Just some thoughts on Revelation 12 it covers the past and the future up to the beginning of the 3.5 years of tribulation.
Part 3
Satan then goes after the remnant of her seed those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. The remnant of her seed is the faithful people here when the tribulation starts. Like the ones before us who have been persecuted and killed, the fathers and prophets, and after Jesus the thousands upon thousands who have been tortured and killed in the name of Jesus, why would the last be spared when the first was not?
This starts the 3.5 years of tribulation as we see in Revelation 13, in the original text it is Satan standing on the sand of the sea to give his power, his seat, and great authority to the beast. We see in Rev. 11:7 and Rev. 17:8 that this is the bottomless pit. There are not seven years as some say we see when Satan is cast down and the beast rises, he is given only 42 months, and that is 3.5 years Revelation 13:5. It all starts when Satan is cast down the short time he has is 3.5 years.
The end of the 3.5 years will be when the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, Luke 21:24Romans 11:25Revelation 11:2. Then the second coming of Jesus, Matthew 24:29-311 Thessalonians 4:16-17Revelation 1:7Revelation 3:11Revelation 19:11-16Revelation 22:12.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
This is what is coming, everyone will be tempted to take the mark of the beast, Jesus will give us if we are here the strength to say no even if we face death. Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation 15:2
1-And I saw another sign in heaven,great and marvellous,7 angels having the 7 last PLAGUES;for in THEM is filled up the WRATH of GOD->(Re.11:18&16:1)
4-Who shall not fear thee,O Lord,and glorify thy name?thou only art holy: ...and thy Judgments are made manifest.
Then the PLAGUES start to be poured, its in the beginning of the 2nd half of the last week: Revelation 16:2: The FIRST PLAGUE will be poured upon the earth; upon the inhabitants of Israel, and there will fall a noisome and grievous sore upon all MEN which have the MARK of the Beast, and upon them which worshipp his image.
And the 2nd plague will be poured upon the sea;-->sea= waters=> peoples, and NATIONS, and multitudes of every tongue, GENTILE PEOPLES, and they will become as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul(that was created, Genesis 2:7) shall die.-->As was in Sodom and Gomorrah, and in the neighbouring cities.
The sequence of the pragues and their consequences are described from Revelation 16:4 to 21.Terrible,very terrible, as we can foreseen by the Word of GOD.JESUS warned us: Luke 21:25-28:-->25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars( Revelation 12:1-12, take a look.); and upon the Earth distress of NATIONS, with perplexity;the sea(peoples, and NATIONS, and multitudes of all tongues)and the waves roaring( Psalm 2:1-5);
26Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of heaven ( Ephesians 1:3-8) shall be shaken.
27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.(the same cloud that received JESUS in His ascension- Acts 1:9-11,combined with Matthew 17:5,and 2 Peter 1:16-12,and Isaiah 4:1-6 speaking of the seven Churches as a clue to understand the prophecies).
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
You quoted Revelation 15:4 in your post which will LITERALLY be fulfille from now on, day after day, and Revelation 6:15-17 reveal that
15 The kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid(wiil hide)themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 saying to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the WRATH of the Lamb:
17 For the great Day of His WRATH(the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium) is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Matthew 25:34 and 41 NS 46
34 Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
41 Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels: 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
2 Peter 3:11-12 and 7-8
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be DISSOLVED(dismantled), what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of GOD(the Lord's Day, the seventh Day or seventh millennium), wherein the heavens being on fire shall be DISSOLVED(i.e. the two Covenants will be DISSOLVED), and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?(Yes, GOD is a devouring /consuming fire-See Isaiah 33:12-14)
7 But the heavens(two Covenants)and the earth(Israel,the dry land,the clay),which are now,by the same Word are kept in store,reserved unto fire against this Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But,beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years,and a thousand years as one Day.
The battle is/will be against three unclean spirits like frogs-Re.16:13-15-(why frogs?)
1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that BELIEVE.
Hebrews 2:8 .... we see not yet ALL THINGS put under him .....
1 Corinthians 15:28 And when ALL THINGS shall be subdued unto him ....God will be ALL in ALL....
Revelation 13:8 And all they that dwell upon the earth SHALL WORSHIP HIM, whose names are NOT WRITTEN in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.
Psalms 86:9 All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name.
Psalms 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall come and worship before thee.
Revelation 15:4 Who shall not fear thee, Oh Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgements are made manifest.
The beauty of the cross is perhaps no better described than in Isaiah 52:14. His appearance or "visage" was so marred from the beatings and other injuries before the crucifixion that Jesus was hardly recognizable as a man. But by His stripes; we are healed ( Isaiah 53:5 just a few verses later). He has brought us beauty from ashes ( Isaiah 61:3) which in context means Israel will have restitution after suffering judgment. But God in the flesh resulted not in admiration but in a man of sorrows acquainted with grief ( Isaiah 53:3).
God's awe inspiring attributes are seen in the visions of the Lord as seen by Isaiah 6; Ezekiel 1:22 and associated verses in Revelation 15:2; etal; and Daniel 10:6; etal). The true beauty of God; of course ties in with His selflessness; agape love and other characteristics that are above storge; Philleo and eros type of human love. Satan himself was a most beautiful creation as Lucifer ( Ezekiel 28:12) UNTIL he fell. Now the beauty is vanity as it is with any fallen creature who pride has allowed to contaminate. God Himself deserves worship and is not being arrogant in stating this desire but there are no verses I am aware of that state God is PROUD of being the God of all creation; He is supreme and in that sense better than anyone else; but He calls His followers by name and "friends" ( John 15:15). This makes Him the perfect Father.
God created all things for His good pleasure including man ( Revelation 4:11). No doubt Adam and Eve in a sinless state were beautiful; and perhaps still externally appeared that way after the fall. All things were fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:14) but man has sought out many inventions (see Ecclesiastes 7:29). 1 Chronicles 16:27 talks of the majesty of God which no doubt incorporates beauty as seen in the creation. This makes man without excuse; as Romans 1 and Psalm 19 make clear.
