Jude 1:19 - 3 years ago
    Hi Anthony You are going to get a few takes on this, one of them praying in the spirit, for the spirit to

    come in which is not possible because we already have it. 2 Be too be praying to God quietly about his word

    mind with understanding. Third which is what I understand scripturally is speaking in tongues which is

    your own private prayer life with God. Now many believe this doesn't exist anymore, or went out with

    apostolic age. Also they've seen examples like I have that are so out of order who would want to do that.

    Correctly understood all things of God are decent and in order, this manifestation of Gods gift is primarily for

    your private prayer life been doing this for 42 years.

    I manifested power from on High shortly after confessing Romans 10: 9+10, now like everything

    else biblically you have to make up your mind to believe or not. There's got to be something to it because the

    Apostle paul said to the church at Corinth that he thanked God he spoke in tongues more than ye all

    and keep in mind he was given how the church was suppose to operate. There are 12 benefits to SI.T. biblically.
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Curray John 3:16-19 Pretty much sums it up, they who love the deeds of this world, love mammon or the world

    above believing in Jesus Christ Gods only begotten Son Romans 10:9+10 and choosing to change their works.

    Almost everyone has a choice to choose. Gods the giver but the receiving has got His conditions not ours

    attached to it.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Earl,

    Did you post this in attempt to counter a post I made a few hours ago?

    Is it possible that you are confusing God's unconditional love for us with conditional salvation?

    The verses you shared are great, but don't support an unconditional salvation.

    Salvation has always been conditional, because it requires action on our part. This was the key point of nearly all the parables Jesus spoke. How to be saved. Being saved means to be saved from something that would otherwise happen. Do nothing = not saved. Follow Jesus = saved. Following Jesus means reading the Word and following the teachings, such as...

    Romans 10:9 says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."

    It says "If..." you do these things "...thou shalt be saved."

    That is a condition. If it was not a condition, then the word "if" would not have been used. If what you're saying is true that this is not a condition then would have said to do nothing or whatever you want, because you're saved regardless. But it doesn't say that. It says the opposite of that. The Bible has many conditions. It's easy to understand what a condition is by the format: If... [you do something] then [this is the result]. In programming, an If... then... statement is called a conditional statement. That's the literal definition of

    If I remember right, Earl, do you not believe in hell? If my memory is correct on that, then what is the purpose of salvation? What would you be saved FROM? The whole purpose of salvation is to be saved from hell. Even a secular dictionary gives the definition of salvation as "preservation from destruction or failure."

    I'm not sure if anything I wrote will influence your opinion whatsoever, but at least I will have tried. God bless.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I believe Judas will go to hell, because he betrayed Jesus to help murder him for profit. This is like blasphemy and turning his back on Jesus. Peter denied Jesus, which might also be a form of blasphemy, however, I believe Jesus forgave him through a special circumstance- asking if he loved Him three times.

    People are deceived if they believe everyone goes to heaven regardless of how much sick and vile evil they commit against God, like Hitler mass murdering people. Jesus already said most people will go to hell. Just read the gospels and his many parables. They are all similar themes- warning after warning.

    Jesus died for everyone, but forgiveness is contingent upon someone humbling themselves, repenting, confessing, believing, declaring Jesus is Lord and accepting the gift. Acts 2:38 - this requires an action. It doesn't say 'Do nothing and ye shall receive the gift' or 'Keep sinning as much as you want...' Here's another action requirement: repentance: Luke 5:32. Here's another confessing: 1 John 1:9.

    Romans 10:9 - notice the "If..." People don't say "if" unless it's conditional. Salvation is conditional.

    This says to believe: 1 John 5:13. It doesn't say 'not believing is totally fine.' Romans 12:2 - this says to be transformed and to not conform to the world. That's a big bummer for those hoping for a free get out of hell free card to enjoy a lifetime of sin and guilty pleasures. Look at this: John 8:11 and even this: James 2:26. Another: James 4:6. Reading the Bible for what it is paints a very different picture than the little summaries people like to spread around. People who ignore all the Bible's teachings and do whatever they want should be afraid for their soul: Luke 12:5. God bless.
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Gigi Graciously if I may God is the giver who gave what he is spirit, it was given day of pentecost,when Jesus Christ

    completed His mission and sat down at the right Hand throne of God. The Gift of Holy Spirit is in the Epistles known

    as Christ in us the hope of Glory, it is a spiritual new man created in righteousness and Holiness, it is our God given

    power to use the name of Jesus Christ to kick the enemies butt. We are to walk in the Faith of the new man which is

    by making Gods word our Will in the renewed mind, of Course after Romans 10:9+10 from the mouth and in the heart.

