Pray for a friend of mine Eric who is deployed to another country and is very worried about his financial situation that everything will work out and he will be able to come back to the U.S.
The world will not be right until all come back into the order set for all creation by the father of all creation the sooner you wake up and get real to that and show your children that the better off you will be stop looking for a fake magic to save you there will be no salvation for any of creation until all creation comes back to the order set for all creation by the father of all creation! The house is going to fall unless the people rise and come back to the order! That is the whole of the prophecy! Repentance is to come back to the order set for all creation by the father of all creation that you all deny for the system's of the ruler's of this world! Time to wake up to reality so you can fix your family!
First,giving God all of the praise and honor I do believe the word of God and standing on it I sometime don't understand what"s going on in my life. Its like as soon as I go through one trail after, another I am doing all that I know to do. I do so go before the lord. I ask him what ever area in my life that's not pleasing to him to please show me.I am standing on his word for my home, my children's. My baby is a little mixed up about her identity. My oldest have no respect, neither do her children's for me.I would love for God to bless me with a godly mate,and yes I have ask.Spirit Fill and love the lord. Financially bless as well, a stable man of god. A praying man believe in the holy ghost and laying on hands.
That information didn't come from me, I had a question about that at sent it in to Charles Stanley and that was his reply. Just didn't want to take credit for something that I didn't write. God bless you.
Charles Stanley may very well be a devout Christian, a good man, an excellent preacher, and know what he is talking about concerning Scripture. No preacher, however, is correct concerning everything they preach ( Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Understanding the 7th Day, Law and Grace, are important topics in the Word of God
Some of the best education I have received concerning the Word of God came from Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shepherds Chapel. A Bible scholar that many times stated: "Don't take my word for it, research it for yourself. From his advice, I realized that he was not always correct.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
I got that straight from Charles Stanley. He has been a preacher for 2 decades. I don't think he's playing fast and loose. I think he knows what he is talking about.
Paul also wrote that "the Law is not of faith: But the man that doeth them shall live in them" ( Galatians 10:12); quoted from Leviticus 18:5. And Paul immediately reminds us that "Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" ( Galatians 10:13) quoted from Deuteronomy 21:23. Those that hang on trees have transgressed the Law. Paul uses two passages from the Law to show us that we cannot live without the Law?
James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
The words of Jesus confirm the 10 Commandments found in the books of the LAW, Exodus 20:1-17, Luke 10:27.
The only people that do not NEED the Law are those that are not sinning. No matter how righteous we may think we are, we all sin every day and are made new (every day) through repentance and forgiveness.
Just because we have been brought to Christ does not mean that we cannot fall away again.
The book of Hebrews shows us that the 7th day, the Temple, the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, etc., are a copy or replication of what God has already established in Heaven.
Hebrews 8:5 "They serve in a place that is a COPY and SHADOW of the heavenly meeting tent. This is indicated when Moses was warned by God when he was about to set up the meeting tent: See that you FOLLOW THE PATTERN that I showed you on the mountain in every detail;" from Exodus 25:40.
The heavenly pattern is what we follow, and God has not left us any information concerning that being changed in any way.
The fulfillment, partial or total that Christ has done in the Law does not make that Law abolished. For instance, the Temple is gone. We have become His Temple. The veil was rent from top to bottom ( Matthew 27:51) to show that we no longer need a priest to reconcile our sins for us. We all have forgiveness based upon repentance.
Fulfillment, in full, or in part, of the Law does not abolish it. What do you do with all other Scripture that does not agree with your assessment?
When Christ rose and spoke in the Synagogue on the Sabbath, He specifically left out the words in Luke 4:18-19 concerning the "Day of vengeance of our God" ( Isaiah 61:1-2) because that day has not come upon us all yet.
Christ came to fulfill the Law, not abolish it. Has the Law been completely fulfilled? No. We are still under the Law, which
Paul states "is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" ( Galatians 5:14)
The "curse" of the Law is a persons' inability to keep it. That "curse" is what Christ has taken on for us. Not the Law. The Law is just and perfect. It is humans that cannot remain righteous; not even a single day of our lives!
Kim Burrow, Comments concerning the 7th day, Law, and Grace.
Concerning the Sabbath:
The Hebrew definition of the word "week," or "weeks," simply means "sevened."
The Greek definition is clear, as the word "week" is defined as "Sabbath," i.e. the 7th day (of a seven day period); the day of rest.
The 7th day was established for ALL of mankind back on the 7th Day of Creation ( Genesis 2:2, 3) and was never abolished.
