I have decided to worship and return to God. I don't believe I am worthy. I have been a christian all my life but for the past 15 years or so I have been a none believer.
I want to spend the rest of my days learning how to return to God. At the moment I feel that I am asking God to be in my life for selfish reasons, to be saved and have everlasting life in Heaven with God. I am a spiritual person and I believe in being from other realms, I meditate and try to reach my inner self, but I find it difficult. I have doubts in the stories in the bible and the message it is portraying.
I used to feel emotional and feel the closeness to God. Now I find it difficult to feel.
Please pray for me to feel that closeness to God, and help me to wash away the doubts I feel.
Please pray for my brother Richie/his blood sugar went too low last weekend and he passed out and was out for a couple days. He is now in ICU on a ventilator with brain damage!! The doctors are encouraging us to take him off the ventilator and let him die!! But we are believing that Jesus can still and wants to heal him!! He's only 64 years young and has children and grandchildren and great grandchildren!! please pray that He does!! and that all my relatives get faith in Jesus Christ through this miracle of my brother getting healed in Jesus Christ name!! thank you so very much!! I pray God will answer your prayers too! God loves you all!!!
It must be hard on your mother-heart to see your son facing a cancer test. You and he are in my thoughts and prayers; may you feel His nearness as He walks with you. God bless!
It always starts in the mind & controls the emotions. Adultery ( Leviticus 18:1-30) Matthew 5 have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 30And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
Whoever the person is that you're sinning with, cut them off from your life, so you can live for Christ. It's not worth the the trouble. Satan is after your inheritance, and soul.Look up Scriptures on fornication, inheritance, and the Kingdom of God. Those who practice such things-fornication, adultery,sorcery, etc shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 10:8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
The stakes are high for our souls, the souls in our bloodline, and if the devil through his witchcraft/sorcery agents can manipulate your mind & emotions through their love/lust spells they can get you to open the door into the bloodline to claim the inheritance.You wonder why so many people still are enslaved, live in poverty, are uneducated, etc. Someone gave the devil's agents access. An exchange is made- a moment of pleasure, like the bowl of lentil soup that Esau had to have to satisfy his need of hunger gave Jacob access to his birthright. It's good to confess you weakness. Ask God to show you why He is so against fornication and adultery and idolatry. You only see on the outside of a person. God knows what dwells within. You decide how valuable you think your soul is, and how you can redeem it.You can't
Pray for me to have strength in my sexual sins. I just gave in and don't want to feel guilty for doing so. Need strength to stop and to continue the long road ahead of me.
I stand in the need of prayer for strength to quit smoking. I have been a smoker for 28 years, and I am now five days tobacco. I know it's going to be a long road, but I know God will give me the strength to remain successful. I have also been blessed with a new career. I will begin training on June 1, 2020. I am so excited about what the Lord has done, and is doing in my life. Thank you!
You have been through so much, Sakeeya, & you're showing clearly that the volume of your sins are weighing heavily upon you. That can only be by the Spirit of God's Work in your heart as He brings conviction. God desires too that you are totally freed from the presence & power of sin in your life. And I think you know what God requires of you - to repent of all your sins (which means you decide in your heart that you will no longer be a servant to sin & you want to turn your back to it); to call upon the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son to forgive you (because it is only because His death & resurrection from the dead that God can forgive you); to put your faith in Jesus' sacrificial love for you at the Cross, because it is only by faith that you can be saved & nothing else that you think you can add to; and thank Him for saving you & ask Him to help you in your new life. Spend time in prayer & in the Bible, God's Word - this is for you to get closer to your Heavenly Father & also to resist the Devil when he comes knocking at your heart's door to coax you back into sin.
Also, find a good Church nearby, if you haven't already. I would suggest a Baptist Church or an evangelical fellowship where the Bible is loved & preached. Talk to the Pastor/Elder about your spiritual condition or your need to be saved & tell him that you want to obey the Lord by being baptized. I think you understand baptism: this is your identification with Jesus in His death & resurrection & new life from Him. Baptism does not save you, Jesus saves & His Spirit gives you a new birth, but baptism is the outward sign to your own heart of what has taken place before God. God bless you Sakeeya, as you look forward & not backwards anymore.