God's beauty is more than skin deep and indescribable as all other traits.
The Tribulation: General overview of 3 sets of Judgments
There is a clear designation of 3 sets of judgments of 7 individual items in the Tribulation (Seal; Trumpet and Bowl).
Christ Himself opens the 7 SEALS of the book (unnamed). It would austensively contain the trumpet and bowl judgments; with a mysterious scroll eaten by John in Rev. 10:10 similar to the one in Ezekiel 3:3. I will try to study that at some point but it does say it is a mystery in general. We would probably be correct in stating the "birth pangs" of the Tribulation are going on with these seal judgments ( Matt. 24:8 also interestingly shown in Psalm 48:6:7.)
The next group of judgments are generally setting the stage for Antichrist to rise by judging one third parts of the earth; and sea and sun as well as killing one third of men ( Rev. 8:7-9; 12: Rev. 9:15). This is likely highly symbolic of the one third of the heavenly host falling with Satan and probably cast to earth at the time of Revelation 12:4; cross reference Daniel 8:10). This would show the destruction of those in heavenly places; the invisible spritual realm that has affected the course of men since the dawn of man (see Isaiah 24:21-22).
The last section completes the destruction of earth below as seen in Isaiah 24:22). This shows the gleaning of the grape harvest as it were; drawing men in for the final battle by supernatural means as seen in Revelation 19 and also Psalm 2.
As I have mentioned before there is no prayers of the saints appearing as incense in heaven; therefore no tarrying in the inner court with intercession as seen in Revelation 15:8. These verses and the responses of the wicked as compared to the sixth seal show the descent from fear to rebellion which the mark of the Beast seals their fate. There is nothing but contempt toward God; therefore it serves as a warning as to how men will react once IN hell (no desire to serve or worship their Creator).
Brother SSpencer has given you a perfect explanation of God's salvation, I can't add anything.
About baptism:
Baptism is not being immersed in physical water.
You are baptised into the knowledge of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Christ died for YOU, you died on the cross with Christ, three days later a new CREATION AROSE, a husband, Christ and his wife, YOU. You were joined in a marriage, you took the name of your husband, you were baptised in the name of Jesus, Jesus is the life and you are his body.
Ephesians 4:4 ...ONE BODY ..... ONE SPIRIT ......
Ephesians 4:5 .... One Lord (truth, life, the way), one faith (the faith of Jesus, you life), one baptism (your married name, baptised in THE NAME of Jesus.
Revelation 3:12 ..... and I will writer upon him the NAME of my God .... and I will write upon him my NEW NAME .....
2 Corinthians 5:17 .... old things are passed away, behold, all things are BECOME NEW ....
Revelation 21:5 ..... Behold, I make all things NEW .....
Revelation 15:3 ..... Great and marvellous are THY WORKS, Lord God Almighty .....
You say that the wrath of God is very different from the great tribulation. I disagree with that. I believe that the wrath of God is poured out during the last 3-1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation. In Revelation, we see the seal judgments and the bowl judgments. By the time we get to the 6th bowl judgment, God's wrath has begun ( Revelation 6:17). Then we have the description of the 7 bowl judgments beginning with Revelation 15:1 and going through revelation 16:21. Revelation 15:1 calls it the wrath of God.
The 7th bowl judgment is poured out at the end of Revelation Chapter 16. This happens before the second coming of Christ. So, the wrath of God is poured out during the last 3-1/2 years, not after the second coming of Christ.
Jimbob, hopefully I have answered your questions, whether you agree with my answers or not. Now to be fair, I would like a turn to ask you a few questions. You said that you believe we are living in the beginning of sorrows time period right now! great tribulation will start soon. Also, you honestly believe we are much farther along in the Lastdays timeline than most True Believers think we are.
I believe I mentioned that we have been living in the "last days" for about 2,000 years now.
But, my first question is: Do you believe that the "beginning of sorrows" and "birth pains" are both referring to the first 3-1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation?
If you believe the beginning of sorrows is the first 3-1/2 years, how far into this time frame do you believe we are in, or when did you first start believing we were in this time period?
If we are in the "beginning of sorrows" right now, would you say that Christ is coming back within the next 7-years?
Last question: If Christ does not come back within this time frame, how would you explain that?
If you choose to answer my question, I wish to thank you ahead of time. Blessings!
Hi Tammy. Revelation 14:14-20: the verses aren't clear as to what Jesus reaped when He thrust in His sickle. I think you have assumed that it was believers that were harvested (or, raptured), & the angel clearly thrust in his sickle to gather the vine/grapes fit for destruction. The way I read those verses, is that the Lord harvested & the angel gathered. Even though a sickle is used for slashing a plant, it seems that it is used here as a symbol for gathering the harvest, that which the Lord performed. Can you read those verses in that way & see if that makes sense - since the Lord's harvesting doesn't describe the crops for harvest, it then has to be assumed that the whole job was for gathering the wicked together. And even here, the timeline of events appears out of sync. You may feel I'm laboring this point unnecessarily, but these are all small parts of eschatology that make up the whole account. Misunderstanding something here or applying the verses in another way, could well mean that we set off on another track.
As for God's Wrath, I agree that it is poured out because of the wickedness of unbelievers & for unbelievers only. But the matter that we discussed earlier was, 'is the Great Tribulation synonymous with God's Wrath, or merely a greater outpouring of horrors that comes on the whole world?' I shared that the Great Tribulation appears to be God's Wrath (as shown in Revelation chapters 6 to 11 & beyond) & we read this in Revelation 6:17 & Revelation 15:1, which fall upon men over a long period of time. And if it be God's Wrath from the time that His Restrainer is removed & the anti-Christ is revealed, then the Church (the true children of God) are snatched away before this time of torment.
Anyway Tammy, I see that our differences largely depend on the definition of these biblical terms & the verses that support them - hence the nature of the pre or post trib position are both valid depending on how we define these terms with their Scriptures. GBU.