( Mark 2:27-28) "And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."
If we believe in the Father and His only begotten Son, then we have Christ in us every day, not just one day per week.
This new understanding is an enhancement of the 7th day, not the abolishment of it. It was made to last forever. This is a day that God BLESSES and SANCTIFIED! Christ always honored the Sabbath. The Apostles kept the Sabbath; look at Acts 13:14, 27, 42, 44, Acts 16:13, etc.
Pentecost is a holy SABBATH day; i.e. a day of rest.
The "first day of the week" spoken of in Acts 20:7, concerns the first Sabbath in reckoning the seven Sabbaths until Pentecost. (i.e. the first day of the Sabbath. Week = Sabbath.
In Acts 17:2 and Acts 18:4, Paul is continually feeding the people Scripture on the SABBATH. Christ never abolished the Sabbath; neither did Paul. God never said anything concerning that fact, and if He wanted that day changed He would have made it abundantly clear.
To pluck a few verses out of Scripture and declare a law of God to be null and void (especially with so much Scripture speaking contrary to what you are proposing) is playing fast and loose with His words.
*Look at the book of Enoch; specifically chapter 72 and 82 (column 27) concerning the ancient Enoch Solar priestly Calendar. A 364 day calendar (52 x 7)
Great comment Kim & very true. While reading the part about the Sabbath, I was reminded of Rev 1:10, when John on the day that he first heard from Jesus, the Alpha & Omega, was the Lord's Day. Interesting, that he didn't call it the Sabbath but referred to it as the accepted term for a separate day to that observed by the Jews. So yet another piece of evidence that the Sabbath was no longer recognized & the Lord's Day was set aside as Sunday & the day for worship.
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law ( Gal. 3:13 NASB).
The apostle Paul said the Law was added only until Christ comes:
Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressionsuntil the seed should come to whom the promise had been made ( Gal. 3:19 NASB).
Paul goes on to say the Law was our "tutor to lead us to Christ"; now that we are justified in Christ, we are no longer under the Law:
But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor ( Gal. 3:23-25 NASB).
While the moral principles expressed in the Ten Commandments are reaffirmed in the New Testament, the command to observe the Sabbath is the only commandment not repeated. There is no New Testament command for believers to set aside the Sabbath as a day of worship. Exodus 31:13 says the Sabbath was a "sign between God and Israel," not God and the church.
The first Christians were, of course, Jews, and when Gentiles began to enter the church, some Jewish Christians (Judaizers) tried to force new Gentile believers to follow the Law and observe the Sabbath (among other things). It became such a problem that Paul warned that no believer was to judge another believer with regard to the Sabbath:
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ ( Col. 2:16-17 NASB).
A shadow is only an image cast by an object which represents its form. Paul said the Sabbath was a "mere shadow" that pointed to Christ. Once a person finds Christ, he or she no longer needs to follow the shadow.
Christians have never worshipped on the seventh day. Christians have worshipped on the first day of the week since the church was born on the first day of the week at Pentecost and Peter preached the first sermon on a Sunday. After that first Sunday, those same Christians continued to meet and worship regularly on the first day of the week ( Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2). Sunday worship can be historically traced in unbroken succession all the way back to the first century to Jesus' disciples in Jerusalem meeting on the first day of the week. For two thousand years, Christians have faithfully followed the New Testament pattern given by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and practiced by the apostles, the first Christians, and the early church.
Some believe that Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday, but the church had been worshipping on the first day of the week hundreds of years before Constantine was born and before the Church of Rome ever existed. Constantine only declared officially in the fourth century what the church had been doing since the first century. There was no change in the day of worship for Christians because Christians had never worshipped on the seventh day. Christians had worshipped on the first day of the week since Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
Believers are not under the Law. The requirements of the Law were met in Christ ( Matt. 5:17). Believers are released from the Law, believers are dead to the Law, and believers are redeemed from the Law ( Rom. 6:14; 7:6, 9; Gal. 3:13):
You are not under law but under grace ( Rom. 6:14 NASB).
But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound ( Rom. 7:6 NASB).
For apart from the Law sin is dead. I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died; and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me ( Rom. 7:8b-10 NASB).
I hope that you might pray that fellow Christians may rediscover the true Lunar solar sabbath day. I feel greatful for finding out about it myself and I hope that more do as well.
