Vs 10 gives me what I want in this chapter, I 'm always happy with the words of God ,I love reading my bible especially the books of psalm, it helps me to meditate ,pray receive God 's blessings. Also I see impossible miracles happening when I communicate to God through the psalms.
I came wanting to know what leasing meant, The thought entered my mind that it had to do with lying. When you ask of God he will give you knowledge, I thank Him for enlightening me.
Good morning everyone beautiful morning to praise da lord. I wonder if everyone get up this morning with joy in their hearts and read a few chapter from this book.It is great when you are interested in this category and you shout out for help from the Lord. He. Here everything we say. Lord if you reading this email just know that I love you. With out you I don 't know where would I be this morning. Prayer keep me going through the ruffes. Times. That 's why I say. Eat drink and laugh and have fun. In jesus name. Amen
this a chapter that is very specific about the evil and those who trust in GOD. GOD WILL DESTROY EVIL even in our everyday lives. we are put on this earth to please GOD. wickedness and evil doesn 't have any way to please GOD. GOD WILL NOT TOLERATE EITHER. WE MAY REJOICE THOSE WHO TRUST IN THE LORD. REJOICE REJOICE I SAY REJOICE REJOICE in the LORD ALWAYS.
Don 't get self righteous. JESUS is the righteousness of GOD. Therefore we are to let the mind that is JESUS be are mind. Let this mind be in you that is in CHRIST JESUS. Don 't ' get to the point of success and think you did it. Don 't think that you just too grown and to spiritual to repent. When you get too successful and too grown to do your first works. You are self righteous. You need to pray today as much as you did when you first accepted CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR. The fervor of which you praised and worshipped GOD at the beginning of your salvation should be in your life today. Praising and worshipping GOD IS WHAT WE WERE CREATED FOR. PRAISE GOD I LOVE YOU FATHER.
It pays to serve God sincerely. To walk upright before Him and to call on the name of His beloved Son Jesus every day of our lives. God is our present help. He gives joy, peace and spiritual prosperity to those who love Him and keep His commandments. In a world filled with evil and darkness, we need God 's protection to keep us from all the hurt, harm and danger. And remember, God 's angels encamp around them that fear Him. It pays to pray and seek Jesus every day of our lives.
The Lord God is my shield As long as I am a doer of His word. Righteousness Give unto the Lord Glory Strength. Enjoy doing what God says and He will back you !!!
I believe David not only wrote Psalm 5 for himself but also for me.its my cleansing,my renewing,my healing forgiving song.Because of PS 51 I 'm not ashamed to examine who I am.I 'm not ashamed to cry out to God in my messed up state.It helps me a lot to see the need to be grateful to a merciful God.I truly love honour each word of this psalm.its hope when I realize each day what a failing sinner I am.I love itttttttttt.!!!
I love Psalm 5.I feel like I 'm waking up to something each day.just knowing i can read it.I thank God for each day of his Grace Mercy.the 1st 3 verses is my refil.I 'm loving it !!!
As a blood washed believer it is my small gift back to Father ,God for allowing me breath ,strenght a new day.As a cup of coffee is the start of the day for some morning devotion is the start of my day everyday.
Thank you oh God our Father sometimes I 'm not doing right by not knowing how to pray and I am not trying hard enough to concentrate on him. I am letting to much of my focus be on my situation and not concentrating on god 's promise that if I trust in him and have faith in him I only have to ask and I will receive. Please Lord I am going to you from now on be it day or night you will be my guide.
Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 5:12 - 11 years ago
To have the favor of Jehovah God in your life, and His shield you must keep the commands. Great peace have they that love His law and nothing shall offend them. The favor of the Lord will shield me and His righteousness shall guide my steps.
Yes Psalms and Proverbs are absolutely inspirational and Beautiful.My God is my protection and his Abundance is evident in all I Know see feel hear and Touch.He guides my Heart even though Satan Often tries to deceive my mind I am blessed by my Holy God.I have so many Talents and grow constantly towards a greater relationship with him.The Daily Bread is spiritual Nourishment That is love poured upon me.Im anointed and share his power because he created it for us.The understanding is communicated/shared through daily communication.His love is reciprocated through my acknowledging him.Every knee shall bow,every tongue confess he is our most holy God!I am awesome through,with,because and for him.God is great!
The joy of the Lord is our strength :God is always defending us , When we take refuge in him under His sheltering wing We that love our Lord will alway be exalting His name. God is Great and greatly to be Praised. Thank God for His goodness and His wonderful works toward us His people.
In the verse above, there are three things to note; the righteous, favour and shield.
For God to favour and shield you, there's a call for righteousness....you must be holy, for I am holy.
I also read verse #4 every night before bed. and I know God keeps me and my family safe, because I trust His word. and I read verse #5 each morning to start my new day. God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army.
Our God is great and does mighty things. If we remain faithful and steadfast by living a righteous life, his favour will envelope us as like a shield.V12.
Psalms and Proverbs always has such a calming effect and offers hope, even amid all the troubles of today's world. God offer's his love, hope, and peace. If only more people would look to him.
Hi, It's me Lady D-ANN This is a one of the scriptures that I must read each morning after I wake up, after I read verse 4 bebore I go to sleep at night. I know that God is doing special things in your life also. Our father is just awesome like that !!
For God to favour and shield you, there's a call for righteousness....you must be holy, for I am holy.