I believe you're correct Tammy, that the Book of the Revelation does not always appear in chronological order & even if we try & read it as such (with our logical, ordered minds), we can't be absolutely certain of the correct sequence of events, seeing that John received this heavenly vision & Word in a manner appointed by the Lord.
But you've directed my reading to Revelation chapter 14, in which you see "that the saints will be here for the event of the mark of the beast, and after that event, Jesus returns for the harvest". From Revelation 14:6, we read of an angel arriving in the heavens with "the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth". And then further down in verses 12 & 13, we read of "the patience of the saintsthat keep the commandments of God". I assume that these are the verses that convinces you that all believers (saints) will still be here, i.e. the Church pre- & during the Great Tribulation. Yet, if we take the angelic presentation of the Gospel (obviously not needed for the Church, but for the unbelievers at that time of anti-Christ's reign), then maybe the saints of verse 12 are those who were converted through the delivered Gospel, the Lord giving these others opportunity to repent & believe, who may already have taken the beast's mark, and to be saved. Just a thought.
And finally, verses 14 to 20 show the harvesting of the Earth. But who are harvested? In my reading, the harvest is directed to the haters & rejecters of God & are forthwith cast into "the great winepress of the wrath of God" (verse 20). Now, even if the order of events may seem unclear, at least those whom the Lord is referring to, is clear. And yes, both Revelation 15:1 and Revelation 6:17 declare that these sufferings do come from God (from His Wrath) & not resulting from natural occurrences that we see at present; that this time IS God's Wrath being poured out & not something felt at the end. So will the present Church be saved from this Wrath?
Though there is no mention of the anti-Christ in this chapter, it is understood that he has already been revealed & is raining his terror on any who disobey him (as in Revelation 13:4-8). But when God's Wrath is poured on Earth's inhabitants, the anti-Christ's days are also numbered ( Revelation 19:17-21).
And finally, 1 Corinthians 15:52, "at the last trump". I realize that it is commonly understood that the reference is to the last trumpet sounding in Revelation 15:20-19 & some others even connecting this phrase to the last of the trumpet blasts at the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (i.e. after all the trumpet blasts of various types/sounds are made, the final (LAST) long blast is sounded at the end). And yet, the 1 Corinthians 15:52 rendering in Greek, shows it as, 'the trumpet after which no other will sound'. It might then be that it isn't the seventh trumpet sound by the angel being referred to in Revelation 15, but it is at the final trumpet blast from the series of the other angelic blasts throughout that time of God's Wrath poured out. We might never come to a consensus on that one.
Anyway Jimbob, those are my thoughts: some in agreement with what you read in the Word, some not. There are several possibilities in all that we have presented & all these have value, but ultimately, it's where are understanding lies concerning the Church's departure to be with the Lord Jesus. Each person, holding their various Tribulation/Rapture positions, can certainly find Scriptures to support their belief; I wonder whether the Lord places great value on our exercises in studying the Word, but to leave the final interpretation & outcome to Him, He Who has all the right answers. Thank you again Jimbob.
Response to Revelation 15 (and I assume following passages for God's judgments).
Hey; what's up? I would say that when we are lifted up; i.e. raptured then the veil will be completely removed so that we are able to see what is now in visible in the spirit realm as well as seeing God Himself and Christ in their full glory without being consumed which we can't do in these mortal fleshly bodies.
So really; all of Revelation itself is breaking through to that realization-from John's initial vision of heaven where it appears he was taken to view the heavenly creatures and realm as well as what we may call "time travel" where these same spirit beings which were pictured in the Old Testament by Ezekiel and Isaiah continue to minister before God. He was able to see the future and things which MUST happen after these things; that is after the "church age" with the types of church mentioned in the first 2 chapters.
Simply put; we see the seals opened by Christ Himself; and will be undoubtably able to be made aware of what's going on in the earth (as the prayers of the saints seem to indicate). It appears as we stand there that we will merely see the destruction of the wicked ( Psalm 91:8). As for those on the earth they will by the sixth seal be aware of God and Christ beginning to judge; so in that sense there won't be any more atheists from that point forth; but sadly only Satan worshippers if people aren't worshipping the true God at that point. All the cards will be on the table so to speak.
Maybe the Lord will give you insight into these things. If He does; one should be aware that the enemy wants to render us ineffective. People want good news not news that Satan is about to come down to earth in the near future. But the Lord allows all these things before His coming; a sort of "clearing house" as it will to evict that usurper the Devil who has assumed rulership since Adam fell and lost some of his privileges.
Will people on earth see these things when Jesus comes back, or will this all be in like heaven or something, like where John saw all this? I mean i know im only 12 and thugs might seem like a stupid Question but i really want to know.
We are all coming to the truth of God's word, God's doing and God's timetable.
Matthew 24
Christ is talking to his disciples about his coming again to them and the tribulation that must occur first, they didn't understand and most today don't understand.
Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, this generation (those to whom he was speaking) shall not pass, till all the things BE FULFILLED.
Revelation explains this, if you take it as the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and not something in the future, the generation living at the time of Christ saw the wrath of God that was poured out on Christ and they saw Christ appearing the second time as the Holy Ghost.
We have been in the days of Noah since that great tribulation was poured out on Christ, and his coming the second time as the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Revelation 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth .......
Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, the was a great earthquake: and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon (Christ) became as blood;
Revelation 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell to earth .....
Luke 23:44 And it was about the sixth hour and there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour,
Luke 23:45 And the sun was darkened ......
Matthew 27:54 .....saw the earthquake .......
Revelation 15:8 ....and no man was able to enter into the temple (you are the temple), till the seven plaques of the seven angels be fulfilled.
Amen brother, excellent read. May our eyes be opened Lord to the Beast and May our hearts be open to you Oh glorious God thank you Jesus Bless Us Oh Glorious God in the turbulent times. Amen
This chapter marks what appears to be the Resurrection of the saints of God from the Tribulation which is immediately before the bowl judgments. In that sense surely God's people won't endure the final plagues. This is accentuated by the comment in verse 8; that no man could enter the temple in heaven until the final plagues occurred. There was no more "smoke of the incense of the prayers" mitigating things; and judgment was to be full force.
