Discuss Revelation 7 Page 15

  • Garyloyd on Revelation 7 - 13 years ago
    These are them that heard the Elect and turned away before the 7th Trump. As long as your in the flesh you can realize, "hey this ain't Christ!" Then ask for forgiveness. Stay out and don't bow down or buy and sell.
  • Kaz kosiorek on Revelation 7 - 13 years ago
    To Travis's Revelation Ch.7 Comment 8-02-2010,"for those who martyred themselves for God's cause".In Biblical Scripture a martyred persons life is taken by the force of another not the martyred individual taking his own life for the cause of God as you have written.Your rendering of "martyred themselves" speaks of newspaper headlines we have read, Allah Akbar, as they martyred themselves and take the lives of others thru their act of martyr.
  • John R Gonzalez on Revelation 7 - 13 years ago
    Alicia may this help you with Rev 7:11. what John is explaining is the event in Heaven right after the Rapture. The angels along with the FOUR BEAST and the Elders are praising God for His Awesome gift of salvation. Forgiveness,redemption and salvation is the wholeness of God's love,mercy and grace for us sinners and to awesomely praise our God,Creator and Maker for what He has done through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ it's something I am greatly looking forward to do in His Magestic presence.If you read on you will then see John writing about those who all came out of the Rapture and not the Great Tribulation.How do I know this, by reading,studing and believing in God' Word in it's true and non-altering translation as all the other translations have shown me except the KJV and the Douay Rheims Bible. That being was that they all added the word 'the' right before the words (...great tribulation) in Revelation 7:14.They but the KJV and the D. Rheims Bible write "These are they which came out of (the) tribulation," IF this was so then Jesus lied to us(God forbid!) For it is written in !Thes. 1 :10 "...even Jesus,which delivered us from the wrath to come" And also in 1 Thes 4:16-18 it says that too by being 'caught up' or Raptured. By adding the word 'the' it shows people entering and coming out of the Great Tribulation. which will not happen period,but to the 144,000 who are sealed on their foreheads with God's seal as we Christians are sealed with the Holy Spirit. Also the two Witnesses too,and that is all period. For when God closes the door it is finally closed never to be opened again, just like the days of Noah and when Jesus spoke of the parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 24:37-39/25:1-13. Alicia please pray and ask the Lord in Jesus' name if what I have shared with you comes from God being true or if I am making this by up lieing to you,so help me God! One thing I do though Alicia is back my words up with God's Holy Word, that I do and never ashamed either!! May God forever love and bless you! May those who have ears hear what the Spirit says to the Churches!! Ezekiah 33:33
  • RichJ on Revelation 7 - 13 years ago
    What we see here in the 7 seals is the same thing that Jesus described in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 up to verse 11 (verse 12 begins the description of the persecution, and instructions the Christians in 70 AD to get "the heck out of Doge" when you see the armies surrounding Jerusalem)
    Now for seal 7. Realize that revelation seems to fit the 70th week of Daniel. Now, following all the physical tumults that started on the earth in connection with the Antichrist entering the fairly new temple in Jerusalem and declaring himself to be God which is connected with the 6th Seal) And, it follows seal 5 where Jesus is being called into action to take on the final Duty of the Goel - The Avenger of Blood, which he does in the following chapters of Revelation.
    This physical tumult resulting from the probable shift of the re-balancing of the earth on it's axis, and some major tectonic plate movement. also does some things to cause the 4 winds of heaven to stop.
  • John Onuorah on Revelation 7 - 14 years ago
    To Alicia: It describes what happens when the throne of God is established on earth. They worship God by knocking their heads on the ground, the greatest form of obeisance to the Almighty. The throne of God will be established by God himself on earth. See also Dan 2:44
  • Sister Joann Wanner on Revelation 7:9 - 14 years ago
    T hese are Gods elect. Gods saints. the mighty army of God, in the great tribulation,US christians! From every nation,every tribe every tongue,that no man could number. Some or many will be persecuted,turned in, tortured ,killed by the anti-christ. ( he makes war with the saints, overcomes them and kills them)but those who endure to the end will be saved. God will shorten our time in the great tribulation and jesus will come for us in the clouds and then the wrath of god will be poured out on all those who don't believe in jesus and take the mark of the beast.Jesus says just as in the days of Noah. They were saved in the ark and then god poured down His rain. (or wrath) AMEN
  • Travis on Revelation 7 - 14 years ago
    Verse 11 appears to describe the angels showing appreciation for those who martyred themselves for God's cause, and the universal appreciation of God's kingdom generally.
  • Alicia r garcia on Revelation 7:11 - 14 years ago
    i would like to know what is it that revelations chapter 7 vers 11 is trying to say can you please explain it to me i would greatly appreciate it

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