    My understanding God Bless
  • David - 3 years ago
    Another area in the word that most christians don't understand is renewed mind, because until a christian by

    his will changes His mind to line up his thoughts on the word of God he will never walk by the spirit and manifest what

    God has made available. As far as my understanding the renewed mind is the key to walking by the spirit because your

    body is controlled by the mind and the mind has to be made captive.

    2 Corinthians 10:4+5 this is Gods will and our job to do we bring every thought, that is why there are a lot of

    scripture dealing with[ heart mind thought] we bring every thought captive to the obedience of the christ in us which is lifetime of work. Most christians do not believe this is required, there comfort zone is Romans 10:9+10 but again a lot have not been taught or don't believe it.
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Good Morning Barbara Due to Adams disobedience to Gods only command in Genesis 3 Eden, he handed over all the

    authority was given by God to serpent [it wasn't a literal snake figure of speech for his satans sly deception] that's why

    in luke 4:6 the devil tells Jesus all the power and authority was handed to him that was done by Adam. In Romans

    8:20-22 that was and is the effect all of creation suffers animals included satan put all of creation in a power struggle or

    his confusion. The opposite side when we believe in Romans 10:9+10 all that authority that adam lost we are given back

    to us in Ephesians 1:17-21 we again have that power and authority when we claim the name above all names

    Jesus Christ. Thank God for what he did for us by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Godf Bless.
  • David - In Reply on Psalms 25 - 3 years ago
    Hi Victoria All or most of us on this site at one time did this to get started in out walk of faith and believing

    Romans 10: 9+10 It says if thou shalt confess with thy mouth[your part] the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine

    Heart [inner most part of your being] that God hath raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved[ sozo=to make or

    keep sound or safe] Gods Job. Then change your life to what the word of God says to do, and trust me God will do the

    rest His Job. Only a suggestion find a fellowship of believers or church and I like to start in the church Epistles

    addressed to the body of Christ in our day and time then the Gospels then old testament. That being said its all Gods

    promises to us who believe. God Bless
  • Rick - In Reply on Hebrews 4 - 3 years ago
    Hi Jean It is available for all believers to manifest or display power from on high Speaking in tongues, Jesus Christ spoke about this when addressing the samaritan woman when in John 4:23 +24 he said But the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship him. God is Spirit

    and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth or truly by the spirit. That was the first display of

    Gods spirit working on the day of pentecost birthday of the age of Grace. Some say special gift some say doesn't exist anymore some say not needed. 1 Corinthians 12 : Paul went from gift to in verse 7 to manifestation of the gift, it is a great benefit to the believer spiritually it is personal prayer between you and father not to be done out loud or out

    of order because all things of God are done decent and in order This is not to say that believers who don't speak in tongues don't believe or love God, that is biblically not sound. My bible says confess Romans 10:9+10 and believe in your heart and act on Gods Word. My understanding
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Bro Dan Something to think about when we get born again we repent is the word metanoia[which means to have a change of mind or different mind set then remission of sins is aphesis[ the sending away like its gone and forgotten].

    In Acts 2:38 the word says repent get a different mind set then get born again and receive remission of sins

    forgiven and forgotten by believing Romans 10:9+10. Now the work in this is to continue in the good works of walking in faith not that were saved by works two totally different things. Now when we sin not on purpose that is where we confess

    the sin we currently have done 1 John 6-10 and were back in harmony the state of being in fellowship but at no time were we not his son. Notice where we can be tricked if we lie and say we don't sin dishonest in our walk.

    This is where the enemy tricks many christians out of there spiritual walk and inheritance.

    There is a major different biblically between repent remission and forgiveness first one our job second one Gods job third one out job and Gods already done Job in Christ jesus.