It is interesting in verse 5 that the "temple of the tabernacle of the testimony" is mentioned. Certainly; those who gave the testimony to overcome reminds us of Revelation 12:11. We must remember that overcoming any of these things; whether it is the image of the beast (which somehow causes people to be killed ( Rev. 13:15); the mark of the beast and the associated number of his name all takes supernatural strength. Again; we need to remember that ALL whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world will worship the Beast ( Rev. 13:8). This shows the destinies of men from before all time were all predestined as WELL as showing Christ was the sacrificial atonement for that group of people ALSO before time began. By default; this means not only are we all sinners and rebels but that literally we would worship Antichrist if he appeared today; and in our hearts Satan is our father ( John 8:44).
These harsh realities are the only rational approach to show how far sin has damaged this nation and the earth as a whole. Today; much of what involves the lust of the eyes ( 1 John 2:15-17) is virtual reality; minds are controlled with substances (Pharmakeia Rev. 18:23) and people desperately want assurance that life can continue and the party can go on. The danger is when the Lord Himself gives up people to sin ( Romans 1:24). Truly; Isaiah 24:17 describes the fear; pit and snare upon the inhabitants of the earth after He raptures the Bride.
Yes dear Delilah, it says glass mixed with fire in the prototype text. Glass had been invented many centuaries BC and Romans at that ime could manufacture very clean and transparent glassy objects.
Did glass exist when John was given this Revelation ? I know we have a Greek brother on here , perhaps he could tell us the literal interpretation of the word glass in Revelation .
I am always trying to tie scripture to our earthly life. The sea of glass mingled with fire reminds me of the dance floors of early disco. and there was music of harps...
When I was sick a year ago I memorized Psalms 91:1-16. God immediately put me back on my feet. Glory to God. Twice I was close to death, but God let me live to do His will on earth. My son was once lost, but I showed him my deepest love. Next thing I know he tells me "I love you" every conversation. Everyday I sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying..in my own created tune Revelation 15:3-4. Recently realized Psalms 37 applies to current events. I am down on my knees praising and glorifying God and thankful for people like you on this site. We all have individual family issues and sometimes overwhelmed, but rest assured God will always be on your side. I experienced God's presence at a very young age. My testimony to you is that you seek Him first and be saved 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 and The Holy Spirit will never leave you. Claim the power of God and do whatever it takes to do God's will. His will is complete and all written in the most important book on earth which we all called the Bible. Rejoice evermore!
What a great chapter to learn how great God we have. Glory to God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ and peace to all living saints who are very much guided by the Holy Spirit of God.
Galatians 1:12
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Be saved! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Revelation 15:3-4 I love singing this song.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
I prayed for you and God showed me these short answer to your question. God also reveals to me you are a very special person for recognizing God. You are correct Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Jesus never said He is God. God also gave us in scriptures in the Old Testament that God is the LORD (all uppercase). In the New Testament, the Lord (only "L") is Jesus Christ. Since God sent God's "only begotten Son" (5X mentioned in the NT) you will find that Jesus Christ said in John 10:30 "I and my Father are one.". Another very STRONG Bible verses that showed evidences Jesus Christ is God are the following )along with the entire NT and our fellowbelievers whom I believe are considered saints:Giannis and Vince who responded to your comment):
Acts 2:34-36
Luke 20:42-44
Revelation 11:8
Revelation 11:15
Revelation 15:3-4 The song of the Lamb Who is Jesus Christ. These verses I sing in my head all the time.
Revelation 17:4
My friend, I will be happy as much as God will and the entire Body of Christ to hear that you believe Jesus Christ is God. Agape.
Just wanted you to know since I was young God gave me the gift of f discernment. Although I cannot explain at such a young age, I humbly can say I am guided by such a wonderful God whom I made as my best friend. I love King Solomon's wisdom .
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
"And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:" Colossians 2:10 KJV
We are watching JERUSALEM.
We have a great God.
I sing this song:
"And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." Revelation 15:3 KJV
"Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest." Revelation 15:4 KJV
Most catholics have manipulated Matthew 16:18 to define their "authority as the 'true' church." They claim that Jesus established a physical church (religion) in Peter and they also claim Peter became the first pope.
The truth:
Jesus renames his disciple Peter (Greek petros) and promises to found Messiah's church on "this rock" (Greek petra).We're all petra in a way because Jesus established the building of the body (the church...i.e. "all born again believers") on us because we looked at Christ an said, "You are Christ Jesus (which only the elect believe)."
Matthew 16:15 says "He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Peter's response is the response of all born again and Christ acknowledges that and declares us as His the foundation for building His church here on Earth. Christ didn't come to build religion, he didn't come to build denominations but he came to establish His kingdom in us that are born again.
Another fallacy in the catholic teaching is that they state Peter was an equal rock to Christ and later became the first pope. Assuming the Roman's had accepted Peter this would sound true...but Peter was crucified upside down by the Romans on his final trip there. They never put Peter on a throne or honored him. As his name was Simon Peter -- there was another Peter in Rome during the time of Peter's matrydom. But that Simon was not a pope either. Most of catholicisms roots come from emperor Constantine. Their first pope would have actually been Linus (d. c. 67 - 80).
F.Y.I. -- I was raised in the rcc for 19-years and very involved. When I left the catholic church and became involved with ministries in non-denominational ministries...after many years and backbiting; I became born again and realized all the apostasy in catholicism.
Why does the Catholic says "one holy Catholic Church"?
This is very deceiving church. Catholic is so bothersome and blasphemous. Do they really think they can deceived?
Catholic use this verse as a deceiving verse for their church existence: Matthew 16:18, which the Catholic erroneously misinterpreted the usage to begin with.
The following verses clearly says Who is holy. Many church got to stop deceiving people since we are in the last days. When are they going to tell the truth?
Does anybody here had stood up and told the leader of the church to tell only the truth from God? The true believers knows the work of the devil.