Brothers and sisters pray for me that I will partake only in God's will, for I have now come back to and accepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and saviour, because I don't want to go back to my past useless life without Jesus Christ, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ lord. I also heartly pray for u all that our good Lord Jesus Christ will bless u all in this work u r all doing of Evagelasetion.
Please pray for my parents through their salvation. Like it mentioned in the bible whatever you ask in prayers, will be answered of we believe and have faith. I am praying over his blessings and guidance as well. God bless you brothers and sisters in Christ. End times are near and I know for sure Jesus is coming soon.
So to, our minds have to be 'gathered together' & focused on the 'race that is set before us'. In meditation, one is required to do the opposite, & release the mind from everything & thus allow anything to enter in & either control us or fill us. And most often these thoughts won't be what Christians should be 'meditating' on.
I've written at length, as I sense your earnestness in your quest, as also my personal identification with you in your struggles. Look to the Lord, wait upon Him, & don't let Him go until you "receive the blessing". He wants to reveal Himself to you & give you the joy of His Salvation: the question is: are you really ready to humble yourself in His Sight, to read & 'meditate' on His Word & wait for His Ministry of conviction - for without conviction there is no salvation.
My wife, as many others, have always been in that blessd position of receiving Christ as a child, being baptized, & continuing on strongly in the faith. For some of us, we were allowed to go through the miry clay to then come to the point of conviction & salvation & being set upon that Rock. You need to bring up your life before the Lord & seek that deep conviction of sin by God's Spirit, so that your salvation will be real & only of the Lord; you will never need to "learn about how to return to God", for that conviction is also your confirmation that a divine transaction has taken place, i.e. your sins handed over in return for His forgiveness of your sins & removal of that penalty it deserved.
You also wrote about not feeling close to God anymore, despite your attempts to 'feel' that intimacy. We have that saying: 'that our faith is not based on feeling but on fact'. In other words, what Christ has done for us & what has taken place in us as a result, is fact-based & not feeling-based. I'm not saying that we can't 'feel' closeness to the Lord, but that acceptance by Him & intimacy is primarily based on what He has done in us. So 'feelings' can change day-by-day depending on our mental, emotional or physical circumstances & this could affect how we 'feel' with God, yet, however we feel in God's Presence, cannot change the fact of God's Love & His Salvation for us. He promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us. I would stay well away from meditation 'to reach your inner self'. The only meditating we can do is to focus our hearts & minds on the Godhead & His Word. Peter (in 1 Pet 1:13) speaks of "girding the loins of your mind", which references those wearing long robes during work, etc., as they would gather that part of the garment that would interfere with the job in hand, or the long road to travel on.
Carl, you've said some things here that require some further dealing. Specifically, "I have decided to worship and return to God. I don't believe I am worthy. I have been a christian all my life but for the past 15 years or so I have been a non believer." And, "I used to feel emotional and feel the closeness to God. Now I find it difficult to feel."
My testimony is quite similar to yours, having been brought up in a God-fearing home & going through all the spiritual exercises a child would do. I left home at 17 yrs of age to pursue my career, which took me into a world devoid of a Christian environment & counsel. I caved in to the lusts of the flesh & for identification with my peers; & for all intents & purposes, I was not a Christian, never saved, having just given a mental/verbal assent to the Gospel. However, after almost nine years of wicked living, the Spirit of God met me in my defence quarters & brought me into an extremely deep conviction of my sin - I was literally torn apart because of the gravity of my sin & certainty of a Christless eternity.
You've said that you've decided to return to God. Was this a mental decision from a sense of being wayward & because of the circumstances you may find yourself in & in the world of turmoil today? You know Carl, if WE decide to follow God or attend to His commands, then that's all we'll do (as the Jews do in their mental affirmation & obedience to God). But if we sense the Spirit's Work in us, then actually a miracle takes place in our lives, & we can't help but weep for our sins & call upon the Saviour for the work of the Cross to be applied to us. That drawing to & convicting of, is all of God & can never be of us. And this is the more pertinent to folk like us, who were either never saved or have come out of a long period of Christ rejection & disobedience.
I have talked to a lot of people who are saying the same things you have said. The feeling is like God where are you. I've been in Rev. for couple of months now. I don't have all of the understanding but I know God will give it. The Lord spoke to me at one time a long time ago. Said how can you understand the ending if you don't understand the beginning. Because the beginning is the ending. Rev. goes back to Lev. And then to Daniel and Mathew. So it takes a lot of studying. To show yourself approved. And I keep in mind God is always near. I may no understand right now. But I will. Ask Jesus to talk to the Father. Because Jesus is our intersessor. And ask Him to let you feel His presence. But you have to be in His presence also. Anoint your on head. Fast and pray. Fall on your knees.
