Why the Valley Of The Shadow of Death? Because, as people of God, the shadow of death may pass over us but death cannot touch us. We will live forever. This is a spiritual not physical thought.
I believe the valley of the shadow of death is all the trails we go through in life some in which we say to our selves I should have been dead other times we feel so bad, unwanted, and depressed that we feel our next step would be to be dead. But if we allow God he will pick us up and we will see 0that God really is our shepherd
I think that there is a ' 'real ' ' Valley of the Shadow of Death in that area. It would make the Bible even MORE believable, more archeologically correct.
The valley is the low parts of the landscape. This are low moment of our life 's path and not only low but death has cast its shadow over this low moments. The imagery here is of death standing between light and the valley and the natural inclination is to cause fear and be paralysed.
To Annal Crick, You will find the answer to your question about Unlawful Sexual Relations by reading Leviticus 18 22 King James Bible Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind it is abomination. Leviticus 20 13.King James Bible If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them.
to Annal Crick The Lord will give you understanding as you seek his wisdom. There are numerous passages throughout the Bible testifying against man lying with man and women lying with women. I agree now to pray with you. May the Lord be with you and cause his light to shine upon you. Amen.
I read psalms 23 almost ever nite or morning. Now reading these comments, I know it was a reason. Without my father God I could not make. I find some much strength when I read the whole chapter yours comments have gave me a more reason to reading it The verse alone is so powerful. That verse always let me know I am safe. Thanks for giving me a clearer sight on the verse. God is great all the time.
Psalms23 is beautiful,I can 't. Read good. I wish could understand the bible.i want to go to heaven.i don 't understand men going with men.and women with women.i try to found the place. In the were it talk it wrong.pray for me
Randolph How awesome is that our Heavenly Father blessed you with the precious time for you to come around and really get to know Him? I know that I was blessed with that precious time as well.
So that 's where the Lord 's Prayer comes from! It only took 63 years for me to find that out I 'm embarrassed by my bible ignorance. It 's time I read the entire bible. Psalms 23 is not only very beautiful but rolls off the tongue like poetry! In my defence I 've only been "Saved " since Nov. 18 14. Also If I had read the bible in the past it would have been the wrong version any way so it 's just as well. The standard or authorised KJV is the only bible I now trust after seeing how the "newer " bible versions had been altered in many critical ways.
Psalm 23 the first piece i was taught by my Dad growing up, i never new what it meant but by growing in the word of the lord im learning the meaning of of it , the words r my daily bread if fullfills my life in good an bad times amen
Vincent Joe Matiya Chirwa on Psalms 23 - 10 years ago
I wait for the Lord to do his part and I believe He will at all times Brothers and Sisters help pray with me that I am employed and can take care of my family. I have less to keep the house but God has more in HIS treasures. AMEN
Vincent Joe Matiya Chirwa on Psalms 23:6 - 10 years ago
I have gone through hard times but this verse gives me courage that I will always remain in HIM. Lord as I go through with no work struggling to get one I still trust You will help me and keep me always. God of Abraham, Jacob and and Isaac You have never failed and today I commit my life to You with hope that you will provide to me what I deserve. God You have known me from then and have always assisted me and believe in you AMEN Your time is the best and not that of man
Its A Blessed Assurance Verse! It Indicate That One Can Never Lack Again! If Truly And Surely We Have Faith In It And Recite It 5 To 10 Mins Daily ', Lets Read And Meditate It Together Now, SURELY GOODNESS AND MERCY SHALL FOLLOW ME
It 's Thanksgivings Day 2014 my mother is very ill with cancer , I do not have the money to buy all her meds and , I know , He is with me Pray with me brothers and sisters in Christ , for her healing and strength , should she be called to be with Our Lord , pray her pain will be minimal to none . Please pray God continues to strengthen my sister and daughter plus myself , it 's draining seeing her cry out in pain . I do know that ,god is indeed my strength and refuge Amen
YES OUR HEAVENLY FATHER IS SO AWESOME, HE 'S VERY FAITHFUL, MERCIFUL, AND FULL OF COMPASSION AND GRACE. I totally agree with Carmen, Please put God first in all that you do. He wrote all of our story He is the only one who can guide us to our purpose..Give him all the Glory and Praise!!!! Be Blessed