1 Samuel 2:2 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.
Revelation 15:4 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
Richard, not only is Revelation a parable, it is also signified.
Revelation 15:8 And the TEMPLE (you) was filled with the smoke from the glory of God, and HIS POWER .....
John 2:19 Destroy this temple (Christ came as sinful flesh, that temple (sinful flesh) had to be destroyed) and in three days I will raise IT (the new TEMPLE)(the new BODY (dwelling place) OF CHRIST)(we, the body, were raise up with Christ as the new TEMPLE).
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and Holy is he that has his part in the first resurrection ....
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the TEMPLE OF GOD (filled with his glory and HIS POWER)......
Revelation 15:8 .......and no man was able to enter into the TEMPLE (the new BODY OF CHRIST) until the seven plaques of the seven angels be fulfilled.
The Father pour out, on Christ, those seven LAST plaques (the wrath of God).
Revelation 15:1 ....seven angels having the seven LAST plaques, which are the wrath of God.
Man CAN NOW enter into the TEMPLE (the Body of Christ), because the wrath of God that we deserved, was poured out on Christ.
We are that BODY OF CHRIST where GOD dwells and Christ sits at his right hand.
Part 3
Satan then goes after the remnant of her seed those who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. The remnant of her seed is the faithful people here when the tribulation starts. Like the ones before us who have been persecuted and killed, the fathers and prophets, and after Jesus the thousands upon thousands who have been tortured and killed in the name of Jesus, why would the last be spared when the first was not?
This starts the 3.5 years of tribulation as we see in Revelation 13, in the original text it is Satan standing on the sand of the sea to give his power, his seat, and great authority to the beast. We see in Rev. 11:7 and Rev. 17:8 that this is the bottomless pit. There are not seven years as some say we see when Satan is cast down and the beast rises, he is given only 42 months, and that is 3.5 years Revelation 13:5. It all starts when Satan is cast down the short time he has is 3.5 years.
The end of the 3.5 years will be when the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, Luke 21:24 Romans 11:25 Revelation 11:2. Then the second coming of Jesus, Matthew 24:29-31 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 Revelation 1:7 Revelation 3:11 Revelation 19:11-16 Revelation 22:12.
Revelation 3:10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
This is what is coming, everyone will be tempted to take the mark of the beast, Jesus will give us if we are here the strength to say no even if we face death. Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them. Revelation 15:2
God bless,
John saw: Revelation 15:1-8:
1-And I saw another sign in heaven,great and marvellous,7 angels having the 7 last PLAGUES;for in THEM is filled up the WRATH of GOD->(Re.11:18&16:1)
4-Who shall not fear thee,O Lord,and glorify thy name?thou only art holy: ...and thy Judgments are made manifest.
Then the PLAGUES start to be poured, its in the beginning of the 2nd half of the last week: Revelation 16:2: The FIRST PLAGUE will be poured upon the earth; upon the inhabitants of Israel, and there will fall a noisome and grievous sore upon all MEN which have the MARK of the Beast, and upon them which worshipp his image.
And the 2nd plague will be poured upon the sea;-->sea= waters=> peoples, and NATIONS, and multitudes of every tongue, GENTILE PEOPLES, and they will become as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul(that was created, Genesis 2:7) shall die.-->As was in Sodom and Gomorrah, and in the neighbouring cities.
The sequence of the pragues and their consequences are described from Revelation 16:4 to 21.Terrible,very terrible, as we can foreseen by the Word of GOD.JESUS warned us: Luke 21:25-28:-->25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars( Revelation 12:1-12, take a look.); and upon the Earth distress of NATIONS, with perplexity;the sea(peoples, and NATIONS, and multitudes of all tongues)and the waves roaring( Psalm 2:1-5);
26Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the Earth: for the powers of heaven ( Ephesians 1:3-8) shall be shaken.
27And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.(the same cloud that received JESUS in His ascension- Acts 1:9-11,combined with Matthew 17:5,and 2 Peter 1:16-12,and Isaiah 4:1-6 speaking of the seven Churches as a clue to understand the prophecies).
28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
Get ready
You quoted Revelation 15:4 in your post which will LITERALLY be fulfille from now on, day after day, and Revelation 6:15-17 reveal that
15 The kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid(wiil hide)themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
16 saying to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the WRATH of the Lamb:
17 For the great Day of His WRATH(the seventh and last Day or seventh and last millennium) is come; and who shall be able to stand?
Matthew 25:34 and 41 NS 46
34 Then shall the King say unto them on His right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
41 Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels: 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
2 Peter 3:11-12 and 7-8
11 Seeing then that all these things shall be DISSOLVED(dismantled), what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the Day of GOD(the Lord's Day, the seventh Day or seventh millennium), wherein the heavens being on fire shall be DISSOLVED(i.e. the two Covenants will be DISSOLVED), and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?(Yes, GOD is a devouring /consuming fire-See Isaiah 33:12-14)
7 But the heavens(two Covenants)and the earth(Israel,the dry land,the clay),which are now,by the same Word are kept in store,reserved unto fire against this Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
8 But,beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing,that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand years,and a thousand years as one Day.
The battle is/will be against three unclean spirits like frogs-Re.16:13-15-(why frogs?)
Get ready
1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that BELIEVE.
Hebrews 2:8 .... we see not yet ALL THINGS put under him .....
1 Corinthians 15:28 And when ALL THINGS shall be subdued unto him ....God will be ALL in ALL....
Revelation 13:8 And all they that dwell upon the earth SHALL WORSHIP HIM, whose names are NOT WRITTEN in the book of life of the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the world.
Psalms 86:9 All nations whom thou has made shall come and worship before thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name.
Psalms 22:27 All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall come and worship before thee.
Revelation 15:4 Who shall not fear thee, Oh Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee, for thy judgements are made manifest.
God bless you
The beauty of the cross is perhaps no better described than in Isaiah 52:14. His appearance or "visage" was so marred from the beatings and other injuries before the crucifixion that Jesus was hardly recognizable as a man. But by His stripes; we are healed ( Isaiah 53:5 just a few verses later). He has brought us beauty from ashes ( Isaiah 61:3) which in context means Israel will have restitution after suffering judgment. But God in the flesh resulted not in admiration but in a man of sorrows acquainted with grief ( Isaiah 53:3).