Go through every drawer, closet, attic, box, bookcase clothing jewelry, Horoscopes, movies, Sexual themes, EVERYTHING! Anything that could even remotely be an idol Or occult: put them in boxes and pour PAINT all over it and kitty litter. Put it on the curb for pickup.
I noticed that both of these books ARE ON YOUTUBE. Despite Bennys stage presence that people denounce now; in his earlier days He helped a lot of people get free from demonic persecution, including ME.
Angels by Charles Capps
War in the Heavenlies by Benny Hinn (5 hrs Long)
The other thing: Get more Bible into you. Read New Testament: a Chapter a day.
You need information about spiritual warfare. The history of it and this present day tools to fight it. Benny takes time to explain what the Hebrew words are, and what they mean.
For Everybody that is studying Pre-Adamic creation and the Genesis account of Creation; you will want to get pencil and pad ready to get a complete picture of creation with the Prophetic scriptures spoken by Gods Prophets in the Bible.
It's all there. We just didn't put it together right. I challenge you to listen to and watch this on YouTube.
It's going stop stop all the arguing. I know I stand convicted about things I said. I'm excited to see what you think.
I've already looked at these other passages and it's going to take time to relearn what I thought was plain as the nose on my face.
Getting attacked by antichrist spirits on Revelation 7:9 - 4 years ago
I have been getting attacked by antichrist spirits and by neighbors through witchcraft for a longtime now for taking a stand for my Lord Jesus Christ. It has been going on practically my whole adult life as long as I can remember. Please pray for me in the name of Jesus Christ The Son of God.
Charles Stanley may very well be a devout Christian, a good man, an excellent preacher, and know what he is talking about concerning Scripture. No preacher, however, is correct concerning everything they preach ( Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Understanding the 7th Day, Law and Grace, are important topics in the Word of God
Some of the best education I have received concerning the Word of God came from Pastor Arnold Murray of the Shepherds Chapel. A Bible scholar that many times stated: "Don't take my word for it, research it for yourself. From his advice, I realized that he was not always correct.
2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher?
So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
They were fighting a battle and needed daylight to win the day. How awesome is God?!
Page 3
Paul also wrote that "the Law is not of faith: But the man that doeth them shall live in them" ( Galatians 10:12); quoted from Leviticus 18:5. And Paul immediately reminds us that "Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" ( Galatians 10:13) quoted from Deuteronomy 21:23. Those that hang on trees have transgressed the Law. Paul uses two passages from the Law to show us that we cannot live without the Law?
James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
The words of Jesus confirm the 10 Commandments found in the books of the LAW, Exodus 20:1-17, Luke 10:27.
The only people that do not NEED the Law are those that are not sinning. No matter how righteous we may think we are, we all sin every day and are made new (every day) through repentance and forgiveness.
Just because we have been brought to Christ does not mean that we cannot fall away again.
Page 2
Concerning the abolishment of the Law of God:
The book of Hebrews shows us that the 7th day, the Temple, the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, etc., are a copy or replication of what God has already established in Heaven.
Hebrews 8:5 "They serve in a place that is a COPY and SHADOW of the heavenly meeting tent. This is indicated when Moses was warned by God when he was about to set up the meeting tent: See that you FOLLOW THE PATTERN that I showed you on the mountain in every detail;" from Exodus 25:40.
The heavenly pattern is what we follow, and God has not left us any information concerning that being changed in any way.
The fulfillment, partial or total that Christ has done in the Law does not make that Law abolished. For instance, the Temple is gone. We have become His Temple. The veil was rent from top to bottom ( Matthew 27:51) to show that we no longer need a priest to reconcile our sins for us. We all have forgiveness based upon repentance.
Fulfillment, in full, or in part, of the Law does not abolish it. What do you do with all other Scripture that does not agree with your assessment?
When Christ rose and spoke in the Synagogue on the Sabbath, He specifically left out the words in Luke 4:18-19 concerning the "Day of vengeance of our God" ( Isaiah 61:1-2) because that day has not come upon us all yet.
Christ came to fulfill the Law, not abolish it. Has the Law been completely fulfilled? No. We are still under the Law, which
Paul states "is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" ( Galatians 5:14)
The "curse" of the Law is a persons' inability to keep it. That "curse" is what Christ has taken on for us. Not the Law. The Law is just and perfect. It is humans that cannot remain righteous; not even a single day of our lives!