Tasha, just one more quick word for you. You clearly recognize how far you had gone from God & now you have come back to Him. You will also notice that your enemy, the Devil, will not be far away from you to entice you to the things that you were once addicted to. This & other ways will the Devil use to get you away from God & His Love for you. The best way to defeat the enemy is to resist him by going to prayer immediately & talk to God about what is happening. When you finish talking with God, spend time in the Bible & soak up God's Words for you. I tell you the truth, when I had to deal with people who were being attacked by the enemy, as soon as we prayed, as soon as God's Word was read, the Devil fled - He hates the Word - it is Truth & He is a Liar, the father of lies.
So, I just share this short word for encouragement to you & to remind you to flee temptations & run into God's Word. Find a good Bible believing, God honouring Fellowship near to you so you may be strengthened in your faith. May He bless you in your life & as you are also then able to help that family who are mourning their loss.
SAKEEYA: it's gonna be scary but you will make it if you hold onto Jesus with all your strength: physical, mental and emotional. Demons don't like to lose one.
I was an astrologer. I had a supernatural salvation experience. After I received Jesus, I was delivered on the spot, by the Holy Spirit. It was only with His help that I survived. First day I just knew to clear anything that was an idol out of my house. I burned expensive books; drugs, alcohol, clothing, lots more. All that was in the house was me and a 15lb KJ Bible. You have to read your Bible: it will save your life. If demons threaten you, scare you, lie to you, choke you, hold your eyelids down..do not freak out. Stay calm and plead the blood of Jesus: 'I am covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth'. Sex demons will frighten you. They're invisible but you know they're in the house.
I almost died with pneumonia because I had quit sleeping for weeks. The Holy Spirit gave me strength to get out of bed and go buy 2 books: one on angels and one on demons. I was able to sleep that night. You gotta fight hell with the WORD OF GOD. Plead the BLOOD!
Go underline in your Bible, Matthew 12:44
It will get you through this. Go to church no matter how alien you feel. That's a demon too. You belong to God and they hate Gods people. Your old friends will come by to take you out sinning. Invite them to go to church with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring New Christian friends into your life. He'll do it too. Now: ask God to set Angels on all 4 corners of your house to keep the demons out. Start reading a whole Book of the New Testament in your Bible every day. Demons don't want you to do that. They'll make the phone ring, bad news friends come over. You have to be strong for Jesus and tell them you got saved. You have to let them go till you get stronger in Jesus. Give all that bad stuff you did and receive Jesus's strength to RESIST the devil. He must flee!! PRAY out the hurts of your heart.
Tasha, Be encouraged. Nothing feels better than knowing you're a daughter of the King of Kings and that you are doing what is pleasing in His sight. God bless you.
I want to be freed from all of the sins I have been doing. I want to be freed from the spirits that have a strong hold on me so that I may be freed and can walk in this walk with Christ. I know that I am a sinner and I wanna be freed from the spirit of lying, stealing, lust, homosexuality,and the lack of forgiveness in my heart. I do believe God is real and I want to accept him as my lord and savior and I accept him into my heart and into my life because he is the one and only and I want to spend eternity with him, so I pray that I would be released and freed from any spirit that has a hold onto me because I want to be one with my creator which is God.
God, I thank you for everything you have given me, I know in my heart that I don't deserve any of them, but your mercy has been plentiful. Lord please I ask for your mercy upon myself and my parents and siblings, my family members, my friends and their families, lord I pray for divine intervention in my life, I pray for healing in my life and the life of my family, friends and on the whole world, I pray for financial breakthrough in my life, that I shall be your instrument of peace lord, this and many more I ask through Jesus christ my lord, Amen.
Please keep me in PRAYERS. I have recently gotten sober. Wheni was out there on drugs and drinking I seen alot of the evilness in the world and I pray that all of that is released from me and god will will bring me back to my soundmind and all thoughts of him. So I can move forward as his daughter and do his work. And for a friends family who are hurting due to her being gone home to our father in heaven. Please and thank u
It says in the Bible that we will suffer sometimes just like Jesus did. It is in these times we are to keep our faith and stay strong and trust the Lord. What profit is it when we trust him when things are going good? This is the time you all need to stay strong in God and in His word. Encourage your family member, God has a plan for their life. Even though I know it must be hard don't grow weary and faint. I pray for your strength, for peace and the courage to get through this season of your life. God will never forsake us or leave us. Keep trusting in Him, ask for guidance. God bless you all and keep the faith and give up.
