Discuss Psalms 27 Page 19

  • Gloria on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    this verse is awesome,he knew just what we needed in time time of trouble,strenght, and hope never give up on anything
  • Carine on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    God is an awesome GOD. His assurance to us is just to trust him, have faith in him. He is our security. Be of good courage and he will strength our heart
  • Angela on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
  • Beverly on Psalms 27:13 - 11 years ago
    Had not I known God's goodness during my good times, when the storms of my life hit, I would not had made it without the faith to continue to believe on Him.
  • Fikile on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    I realize that God is in control of everything that is happening in our lives; we have to praise him always.
  • Murieljohes on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    This chapter is very powerful jt got me through some hard times this year,

    Each time I read it I get a different feeling even answers to questions without asking I read this chapter every day a long with the dailybread.
  • MMAMPENE on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    Psalm 27 - It just shows me how much God loves me.I know i can always run to him with everything.All i have to do is believe and have faith in Him.
  • Don on Psalms 27:13 - 11 years ago
    Love "bears" all things �love never ceases� whatever the circumstances, enduring through much trial, pain. Loving the Lord and hoping in His goodness sustains us in the land of the living, while we wait for the land of the "eternal living".
  • Mary on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    This is God assurance to the true children of GOD. May God help us to be very strong in him. AMEN
  • Brenda on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    Psalm 27 keeps me going on with life. The enemies are trying their best to destroy me, and the most awful part of this is that the enemies are my closest family members also along with others. I am 53 please keep praying for me because the enemies are coming in herds. Thank you so much. Psalm 27 is awesome.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    The Lord is our light, our strength, and our salvation. Therefore we have no one to be afraid of, for even our enemies, and the wicked will stumble and fall when they come upon us to eat up our flesh. King David desired to dwell in the house of the Lord, and see the beauty of the Lord in the land of the living. Even if our father, and mother forsake us, the Lord, who is our Abba Father, will take us up. We just have to wait only upon the Lord. He does not move when we want Him to, but He is never early, or late, He is always on time. Praise God He is the on time God.
  • Deborah on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    I love this scripture so much. It strengthens my faith in God. Halleluyah.
  • Hope peter on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    You know, this chapter makes me realize that, it�s not about me but about GOD, that HE is in control over my life, that even when the world turns their back against us, he is never a mile away from me.
  • Camille on Psalms 27 - 11 years ago
    I am seeking the Lord and want him to be in control of my life. For too long I have lived a life of uncertainty. Praised be the name of the Lord.
  • Burnell on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    I think Psalms 27 is a word for the people of God. He wants us to be strong in the time when the enemies come up against us, He want us not to fear. Because he is our light and our salvation; whom shall we fear? He said the enemies will stumble and they will fall. So we have to be strong in the lord and let the lord deal with our enemies and not to fight our battle in the flesh.
  • Opie on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    The land of the living is God�s Church, in my opinion.
  • Opie on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    When you rise above your enemies, it seems to me you have an advantage.
  • Wedo on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    The Lord My God Has given /is giving Peace and Blessings. Even when the wicked, and enemies have set their focus on me to do harm. My God have hedged me all about, and filled my heart with confidence.
  • Tamara Butler on Psalms 27:13 - 12 years ago
    If you do not believe, how will you receive your blessing from God?
  • Evalena Latham on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    Ps 27:1 The Lord is light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? This is a great joy to me to know and believe with all of my heart, that I no longer have to fear any man or any circumstance; for God is always with me. When the spirit of fear comes upon me, I can now by the power of God through Jesus Christ, refuse to yeild to it. Thank you Jesus for setting me free from fear now and forever. You are my joy and peace.
  • Mar on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    Thank you Lord for your word...I have no idea what tomorrow has in store for these rough days ahead but one thing I do know is that you will never foresake me!!!
  • Chreen on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    when my father and mother forsake me then the Lord will take me up, verse 10. Our blood parent are not only the parent refered to in this verse it could mean other persons in our life that we are depending on, David is reminding us that God will never fail us, and time and time in my life he has been there for me. So I justwant to thank and praise him.Amen
  • Abimbola on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    God has showing me mercy this morning and I wake up to read 27 and God put song into my mouth that he has done it for me easily what I Abimbola taught that was impossible God made it possible today for me. Thanks you Lord and once again God have mercy upon me do not cast me away from my youth. Thank you GOD
  • Samuel Lang on Romans 1 - 12 years ago
    The word "unto" in Romans 1:16 is an old English word of antiquity and it means "to continue doing something until what you want occurs." The Old Testament often times refer to the Lord as our Salvation. II Corinthians 3:17 tell us that "The Lord is that Spirit." This means the Spirit is the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost. Therefore in Romans 1:16 the gospel of Christ is the power of God until "salvation" comes which is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Romans 10:10 uses the word unto also, but we know again that salvation refers to the coming of the Lord which is the HOLY GHOST (Note Psalms 27:1, "The Lord is my light and my salvation.) Righteousness as stated in Romans 14:17 comes only with the Holy Ghost.
  • Susan on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    I was going through a hard time in my life in Oct 25 2007.The Lord called me out a 3am to go read verse 7...Its hear of Lord when I cry with my voice have mercy up me.Jesus did exactly that he had mercy on this sorry soul cause he loves me that much.I love you Jesus thank you for your protection & loving me.I was in shock when I read this cause he kept me safe from the harm that could have happened..I felt it..to me it was just a matter of time something was going horribly wrong but when he called me out I knew I had better listen.With in 2 weeks I was back to the place I was suppose to be athome & in church with my family..Thank you Father for your love
  • Emily J on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer. I truely can say that the Lord have heard and answer many of my cry. Thank you Lord for wipeing all my the tears away. Even when I couldn't speak you knew what my tears was saying, thank you for answering my tears. Thank you for healing my body, when the doctor said "NO" you said "YES". I will always give you the glory.
  • Wally on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    Just committed to memory Psalms 27:14
    Just wait on the Lord. His timing is perfect and true. Glad their is One who I can count on regardless of what I go through in this life.
  • Chris on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    Psalm 27 is one of those psalms that I read from time to time. It is always good to trust in the LORD and not lean on our own understanding. It would have been catastrophic had you people not followed the map and let fear dictates your destiny. GOD promised to always be with us, and what better promises is there than this?
  • Susan Dalton on Psalms 27 - 12 years ago
    "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." ( Psalm 27:14)

