" Little children,ye are on this world but not of this world." Who are they? Those who refused to received the mark of the beast.( revelation 13:17).,They are unique..in almighty god's side.( exodus 33:16, john 15:19, john 17:14-16.)If someone says that he/she is one among them but a disciple of any religious,political,or commercial organization which he/she devotes his/her time,strenght,talent and money for the benefits and interest of his/her organization,how come he/she is no part of this world? Religious (church)Political( nation),and Commercial(cartel) are the 3 systems that forcibly introduced or marked in heart and mind of the majority of people around the world and only those who are no part of this world refuses to be a disciple of any religious,political or commercial organization that patronizes(buy)and campaigning to patronizes(sell) ,traditions,customs,occassions laws,wars,economy,arts,science and technology and at this our time of global pandemic,only those who are no part of this world refuses to go into covid 19 vaccination sites.( 2 chronicles 16:12) i wish you are one of them.(romans11:4)
Nobody in this world could agreed that they have the mark of the beast ( john 8:32-1john 5:19- revelation 13:16-18)but on their deeds it would be clearly manifested whether they are disciples of religious,political or commercial organizations by means of patronizing (buy) and campaigning for patronizing (sell) traditions,customs,occassions,laws,wars,economy,arts,science,and technologies which are the properties of almighty god adversary,and in this time of global pandemic,all religious,political and commercial organizations discilpes rushes into vaccination sites just to patronize the vaccine which is a product of science and technology and only those who have no mark of the beast refuses to go there whatever the consequences takes place on them.( revelation 13:17) .
Prayer helps us to convey to God all the positive, negative and challenging situations and feelings that arise in our lives. In fact, it's through prayer that we can thank him and ask him for help or solutions to difficult problems.
However, identifying God's guidance, help or comfort is more difficult than just bowing our heads and praying. This is partly because God uses many different means to contact us - he may reach us through another person, a scripture. He always confirms His Word.
1. Even if you don't think your repeating dreams are important, they often leave lingering feelings in your heart. Don't ignore these feelings. Instead, analyze them. Write down those feelings and descriptions of the dreams in a journal. After some time, search through your journal and see if you can find a common phrase, person or image that give you an answer to a recent (or maybe a future) prayer.
2. Remember: with God, there are no coincidences. Don't hesitate to record dreams and analyze them for spiritual messages. The world is full of symbols. There are many that you probably don't recognize, but if you look carefully, they have always been there. God often uses symbolism to give you the answers you seek. That's why you need to write down even the most insignificant part of your dreams, because the one part could be the key to unlocking what the dream means and what God is trying to tell you.
3. On more than one occasion, your dreams can reveal some important messages that, due to lack of attention or disbelief, you don't notice. It may be that given the simplicity or clarity of the message, it's considered unimportant.
4. However, you should never underestimate that advice since God might have been using your dream as a way to answer a question you asked. While it's true that not all dreams are a solution or response to your challenges, many of them can be a source of comfort and/or strength during a difficult time in your life.
Hi Mark A. Hester When it comes to things of God be it dreams, information, prophecies, any spiritual manifestations people talk about I.E. the spirit. First does it Glorify the True God Second does line up with scripture. Third is it all profitable. Fourth no confusion in it. Fifth is everything in order. Also God doesn't give info just to waste time he expects whatevers given to be carried out, the other side of that coin is he doesn't give it to people he knows won't carry it out. Also remember the bible is written revelation. A woman told me one time God told her to go 50 miles per hour in a 25 speed zone and she Got stopped for speeding. I said to Her why would God tell you to break the laws of the land and why would he let you get a speeding ticket and she was late for her meeting anyway. What's worse the officer ask her why she was speeding and she told him God told her too. You got to wonder what the officer thought. Prayerfully this helps. In His Service
I have a question. I wanted to know what the Bible says about dreams and the connection dreams can have with prophecy and future events. The reason I'm asking is because a few years back I woke out of my dreams and wrote down some things I know that only God could have known about me and my future. I believe for a fact that what I wrote down is solid evidence of an all knowing God. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can see where you and GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} are coming from but to be tried by fire we as Christians must go through some of this tribulation coming up that means we must face some of the one world order to see who will stand for God. We as Christians was had it ease we haven't had to face what the apostles faced yet, I believe that is to come because we as Christians must come out as pure as Gold. Matthew 24: 15 is being practice in Jerusalem today waiting on the temple to be completed. On the other-hand you can look for Biden the U.S. president to issue an order that all Americans must be vaccinated in about two years are less. Because this is the first step to the one world order. Thank you for your input/comments and God Bless you both. Stay prayed up and ready to go up
Amen and Amen, Brother S Spencer, we can't just be wounded by the Word of God ( Revelation 13:3). We have to DIE (be killed) by the Word of God ( Revelation 13:10).