Concerning the Sabbath:
The Hebrew definition of the word "week," or "weeks," simply means "sevened."
The Greek definition is clear, as the word "week" is defined as "Sabbath," i.e. the 7th day (of a seven day period); the day of rest.
The 7th day was established for ALL of mankind back on the 7th Day of Creation ( Genesis 2:2, 3) and was never abolished.
( Mark 2:27-28) "And he said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath."
If we believe in the Father and His only begotten Son, then we have Christ in us every day, not just one day per week.
This new understanding is an enhancement of the 7th day, not the abolishment of it. It was made to last forever. This is a day that God BLESSES and SANCTIFIED! Christ always honored the Sabbath. The Apostles kept the Sabbath; look at Acts 13:14, 27, 42, 44, Acts 16:13, etc.
Pentecost is a holy SABBATH day; i.e. a day of rest.
The "first day of the week" spoken of in Acts 20:7, concerns the first Sabbath in reckoning the seven Sabbaths until Pentecost. (i.e. the first day of the Sabbath. Week = Sabbath.
In Acts 17:2 and Acts 18:4, Paul is continually feeding the people Scripture on the SABBATH. Christ never abolished the Sabbath; neither did Paul. God never said anything concerning that fact, and if He wanted that day changed He would have made it abundantly clear.
To pluck a few verses out of Scripture and declare a law of God to be null and void (especially with so much Scripture speaking contrary to what you are proposing) is playing fast and loose with His words.
*Look at the book of Enoch; specifically chapter 72 and 82 (column 27) concerning the ancient Enoch Solar priestly Calendar. A 364 day calendar (52 x 7)
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law ( Gal. 3:13 NASB).
The apostle Paul said the Law was added only until Christ comes:
Why the Law then? It was added because of transgressionsuntil the seed should come to whom the promise had been made ( Gal. 3:19 NASB).
Paul goes on to say the Law was our "tutor to lead us to Christ"; now that we are justified in Christ, we are no longer under the Law:
But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor ( Gal. 3:23-25 NASB).
While the moral principles expressed in the Ten Commandments are reaffirmed in the New Testament, the command to observe the Sabbath is the only commandment not repeated. There is no New Testament command for believers to set aside the Sabbath as a day of worship. Exodus 31:13 says the Sabbath was a "sign between God and Israel," not God and the church.
The first Christians were, of course, Jews, and when Gentiles began to enter the church, some Jewish Christians (Judaizers) tried to force new Gentile believers to follow the Law and observe the Sabbath (among other things). It became such a problem that Paul warned that no believer was to judge another believer with regard to the Sabbath:
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ ( Col. 2:16-17 NASB).
A shadow is only an image cast by an object which represents its form. Paul said the Sabbath was a "mere shadow" that pointed to Christ. Once a person finds Christ, he or she no longer needs to follow the shadow.
I hope this helps, God bless you.
Some believe that Constantine and the Roman Catholic Church changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday, but the church had been worshipping on the first day of the week hundreds of years before Constantine was born and before the Church of Rome ever existed. Constantine only declared officially in the fourth century what the church had been doing since the first century. There was no change in the day of worship for Christians because Christians had never worshipped on the seventh day. Christians had worshipped on the first day of the week since Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
Believers are not under the Law. The requirements of the Law were met in Christ ( Matt. 5:17). Believers are released from the Law, believers are dead to the Law, and believers are redeemed from the Law ( Rom. 6:14; 7:6, 9; Gal. 3:13):
You are not under law but under grace ( Rom. 6:14 NASB).
But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound ( Rom. 7:6 NASB).
For apart from the Law sin is dead. I was once alive apart from the Law; but when the commandment came, sin became alive and I died; and this commandment, which was to result in life, proved to result in death for me ( Rom. 7:8b-10 NASB).
1st reply
God should be kept close always.
We should be praying for those in authority.
That they keep their feet on the correct path. Need they not be concerned as to their reputation so much as to what Our Lord is telling them to do.
Keep straight their path as God wishes and the only way to know is through Prayer.
Manasses instead of Dan.
So to, our minds have to be 'gathered together' & focused on the 'race that is set before us'. In meditation, one is required to do the opposite, & release the mind from everything & thus allow anything to enter in & either control us or fill us. And most often these thoughts won't be what Christians should be 'meditating' on.