God's awe inspiring attributes are seen in the visions of the Lord as seen by Isaiah 6; Ezekiel 1:22 and associated verses in Revelation 15:2; etal; and Daniel 10:6; etal). The true beauty of God; of course ties in with His selflessness; agape love and other characteristics that are above storge; Philleo and eros type of human love. Satan himself was a most beautiful creation as Lucifer ( Ezekiel 28:12) UNTIL he fell. Now the beauty is vanity as it is with any fallen creature who pride has allowed to contaminate. God Himself deserves worship and is not being arrogant in stating this desire but there are no verses I am aware of that state God is PROUD of being the God of all creation; He is supreme and in that sense better than anyone else; but He calls His followers by name and "friends" ( John 15:15). This makes Him the perfect Father.
God created all things for His good pleasure including man ( Revelation 4:11). No doubt Adam and Eve in a sinless state were beautiful; and perhaps still externally appeared that way after the fall. All things were fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:14) but man has sought out many inventions (see Ecclesiastes 7:29). 1 Chronicles 16:27 talks of the majesty of God which no doubt incorporates beauty as seen in the creation. This makes man without excuse; as Romans 1 and Psalm 19 make clear.
God's beauty is more than skin deep and indescribable as all other traits.
There is a clear designation of 3 sets of judgments of 7 individual items in the Tribulation (Seal; Trumpet and Bowl).
Christ Himself opens the 7 SEALS of the book (unnamed). It would austensively contain the trumpet and bowl judgments; with a mysterious scroll eaten by John in Rev. 10:10 similar to the one in Ezekiel 3:3. I will try to study that at some point but it does say it is a mystery in general. We would probably be correct in stating the "birth pangs" of the Tribulation are going on with these seal judgments ( Matt. 24:8 also interestingly shown in Psalm 48:6:7.)
The next group of judgments are generally setting the stage for Antichrist to rise by judging one third parts of the earth; and sea and sun as well as killing one third of men ( Rev. 8:7-9; 12: Rev. 9:15). This is likely highly symbolic of the one third of the heavenly host falling with Satan and probably cast to earth at the time of Revelation 12:4; cross reference Daniel 8:10). This would show the destruction of those in heavenly places; the invisible spritual realm that has affected the course of men since the dawn of man (see Isaiah 24:21-22).
The last section completes the destruction of earth below as seen in Isaiah 24:22). This shows the gleaning of the grape harvest as it were; drawing men in for the final battle by supernatural means as seen in Revelation 19 and also Psalm 2.
As I have mentioned before there is no prayers of the saints appearing as incense in heaven; therefore no tarrying in the inner court with intercession as seen in Revelation 15:8. These verses and the responses of the wicked as compared to the sixth seal show the descent from fear to rebellion which the mark of the Beast seals their fate. There is nothing but contempt toward God; therefore it serves as a warning as to how men will react once IN hell (no desire to serve or worship their Creator).
Compare this to the VICTORY of the saints.
Brother SSpencer has given you a perfect explanation of God's salvation, I can't add anything.
About baptism:
Baptism is not being immersed in physical water.
You are baptised into the knowledge of the death and resurrection of Christ.
Christ died for YOU, you died on the cross with Christ, three days later a new CREATION AROSE, a husband, Christ and his wife, YOU. You were joined in a marriage, you took the name of your husband, you were baptised in the name of Jesus, Jesus is the life and you are his body.
Ephesians 4:4 ...ONE BODY ..... ONE SPIRIT ......
Ephesians 4:5 .... One Lord (truth, life, the way), one faith (the faith of Jesus, you life), one baptism (your married name, baptised in THE NAME of Jesus.
Revelation 3:12 ..... and I will writer upon him the NAME of my God .... and I will write upon him my NEW NAME .....
2 Corinthians 5:17 .... old things are passed away, behold, all things are BECOME NEW ....
Revelation 21:5 ..... Behold, I make all things NEW .....
Revelation 15:3 ..... Great and marvellous are THY WORKS, Lord God Almighty .....
God bless you
(Part 3):
You say that the wrath of God is very different from the great tribulation. I disagree with that. I believe that the wrath of God is poured out during the last 3-1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation. In Revelation, we see the seal judgments and the bowl judgments. By the time we get to the 6th bowl judgment, God's wrath has begun ( Revelation 6:17). Then we have the description of the 7 bowl judgments beginning with Revelation 15:1 and going through revelation 16:21. Revelation 15:1 calls it the wrath of God.
The 7th bowl judgment is poured out at the end of Revelation Chapter 16. This happens before the second coming of Christ. So, the wrath of God is poured out during the last 3-1/2 years, not after the second coming of Christ.
Jimbob, hopefully I have answered your questions, whether you agree with my answers or not. Now to be fair, I would like a turn to ask you a few questions. You said that you believe we are living in the beginning of sorrows time period right now! great tribulation will start soon. Also, you honestly believe we are much farther along in the Lastdays timeline than most True Believers think we are.
I believe I mentioned that we have been living in the "last days" for about 2,000 years now.
But, my first question is: Do you believe that the "beginning of sorrows" and "birth pains" are both referring to the first 3-1/2 years of the 7-year Tribulation?
If you believe the beginning of sorrows is the first 3-1/2 years, how far into this time frame do you believe we are in, or when did you first start believing we were in this time period?
If we are in the "beginning of sorrows" right now, would you say that Christ is coming back within the next 7-years?
Last question: If Christ does not come back within this time frame, how would you explain that?
If you choose to answer my question, I wish to thank you ahead of time. Blessings!
