Discuss Psalms 55 Page 5

  • Sharon Lindsey on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    I just love Psalms 55 and it's an good scripture
  • Odio John Ezioghene on Psalms 55:2 - 11 years ago
  • Deborah S. Matingi on Psalms 55:17 - 11 years ago
    so encouraging, so touching chapter, gives/shows me the thirst upon calling the Lord every time. (Morning, Noontime & Evening)
  • Kamara on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    The great news of GOD will never end, so let ask hes grace!!!
  • James lowe on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    I luv it
  • Shay on Psalms 55:22 - 11 years ago
    As we personally cope with life's problems and diligently seek to comfort others, we can have the same faith and conviction as the psalmist and throw all of our burden upon Jehovah and have faith that he will help.
  • Michelle on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    I'm so glad that Father God is watching and He is all wise and just and kind and pure Love.
  • Sheree on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Verse 19 We must show our repentance to God with a lifestyle change. Faith without works is dead.
  • Nwankwere on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    I need prayer for my family and my work.Everything is really upside down right but I know my God will do it for me this week.
  • Wilfred auguste on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Friends and loved ones, God is always ready to help us. But let�s remember our sins hinder us, and God's help towards us. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all things we need shall be added to us... Praise His name.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 55:22 - 11 years ago
    Cast your burden on Yahweh, He will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be moved. The judgment against an evil work is not speedily executed, and that is why the children of men are quick to do evil. Yet God is watching, and bloody, and deceitful men will not live out half their days. Wait only upon God, and He will sustain you. Pray in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. He will not suffer the righteous to be moved. God delivered Daniel in the lions� den, and He will deliver us, when we cry out to Him.
  • Mas on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Hi Mike,
    We are standing together, asking God to meet your needs.
    Let�s stay confident, because He is faithful that made the promise.
    God bless you.
  • Mike on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Friends I need your prayers for myself and my older brother. I love this passage and read it every day. We are in a bad position right now, and although I know God hears me, I feel that the more friends that pray with me the more GOD will hear me and answer my needs.
  • Ola on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Lord, I know you are the most merciful. No one knows how sad I am over my friend and sister except me. She as been the source of great happiness in my life and happiness to me is nothing without me seeing her joy, she has so much in her heart now she can tell. Lord just like I can't say my and you know it please God comfort her for me so we can both praise you name before her next birthday. I believe in you and never want to be put to shame over her. Amen.
  • Love on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    Lord, you said we should cast our burden upon you and you shall sustain us. Upon you l cast my fears, worries, insecurities, pains, afflictions, etc.. to you Lord. HELP ME!
  • Ola on Psalms 55 - 11 years ago
    I have this great pain in my heart I can't tell anyone, my marriage life has been very hard everyday. I can�t say a lot, it always break my heart. I have just one more chance now to make it right this month but I don't know how. I put all my hope in you father Lord; don't let my hope in you at this difficult time be in vain, make this week the turning around in my life. Amen.
  • Monday Ehikioya on Psalms 55 - 12 years ago
    I want God to hear my prayer before the end of this month... AMEN.
  • Frenz on John 4 - 12 years ago
    I would like to focus on verses 23 and 24; Saying But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Precisely God is looking for a true worshipper in this scenario, who will worship him in Spirit and Truth. So many people believed and worship God, Praising God but they don't know if whom they are worshipping. Here God stated that we must have the qualifications that God wants to see. Verse 24; God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. It is true that God is Spirit that is a fact 1+1=11. Being Spirit, He doesn't have a body, doesn't have a blood, a bone, even flesh meaning God is invisible, we cannot see him but we can feel him. Being He is the TRUTH this is the power of God to forgive on our sins, to save us from our sins without accepting the process of God for salvation then we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God which John 3:5 stated. Unless a man is born of water & of Spirit he cannot enter into God's Kingdom. Because our destiny actually is for damnation in hell, once you died you are already judged ( Hebrews 9:27). And there is NO MORE HOPE for salvation to our SOUL, because we are all BORN SINNERS according to ( Psalms 55:1, Romans 3: 10,23) and the wages of sins is death. We will all die in flesh and some of will all die Spiritually in hell if they don�t repent. The only remedy is to accept Jesus Christ in Baptism bacause this is His command before ascending in heaven that he commanded his disciples to baptize all nation in his name ( Acts 2:38-39). That is the reason that God seeketh a TRUE WORSHIPPER WHO WILL WORSHIP HIM WITHOUT SEEING ANYTHING because God is Spirit. God bless you all. Jesus loves us!
  • HARRY ALLISON on Psalms 55 - 12 years ago
    HOW many times can i count that JESUS has delivered me from death ,hell ,and destruction?I must be still alive for some reason .HIS!.....
  • Helen on Psalms 55 - 13 years ago
    This passage and explanation is very comforting to me. I have read it before in the Bible and wondered about it. I have prayed constantly for God to help me in my battles against a once very loving husband who is now shacked up with another woman, has taken my children by emergency recovery order from the Family court, because he lied and magnified my "problems". I am having trial after trial and not even close to having even shared care of my children. I even have my 72 yr old mother appointed as a supervisor when I have my 5 hours a week with my children. Six months have passed and in May I was saved in the church I married my husband in, 16 yrs ago. After reading the above, I realise that I must be patient and wait for God to answer in HIS time, as he knows whats best for all concerned.
  • Shoshanahim on Isaiah 51 - 14 years ago
    According to the word of the LORD the rock from whence we are hewn is a comet( Psalms 18: 12, 13; Daniel 2: 34, 35; Revelation 8: 11; 9: 1 - too many others to mention) that struck the earth in the previous timeline which will occur again in our generation ( Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10; 3: 15; 12: 1-8) the impact of the comet creates an immense pit in the earth ( Isaiah 5: 14; Psalms 55: 23; 94: 14; Jeremiah 48:44; Matthew 12:11; Revelation 11:7; Revelation 20:1). The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 14 are the ones who escape the effects of the comet impact that destroys all life on earth ( Isaiah 1:9; Ezekiel 12:16).

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