2 Thessalonians 2:8 An then shall that Wicked (US, children of Satan) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume ( Hebrews 12:29), with the spirit of his mouth (Words of God), and shall DESTROY with the brightness of his coming ( Colossians 1:27 CHRIST IN US).
Cowboy I don't view this as sorry or not either it is written or not, I will not deny that in our day and time there things occurring that are in preparation for that time. That being said I believe according to Gods word that the Christians Church of God is the only the only thing stopping the adversary from really cutting loose. Now when the church is taken up nothing will prevent the [ new world order ] from coming into full power.
Precious Cowboy, no need to be sorry, thanks for stating your view. According To The Scriptures, The Age Of God's GRACE Has NOT Ended yet, With God removing ALL of HIS "ambassadors" ( 2 Corinthians 5:20) To Heaven, BEFORE Declaring War/Judgment/Wrath on an UNbelieving world. The Body Of CHRIST has Already had almost 2000 years of tribulation, but will BE COMFORTED At The Great GRACE Departure To Glory ( 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). Amen? HIS Gospel Of GRACE Will End so that the Everlasting gospel of the kingdom can be preached during the "Time Of Jacob's {ISRAEL's} TROUBLE":
Which Gospel Makes Way For Which Gospel?
In The Revelation Of The MYSTERY, Paul preached The Gospel of GRACE, Which Is:
JESUS CHRIST, The SON Of God, Freely Gave HIS Life As A Sacrifice For our sins. HE Was Crucified, Buried, And Rose From the dead on the third day! ( 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Paul wrote in ( Galatians 1:8) that if anyone, Including "AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, ... preach any Other gospel unto you than That Which we have preached unto you, let him Be ACCURSED!" Thus we know that this present predominantly Gentile church Must Be Removed {PRE-TOJT} to Allow the worldwide preaching of the gospel of the kingdom that Paul did Not preach to us...
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From "Things That DIFFER!":
...Making Way For HIS [Everlasting] gospel of the kingdom!:
JESUS Said in ( Matthew 24:14) "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The gospel of the kingdom was "... Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" ( Matthew 4:17).
When The MYSTERY Ends, And, God Resumes HIS Prophetic Program, The Everlasting gospel of the kingdom Will be preached by 144,000 "sealed" Jews, TWO powerful witnesses, AND, by an angel ( Revelation 14:6)
Conclusion: How can The Body Of CHRIST "enter Into JACOB's Trouble, with The Gospel Of GRACE," And, this angel NOT "be ACCURSED, preaching a DIFFERENT Gospel"? Amen?
Cowboy One other point we are saved by Jesus Christ from the wrath to come have already been judged and been made righteous by God through his Son. We are no longer judged for our mistakes we will be rewarded for our works based on Gods word than we will stand at the bema for our rewards our sin is no longer looked at.Revelation is about the final Judgement of Jesus Christ against all unbelief it can't be us because we believe!
