Randy the Old Testerment Saints were Covered by the Blood of Christ Psalms 32:1-2 -85:20 after Pentecost we who are in Christ Jesus are washed by His Blood 1Cor6:11 and Rev7:14 His Pure Water, Jesus The Living Word, Heb10:22- Eph5:26-27 -Tit3:5 by the Empowering of The Holy Ghost.1Cor2. We Ask and we Receive Luke11: 9-13.
We all need to repent and ask the Lord to come in and save us from our sin. So Lord of there is sin in my life please come in and make me new in you .I have children out in sin so I ask you send your holy spirit to convict them of there sin in Jesus name!
Hi. Just as David acknowledged his sin before the Lord, one must do the same to be forgiven, I understand that one have to forgive in order to be forgiven, so many times one allows guilt to hold them back, but I believe if an individual forgive themself they would receive God's blessings.
Sawme: Actually, the word Selah first appears in this context in Psalm 3:4. There are multiple interpretations of what this word actually means. The most logical explanations in my opinion would seem to be that it either indicates a type of pause, or a term of deep affirmation. We see this word used a few times in Habakkuk as well. You shouldn't be sorry, it's a good question.
Its the start of the 2nd of five books called Psalms which are the best in my opinion. Music.
Now, regarding plasm 32, it is the first time the word Selah appears. Why? We know not Selah's origin or true meaning. And it always gets me doubting my original conclusion; that Selah meant Amen. Sorry.
Even though the comments from “A Disciple “ were written a year ago, I want to comment on them and say, “Well written”. The world thinks that God will allow everyone in but yes, God had conditions. He does desire a pure heart and no motives other than seeking to know Him and His Will for one’s life. Well done “A Disciple”!
v:5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and THOU forgaves't the iniquity of my sin. Selah. (... ain't GOD GOOD, WOW! WOW! WOW!)
Hello Al; Very nice to hear from you! I am delighted that you wish to have such a profitable and important discussion; and hope we can mutually benefit from this study of the Scriptures. As the Bible does not go into great detail about the exploits and times around Nimrod; yet the idols and nature of the Gentile Nations ever since, and its influence to harden men against Christ, pervades till now.
Hello Disciple, I presented a few comments on Rev. chapter 6 (White Horse verses) on 6/24/ 17. What is your biblically supported scriptures relating to the meaning of the White Horse, The Rider, the Bow, and going forth conquering and to conquer. Also, you understanding of
the time frame of this event I have just mentioned. Sorry for my delayed response. I thank you in advance. al
How can we obtain this Blessedness of transgression forgiven and sin covered? It all has to do with the LORD finding no guile in our spirit that He imputes not iniquity to us. As the eyes of the LORD run to and fro through the earth to find those whose hearts are perfect toward Him; thus we all make our daily accounting to Him in our course in life; both in our spiritual and earthly things.
"I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin." All the times we read about Jesus receiving and forgiving the sinner, we should recognize that there were certain conditions that were met by the one coming to the Lord, so that he was accepted. Not every place where the Sower sows!
"..and in whose spirit there is no guile:" [deceitful cunning: duplicity; stratagem, trick]. We may not come to God in the Name of JESUS, while in our hearts and minds; "full of the twists and defenses" of seeking to portray ourselves for something other than what we ARE REALLY; no man may presume to waltz into the Holy of Holies to take the Blessings of Peace unworthily; there are conditions!
God's written words are the instructions for all people; believe and receive the promise he has made; without faith and belief in his words; we have no hope in receiving his promise of eternal life.
First and foremost let me say that I love God...though none of us deserve it, we have mercy and grace because Jesus died for us all at Calvary, yet He lives again...I love the Psalms, they take you right there where David was..this one tells me that if we acknowledge our sin He will forgive us and walk with and protect us from all evil..Yes He IS my Shield, and my Buckler...I Praise His Holy Name.
The Things I like most about the scripture Psalms chapter 32:1-6 is that in verse 5 it said "I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity i have not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah."
God makes himself available to us. It is up to us to follow his instructions, teaching and guidance. And when we do, we find ourselves on the right path.
If we really adhere to this scripture, my think about all the trouble we can avoid only we come to the Lord first, and allow Him to instruct and teach and keep His eye upon us. Wow! We mess up sometimes and when we do we can be comforted knowing God is the best counsel available when willing to become obedient to Him. God 's got our best interest at heart. Have faith and believe in the One who can make a difference in our life.
what I get out of the whole verse is how god is showing us not matter what try to come up against he s with us at all times and how we should teach others in the right direction and path in the way to follow his word just as he mention about how we have to bring the mule in the duty to the water they don't have the mind just to go on there own but if you teach the sinner the word they have a choice to follow or not.
Now, regarding plasm 32, it is the first time the word Selah appears. Why? We know not Selah's origin or true meaning. And it always gets me doubting my original conclusion; that Selah meant Amen. Sorry.
v:5 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and THOU forgaves't the iniquity of my sin. Selah. (... ain't GOD GOOD, WOW! WOW! WOW!)
the time frame of this event I have just mentioned. Sorry for my delayed response. I thank you in advance. al