As for God's Wrath, I agree that it is poured out because of the wickedness of unbelievers & for unbelievers only. But the matter that we discussed earlier was, 'is the Great Tribulation synonymous with God's Wrath, or merely a greater outpouring of horrors that comes on the whole world?' I shared that the Great Tribulation appears to be God's Wrath (as shown in Revelation chapters 6 to 11 & beyond) & we read this in Revelation 6:17 & Revelation 15:1, which fall upon men over a long period of time. And if it be God's Wrath from the time that His Restrainer is removed & the anti-Christ is revealed, then the Church (the true children of God) are snatched away before this time of torment.
Anyway Tammy, I see that our differences largely depend on the definition of these biblical terms & the verses that support them - hence the nature of the pre or post trib position are both valid depending on how we define these terms with their Scriptures. GBU.
But you've directed my reading to Revelation chapter 14, in which you see "that the saints will be here for the event of the mark of the beast, and after that event, Jesus returns for the harvest". From Revelation 14:6, we read of an angel arriving in the heavens with "the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth". And then further down in verses 12 & 13, we read of "the patience of the saintsthat keep the commandments of God". I assume that these are the verses that convinces you that all believers (saints) will still be here, i.e. the Church pre- & during the Great Tribulation. Yet, if we take the angelic presentation of the Gospel (obviously not needed for the Church, but for the unbelievers at that time of anti-Christ's reign), then maybe the saints of verse 12 are those who were converted through the delivered Gospel, the Lord giving these others opportunity to repent & believe, who may already have taken the beast's mark, and to be saved. Just a thought.
And finally, verses 14 to 20 show the harvesting of the Earth. But who are harvested? In my reading, the harvest is directed to the haters & rejecters of God & are forthwith cast into "the great winepress of the wrath of God" (verse 20). Now, even if the order of events may seem unclear, at least those whom the Lord is referring to, is clear. And yes, both Revelation 15:1 and Revelation 6:17 declare that these sufferings do come from God (from His Wrath) & not resulting from natural occurrences that we see at present; that this time IS God's Wrath being poured out & not something felt at the end. So will the present Church be saved from this Wrath?
Though there is no mention of the anti-Christ in this chapter, it is understood that he has already been revealed & is raining his terror on any who disobey him (as in Revelation 13:4-8). But when God's Wrath is poured on Earth's inhabitants, the anti-Christ's days are also numbered ( Revelation 19:17-21).
And finally, 1 Corinthians 15:52, "at the last trump". I realize that it is commonly understood that the reference is to the last trumpet sounding in Revelation 15:20-19 & some others even connecting this phrase to the last of the trumpet blasts at the Jewish Feast of Trumpets (i.e. after all the trumpet blasts of various types/sounds are made, the final (LAST) long blast is sounded at the end). And yet, the 1 Corinthians 15:52 rendering in Greek, shows it as, 'the trumpet after which no other will sound'. It might then be that it isn't the seventh trumpet sound by the angel being referred to in Revelation 15, but it is at the final trumpet blast from the series of the other angelic blasts throughout that time of God's Wrath poured out. We might never come to a consensus on that one.
Anyway Jimbob, those are my thoughts: some in agreement with what you read in the Word, some not. There are several possibilities in all that we have presented & all these have value, but ultimately, it's where are understanding lies concerning the Church's departure to be with the Lord Jesus. Each person, holding their various Tribulation/Rapture positions, can certainly find Scriptures to support their belief; I wonder whether the Lord places great value on our exercises in studying the Word, but to leave the final interpretation & outcome to Him, He Who has all the right answers. Thank you again Jimbob.
Hey; what's up? I would say that when we are lifted up; i.e. raptured then the veil will be completely removed so that we are able to see what is now in visible in the spirit realm as well as seeing God Himself and Christ in their full glory without being consumed which we can't do in these mortal fleshly bodies.
So really; all of Revelation itself is breaking through to that realization-from John's initial vision of heaven where it appears he was taken to view the heavenly creatures and realm as well as what we may call "time travel" where these same spirit beings which were pictured in the Old Testament by Ezekiel and Isaiah continue to minister before God. He was able to see the future and things which MUST happen after these things; that is after the "church age" with the types of church mentioned in the first 2 chapters.
Simply put; we see the seals opened by Christ Himself; and will be undoubtably able to be made aware of what's going on in the earth (as the prayers of the saints seem to indicate). It appears as we stand there that we will merely see the destruction of the wicked ( Psalm 91:8). As for those on the earth they will by the sixth seal be aware of God and Christ beginning to judge; so in that sense there won't be any more atheists from that point forth; but sadly only Satan worshippers if people aren't worshipping the true God at that point. All the cards will be on the table so to speak.
Maybe the Lord will give you insight into these things. If He does; one should be aware that the enemy wants to render us ineffective. People want good news not news that Satan is about to come down to earth in the near future. But the Lord allows all these things before His coming; a sort of "clearing house" as it will to evict that usurper the Devil who has assumed rulership since Adam fell and lost some of his privileges.
That's the way I see it.
We are all coming to the truth of God's word, God's doing and God's timetable.
Matthew 24
Christ is talking to his disciples about his coming again to them and the tribulation that must occur first, they didn't understand and most today don't understand.
Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, this generation (those to whom he was speaking) shall not pass, till all the things BE FULFILLED.
Revelation explains this, if you take it as the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and not something in the future, the generation living at the time of Christ saw the wrath of God that was poured out on Christ and they saw Christ appearing the second time as the Holy Ghost.
We have been in the days of Noah since that great tribulation was poured out on Christ, and his coming the second time as the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Revelation 12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth .......
Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, the was a great earthquake: and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon (Christ) became as blood;
Revelation 6:13 And the stars of heaven fell to earth .....
Luke 23:44 And it was about the sixth hour and there was darkness over the whole earth until the ninth hour,
Luke 23:45 And the sun was darkened ......
Matthew 27:54 .....saw the earthquake .......
Revelation 15:8 ....and no man was able to enter into the temple (you are the temple), till the seven plaques of the seven angels be fulfilled.
God Bless you.