I've written at length, as I sense your earnestness in your quest, as also my personal identification with you in your struggles. Look to the Lord, wait upon Him, & don't let Him go until you "receive the blessing". He wants to reveal Himself to you & give you the joy of His Salvation: the question is: are you really ready to humble yourself in His Sight, to read & 'meditate' on His Word & wait for His Ministry of conviction - for without conviction there is no salvation.
My wife, as many others, have always been in that blessd position of receiving Christ as a child, being baptized, & continuing on strongly in the faith. For some of us, we were allowed to go through the miry clay to then come to the point of conviction & salvation & being set upon that Rock. You need to bring up your life before the Lord & seek that deep conviction of sin by God's Spirit, so that your salvation will be real & only of the Lord; you will never need to "learn about how to return to God", for that conviction is also your confirmation that a divine transaction has taken place, i.e. your sins handed over in return for His forgiveness of your sins & removal of that penalty it deserved.
You also wrote about not feeling close to God anymore, despite your attempts to 'feel' that intimacy. We have that saying: 'that our faith is not based on feeling but on fact'. In other words, what Christ has done for us & what has taken place in us as a result, is fact-based & not feeling-based. I'm not saying that we can't 'feel' closeness to the Lord, but that acceptance by Him & intimacy is primarily based on what He has done in us. So 'feelings' can change day-by-day depending on our mental, emotional or physical circumstances & this could affect how we 'feel' with God, yet, however we feel in God's Presence, cannot change the fact of God's Love & His Salvation for us. He promises to NEVER leave us or forsake us. I would stay well away from meditation 'to reach your inner self'. The only meditating we can do is to focus our hearts & minds on the Godhead & His Word. Peter (in 1 Pet 1:13) speaks of "girding the loins of your mind", which references those wearing long robes during work, etc., as they would gather that part of the garment that would interfere with the job in hand, or the long road to travel on.
(onto Page 3.)
Carl, you've said some things here that require some further dealing. Specifically, "I have decided to worship and return to God. I don't believe I am worthy. I have been a christian all my life but for the past 15 years or so I have been a non believer." And, "I used to feel emotional and feel the closeness to God. Now I find it difficult to feel."
My testimony is quite similar to yours, having been brought up in a God-fearing home & going through all the spiritual exercises a child would do. I left home at 17 yrs of age to pursue my career, which took me into a world devoid of a Christian environment & counsel. I caved in to the lusts of the flesh & for identification with my peers; & for all intents & purposes, I was not a Christian, never saved, having just given a mental/verbal assent to the Gospel. However, after almost nine years of wicked living, the Spirit of God met me in my defence quarters & brought me into an extremely deep conviction of my sin - I was literally torn apart because of the gravity of my sin & certainty of a Christless eternity.
You've said that you've decided to return to God. Was this a mental decision from a sense of being wayward & because of the circumstances you may find yourself in & in the world of turmoil today? You know Carl, if WE decide to follow God or attend to His commands, then that's all we'll do (as the Jews do in their mental affirmation & obedience to God). But if we sense the Spirit's Work in us, then actually a miracle takes place in our lives, & we can't help but weep for our sins & call upon the Saviour for the work of the Cross to be applied to us. That drawing to & convicting of, is all of God & can never be of us. And this is the more pertinent to folk like us, who were either never saved or have come out of a long period of Christ rejection & disobedience.
(to Page 2.)
I noticed that both of these books ARE ON YOUTUBE. Despite Bennys stage presence that people denounce now; in his earlier days He helped a lot of people get free from demonic persecution, including ME.
Angels by Charles Capps
War in the Heavenlies by Benny Hinn (5 hrs Long)
The other thing: Get more Bible into you. Read New Testament: a Chapter a day.
You need information about spiritual warfare. The history of it and this present day tools to fight it. Benny takes time to explain what the Hebrew words are, and what they mean.
For Everybody that is studying Pre-Adamic creation and the Genesis account of Creation; you will want to get pencil and pad ready to get a complete picture of creation with the Prophetic scriptures spoken by Gods Prophets in the Bible.
It's all there. We just didn't put it together right. I challenge you to listen to and watch this on YouTube.
It's going stop stop all the arguing. I know I stand convicted about things I said. I'm excited to see what you think.
I've already looked at these other passages and it's going to take time to relearn what I thought was plain as the nose on my face.
WE BELIEVE BY FAITH ,HIS IS RESTORED. The spirit of infirmity is broken. he is free.I see him laughing with his 10 grandchildren.