Thanks, Chris. I will try to do the best I can in keeping strong faith in God and what he is working on doing. And as well as his plans. But sometimes I feel that it just isn't fair sometimes. My great-grandma when she was alive swore up and down that my family was cursed. And I am okay telling anyone that sometimes I feel that she was right. She died in 2012 then a year and one day later my mother died. And then three years and 27 days later my great-grandpa passed away. And then add on top of that what my family is dealing with the family members of mine. It is hard sometimes but I love God, I still remember the day I got saved and baptized, something that I will never forget. But Thank You so much for all of your help I appreciate it.
As well as anyone else that commented or gave me advice thank you so much and I appreciate all of you that went out of your day to help me.
God (The LET US) existed before Creation. He's the Alpha and the Omega.
Original language in Genesis, says: in Beginning. Not in the beginning.
He created TIME first. Everything on earth and in the universe, was going to be regulated on time and seasons.
Everything scientist seek to explain: Time, Force. Action, Matter; is explained in Genesis 1:1. One verse. What a mighty God we serve.
Yes he sees mankind all through history (HIS STORY). But he gave us free will.
After Satan was thrown to earth by Michael the Archangel, he was here also with his will. I call him the I will I will I will mess up Gods plans. There's a scripture that says God is at work within our will to help us align our will with His , for our life. I need a lot of that, so I ask for it.
So you can see that we are the owner operators of our will. Yes God sees what we may choose. If we're completely closed off to the Holy Spirit, we make huge mistakes at times. Sometimes we miss out on Gods best for us because we are frequently boneheads about choices. We spend the rest of our lives lamenting that we wish we had not chosen that disaster.
I absolutely love God for that. He had my devotion at hello, Yom Kippur 1985. I had this vision one time of flying with the clouds, and I'd inhale this air that was so Good. Couldn't inhale enough. The air of heaven is faith. We have so much to look forward to. All the Lord needs is a open heart that wants to be filled with love. God is Love.
He's not mean. His judgments are righteous. Instead of cross judging Him. We should wonder why? He will show us the answer. If we skim like ice skaters through the Bible, we miss important thought.
We often close our eyes to things we don't want to see. If we miss the mark.. it's sin.
That's why Jesus was willing to pay full price. It was decided before Time started ticking on earth. Open your hearts, not your minds.
Delanie, You & your family share a very great burden. To be wrongfully accused & imprisoned is certainly unfair. I would like to share these thoughts with you. The Apostle Paul was called by God to preach the gospel to the Gentiles. However, he spent much of his time in prison. He could have wondered why was God allowing this & how could he fulfill his purpose when he was locked up? Yet because of his being in prison his message reached kings & nobles & high ranking military men not to mention the letters he wrote to the churches that make up most of our New Testament, today (& his message continues to reach souls even to this very day). Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers & then Potipher's wife lied about him & he was imprisoned. He had valid reasons to lose faith & become discouraged, but he kept his faith in God & kept a positive attitude & after many years of his trials, God used him mightily to save Israel. David was anointed to be King by Samuel but had to endure many long years of running for his life from Saul while God was preparing David to become the warrior king of Israel & subdue their enemies. God knows if your family member has been wrongfully sentenced. God will be with your family member thru the entire 6 years or bring them out sooner, if he wills it. Lift up prayers to God for your family member & trust the process. Pray that your loved one will keep the faith & use this time to grow closer to God. Ask other Christians to pray for your family member. Yes, seek any means available to procure an early release, but I pray that your family member will grow where God has allowed them to be planted. Grow in Grace! Vickie
We can look at Jesus' prayer to the Father at the Mt. of Olives ( Matthew 26:39): Jesus, in His mental agony of the great cost of redemption of mankind before Him, cries to the Father to remove this cup of suffering from Him, but that the Father's Will only be done in this. Did God sympathize with Him & said, "Yes Son, I will spare you, the world is unworthy of my Love"? We know that God's Will was that the full payment for sin & man's redemption was the sole purpose for Christ's coming to Earth. Jesus, as a MAN in pain, cried out to the Father for relief, but the Father's Response was that, pain & death had to be endured for the 'greater good' that mankind can once again be restored.