    Today we went walking on some trails. We were on our way back, taking a creekside trail. We were getting concerned about the time. We did not want to be in the woods, on unfamiliar trails, in the dark. It was going to be close, but we were sure we should make it back before it became dark.

    Before we started this trail, we had looked at our map. According to it, if we walked alongside the creek for some distance, we should come to a bridge which would cross over the creek. Once over the creek, another trail would take us up a hill and link us back to the main trail. From there it would be a short distance to where we parked.

    We kept walking. It kept getting darker. It wasn't dark, but a little concern began to creep in; mainly, where is this bridge?

    We kept looking at the map, all of us. According to the map, there was a bridge that would allow us to cross over the creek.

    One of us went ahead looking for the bridge. The others of us began to talk. One spotted a pipe that went across the creek. He suggested we cross the creek using the pipe. The pipe was big enough to walk on; it was only inches above the creek, so even if we fell off trying to walk across the creek, no harm (foreseen) would be done. The creek was shallow, so even if we fell in, the worst would probably only be us getting wet.

    We also saw a tree which had fell across the creek; between the tree and the pipe, the pipe seemed safer.

    One kept saying, "but the map says there is a bridge." "Let's keep going."

    With no bridge yet in sight, the pipe was suggested again. It was still kept open as an option. If it got to the point, where if not taking the pipe, we would be in the woods after dark - we would have used the pipe; but, we were not at that point.

    So, the same thing was said. "The map says there's a bridge; we've got to trust the map." This led into a conversation of how we must trust God's Word. Sometimes in life, you don't see the bridge, but you have the map (God's Word); it is then, fear and doubt can show up. Crossing the creek on a pipe or by a tree could have been a bold decision. Bold is fine, but, if not necessary, it could be a dangerous risk.

    We trusted the map. It was not to much longer, and we saw the bridge. We crossed over the creek, and made it back to the car as night began to fall.

    The map proved trustworthy; and, much the more, is God and His Word worthy of our trust.

    When you can't see the bridge, take courage; trust in His Word and keep His way, and He shall strengthen your heart.
  • Anonymous on Psalms 27:1 - 13 years ago
    psalms 1 is saying that we most know that God is our strength when we r weak;he also tell's us that most not be afraid when the devil comes to tell us we can't do this or that;God is telling us that the devil is a liar; so when we face with something or find our back aganst the wall we most call on the name of jesus to help us,and he will.as christians we most depend on jesus every day in our walk with him.he his our biger brother to help us every day.

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