    Now this is the age of Grace not saying a believer has a license to do whatever he wants that is a total abuse of our freedom in christ his desire should be to do what God wants, unfortunately like you shared there are people

    that think it is ok to do whatever they want no its not, but that is the trick of the enemy the believer will loose His love joy peace of mind and go back to carnal ways but His spirit is perfect two totally different things. God Bless Just sharing Bro.
  • David - In Reply on Numbers 14 - 3 years ago
    Abraham The revealed word and will of God concerning creation and mans and from Genesis 3:15 to revelation 22:21 the bringing to pass of his only begotten Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the only book with all truth on mans redemption and what man needs to be complete body soul and spirit to Walk with God. Luke 4:4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

    It is the only book that gives the truth about heaven, the world to come and the spiritual battle that is Going on between God and the devil or Satan. It is the only book that gives the truth on the supernatural the spiritual

    operation of God and satan. It is the only book that when you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart Romans 10:9+10 that you receive the spirit of God and get Born again. It Is Perfect and no other book in the world can make that claim, it is written by men that were told what to write by the Spirit of God 2 peter 1:20+21. It is perfect scientifically

    laws of physics mathematically all of creation is answered and penned by Gods Hand. If you choose to believe you can't really live without it!
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dean The real question here sir is do you believe what you believe, the adversaries game is to get us to doubt, if you

    confessed Romans 10: 9+10 with your mouth and believed what you confessed with your heart which is the seat of your

    personal life and committed to doing your best to walk on Gods word trust me you weren't missed by God. It's not a head

    trip and don't be a sign seeker, unbelievers look for that,show me a sign and I'll believe in God wrong. You Will Know

    because God doesn't miss.

    There are times dean when I question what I'm being told and miss the blessing,example this morning went outside I live in florida in condo next to beach, I love taking pictures of wildlife. I was walking on the third floor and saw

    8 herons standing side by side on the shore that's unique Father said take a picture now, instead I called my wife to come out and see this, she came out I went to first floor to get a closer shot they were gone. Between when I first saw them and second time was maybe 1.5 minutes. I missed it, I missed the blessing. Don't beat yourself pray for Fathers help in the name of Jesus Christ He Will. He's more willing to give then we are to receive.
  • David - In Reply on 2 Peter 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi Victor I'm sharing not to persuade you just to show scripture, backsliding is a turning away from. Now God always

    keeps His Promises and His word is true When we are[ born again spiritually] confess Romans 10:9+10 we are freely given holy spirit and all sin old

    nature acts or actions are paid for in full. Committed renewed mind believers sin or break fellowship but not on purpose

    we confess the broken fellowship and get back on track 1 John 1:8+9 The believers who for awhile stand then get caught up in the things of the world again and will eventually go back to their old man nature a dog wallowing in its own vomit

    2 Peter 2:20-22 ways of the world. The guy who tricks people into that is satan by deception. We will all that are born again be rewarded for the time we stood on the word and all the other works will be burned up 1 Corinthians 3:12-15. That's what Jesus Christ paid for in this age of Grace of the Church, its like being given a full box of mechanics tools, some will put the gift to full use others will commit for a while others will commit a lifetime, God new that and still kept His promise. In the eyes of God we are saints his children period. P.S. I don't listen to her because there's a lot of stuff not kosher. God Bless
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi James That is a loaded answer and I'm sure there will lots of feed back,this was prophecy of what was Going to be done to out Saviour before the crucifixion. His visage the way he appeared after they beat Jesus literally almost to death was so bad you did not want to look at Him!

    That's why pilate after they beat him and before the crucifixion said behold your king, because he was pulverised. Can you imagine Pilate when Jesus said to Pilate John 19:11 you not have this power unless it was given thee from above, and he was standing next to a bloody mess! Everything he went through was done to deliver us from the power of the adversary, we are healed 1 Peter 2:23+24 after the fact by His stripes we have been healed.

    By His shed blood all our sins broken fellowship is forgiven when we Repent and Confess Romans 10:9+10 and begin to walk by faith in him. Believe it or not He literally died not from the wounds but of a broken heart in John 19:34 when they pierced His side water and blood came out. The movie passion of the Christ is a good portrayal of what they did and what he looked like, I believe it was worse than even that and yet this man never sinned!

    We will never fully comprehend or appreciate what he went through and I can't think about it too long without going to tears, a totally innocent man did this for us who do not deserve any of what we have been delivered from

    for all eternity. AMEN!
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Good Morning Laverne When we confess Romans 10:9+10 we are born again of Gods Spirit and at that time we become spiritually His child and we have the Peace of God John 14:27 which passes all understanding.

