Discuss Psalms 76

  • Richard H Priday on Psalms 76 - 2 years ago
    Psalm 76. Here we are reminded of God's victory over His enemies and His purpose to save the "meek of the earth" (v. 9). Jesus Himself stated that "the meek shall inherit the earth." ( Matt. 5:5). This would no doubt include the saints who were raptured and the souls of those martyred in the Tribulation as well as the few that survive in hiding.

    Verses 1 and 2 indicate God being known in Israel. This and it being ..." dwelling place" show a future implication here once they realize who their Messiah is and He returns to rule from Jerusalem in the Millennium.

    Verses 3 through 6 remind us of the Exodus with the weapons and animals of warfare mentioned; and the sinking in the Red Sea putting "chariot and horse..." into a "..dead sleep."

    When we continue on to verses 7 through 12 seem to indicate a world wide end times fulfillment. We see the "earth" fearing and still and once again verse 9 shows saving the meek; but we notice it says ALL the meek of the earth.

    Verse 10 reminds us of verses such as Isaiah 49:23; as well as Isaiah 24:22 where we see a restraint followed eventually by final judgment. Verse 11 reminds us of the verse in Zechariah 14:8. There are certain foolish vows that are not to be taken but God expects men to do this as part of worship so in that case serving God is important (see Jonah 1:16).

    The last verse sort of reinforces the idea of God ruling with an iron rod and the earlier theme of verse 10 ( Rev. 19:15; Psalm 2:7-9).
  • Chris - In Reply on Psalms 76 - 4 years ago
    A great commentary for these uncertain times. As wickedness becomes more rampant & the hearts of folk growing weak & fearful for the future, getting on our knees & weeping for our nations & those overcome, is the only resort we have. God sees what we don't see - He understands even when we are perplexed & in sorrow. Maybe He wants to see how much we really care for our countries & for one another in times such as these. Opportunities abound.

    And, welcome back Patty.
  • Patty Tozi on Psalms 76 - 4 years ago
    In the quietness of the morning time. No one up yet to enjoy another new day. In these times of unknown happenings--The middle of the Revelation's comes to me. God is close to those who are close to Him. He is there for those that want Him. Sadness around. People walk as they do not understand how and why this is happening. God warned us. He wrote in His words to help us know what to do. But not many understood. Because of Greed and self, they became part of Satan's darkness. Unless you cry out for forgiveness thru His Son's blood He suffered for us-- to be able to walk to the throne of the almighty-- all will be lost. Get on your knees now to ask Him to guide you in these times. No day is promised any more. I now Pray for all that read this to understand...you have to make a stand now. Ask for Strength... Protection...Love of His Light to carry you to the end of times.......Be there for the needy...Be there for the helpless....as Jesus is there for us...
  • Hazel Carty on Psalms 76 - 4 years ago
    bless be the name of the Lord Amen
  • Joshua johnson on Psalms 76 - 5 years ago
    Everyone needs to be ready because god is coming everyone repent
  • Simon kunjil - In Reply on Psalms 76 - 5 years ago
    Amen with God all things are possible.
  • Sunday Oladimeji on Psalms 76 - 5 years ago
    God is all powerful. There is nothing He cannot do because He is omnipotent. Therefore, we should rely on Him absolutely.
  • Daniel J. Smith - In Reply on Psalms 76 - 5 years ago
    LU2677, I believe Bruce is referring to not fearing the people and things of this world. Of course we need to fear God. I don't doubt that Bruce understands that, as it it made very clear in Scripture, especially Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever."
  • Geraldine cole on Psalms 76 - 7 years ago
    No one can come to Jesus unless he draw them we first must have a willing spirit before we were born he knew his children and no man can change that some people will never accept Jesus we can not saved anyone we can only witnes to them Jesus will do the rest . We that are saved are not of the world this is not our home Heaven is our home .we live in this world Jesus will be with us all
  • Bruce on Psalms 76 - 7 years ago
    Lu2677: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear has to torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love. 1John 4:18 / Without His Spirit Living within, you will be in fear. Big day, do you have Scripture? / Salvation has giving me,Wonderful Peace, a Provider,a Protector, taking away all fear---. You can have the same: has He Tugged on your Heart? Ask Forgiveness
  • Lu2677 on Psalms 76 - 7 years ago
    Hi Bruce, Psalms 76:7; the context of this verse is; fear of His wrath. Don't take my word for it, even thou I have given you his.Question is; can you take his Word for it? Might be a big day in your life if he shows mercy and you do take his word for it. Psalms33:8,Ecc.3:14,Romans3:18,Matthew10:28,Job23:13-16,Job25:1-2,James4:12. Typical for people to believe the lie."Don't be afraid of him"
  • Annie on Psalms 76 - 9 years ago
    Heavenly father I acknowledge your greatness in all the earth. To you all power glory and majesty belong now and forever..Let me live my life according to your word so that I may not know your displeasure. Create an unright heart in me. Let me avoid the folly of men and cleave to you alone. Be my mediditation day and night. Let my heart dwell in your presence always.
  • Elizabeth Kirkley Best on Psalms 76 - 9 years ago
    One of my favorite verses in learning God 's ways is: 0 Surely the wrath of man shall praise thee: the remainder of wrath shalt thou restrain. It takes knowledge of this verse to understand the diverse happenings at the time of the crucifixion: the Jews were anointed and appointed priests of Israel, a 'nation of priests ' and yet they cry out for Messiah to be crucified. God takes the wrath of man, and turns it into a sacrificial offering ordained from the beginning. The Jews cry, "His blood be on us and on our children " and God turns it to 2000 years of preservation behind the blood covered lintels of a door at passover: they suffered and died but did not disappear as a people. They obtain salvation salvation is of the Jews but in a suspended state having declared the acceptance of the blood of the lamb on them and their children in wrath, because of unbelief, and are held in slumber or what Tyndale called 'disquietness ' until the fullness of all things when their faith becomes whole. We likewise sin still yet in grace he turns it to our good: the wrath of man praises God. Wrath praises God as the devil overplays his hand, and the antithesis to the things of God, becomes the declaration of his plan and his way, his love for mankind. It is an essential 'way of God ', triumphing over the limited wisdom of man.
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 76 - 12 years ago
    OVER the years of learning "about JESUS",i have found that ...that isnt enough!BEING tough on relationships to start with,it is difficult for me to get the intimacy with JESUS i desire...MAYBE it is a process.I think so .ANYWAY,i am finding the awesomeness of this process but know I AM HIS FOREVER.

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