What I've shared here DaLanie, is that we must, as God's children can come to Him with our praises & also our concerns. He delights to hear us & answer us. But we have to take into account that His Answers to us will always be according to His Will, His Perspective of the situation, & His Timing. We may feel that He doesn't hear us, or that He isn't seeing the situation as we are seeing it, but we know that our loving Father makes no mistakes & His Will will be performed to the last detail. So hang in there & look to Him expectantly & be thankful for all that transpires in this legal matter. You can use human means that are available to you (nothing wrong with that, as God works through all people; e.g. doctors, politicians, etc.), but we need to remember, that "it is God Who works both in you to will & to do of His good pleasure". ( Philippians 2:13); and this working is not only in you for your maturing in Christ, but also in all your circumstances. Just trust Him fully in this matter & continue to love Him no matter the outcome - He does ALL things well.
DaLanie, okay, I do understand the restrictions for visiting at present, though no doubt, these will ease in the weeks ahead. The matter of prayer & specifically the answers we expect from God, has resulted in some folk overjoyed in answers received & others disappointed & wondering whether God even heard them.
Prayer is essentially a child of God's conversation with his/her Father. It can comprise of many things, but mainly in praise & worship and in petition. Your urgent & longing prayer to the Father is for His intervention in your loved one's predicament & for the forces that acted against him/her be dealt with. All we can do in our petitioning to God is to first love Him & obey Him in everything He asks of us. Secondly, we have to come to Him in simple faith ( James 5:15, 16: speaks of prayer of faith & effectual, fervent prayer). Thirdly, we must pray according to His Will ( 1 John 5:14, 15: is about asking about matters that are in His Will, & if so, He will hear us (not that He doesn't receive our prayers, but that He hears with the intention of responding)). Fourthly, that His answers to our prayers are not always the way we would like it to be, i.e. God has His reasons that encompass a larger view of the matter than we have, or His timing is different, His purposes are unknown to us, etc.
I am not aloud to go visit him, even if I wanted to which I do, I can't due to the COVID-19 outbreak. But another thing that I seem to be struggling with when it comes to this situation is that my whole family prayed constantly because we have been told that God will answer all of our prayers, but they weren't answered. And it is really disappointing.
DaLanie, you've presented a very sad situation that so many also face, & there are no simple answers to it since the legal processes have been at work, however, erroneous they may have appeared to be. As Mishael said, you can get legal aid to find out your options & also to have a second hearing (hopefully it will proceed properly).
You can also visit with your loved one in prison, attend to his needs, phone calls, encouraging words from the Bible, & all these under girded with much prayer, that the Lord Who sees all things, will turn the hearts of men in power. Your loved one must never feel abandoned & he should use his time in prison wisely, whether in work there as an inmate, or volunteering help to the prison system, or even having spiritual discussions with others (if he is allowed to). The authorities will notice the different person that he is, & no doubt his behaviour & submission to authority, may just lessen the sentence given. Most importantly, your loved one needs to keep his faith strong & not succumb to Satan ploys & to daily seek to use God's Love & Wisdom to minister to others. Blessings all round will surely be seen.
Gospel work
Bible distribution work
Film ministry
Church planting
Monthly help support for 200 villages pastors an evangelist
200 bicycle for 200 village pastor an evangelist
Pray may God bless us and make away
and providing the needs miraculously supernaturally
Pray blessing of our ministry
Children home and family
Thank you
I want to spend the rest of my days learning how to return to God. At the moment I feel that I am asking God to be in my life for selfish reasons, to be saved and have everlasting life in Heaven with God. I am a spiritual person and I believe in being from other realms, I meditate and try to reach my inner self, but I find it difficult. I have doubts in the stories in the bible and the message it is portraying.
I used to feel emotional and feel the closeness to God. Now I find it difficult to feel.
Please pray for me to feel that closeness to God, and help me to wash away the doubts I feel.
