Evangelist there is no one in a grave. The good go straight to the Father when their flesh dies and the bad go to the holding place known as the tomb or grave but you have to look into the Hebrew and Greek to understand the scriptures which you never do. Listening to men and their traditional ways will only make void the word of God for you and you need to seek the LORD on your own because what your saying is not truth.
the first beast will utter blasphemy and will be wounded. the second beast will come when that happens and forms an image. that image is the mark of the beast. that mark will be that man. that man has a mark and it is his name. people will have the name of that man on their forehead or right arm. this man has a name that is like the number 666
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 9 years ago
Hello Word The dead that have put on the name of Jesus Christ is not in heaven at this time. They are sleep in the grave waiting for the rapture. The 7th trumpet spoken of in Revelation is not the trumpet sounded here in 1 Thessalonians. The children of God will not go through the wrath that is to come. Alright look at it like this, the events in Revelation that pertain to the tribulation will happen in succession. God will not have the 7th trump sound for the rapture and then after the mark of the beast event then have the other trumpets sound. Before the trumpets sound there will be seals opened in succession. God is not going to deviate from his plan. The rapture is very real and so is the tribulation. God is going to destroy this heaven and earth and new ones will appear, Revelation 21 1. Revelation is broken up in past, present, and future.
Evangelist the subject in 1 Thessalonian 4 vs 12 through 18 is where are the dead that have went to Christ and they are a live with Him on His return at the 7th trump and we will meet them here on earth in a twinkle of an eye and no one is flying anywhere because Christ sets His Kingdom up here and there is no rapture in the Bible except where God tells us He hates them that dream up out of their own minds and that teach the rapture in Ezekiel 13. You really need to read it and believe what God says instead of man and his made up salvation.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 9 years ago
Hello Word I believe I have stuck with the subject matter. The subject being people need to get saved. They need to follow Acts 2 38 in order to be saved. They have to stay saved in order to make the rapture. The rapture is very real, 1 Thessalonians 4 12 thru 18. Have a nice day.
Evangelist you can throw verses up all day long but that still won 't changed the truth of Gods salvation. You need to read those verses and stick with the subject matter.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Part 2of 2 During the tribulation when people are given a choice to take the mark or get their heads chopped off, those who get their heads chopped, some scholars believe that these people automatically go straight to the throne. They do not go through the grave, Revelation 6 9. The other thought is that Jesus was talking about those saints that were to come forth after his death and was seen walking around in the city of Jerusalem, Matthew 27 51 thru 53. In the end, the rapture is very real and will happen whether you or anyone believes it.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Part 1 of 2 Hello Word Jesus is talking about the rapture in, Matthew 24 40 Then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken, and the other left . John 5 28 and 29 is twofold by revelation, if I can say it like this is talking about the saints who sleeps or dead are waiting to be resurrected. You have to understand that there are no saints waiting during the tribulation period in the graves. The rapture has already taken place.
Evangelist Chatanua Robinson That last post I put 1 Thessalonians but tomb and judgment was the one you posted on John 5 vs 28 and 29 where you used rapture something chickens flying but it was really speaking of in John 5 vs 28 and 29 of them held in grave or prison or tomb until final Judgment and at that great white throne Judgment they are erased blotted out. So the grave there in 28 is a prison holding place and 29 is Judgment. Oh, yeah you said something really strange that there was Saints held there with the wicked heathens and I thought that has to be corrected.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson 1 Thessalonians 4 its speaking of tomb as in held and judgment where grave is tomb, prison on the other side of the void from heaven where un repented being held till Judgment just as Lazarus was. It 's not a flame outside burning Lazarus it was inside of the lost of water, the LIVING WATER on the Throne. No one is in a grave in a graveyard waiting to fly or what ever you said. Ecclesiastes 12 vs 6 says when silver cord parts or clay body dies or pitcher broken or a cistern meaning when a person dies they go straight to the Father. Vs 7 Their body returns to soil and spirit return to God. No rapture then and none in 1 Thessalonians 4.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson I want to help you with 1 Thessalonians 4 17 remember the subject is where are the dead vs. 13 and down in this chapter.17 Then we which are alive .. in flesh bodies.. and remain .. on earth.. shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, menaing crowd Hebrews 12 1 street greek.. to meet the Lord in the air .. 109 Greek breath of life, the breath you inhale,breathe within, a stirring of life, higher level of thinking, spirit bodies and not the stratosphere, not flying away into outer space .. and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Note. In a twinkle of an eye any Bible student from knowing the rest of the scriptures will know what is spoken here so keep trying.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Word I am sorry a lot of your interpretations I do not understand them. The rapture or the catching away is not a lie. The Bible speaks of this that is coming, 1 Thessalonians 4 12 thru 18. Like in the days of Noah when the people did not believe that it was going to rain, there are some people who do not believe that the rapture will take place. However, whether you or anyone else believe it or not it is going to take place, just like the rain fell. Have a nice day.