Cowboy In thessalonians Jesus Christ is coming back for His Church the Body of Christ the saints in the age of Grace which has not transpired yet we are still in the age of Grace i.e. Church of God in the book of Revelation we come back with Jesus Christ to Kick the enemies rear so to speak. Its your privilege to believe what you believe now that being said I do see things occuring to set up Whats called the new world order. I believe the only thing that is stopping all hell from breaking loose so to speak are the believers standing on the Word. Once were gathered together it won't be pretty, Jesus Christ it will be worse than the days of sodom and gomorrah that I can't imagine and don't want to. God Bless
I'm sorry to say Dianne that the beast is in operation today. In Revelation 13: 7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: (the Christians will be here when the beast comes into total affect) and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. - And power was given to the beast; that means all 7 continents of the world gave up their power to the beast. The beast is a one world order, all currency will go through the beast. The chip that will be in the right hand are the forehead will tell the merchants how much currency you have and if you can buy, sell, are trade. There will be no money flowing around. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (if you want to buy sell are trade you will agree to his terms) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Eluid you are looking at Revelation 13 with the carnal mind, Revelation 13: 1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea,(The sea represents the people of the world) and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, ( the beast was built by the people of the world) having seven heads (the seven heads represents the seven continents of the world) and ten horns, (the ten horns represents ten kings are ten presidents are someone over a nation) and upon his horns ten crowns, (these are people under the person over a nation) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. This is a one world order that is run by the beast (a computer) the chips are to keep track of the people and to keep the people in order by fear because they will be able to kill a person that has the chip by entering the chip number and hitting delete, by doing so, killing the body. This is a one world order action.
Glenn the question was is the beast in revelation here now I said no 2 Thessalonians 8+9 says who's coming I believe that is talking about The appearing or the Book of revelation especially verse 8. That's what my understanding is. God Bless
Barry Revelation is whats to come it is not happening now it will not happen till a while after the body of Christ is gathered together. That is all I've studied on the subject matter, the book of revelation has a lot of figurative language in it. It is perhaps the most written about book in the entire bible.
Could this beast be in power now as the world is in turmoil with two countries are all countries and turmoil and war and fire and storms And the end of the world may be coming soon as we know Maybe the beast be residing in the New city called the squad by some
The sea is the people, the Beast id the presidency, Seven Heads Ten Horns is description of U.S. currency, i.e., half penny, penny, nickel, dime, quarter, half dollar, silver dollar, Ten Horns is the same, but in paper currency. Crown is is date, by the amount of different denomination of currency in circulation. Seven Heads Ten Horns Ten Crowns means U.S. 1981, so Rev 13:1 is metaphoric and reads as follows
As I stood at the back edge of a massive crowd, I saw the president (Ronald Wilson Reagan) elected by the people, from the United State, 1981, and the currency said :In GOD we trust.
President Reagan lived by his speeches and motivating the people, one can say that was his sword, there was an other sword called Alzheimer's which took his speech, motivation, and eventually his life. One can say Reagan lived by the sword and died by the sword,
The 666 is six letters of alphabets in the first name , six in the middle name, and six in the last name. That is what Revelation 13 description is of the Reagan and bush presidential era.
This belief comes from a serious lack of studying the Bible.
For one the plagues is from the Lord to punish the "Inhabitants" on earth or those who dwell on Earth.
The .mark of the beast is forced by the antichrist.
If God is giving the plagues and the antichrist is forcing the vaccine wouldn't that be a little odd?
Revelation 15:6. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
Read Revelation 13:16-17. to find the. mark of the beast.
Read Revelation Ch 15 and Ch 16:1_14..to find the plagues.
And if you noticed If the vaccine was the mark of the beast it would have came before the plagues/coronavirus.
Thanks for your input, our focus wasn't on any covenant it was on Truth. (Jesus)
The Emphasis on our discussion wasn't on Gods covenant to Israel, My Emphasis was on the Power of the Holyspirit being able to reveal truth.
You're right Jesus is speaking to Jews before the death burial and resurrection,
However he didn't give them what he spoke about ( HOLYSPIRIT) until after his death burial and resurrection, And he told them to take the gospel unto the earth.
Acts 1:8. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. This is the foundation being laid and Jesus the chief corner stone. And the CHURCH is built on it.
S Spenser we must have an understanding of when these things are being said an to whom they are said to. Jesus is speaking before his death, burial, and resurrection and he is speaking to the people of Israel, the only people the commandment law was given to. As a gentile, you were never subject to the law as it was given to the Jew and the Jew only. At the time of the writings of John, Jesus is telling Phillip and Judah that after his death, burial, and resurrection another Comforter will come and will teach them all things and bring all things to their remembrance. That Comforter, which is the Holy Spirit, did come on the day of Pentecost and poured out its spirit. But after those days I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, not like the one I made with their fathers when I brought them out of the land of Egypt. What we need to learn, know and understand is what that New Testament was.
And if I'm correct that truth shall be manifested into us. It should be his voice we hear with the open ear through other believers, Love, Humility and Meekness should keep us in union.
EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, BECAUSE IT SEETH HIM NOT, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
BUT THE COMFORTER, WHICH IS THE HOLY GHOST, WHOM THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME, HE SHALL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
The way, the truth and the life are a PERSON and because WE are His possession, His way, His truth, His Life. WE MUST DIE DAILY; until, ONLY HE REMAINS. He gave his life for us, we must lay down our life (first death), FOR HIS LIFE (first resurrection).
You are too kind. All I can do is the same thing everyone else does, and that is share what I have learned. I have to give the Lord all the glory. And like you say, we should never compromise the truth. But what is truth? My dear brother, truth is not what I say, or what anyone else here says. Truth is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. We are all fallible human beings capable of error. That is something I always have to keep in the back of my mind in order to have the correct perspective on what truth is.
You also have some great things to share and you have been a blessing not only to me, but to others as well. It's not that important that we always agree with each other because that's not always going to happen. But as you say, we should never compromise truth for the sake of love, or fear of offending someone. As long as we are preaching truth, and we realize truth is a person, not what any of us say, I believe God will bless that, because God will only bless two or more that are gathered together and are playing the same song. They don't have to be playing the same part, but they do have to be playing the same song!
"Catabol" that word is not in the King James Bible=
CATABOL" in the KJV Bible
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Mishael: that word is not in the Bible. You have read some heretic teaching on google or in a book called OLD EARTH THEORY. I read all the Google stuff on this and it is a cult teaching. Go search that.
However, identifying God's guidance, help or comfort is more difficult than just bowing our heads and praying. This is partly because God uses many different means to contact us - he may reach us through another person, a scripture. He always confirms His Word.
1. Even if you don't think your repeating dreams are important, they often leave lingering feelings in your heart. Don't ignore these feelings. Instead, analyze them. Write down those feelings and descriptions of the dreams in a journal. After some time, search through your journal and see if you can find a common phrase, person or image that give you an answer to a recent (or maybe a future) prayer.
2. Remember: with God, there are no coincidences. Don't hesitate to record dreams and analyze them for spiritual messages. The world is full of symbols. There are many that you probably don't recognize, but if you look carefully, they have always been there. God often uses symbolism to give you the answers you seek. That's why you need to write down even the most insignificant part of your dreams, because the one part could be the key to unlocking what the dream means and what God is trying to tell you.
3. On more than one occasion, your dreams can reveal some important messages that, due to lack of attention or disbelief, you don't notice. It may be that given the simplicity or clarity of the message, it's considered unimportant.
4. However, you should never underestimate that advice since God might have been using your dream as a way to answer a question you asked. While it's true that not all dreams are a solution or response to your challenges, many of them can be a source of comfort and/or strength during a difficult time in your life.
Sincerely, Mark H
I can see where you and GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} are coming from but to be tried by fire we as Christians must go through some of this tribulation coming up that means we must face some of the one world order to see who will stand for God. We as Christians was had it ease we haven't had to face what the apostles faced yet, I believe that is to come because we as Christians must come out as pure as Gold. Matthew 24: 15 is being practice in Jerusalem today waiting on the temple to be completed. On the other-hand you can look for Biden the U.S. president to issue an order that all Americans must be vaccinated in about two years are less. Because this is the first step to the one world order. Thank you for your input/comments and God Bless you both. Stay prayed up and ready to go up
2 Thessalonians 2:8 An then shall that Wicked (US, children of Satan) be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume ( Hebrews 12:29), with the spirit of his mouth (Words of God), and shall DESTROY with the brightness of his coming ( Colossians 1:27 CHRIST IN US).
Which Gospel Makes Way For Which Gospel?
In The Revelation Of The MYSTERY, Paul preached The Gospel of GRACE, Which Is:
JESUS CHRIST, The SON Of God, Freely Gave HIS Life As A Sacrifice For our sins. HE Was Crucified, Buried, And Rose From the dead on the third day! ( 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Paul wrote in ( Galatians 1:8) that if anyone, Including "AN ANGEL FROM HEAVEN, ... preach any Other gospel unto you than That Which we have preached unto you, let him Be ACCURSED!" Thus we know that this present predominantly Gentile church Must Be Removed {PRE-TOJT} to Allow the worldwide preaching of the gospel of the kingdom that Paul did Not preach to us...
Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From "Things That DIFFER!":
...Making Way For HIS [Everlasting] gospel of the kingdom!:
JESUS Said in ( Matthew 24:14) "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The gospel of the kingdom was "... Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" ( Matthew 4:17).
When The MYSTERY Ends, And, God Resumes HIS Prophetic Program, The Everlasting gospel of the kingdom Will be preached by 144,000 "sealed" Jews, TWO powerful witnesses, AND, by an angel ( Revelation 14:6)
Conclusion: How can The Body Of CHRIST "enter Into JACOB's Trouble, with The Gospel Of GRACE," And, this angel NOT "be ACCURSED, preaching a DIFFERENT Gospel"? Amen?
As I stood at the back edge of a massive crowd, I saw the president (Ronald Wilson Reagan) elected by the people, from the United State, 1981, and the currency said :In GOD we trust.
President Reagan lived by his speeches and motivating the people, one can say that was his sword, there was an other sword called Alzheimer's which took his speech, motivation, and eventually his life. One can say Reagan lived by the sword and died by the sword,
The 666 is six letters of alphabets in the first name , six in the middle name, and six in the last name. That is what Revelation 13 description is of the Reagan and bush presidential era.
No to both your questions.
This belief comes from a serious lack of studying the Bible.
For one the plagues is from the Lord to punish the "Inhabitants" on earth or those who dwell on Earth.
The .mark of the beast is forced by the antichrist.
If God is giving the plagues and the antichrist is forcing the vaccine wouldn't that be a little odd?
Revelation 15:6. And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.
Read Revelation 13:16-17. to find the. mark of the beast.
Read Revelation Ch 15 and Ch 16:1_14..to find the plagues.
And if you noticed If the vaccine was the mark of the beast it would have came before the plagues/coronavirus.
God bless.
Thanks for your input, our focus wasn't on any covenant it was on Truth. (Jesus)
The Emphasis on our discussion wasn't on Gods covenant to Israel, My Emphasis was on the Power of the Holyspirit being able to reveal truth.
You're right Jesus is speaking to Jews before the death burial and resurrection,
However he didn't give them what he spoke about ( HOLYSPIRIT) until after his death burial and resurrection, And he told them to take the gospel unto the earth.
Acts 1:8. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. This is the foundation being laid and Jesus the chief corner stone. And the CHURCH is built on it.
God bless
John 14:6.
And if I'm correct that truth shall be manifested into us. It should be his voice we hear with the open ear through other believers, Love, Humility and Meekness should keep us in union.
EVEN THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH; WHOM THE WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE, BECAUSE IT SEETH HIM NOT, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?
Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and WE WILL COME UNTO HIM, AND MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM.
He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.
These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
BUT THE COMFORTER, WHICH IS THE HOLY GHOST, WHOM THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME, HE SHALL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
Thanks again and God bless.
The way, the truth and the life are a PERSON and because WE are His possession, His way, His truth, His Life. WE MUST DIE DAILY; until, ONLY HE REMAINS. He gave his life for us, we must lay down our life (first death), FOR HIS LIFE (first resurrection).
You are too kind. All I can do is the same thing everyone else does, and that is share what I have learned. I have to give the Lord all the glory. And like you say, we should never compromise the truth. But what is truth? My dear brother, truth is not what I say, or what anyone else here says. Truth is a person, and that person is Jesus Christ. We are all fallible human beings capable of error. That is something I always have to keep in the back of my mind in order to have the correct perspective on what truth is.
You also have some great things to share and you have been a blessing not only to me, but to others as well. It's not that important that we always agree with each other because that's not always going to happen. But as you say, we should never compromise truth for the sake of love, or fear of offending someone. As long as we are preaching truth, and we realize truth is a person, not what any of us say, I believe God will bless that, because God will only bless two or more that are gathered together and are playing the same song. They don't have to be playing the same part, but they do have to be playing the same song!
We value and highly appreciate your teachings.
God bless.
CATABOL" in the KJV Bible
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Mishael: that word is not in the Bible. You have read some heretic teaching on google or in a book called OLD EARTH THEORY. I read all the Google stuff on this and it is a cult teaching. Go search that.