This chapter marks what appears to be the Resurrection of the saints of God from the Tribulation which is immediately before the bowl judgments. In that sense surely God's people won't endure the final plagues. This is accentuated by the comment in verse 8; that no man could enter the temple in heaven until the final plagues occurred. There was no more "smoke of the incense of the prayers" mitigating things; and judgment was to be full force.
It is interesting in verse 5 that the "temple of the tabernacle of the testimony" is mentioned. Certainly; those who gave the testimony to overcome reminds us of Revelation 12:11. We must remember that overcoming any of these things; whether it is the image of the beast (which somehow causes people to be killed ( Rev. 13:15); the mark of the beast and the associated number of his name all takes supernatural strength. Again; we need to remember that ALL whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world will worship the Beast ( Rev. 13:8). This shows the destinies of men from before all time were all predestined as WELL as showing Christ was the sacrificial atonement for that group of people ALSO before time began. By default; this means not only are we all sinners and rebels but that literally we would worship Antichrist if he appeared today; and in our hearts Satan is our father ( John 8:44).
These harsh realities are the only rational approach to show how far sin has damaged this nation and the earth as a whole. Today; much of what involves the lust of the eyes ( 1 John 2:15-17) is virtual reality; minds are controlled with substances (Pharmakeia Rev. 18:23) and people desperately want assurance that life can continue and the party can go on. The danger is when the Lord Himself gives up people to sin ( Romans 1:24). Truly; Isaiah 24:17 describes the fear; pit and snare upon the inhabitants of the earth after He raptures the Bride.
his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having ... harps of God, WE WIN.
It's the last plagues the seven angels had filled up with the wrath of God;
That is actually a funny connection. I remember those disco balls. Glad that was short lived!
Galatians 1:12
For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Be saved! 1 Corinthians 15:1-4
Revelation 15:3-4 I love singing this song.
And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
Revelation 18:4
And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
1 Timothy 5:15
For some are already turned aside after Satan.
I prayed for you and God showed me these short answer to your question. God also reveals to me you are a very special person for recognizing God. You are correct Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Jesus never said He is God. God also gave us in scriptures in the Old Testament that God is the LORD (all uppercase). In the New Testament, the Lord (only "L") is Jesus Christ. Since God sent God's "only begotten Son" (5X mentioned in the NT) you will find that Jesus Christ said in John 10:30 "I and my Father are one.". Another very STRONG Bible verses that showed evidences Jesus Christ is God are the following )along with the entire NT and our fellowbelievers whom I believe are considered saints:Giannis and Vince who responded to your comment):
Acts 2:34-36
Luke 20:42-44
Revelation 11:8
Revelation 11:15
Revelation 15:3-4 The song of the Lamb Who is Jesus Christ. These verses I sing in my head all the time.
Revelation 17:4
My friend, I will be happy as much as God will and the entire Body of Christ to hear that you believe Jesus Christ is God. Agape.
Just wanted you to know since I was young God gave me the gift of f discernment. Although I cannot explain at such a young age, I humbly can say I am guided by such a wonderful God whom I made as my best friend. I love King Solomon's wisdom .
Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
"And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:" Colossians 2:10 KJV
We are watching JERUSALEM.
We have a great God.
I sing this song:
"And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints." Revelation 15:3 KJV
"Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest." Revelation 15:4 KJV
Stay well my brother in Christ.
The truth:
Jesus renames his disciple Peter (Greek petros) and promises to found Messiah's church on "this rock" (Greek petra).We're all petra in a way because Jesus established the building of the body (the church...i.e. "all born again believers") on us because we looked at Christ an said, "You are Christ Jesus (which only the elect believe)."
Matthew 16:15 says "He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Peter's response is the response of all born again and Christ acknowledges that and declares us as His the foundation for building His church here on Earth. Christ didn't come to build religion, he didn't come to build denominations but he came to establish His kingdom in us that are born again.
Another fallacy in the catholic teaching is that they state Peter was an equal rock to Christ and later became the first pope. Assuming the Roman's had accepted Peter this would sound true...but Peter was crucified upside down by the Romans on his final trip there. They never put Peter on a throne or honored him. As his name was Simon Peter -- there was another Peter in Rome during the time of Peter's matrydom. But that Simon was not a pope either. Most of catholicisms roots come from emperor Constantine. Their first pope would have actually been Linus (d. c. 67 - 80).
F.Y.I. -- I was raised in the rcc for 19-years and very involved. When I left the catholic church and became involved with ministries in non-denominational ministries...after many years and backbiting; I became born again and realized all the apostasy in catholicism.
This is very deceiving church. Catholic is so bothersome and blasphemous. Do they really think they can deceived?
Catholic use this verse as a deceiving verse for their church existence: Matthew 16:18, which the Catholic erroneously misinterpreted the usage to begin with.
The following verses clearly says Who is holy. Many church got to stop deceiving people since we are in the last days. When are they going to tell the truth?
Does anybody here had stood up and told the leader of the church to tell only the truth from God? The true believers knows the work of the devil.
1 Samuel 2:2 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.
Revelation 15:4 | View whole chapter | See verse in context
Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
Revelation 15:8 And the TEMPLE (you) was filled with the smoke from the glory of God, and HIS POWER .....
John 2:19 Destroy this temple (Christ came as sinful flesh, that temple (sinful flesh) had to be destroyed) and in three days I will raise IT (the new TEMPLE)(the new BODY (dwelling place) OF CHRIST)(we, the body, were raise up with Christ as the new TEMPLE).
Revelation 20:6 Blessed and Holy is he that has his part in the first resurrection ....
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the TEMPLE OF GOD (filled with his glory and HIS POWER)......
Revelation 15:8 .......and no man was able to enter into the TEMPLE (the new BODY OF CHRIST) until the seven plaques of the seven angels be fulfilled.
The Father pour out, on Christ, those seven LAST plaques (the wrath of God).
Revelation 15:1 ....seven angels having the seven LAST plaques, which are the wrath of God.
Man CAN NOW enter into the TEMPLE (the Body of Christ), because the wrath of God that we deserved, was poured out on Christ.
We are that BODY OF CHRIST where GOD dwells and Christ sits at his right hand.