Bruce, thank you for your ans. I posted the scriptures Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:25 because these two scriptures would keep me from believing in the "rapture." If the beast is coming to make war with the saints Rev 13:7 or to wear out the saints of the Most High Dan 7:25 then explain how this can happen if we are not here? I am afraid God's people will not be prepared for what is to come.
If the saints of God are raptured out then how does He fulfill these scriptures? Daniel 7:25“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High; Revelation 13:7“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
Psalms 147:19,20 is one of my fav. Read it. And joel 2:27Amos 3:1,2Acts 13:23Acts 5: 29-31 matthew 15:24 and Deuteronomy 28:68luke 1:68-71Deuteronomy 7:6 😊 love these scrips wake up Israel wake up! The kingdom of the lord is at hand. Non israelites Isaiah 14:1-4Jeremiah 30:16revelation 13:9,10. Obidiah chpt 1. Shalom Israel.
Donald W. Revelation is a fascinating book given to us for our learning. It had difficult parts, but what is intended for our learning today isn't impossible to know with study. Most of the book ready came to pass as is stated in first chapters things at hand and will short come to pass. I suggest Introduction
there is a clear comparision of beast in rev 13 and dan 7,if this two chapters are well studied,we can easily understand rev 13
and know this beasts as described.
To understand scripture, a man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. God gives us understanding by the anointing of His Spirit in us. The Lion is the man in whom Satan walks today, the antichrist. The same is the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil and Lucifer: that Assyrian, the son of perdition, the oppressor and the rod of the LORD'S anger. The Lion resides in Damascus, is over Syria and is here for wrath. Heavenly Father our LORD our Saviour, have mercy on us all and save us of from the wrath to come. In Christ Jesus we shall be saved. Amen
First vs the sea are people. Ten crowns are 10 supernatural Kings that come with Satan and they are 100 percent against God and the beast that rises out of the people is a one world system. Leopard Deut. 32 Song of Moses their spots are not our spots. Kenites, Satans small people that will help him rise to power. Russia is the bear and the Lion it looks as if it's Judah. Satan will sit there.
Psalms 91:13 Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Proverbs 19:12 The king's wrath is as the roaring of a lion but his favour is as dew upon the grass. 20:2 Revelation 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. Ecclesiasticus 27:10 As the lion lieth in wait for the prey so sin for them that work iniquity.
The World is fully Mysterious. But there is still Truth in it and that Truth reveals in the 66 books of the "Holy Bible". So, what peoples are talking about the Revelation chapter 13 it gives us good idea all about the end time Anti-Christ. But, still we are not yet reach the climax. While our Savior Jesus Christ will come on earth during the melleniel kingdom then, we will understand all about it. Just keep on your arguments and opinions. Because, it gives us the clue. God says, "'While two of you gather in my name on earth there is me." So, where there is God the truth is there. It seems, all your opinions are true. But, we have to adjust it and pick up the right points. Who knows, it may take place by 2017 or may be after 2045 or more longer years to come. It just gives us the clue points. So, dear readers, Who is coming on being an antichrist just keep on your eays wide watching till you die or just pass on to someone who lives next to you. While Jesus was on earth the Anti-Christ was there. And since then he is present and will be till Second Coming of Christ. He may be from Rome or Israel or may be other parts of the wotld. Yes, he is still been antichrist who says and does angaist Christ. They are the group of peoples who are counted as a computerized number 666, in an accounting manner of one Government, one Religion, one Currency Policy. They are the people who lies the truth and speaks blasphemies agaist the God. They are already existed now and their plans are secretly going on. So, be not follow them...their doctrines have similarities with the Bible, but, diverted from the four Gospels Books of Christ. Alas for them who follow their doctrine !!!
When Satan and his 10 kings from out of the pit get here and claim that antichrist is Christ and they are disguised as ministers of light all the churches will gladly follow him because as Daniel tells us he is going to spread prosperity around and the churches today love that religious free buck their golden dollar. Satan will ha e no problems with a one world system of churches.
Barbara you won't miss CHRIST coming. His brightness will make the Sun look to disappear and hail stones mixed with fire will hit Jerusalem because Satan will be there pretending to be CHRIST which is antichrist translated instead of Christ. The world will be deceived in Satans deception for two and a half months but when you see his coming just buy food for 3 months and pay your bills up.
