It is an outstanding message to the whole earth, to know that all belongs to my heavenly Father God. That is encouraging, to the followers of Jesus Christ, praise his holy name, let 's continue to trust in him for all things. God is faithful saints.
José Beluci Caporalini on Psalms 24 - 10 years ago
It s about Psalm 24 4. Please, could anyone help me with the following 4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully. 'SOUL ' there wasn t such word in classic Hebrew in the Greek sense of an entity which is separated from one s body. Why is it,then the KJV has put 'soul '? Thanks a lot, Joseph.
All belongs to the Lord. The Lord made heaven and earth and all that dwell therein. Man tries to take credit for it but it is God that has given man the ability to do what has been accomplished in the earth and world. All is of the Lord God Almighty.
This psalm is about the mighty powerful God the God of the armies, strong in battle. we Christians can defeat anybody anywhere as long as we bring the Lord of the armies with us, as has been demonstrated before in all the battles tales in the Bible, so I say "bring 'em on " we are coming wit our God.
JIM believe it or not 24 3 6 is referring to the FATHER and son .when they come which is the last gen. the creator must come in the body of flesh .his body is his sons body .because they shsre it to gether
Vs 3 6. Who are they. Who is so holy. not even David qualifies. Vs 6 says it will be a generation that seeks the LORD. There will be a generation of Israelites that qualifies. Rev 14 1 6 describes them. You will note that they are on Mt. Zion the Holy Hill and that GOD doesn 't find any fault in them. I find no cross reference saying these are Christians with imputed righteousness referred to in PS 24 3 6. Even if it contradicts orthodox theology, let the WORD of GOD verify itself.
Verses 7 10 "Open up,anient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, invincible in battle. Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory come in. Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, he is the King of glory. " This is a prophecy about God coming as Jesus to enter through the gates of Jerusalem brfore he went to the cross to save his people. According to John 12, the people shouted Hosanna, meaning God save us. The disciples ditn 't realize what this meant, but is was a fulfillment of prophecy. The Sovereign God of the universe had come to give his life to save the entire world. But people will say, what about the Father, isn 't he God? Yes he is. But we must understand that God has two other personalities beside Jesus. To put is plainly, the Father is the way God directs his affairs, Jesus is the way God speaks to us, and the Holy Spirit is the way God helps us to understand all of this. But in all cases, God speaks to s only through his personality Jesus. God bless you!
Zion is the city of The Great King....We are waiting for The Lion of Judah to enter through the everlasting doors as our victorious warrior and reign as King forevermore!!
I was going through a grave uncer*****y earlier today about the stability of a very precious Catholic friendship, and suddenly I started to sing Psalm 27 "Lift up ye heads, O ye gates ..." and a tremendous peace and re***urance of the survival of my newfound Catholic faith - I am 73 years old, and became a Catholic at the Easter Vigil, 2012 - was granted me! That I do not require this friendship to enable spiritual growth because our Lord Jesus Christ is the Source of my Faith advancement! Deo gratias! God bless you. Patricia Magdalen
The lord is mighty and strong and mighty in battle I will lift up my head proudly to the lord and know the king of glory will always come and be there at my side what a psalm a great promise made by the lord thank you god for beleiving in a sinner such as me keep praying and meditate on the words of the lord There is never a dissapointment with the lord AMEN
This passage of Psalm is a powerful faith booster and great encouragement to the children of God in their kingdom race to know that the whole of the earth and all that is in it is owned by their father God, who delights in blessing them without measure and not withholding any good thing from them.
I think this Psalm 24 tells us this earth belongs to Owner, he is God and his name says it all. He told Moses when they ask who is your God, tell them "I AM THAT I AM" he is the all.
psalms 24, i understand that everything on this earth belong to the all powefull God, and all flesh must surrender under the authority of God and is son.
this chapter is a very good source of humbleness and complete submission to God as we understand that there is nothing for us to boast about. king solomon had all the riches but at the end he wrote,"VERNITY OF VERNITIES ALL IS VERNITY"
This psalms is to remind us that everything on this Planet Earth belongs to Our God because he brought them into Existenence, Hallelujah. He is also the Heavenly Father, and we must abide in righteousness and if we are in sin, we should open our heart and LET him in because he his the King of Glory, Hallelujah.
That the Lord will raise Himself and conquer the death and go to His Glory in the Paradise.