RMN You and the evangelist have a lot to be said about these graves opening here and there and these have life and these are still dead in the grave but I tell you that we are the God of the living and not the dead and if your not in the flesh your with the Father. You might be on the other side of the void in the tomb and in prison for unbelieving or sin un repented but the grass is still just as green and all are living a normal life up until they are Judged. Satan and his bunch are in a pit but soon will be kicked out to here and all of them take up the ministry preaching for their leader instead of Christ or anti Christ. In 2 Corinthians 11 vs 13 to 15 you can find that and oh the word transformed is code 3345 disguised.All their followers will have the stamp inside their minds while sitting in church listening to a flood of lies thinking their husband has came home and they are no widow. Bringing in the sheep to fly Satan united air.
I bet you two don 't know what verse 8 means? It 's saying the chosen set aside ones that were with God and stood against Satan at the katabole which was Satans attempted overthrow. Now these elect are chosen again to stand against Satan at the end. But you don 't believe that. But when you see the two witnesses killed by Satan at the arena or where all can see then you will know you need to know 1Corinthians that all will change at the 7th trump and there is only One Great Day of The Lord and you went through the test and failed if your with him and ready to fly.
AR after reading what the Evangelist is preaching and RMN and even you I have realize none of you have read the Bible from the first page to the last page and have no idea what the scriptures say. Especial the evangelist. But she has learned only what was said by men and then pulling verses to make it sound so real leading people to a tower of babble or another fly away salvation lie. Christ comes once on that Great Day of The Lord. Anyone of you can read it all for your selves. I tried to drag you away from a strong delusion. Father said if you want to believe the lie go a head.
Immediately after the tribulation of those days, shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from Heaven, and the powers of Heaven shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall ALL of the tribes of Earth mourn and they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and Great Glory, it 's at this split instance in the twinkling of an eye that two will be at the grinding stone and one will be taken and the other left, to face the Wrath of the Almighty GOD and his AVENGING DESTROYER, the SON OF GOD, and the risen ones will meet the LORD in the air, after he makes quick work of his total world destruction. in which no one is left alive, but satan and his hordes of demons imprisoned for 1000 years, while the rest of the dead also lived not again until the 1000 years is over. AMEN
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello RNM The true antichrist is not here yet. There are many who have the spirit of the antichrist but the true antichrist is not here yet, 1 John 2 18 "Little children, it is the last time and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time ". One reason is because the Rapture has not taken place.
The day of the Lord is going to be a supernatural event, As the KING OF KING returns as the DESTOYER in the same instance the Earth is being devoured by the Holy Fire of God the dead in Christ will Rise and then we which are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, the earth will be uninhabited for 1000 years all the cities will be broken down from the WRATH OF GOD even Jerusalem, and the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years are finished and at that time the LAMB OF GOD descends on the mount of Olives and the mountains are cleaved north and south and east and west and purified by the SON and HALLOWED of a space of over 1500 miles in all directions to make way for GOD 'S HOLY JERUSALEM
The antichrist is here in plain site, the world is blind to him, because close to half of the world 's population follow after him blindly, he is the one who changed the true Sabbath of GOD, the roman Catholic church, Satan disguised as an angel of light, you need to go back and read the original ten Commandments the 4th is the seal of GOD it 's reinstituting the 7th day of the Creation week Sabbath, a DAY that has never changed, it 's not a Jewish day or a Adventist day it 's GOD 's Sabbath, I 'm not trying to judge just stating facts, but if you value your eternity I would take the time to look into this matter. AMEN!
To word ch 13 remark.Word, you are again judging people .Who are you to say to anybody "this is not for you but for the elected one. Ask the Holy Ghost to lead you and pray. I will pray for you as well so God will give you His wisdom and a new approach to His Word with the help of the Holy Ghost.with much love a sister in Christ
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Word Jesus is talking about the rapture in, Matthew 24 40 Then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken, and the other left . John 5 28 and 29 is twofold, if I can say it like this is talking about the saints who sleeps or dead are waiting to be resurrected. You have to understand that there are no saints waiting during the tribulation period in the graves. The rapture has already taken place. During the tribulation when people are given a choice to take the mark or get their heads chopped off, those who get their heads chopped, some scholars believe that these people automatically go straight to the throne. They do not go through the grave, Revelation 6 9. The other thought is that Jesus was talking about those saints that were to come forth after his death and was seen walking around in the city of Jerusalem, Matthew 27 51 thru 53. In the end, the rapture is very real and will happen whether you or anyone believes it.
