Discuss Psalms 63 Page 2

  • Gail Morris on Psalms 63 - 5 years ago
    It came as a reminder that I need to be in His Word when I awake in the morning...I am newly retired, and never have been a morning person, so morning times with God were not likely, being unable to focus early in the morning. Thank you for this reminder, that I need to spend time in the morning once I am up...God IS our sanctuary! Amen...
  • Betty Hillsman on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    Great encouragement and challenge! Bless God!!
  • [email protected] on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    I love this psalm as well so comforting, and Joan if you open your Bible you will see it is a book of psalms and even in my early 1900 Bible it is the same and every psalm is a chapter, they are separated one from the other, hope this helps you to understand, they were to be considered a cluster of 5 books God Bless
  • BSP on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    Life without the loyal love of Jehovah God would be nothing so we want to express our gratitude for the love that Jehovah God has shown toward us.
  • Stephen B on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    Bill, you are right on. The wicked are are in full force and aiming God's people and those He has raised up. But He is still in charge, Amen!!
  • Bill on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped

    In this time/age I take comfort in this part of the scripture. God is in control
  • L Raley on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    I love this Psalm! Such beauty and comfort therein.
  • Joan Strawder on Psalms 63 - 6 years ago
    Psalm is the individual name of each Psalm not Psalms, also Psalms are not chapters but Psalm.

    I like this website but I think you should check the terminology used, specifically to the Book of Psalms.
  • Allen Radford on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    While he was in the wilderness of Judah....may we all learn to worship Almighty God even when it seems we're in our own wilderness....we cannot forget,He made the wilderness too....
  • Mary on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    This psalms encourages me to persue more after God knowing that as I go harder after God he is with me no matter where I find my self that God is always with me,because truly his love and kindness is my life and the importance of making adquite time in The Presence of God in the Mornings.
  • A disciple on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    "O God, thou art my God; early will I seek thee: my soul thirsts for thee, my flesh longs for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is; to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary." Being a man anointed and mightily filled with the Holy Spirit; while David camped in the desert, he could use the experience as a spiritual instruction for his hidden life in God.
  • Hazel on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    I see my self in this Psalms I feel am speaking to the father about my self, and I thank him for every Blessing that he has bestowed upon me.
  • Librarygal143 on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
  • Pam Davidson on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    But the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped
  • Wayne Dent on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    Eternity lived separate from our father Would be so miserable. The joy of experiencing His loving kindness now is unsurpassed.
  • LadyA on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
  • Lilian on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    Your loving kindness Lord Jesus is better than life. I will praise you and worship you alone Jesus for you are worthy to be praise thank you for loving me unconditionally even i couldn't love myself Thanks to your blood Jesus and help me Lord to be born again in Spirit every moment of my life Amen
  • RVO on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    Psalm 63 is the soldier's psalm and is a favorite amongst many in uniform.
  • Cynthia on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    We desperately need Thee, oh God. Please fill that need with thine own self.
  • L Brantley on Psalms 63 - 7 years ago
    Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is withi me!
  • Jacob Kofi Kissi somuah on Psalms 63 - 8 years ago
    We should seek our God anytime and anywhere, early in the morning, afternoon, evening, night season, in bed, on the desert among others. Our God is always closer to help us more than we can imagine. May His name praised all day long. Amen.
  • BSP on Psalms 63 - 8 years ago
    Verse 6 shows we can meditate while in bed or in a private room.
  • Kezia Israel on Psalms 63 - 8 years ago
    All praises to THE MOST HIGH, AHAYAH ASHAR AHAYAH ( I AM THAT I AM)... The true living Power, The God of all gods, The Creator of all life, the righteous judge.
  • Tilda on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    i love God
  • Brother Phil on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    This verse is related to a statement made by JOB in the old testament by the same name. I believe Job said "thou he slay me, yet will I trust him". True lovingkindness can only come from the Father of Light...the LORD Jesus. To God be the glory!
  • Sandy Hood on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    Psalms verses is good to read it teaches u about the different verses and what they mean
  • Eddie Jackson on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    Without my Lord Jesus Christ death, buried and resurrection I would still b lost and dying n my sins. But because the Father Loved me so so very much I have gain life forever throught Jesus Christ my Lord, and I'm very very Thankful to him. Lord I Love you and will always Serve u...
  • Norm on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    All praise and glory and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father, our LORD, our Savior, from everlasting to everlasting, The BRANCH, most blessed for ever and ever the Holy One of Israel! JESUS CHRIST our God who is Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending, the faithful Creator of all things and by whom all things consist! Father, fill us all with the Comforter, Your Holy Ghost that our body may be as one by You and in You Christ Jesus, our Redeemer our Deliverer! Oh KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS our Lamb let all Your sheep be mended together as one in peace and harmony that Your countenance may shine upon us at Your supper and in Your house for eternity! Amen
  • Otis on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
  • Aldam bande on Psalms 63 - 9 years ago
    Jesus loved us more than anythings else in this planet. Earthly decoration is very tinny copare to whole of our being.

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