    If we don't endeavor to build Gods Word and walk by the spirit the cares of this world will effect our peace, and let the peace of God rule this means[to be president or dominate all decisions] to which ye are called and be thankful[ in everything]. The more we renew our minds to scripture the more we let Gods Word dominate our thoughts we will develop the fruits of the spirit, love joy [peace] longsuffering meekness temperance against such is no law. This is not automatic its happens over time. Prayerfully this helps.
  • David - In Reply on Matthew 3:2 - 3 years ago
    Hi Gigi Ephesians 4:4 There is one body one spirit, one hope one baptism one faith and one God this is in the Age of grace that we are living in. I myself am not against water baptism but in our Age Romans 10:9+10 is whats written to be

    believed and get the job done internally. But if someone feels they gotta do both o.k.
  • Rick - In Reply on Matthew 3:2 - 3 years ago
    Gigi I was water baptised at 13 years old, I was born again at 21 years old, my simple question is this why would I have to to something external when I'm already spiritual clean internally. I am not opposed to water baptism but spiritually the individual won't be changed until they confess Romans 10:9+10 and believe and walk. When the apostle Paul was born again and went to Jerusalem this is what they fought over old testament law whether circumcision or water baptism or what you ate or who you ate with all legalistic practices. If I go to a church and the place looks all nice with nice flowers but no rightly divided word of God, so what. If I go to a house fellowship and someones teaching Hot Bible and your spiritually energized I know where I'm going. Also Im a great believer in judge not for thou shalt be judged, I lived next door to a witch and a warlock supposedly only God knows there hearts, had the privilege of sharing some bible, when they moved they were blessed to have us as neighbors because we didn't judge them. We don't know if down the road they will remember and run into another believer walking in love and then they change.
  • Rick - In Reply on Matthew 3:2 - 3 years ago
    Hi Hafford Please show me in the Book of Romans Chapter 10 where to be born again water is mentioned, now the reason why many are born again and not water baptised is because they read this first and got delivered. I also know people who were water baptised taught that this was all you need and didn't get delivered , and I know people who did both and got delivered. All I know is when I confessed Romans 10:9+19 and believed I was born again. I'm aware of alk other scripture references.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Rick, good post. I do not think that many people realize the important, powerful, effective work of the Word spoken for someone to hear it. In Romans 10:17 Paul says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. This does not exclude "hearing" the Word of God by reading, but I think there is something spiritually effective about hearing the Scriptures spoken. I don't mean this in any superstitious way, but to encourage believers to practice reading the Word out loud to one another, one reads out loud, the other listens only, then they switch roles. This is easy to practice using Psalms where one person reads one line, pause, and the other person reads the next. They trade roles back and forth until the whole psalm is completed. Do this in a quiet, peaceful environment is helpful.
  • Rick - In Reply on Romans 14 - 3 years ago
    Hi Jennifer Gods knows your need better than anyone else, also he knows your heart, these are for the mind to heal, He sent His Word and healed them. Romans 5:1+2 Peace with God, greatest cargoes of life come in over quiet seas.

    Romans 8:28-39 more than a conqueror and nothing [think about that] can separate us from the Love of God which was in Christ Jesus our lord. You and God are not at odds anymore he is your Father and fathers meet the need of all His Children.

    1 John 3:1+2 Beloved now are we the Sons of God, also 3:20-22 he's there to answer prayer and needs during confusion quilt, condemnation, because he knows we will deal with this stuff.

    2 Timothy 1:7 Anything opposite of these three is not of God.

    Change your mind change your heart

    Put on in the mind Colossians 3:15-17 also Colossians 1:11-14 and Ephesians 3:14-20 notice how many times Christ is mentioned. We were saved by confessing Romans 10:9+10 and at that time we received the spiritual power that raised Him from the dead that why Paul wrote Christ in us the hope of Glory

    Ephesians 4:23-32 Putting on the new man in the mind that's why I said change your mind change your heart. Proverbs as a man thinketh in His heart so is he.

    Philippians 4:6-9 Be careful for nothing means anxious in verse 6, now verse 13 notice through Christ again that's the power that works in us.

    Colossians 1:11-13 we are strengthen with might and we have been made partakers of the saints in light its incredible.

    We have been made more that conquerors through Him that loved and loves us and those scripture are part of that. There are over 400 promises in Gods word to us who believe we can only do whar we know and act on.

    Prayerfully this helps.
  • Rick - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Bro Dan Your second statement is absolutely non biblical and unscriptural, Gods Gift is given by confessing Romans 10:9+10 and grace free gift by believing its not let me give them something and see what they do. That is taking scripture and saying this is what I think God was thinking or doing. Gods motivation was pure love not a game to see what they would do, they being us were lost. Salvation is not based on works of the flesh, hence Gift. Believe what you please I'll stick with Ir Is Written! Let God be True In All His Works And Ways.

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