Thank you.
It must be hard on your mother-heart to see your son facing a cancer test. You and he are in my thoughts and prayers; may you feel His nearness as He walks with you. God bless!
Whoever the person is that you're sinning with, cut them off from your life, so you can live for Christ. It's not worth the the trouble. Satan is after your inheritance, and soul.Look up Scriptures on fornication, inheritance, and the Kingdom of God. Those who practice such things-fornication, adultery,sorcery, etc shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 10:8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
The stakes are high for our souls, the souls in our bloodline, and if the devil through his witchcraft/sorcery agents can manipulate your mind & emotions through their love/lust spells they can get you to open the door into the bloodline to claim the inheritance.You wonder why so many people still are enslaved, live in poverty, are uneducated, etc. Someone gave the devil's agents access. An exchange is made- a moment of pleasure, like the bowl of lentil soup that Esau had to have to satisfy his need of hunger gave Jacob access to his birthright. It's good to confess you weakness. Ask God to show you why He is so against fornication and adultery and idolatry. You only see on the outside of a person. God knows what dwells within. You decide how valuable you think your soul is, and how you can redeem it.You can't
Also, find a good Church nearby, if you haven't already. I would suggest a Baptist Church or an evangelical fellowship where the Bible is loved & preached. Talk to the Pastor/Elder about your spiritual condition or your need to be saved & tell him that you want to obey the Lord by being baptized. I think you understand baptism: this is your identification with Jesus in His death & resurrection & new life from Him. Baptism does not save you, Jesus saves & His Spirit gives you a new birth, but baptism is the outward sign to your own heart of what has taken place before God. God bless you Sakeeya, as you look forward & not backwards anymore.
So, I just share this short word for encouragement to you & to remind you to flee temptations & run into God's Word. Find a good Bible believing, God honouring Fellowship near to you so you may be strengthened in your faith. May He bless you in your life & as you are also then able to help that family who are mourning their loss.
I was an astrologer. I had a supernatural salvation experience. After I received Jesus, I was delivered on the spot, by the Holy Spirit. It was only with His help that I survived. First day I just knew to clear anything that was an idol out of my house. I burned expensive books; drugs, alcohol, clothing, lots more. All that was in the house was me and a 15lb KJ Bible. You have to read your Bible: it will save your life. If demons threaten you, scare you, lie to you, choke you, hold your eyelids down..do not freak out. Stay calm and plead the blood of Jesus: 'I am covered with the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth'. Sex demons will frighten you. They're invisible but you know they're in the house.
I almost died with pneumonia because I had quit sleeping for weeks. The Holy Spirit gave me strength to get out of bed and go buy 2 books: one on angels and one on demons. I was able to sleep that night. You gotta fight hell with the WORD OF GOD. Plead the BLOOD!
Go underline in your Bible, Matthew 12:44
It will get you through this. Go to church no matter how alien you feel. That's a demon too. You belong to God and they hate Gods people. Your old friends will come by to take you out sinning. Invite them to go to church with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring New Christian friends into your life. He'll do it too. Now: ask God to set Angels on all 4 corners of your house to keep the demons out. Start reading a whole Book of the New Testament in your Bible every day. Demons don't want you to do that. They'll make the phone ring, bad news friends come over. You have to be strong for Jesus and tell them you got saved. You have to let them go till you get stronger in Jesus. Give all that bad stuff you did and receive Jesus's strength to RESIST the devil. He must flee!! PRAY out the hurts of your heart.
As well as anyone else that commented or gave me advice thank you so much and I appreciate all of you that went out of your day to help me.
God (The LET US) existed before Creation. He's the Alpha and the Omega.
Original language in Genesis, says: in Beginning. Not in the beginning.
He created TIME first. Everything on earth and in the universe, was going to be regulated on time and seasons.
Everything scientist seek to explain: Time, Force. Action, Matter; is explained in Genesis 1:1. One verse. What a mighty God we serve.
Yes he sees mankind all through history (HIS STORY). But he gave us free will.
After Satan was thrown to earth by Michael the Archangel, he was here also with his will. I call him the I will I will I will mess up Gods plans. There's a scripture that says God is at work within our will to help us align our will with His , for our life. I need a lot of that, so I ask for it.