The church in Rome has come back to life. In the 1500 they started the Jesuit that make a oath to the Pope, now 500 years later we have the first Jesuit Pope , that the UN has made o over the one world Religion, it by their lies they will have many to worship the Beast. When they make the Sun day law to worship do not follow, Many counyries already are talking about making Sunday law
I messed up on the first part of the revelation,it is a complicated book,but I need to go back and study more about the book of Revelation because we are living in the last times,and it is scary not knowing what time and how long till we see Christ coming,I hope to be ready.
A lot of people have said the Antichrist may be in Rome,where the Pope is and there will be manydeceived to believe a lot of false teachings
The Catholic religion have always put Mary the mother of God as above Jesus as far as respect goes, Jesus died for our sins not Mary,God blessed her to bring Christ into the world,but we can only be saved by accepting Jesus as our personal Savior not Mary.
I think It is hard to understand sometimes,but I was reveled in Revelation to John a man of God,I believe on the Isle of Patmos from God about the end times,the Antichrist and all the things that are already taking place in all kind of aspects in the world,hate,crime confusion,all kind of evil going on. I pray to be ready for Jesus Christ return,and I know that I need to.
I have read revelations many times,and I know this has something to do with the antichrist ,the mark of the beast in the last days of our world,before Christ returns,but I am not a bible scholar,but the way the world is going,it is very frightening to not really know when the Antichrist will appear,and what we really need to know to be strong in Gods word and not be deceived by Satan.Pray.
Verse 1, this is the Sea Beast portion of WW3 when China launches nuclear missiles out of the sea from attack submarines onto nations they try to overtake. This is nuclear war over rights to the South China Sea. This launches WW3 when different nations with grievances join by treaty with(horn) nations sworn to fight for their cause. We are in the tribulation, Damascus is in rubble.
I like the commentary. Our Sunday School lessons are focused on Revelation this month. These will make it more interesting as I attempt to present the lesson. Don't let the devil rob you of joy. Christ is our rock and redeemer. Lift your eyes to him.
Our God is not giving us the Spirit of Fear but a Spirit of Power, Love and in Sound Mind. We must invite the Holy Spirit and let Jesus pour out the words into ourselves before meditating his words. Lean not with your own understanding for God's words will not comfort us with a lie but He will comfort us with the truth. Jesus is our future we must be thankful for his blood that shed for us coz from his blood our sins our washed and cleansed. We are saved by his Grace. Dont be distructed with the works of Satan focus and keep praising and Thanking Jesus for everything he have done to us. The Kingdom of God is in Heaven and not on this Earth. All our flesh are sinful and it will be remain only on this earth but our Spirit belongs to God. God will save his own people for those who love God and obey his words. Praised Jesus forever for he is worthy to be praised. Amen
Hermes - I do not understand much of what you said. However, the part about "It is folly to worship the outdated notion of an external God, grovelling to him for redemption from the foul and ridiculous notion of original sin" I totally disagree with. While you are entitled to believe whatever you will, I would strongly urge you to reconsider and carefully read the KJV scriptures in hope of finding salvation.
The Beast 666 has already arisen the Prophet of the New Aeon was The Master Therion, Aleister Crowley. He brought the new Word of God to mankind in 1904 e.v. It is entitled Liber AL vel Legis "The Book of the Law" . The Aeon of the Father, the Aeon of Pisces Virgo i.e. the age of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and all cognate religions is over. We are now in the Aeon of the Child, the Aeon of Aquarius Leo. As it is written: "Every man and every woman is a star." It is folly to worship the outdated notion of an external God, grovelling to him for redemption from the foul and ridiculous notion of original sin. God is within each of us is each of us. Accept that you are the centre of your own universe take full responsibility for your life, your evolution, and the welfare of those in your orbit. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." "Love is the law, love under will."
6th seal,6th trump,6th vial and Satan gets here himself for the hour of temptation which is a 5 month period shorten for the elect sake. Satan will be on earth kicked out of heaven and will be the news on t.v. So you can't miss his performing tricks and speeches as he claims to be Christ come to save the world. Don't be fooled.
Daniel 7:25“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High; Revelation 13:7“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints,
and know this beasts as described.
The Catholic religion have always put Mary the mother of God as above Jesus as far as respect goes, Jesus died for our sins not Mary,God blessed her to bring Christ into the world,but we can only be saved by accepting Jesus as our personal Savior not Mary.