I have the exclusive on Psalm 55:19 20. I was writing, using the Bible and not breaking out, that God wanted me to go so far as to break his covenant as is said in verse 20. At the last minute he confirmed what I was to do, when I opened randomly to a verse in the Bible and it was these passages. I would have told the world when it was hot, but my public attorny advised against it. Better I had!
some of my life is very much like this now I am surrounded with people who are not my friends I wish as the Islamist says " I wish I could fly away and be at peace here I am experiencing Christians or who say they are Christians people who don't want me to have CHRIST who don't want JESUS walking and talking with me. " but it was you my guide my friend we went into the house of the lord toget
Praise jesus for another comforting word of jesus it calms my mind and witness to my spirit there is hope in the word of jesus when u are going threw speak a word over your body mind and spirit and soul wait for your blessing amen
Thank you Lord God for your inspired words, I have this great hope,comfort,trust in you because you care. I cast my burdens on you because you will sustain me. Amen
This is an encouragement that there is no time or limit in order for us to talk to our Lord Jesus Christ. He is our potter, therefore he does know our needs, only us who distancing from Him because of our selfish needs of this earth.
we can take all of our trouble to the LORD,for he is the one and only one that can fight our battle and not be find guilty.we as the righteous of GOD must take him at his word, be still and know he is faithful to his word. GOD is our keeper, in HIS PRECIOUS SON NAME JESUS.GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU,LOVE YOU WITH THE LOVE JESUS CHRIST.
Dear God, please hear my prayer and heal my family. We have a lot of work to do this, but we can't do it without you. Thank you for listening, Father, in Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
V17. I am hugely encouraged by today's 6 07 17 verse of the day. Psalm 55 v17, we don't have to get depressed or worried, we can just take it to the in pray. Anytime and anyplace and he Will hear us. God promises that He will never turn away our prays. What a wonderful promise.
As a minister, I've been asked many times if I pray an hour each day. My reply is, "I may not pray an hour a day, but there is not an hour in the day I do not pray." Praying is communication with our heavenly Father. He wants us to talk with Him and thank Him for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us. If you can't find a certain item, ask Him to open your eyes that you may see it. When you do, give Him thanks. This is having communion with Him. Keep His name on your lips throughout the day and He will hear you. Zephaniah 3:17 says "He rejoices over you with singing." How awesome is this?!!!!!!!
Since we are living in Satan's system ( 1 john 5:19) we HAVE TO rely on Jehovah. We will have burdens in this life, and if we don't share that burden with God, we will be crushed by them. Growing a relationship with God is not an option. We have to do so to truly enjoy life.
We should place every worry and challenge upon our lord, and he will take care of it all. However we do not have to question the results because what he does is holistic
Cast your burden upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee He shall never suffer the Righteousness to be moved. Thank you Jesus i will handover everything in to your hands Jesus for thy yoke is easy and my burden is light what a loving Father and powerful God we serve Amen hallelujah