So you can see that we are the owner operators of our will. Yes God sees what we may choose. If we're completely closed off to the Holy Spirit, we make huge mistakes at times. Sometimes we miss out on Gods best for us because we are frequently boneheads about choices. We spend the rest of our lives lamenting that we wish we had not chosen that disaster.
I absolutely love God for that. He had my devotion at hello, Yom Kippur 1985. I had this vision one time of flying with the clouds, and I'd inhale this air that was so Good. Couldn't inhale enough. The air of heaven is faith. We have so much to look forward to. All the Lord needs is a open heart that wants to be filled with love. God is Love.
He's not mean. His judgments are righteous. Instead of cross judging Him. We should wonder why? He will show us the answer. If we skim like ice skaters through the Bible, we miss important thought.
We often close our eyes to things we don't want to see. If we miss the mark.. it's sin.
That's why Jesus was willing to pay full price. It was decided before Time started ticking on earth. Open your hearts, not your minds.
We can look at Jesus' prayer to the Father at the Mt. of Olives ( Matthew 26:39): Jesus, in His mental agony of the great cost of redemption of mankind before Him, cries to the Father to remove this cup of suffering from Him, but that the Father's Will only be done in this. Did God sympathize with Him & said, "Yes Son, I will spare you, the world is unworthy of my Love"? We know that God's Will was that the full payment for sin & man's redemption was the sole purpose for Christ's coming to Earth. Jesus, as a MAN in pain, cried out to the Father for relief, but the Father's Response was that, pain & death had to be endured for the 'greater good' that mankind can once again be restored.
What I've shared here DaLanie, is that we must, as God's children can come to Him with our praises & also our concerns. He delights to hear us & answer us. But we have to take into account that His Answers to us will always be according to His Will, His Perspective of the situation, & His Timing. We may feel that He doesn't hear us, or that He isn't seeing the situation as we are seeing it, but we know that our loving Father makes no mistakes & His Will will be performed to the last detail. So hang in there & look to Him expectantly & be thankful for all that transpires in this legal matter. You can use human means that are available to you (nothing wrong with that, as God works through all people; e.g. doctors, politicians, etc.), but we need to remember, that "it is God Who works both in you to will & to do of His good pleasure". ( Philippians 2:13); and this working is not only in you for your maturing in Christ, but also in all your circumstances. Just trust Him fully in this matter & continue to love Him no matter the outcome - He does ALL things well.
DaLanie, okay, I do understand the restrictions for visiting at present, though no doubt, these will ease in the weeks ahead. The matter of prayer & specifically the answers we expect from God, has resulted in some folk overjoyed in answers received & others disappointed & wondering whether God even heard them.
Prayer is essentially a child of God's conversation with his/her Father. It can comprise of many things, but mainly in praise & worship and in petition. Your urgent & longing prayer to the Father is for His intervention in your loved one's predicament & for the forces that acted against him/her be dealt with. All we can do in our petitioning to God is to first love Him & obey Him in everything He asks of us. Secondly, we have to come to Him in simple faith ( James 5:15, 16: speaks of prayer of faith & effectual, fervent prayer). Thirdly, we must pray according to His Will ( 1 John 5:14, 15: is about asking about matters that are in His Will, & if so, He will hear us (not that He doesn't receive our prayers, but that He hears with the intention of responding)). Fourthly, that His answers to our prayers are not always the way we would like it to be, i.e. God has His reasons that encompass a larger view of the matter than we have, or His timing is different, His purposes are unknown to us, etc.
You can also visit with your loved one in prison, attend to his needs, phone calls, encouraging words from the Bible, & all these under girded with much prayer, that the Lord Who sees all things, will turn the hearts of men in power. Your loved one must never feel abandoned & he should use his time in prison wisely, whether in work there as an inmate, or volunteering help to the prison system, or even having spiritual discussions with others (if he is allowed to). The authorities will notice the different person that he is, & no doubt his behaviour & submission to authority, may just lessen the sentence given. Most importantly, your loved one needs to keep his faith strong & not succumb to Satan ploys & to daily seek to use God's Love & Wisdom to minister to others. Blessings all round will surely be seen.