1Thess1 vs 10 was not written to you but to the elect who stand against antichrist and they waited for the true Christ and escaped the wrath to come meaning they escaped the hour of temptation because they couldn 't be tempted by antichrist because they knew he was a fake and not the true Christ. When the Lion of God comes our Lord at that 7th trump and all are changed in a twinkle of an eye for them that waited for the true Christ at that trump will be in spirit bodies as fire with hail stones hit the earth do you really want to get caught gathers around Satan with your chicken wings on clucking like chickens in the flesh.
Evangelist I meant Daniel 11 vs 21 to 34 but anyway anti Christ comes with Two horns of power in the sight of men and this power can bring lightning from the sky and perform many supernatural tricks. I say tricks even though they are miracle 's but it isn 't anti Christ power because Satan 's power was only given to him for a short time by God for half of a 5 month period to complete God 's plan but they are done in the sight of men all of these supernatural events of power and man who can 't do them and who have listened to false teachings of Satan coming chopping their heads off if they don 't take the mark of the beast and they see this false Jesus saying he is Christ don 't know it is Satan coming in peace and power they the people think wow!, Christ has returned so it will be a brilliant display of power in a fakes hands for a short time and men will bow down to him even though he is a false prophet who will say come with me I will fly you away. You see the problems a person can cause by teaching God 's children lies of another fly away salvation instead of the truth of God 's plan of salvation.
Evangelist As you see in vs 11 And I beheld another beast .. another one, the lawless one... coming up out.. from... of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb,...appearance, looked like the Lamb of God, Jesus... and he spake as a dragon. .. because it was the dragon!.. Note. Claiming to be Jesus but it 's the devil to enslave with deception as the first seal opened in Revelation 6 vs 1 showing his coming on a white horse as if he were Christ with a crown and bow as if he were Christ. Even though they are imitations they will appear so real that people will think he is Christ and even his name anti Christ translated means instead of Christ and as Revelation 12 tells us he is kicked out of heaven to deceive the whole world and a deceiver don 't come as a war lord chopping off heads but one who acts as if he is kind and loving and in Peace as Daniel told us in Chapter 21 vs 11 to 34 that the vile one comes as but Satan is an evil tricky deceiver trying to win souls to hell and using them as servants because he always wanted to be a god but is an abomination and a liar.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Word The saints of God shall not go through the wrath of God that is to come, 1 Thessalonians 1 10. When you get through with your interpretation the scriptures will speak and stand on their own. The rapture is going to take place. The tribulation period is going to take place There is nothing anyone can do to stop what is written, whether people, yourself included, want to believe it or not. My suggestion to you is to get saved according to Acts 2 38. You have a nice day.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson and about what you said about this verse in John 5 misleading people saying Jesus said this or that fly away but the truth is in John 5 vs 29 This is speaking of the final Judgment or the great white throne judgment. Rewards for good and the reward that the evil will get. This verse is final Judgment. Final judgment is in the Psalms 37 vs 20 they are like fat that hits the fire and go up in smoke. Blotted out and gone forever. As written in Ez. 28 vs 18 and 19 Satans final judgment burn from within to out. Smoked to nothingness and that 's final hell is being blotted out of existence. People think that hell is burning forever in a lake of fire but do you really think our Father who is a God of love would torment souls forever. You need to search and study the scriptures more.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson John 5 vs 28 is speaking of them in the graves translated from tomb of which is a place of prison between heaven and hell which are waiting to be Judged. All unbelievers and them that committed sin without repenting are held there until the great white throne judgment. Until Judgment none are in pain they are just waiting on the other side of the void and they can see the good side but can 't cross over. Christ when rose went there and brought many out of prison that had to live by the law and failed.
Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Revelation 13 - 10 years ago
Hello Word You say this to me all the time in one form or another, but your interpretation of a lot of scriptures is very incorrect, especially with Ezekiel 13. Have I stated that I have the power to make people fly? I believe I have always stated and maintained that it is the power of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ that will make the flight out of here possible. It is the power of the Holy Ghost, that resurrection power, that will help people get out of here. It is that same Holy Ghost power that changes a person from the inside out. It is that same power that will change a person in the moment in the twinkling of an eye, 1 Corinthians 15 52. Regardless to how you may feel the rapture, the catching away, is very real. It is going to happen. Just like in Noah days when he preached it is going to rain no one believed him either.