that GOD DADDY DADDY GOD is right near you ask his will and he provides prosperity,health, even as my soul continually prospers THANK YOU DADDY GODl continually prospers
I will Trust in the Lord with all my heart : I will rejoice and shout for Joy : Because my Lord God is my defence and I will : I am joyful in Him because I love His Name : Jesus is His Name !!!!
God 's word is very important to meditate day and night, God will reward you and everything you will do will prosper. God is a promising God and he is faithful to his promises. Thanks to Jesus for sheding us his precious blood. He had come to give us life. Thanks to Jesus and praised you Lord for you are worthy to be praised. Amen
A wonderful Psalm when I need direction and hope renewed. It draws me closer to The Lord and reminds me of His mercy and goodness to those who believe the Word. Prepares me for a daily walk with Him so I know my help is Here-Now as I read His Holy Words.
Ps. 5 reveals David 's anger request unto God for revenge unto His his enemies. It also is a contrast between the wicked and the righteous rewards. My favorite vs.,the last one: "...with favour will though compass him the joyful righteous as with a shield. "
PSALMS CHAPTER 5 COMMENT 2 11 2015 9:57 PM Yea, I believed that PRAYER is a POWERFUL WEAPON in times of troubles even in every day life of living, but we must pray also that persecutes us. As said in MATT. 5:44EPH. 6:8PHIL. 4:6. Thank you Lord for guide us in our daily life. A-men.
The Lord reward those that are righteous . As we grapple with our undesirable situations and our foundations appears to be destroy , We as believers in Christ, must know that The Lord satisfies his righteous children and give them favor!
In God 's mercy and Grace He covers our every moment of life when we receive HIS righteousness. Is there anything greater than his favour? How much confidence we gain knowing this! It spurrs us on toward greater devotion, love and ever increasing faith
Psalm is a blessing always to me we christian live in this world we are not of this do not have to get upset when the world comes against us but no this it is only for a season because the word of God says when we call on the Lord he will hear and answer us we might stumble but the lord he will not let us fall.stay in his word and bind up the devil on every the end we Win praise The Lord Jesus
I love this Psalm as the Lord gave this to me. I am going through a spiritual battle and a court case that is a lie from the pit of Hell! God bless all, TJ